Tails of the Kitsune.

By ALDavidson1996

3.4K 79 2

FanFiction: Kakashi x OC *Based on the first series of Naruto 2002-2007* Aimi Hidaka was bound to an elementa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Chapter 5

193 3 0
By ALDavidson1996


I groan as I start to come back around, my senses coming back to me one by one. The first thing I notice is the fact my body is laying flat on a rather comfy... Bed I guess? And not the ground. The second thing being that when I finally managed to peel open my eyes, I see that I am, in fact, no longer in the forest I passed out in. It smells strongly of disinfectant so I'm going to guess a hospital. How the hell did I end up here?


I immediately start to freak, sitting up before that horrible pain hits me again, my arms wrapping around my ribs as I double over a little.

"I'd take it easy if I were you, you took quite the hit."

I tense up at the sound of the familiar voice, my eyes looking down at the floor to see a set of feet, my gaze slowly drifting upward to land upon Kakashi's face. My eyes instantly narrowing.

"How'd I get here... And where's Kit?"

Kakashi looks at me with that emotionless expression as I ask bluntly.

I mean, he didn't look overly pleased with the tone I just used but, you can't blame me for being a little pissed off here, but what did the guy expect? A damn gold star and a round of applause?. He is technically the reason why I'm here in the first place.

"He's right here. I was just feeding him."

Feeding him? Kit let him feed him? I must be dead and living in some alternate reality because there's no way my fox would've let him go anywhere near him, or me for that matter - after everything that happened. My mouth just sits open for a few moments and Kakashi tilts his head at me.

"Uh... Are you alright?"

"I'm just waiting for some kind of punch line because this all has to be a joke, right?."

I mutter, rather sourly as my now normal sized fox jumps onto the bed, his little paws pressing against my shoulders as he licks my face aggressively, my nose screwing up at the smell of fish.

"Kit, you're gonna make me puke..."

I push him off gently as he settles down at the foot of my bed, his tail twitching happily as he gazes at me.

"You two buddies now?"

I ask him and Kakashi goes to respond before I raise my hand and point at the fox. Small barks and squeaky growls escaping him as he responds to me.

"You're kidding. You're such a damn push over, I would've been fine..."

I roll my eyes, my hands lifting to my face as I rub my cheeks, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"You've been out for two days, I had to feed him to prevent him from stealing from the market stalls."

I let out a scoff, looking down at Kit as he stares at Kakashi with a mischievous expression.

"Yeah, I wouldn't put it past him. He can be a bit of a kleptomaniac sometimes. He's attracted to shiny things."

I rub Kits head as I see Kakashi take out my sketchbook from his pocket. His fingers turning through the pages slowly as I just blink at him.

"Maybe I should be calling you the kleptomaniac. I believe that's mine?"

I say as I hold out my hand. The Jonin ignoring me as I sigh, my hand pulling up the blanket on top of me as I move to get up, the ninja moving ridiculously fast to gently press me back down on the bed.

"You shouldn't be moving around just yet."

I gaze at his hand on my shoulder as I purse my lips, my eyes lifting to see him looking a little too intensely at my face before he gazed back down at the drawing of himself. If he doesn't move his hand soon, I'm going to rip his arm out his socket.

"You have quite an impressive talent. The detail in these sketches, they're incredible."

He says as he pulls a chair up to sit beside me, my eyes still looking at him as my eyebrows raise.

"I'm sorry... We're chitchatting now? You were trying to kill me the other day."

I say as Kit curls up at the foot of the bed, Kakashi's gaze flickering to him a moment before turning back to me.

"I've deemed that you are no longer a threat."

He puts his feet up on the edge of the bed and boy, when I tell you I saw red. I mean it.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! No longer a threat? I wasn't one to start with! Who the hell do you think you are coming in here like you own the damn place!"

I start yelling now, my irises changing from blue to their glowing orange hue as my anger builds. The Jonin slowly moving his feet away from me before putting my sketchbook on the table beside me. His hands raising in a 'I come in peace' kinda way.

"Are you quite finished?"

My jaw drops at his comment, my hands clenching the blanket as Kit watches the two of us now, his ears back. Knowing exactly what I was about to do next.

"Not... Even... Close..."

I jump out of bed, my mind in a fiery fury as I land on top of Kakashi, his body clattering against the floor as the chair he was sitting on flies toward the wall - the metal echoing loudly at the contact as I grab his green vest, pulling his face toward mine as I growl loudly. My body pressed against his as I pin him to the ground, the Jonin remaining still as he looks up at me.

"Do you think I'm some kind of joke to you? I chose not to kick your ass in our fight to prove a point, that I wasn't a danger to you or the kid!"

I pause as a group of medical ninja rush into the room, my free hand raising to send an orange energy blast, just strong enough to push them back, warning them not to try me. The four of them stopping in the door way as they watch the two of us.

"I don't think that at all."

His voice and demeanor remains so bloody calm and you know what, that just pisses me off more.

"You have some nerve..."

"I'm guessing I should have left you in the forest then? You were in a bad way, your fox even allowed me to carry you to the hospital."

My eyes dart to Kit as he sits on the edge of the bed, looking at me calmly.

"We're going to have words about that later."

I growl to the small fox, his head lowering a little before I feel Kakashi's hand move to my wrists. My body being flipped in one smooth motion as I was now the one being pinned to the ground. His body sitting on top of mine.

"Calm. Down." His voice remains calm but has that serious edge to it. We all know what I'm referring to here.

"Does that really ever work for you? Because it just makes me want to punch you more."

He sighs as I push against him, the healing that was done to my ribs being undone as I fight harder, his eyes... The one that I can see anyway, widens as he starts to be moved back. The jonin nodding to the medical ninja to come and restrain me before I do anymore damage.

"You're all the damn same! You think that just because we are different, that we are bad!"

Kakashi steps away when the medical ninja take over, lifting me up and placing me back on the bed as he watches, Kit jumping down to prevent being kicked as I struggle.

"Please Miss! You're hurting yourself!"

I growl at the one telling me to cool it as as one casts some kind of jutsu, their hand glowing as they press it against my head. My body immediately relaxing at his touch as my eyes get heavy, my body melting into the bed, feeling as if I was floating in cool water as I quickly drift into a deep sleep.

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