Marchioness Diana

By amey78

99.4K 2.8K 689

I got reincarnated as Diana Cisneros, tragic and pitiful villainess who had a completely awful life as a aban... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Characters of the new Arc
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sana's Profile
Diana's Profile
Leonel's profile
Aurora's Profile
Eloisa's Profile
Archduchess's Profile
Marquess Gabriel's Profile
Selena's Profile
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

737 18 6
By amey78

Author's pov

"Huh? Looks like again, Aurora found out the truth again like in tbe Original Timeline...Gosh, what a pain" a beautiful black haired woman soon said which turned out be one and only Black Dragoness.


Selena wore her Western/European lavish suits of black, white and brown color with gold embroidery and a pair of boots.

(Readers: MOMMY SELENA-)

AHEM! Anyways.

Selena sat down with her legs crossed as she sensed a powerful aura awakening in the Crown Princess Aurora Callista Godinez Yanez of the Godinez Empire.

Crown Princess Aurora find out that Crown Prince Derrick Andreas Godinez Salazar wasn't her half brother.

He was the son of her late uncle, Second Prince Francis Arnoldo Godinez, the Disgraced Second Prince.

Selena groans in annoyance as leaned on her chair since she was in her Eastern/Asian style office.

'I thought she would find out when she turned 23 years old but unfortunately, it happened earlier, especially when she's 21 and she's so close to win. I hope Merlin does give some emotional support' Selena thought as knowing the name of unknown mentor of the Crown Princess Aurora.

Merlin Ambrosius.

The Great Wizard of the Kingdom of Camelot and the former advisor of King Arturo Pendragon.

He is the son of a human mother and Archdragon father.

Archdragons are known to be most powerful and highest rank of Dragons and the father of Merlin was the mentor to Selena and other founding Dragons of Godinez Empire.

After his best friend Arturo Pendragon died and Kingdom of Camelot was almost ruined, he lost his purpose to live and he became depressed to the point of being driven into suicidal thoughts.

But luckily for them, Selena and others came in and rebuild Camelot before giving Merlin another purpose for him.

To mentor the future descendants of the Godinez Empire.

Now, he is the mentor of Crown Princess Aurora Callista Godinez Yanez and helped her out through the successful coup as he along with Selena and other Dragons reverse time to save Selena's descendants.

Despite being the Great Wizard and Half Dragon, he's somehow younger than Selena and other dragons.

He's 1'500 years old.

'I have to think of something yet... But Diana's daughter Luna is around in the empire and I think it's good chance for her to be reunited with her daughter despite being reincarnated' she thought.

Selena suddenly a pair of arms around her shoulders which surprises her as making her golden eyes widen.

"My dear wife, Tsukiko...What are you doing dressing in the Western custom fashion? You looked nice with those hanbok or kimonos" Selena looked back as she slightly laugh as her dragonized golden eyes reflected the appearance of the man.

"Tatsuo, and I know like I do look good in Eastern clothing but I know how much it pleases you me wearing this attire" Selena playfully said as the man laughs as revealing to be her husband.

Tsugikuni Tatsuo.

Tatsuo is a tall, muscular man of Eastern/Asian descent, mostly East Asian like Japanese and Korean, with mid-length straight black hair that reaches to his ears. His eyes are narrow and dark blue color,  and he has thin black eyebrows and a scar on the corner of his right lip.

He wore a befitting tight black short-sleeved shirt with bagging white pants with a black belt and martial arts black slippers.

Also, he was considered to be extremely handsome and very attractive.

He looks at her rather amuses as he play with her lustrous jet black hair.

"I remembered when we first met, it was rather interesting why a Western Dragon was doing in the Eastern Continent. I thought slaying you would be good reward which you did pull out a good fight against me and it was the first time I was ever defeated" he said as recalling their past between him and Selena.

"I remembered it, not many would survive against me, even immorals. I still remembered how Godino and others were so stunned and even wanted to beat you for trying to slay me"-Selena

"Speaking of the past, did the golden haired princess found out about the truth?" Tatsuo soon asked which Selena became quiet and simply nodded.

"Well, shit. I know she knows that lower class seprant, well more like snake isn't even her brother. You even mention the only son of that foolish Emperor, Ezekiel is has more dragon's blood in his veins, even his hair is more brighter than Godino" he stated as talking about the son of the Emperor and the Empress.

The Second Prince Ezekiel Mattias Godinez Yanez.

The younger brother of the Crown Princess Aurora and the older brother of the Second Princess Elena.

"That's true, Ezekiel possesses same power of Godino's kid. That kid was crazy and hilarious" Tatsuo soon said as recalling son of the Golden Dragon Godino whom he often challenged him to marry Selena.

That kid had a crush on Selena and often declared that he would be marry her despite she was already married.

"Speaking of that...I been thinking it's for Diana to meet up her daughter, she doesn't have that disgusting bloodline of that brat and possesses more of my bloodline and inherited the appearance of our descendants... That's what I can do for them" Selena soon said which Tatsuo looks at her in soften gaze.

"You know you can visit her if you're invisible or wearing a disguise. Selena, I never judged you for putting her body inside of our descendant's body" Tatsuo soon said which Selena sadly smile as she wanted to cry but she hold it.

"Sometimes I think of myself that I am cold-hearted dragon who lied and manipulated scenes...But I am doing it for the good for the empire and everyone else. I do regret the day I had to gave her up, more than anything. It was the worst moment of my eternal life" Selena soon said as Tatsuo wrapped his arms around her and knowing it was also the worst moment of his life too.

The day they had to gave up their daughter.


"Huh, I never thought your mom have many sisters, Diana. It's surprising, I mean I knew she was the eldest daughter of the the Duke but I never thought she had four sisters" Sana soon said as looking at the letters of the maternal aunts of Diana.

And damn, she had four aunts.

"It's still surprised you? I mean I did told you before and besides, you met them during the first Christmas Eve party after my engagement was cancelled" Diana soon said to Sana as she replied 'I'm still surprised' and looking at the letters.

Since Sana was a reader, she didn't know that the Marchioness Alma Flores had four younger sisters unlit Diana told her and she met them in person.

She did knew that Alma Flores was a Ducal Lady from the Flores Household.

I mean Sana grew up as orphan and didn't have much relatives while living in her previous world.

Due of her possessing the body of Diana Cisneros and she having more family members, she felt unfamiliar with the environment and feeling the strange nostalgia within it.

"Anyways, since Raul, Madeleine, and Naomi will join us in the Christmas Eve party, also Madeleine's sister the Duchess Agnes Robles will also joined too...Raul's ultimate love rival" Sana smirked as the half younger sister of Baronetess Madeleine Medina.

Duchess Agnes Robles, she and Raul are rivals who often complete for the affection of Madeleine and later, Naomi.

Enough comedy chaos that makes Sana laugh by it.

I mean who wouldn't.

"I think we should think to buy some gifts for everyone in the Christmas Eve party...Even Leo will attended too" Diana added which Sana 'Hmm' as knowing Leo will attend along with his siblings, Grand Duke Raphael, Teresa and the Flores Ducal Family.

'I have to think of good presents for them. I know Raul doesn't really like luxurious gifts, I would sword polisher as Madeleine and Agnes really do like gardening, even some dresses and hand cuffs, and other gifts for Roberta and others due to their hard work' Sana thought as being generous and kind to give even servants since they did work hard around the Cisneros March.

And also, Sana came from the working class and she wanted to give them something good.

'But what about Diana? To be honest, because I am inhabiting in her body, I feel bad that I can't give her a present while I am in control of her body' Sana thought as she looked at Diana in the Spirit Realm and seeing her decorating the Christmas tree in the Japanese Modern style living room.

Sana shook her head as give a determined look.

'I will not let myself be beat up by that thought. I will find the perfect gift for Diana! No matter what!' Sana thought determinedly.

Meanwhile somewhere~

"Ta-da! We got ourselves sweet breads!" A young boy with pale silver blue hair said to beautiful ebony haired girl who was surprised as her light blue eyes light up.

"Wow! Thank you, Alfred!"

"Anything for you"

"By the way, how did you get this good sweet breads?" The little girl asked which the pale blue haired boy got nervous and looked away.

"T-The Baker just was kind to give me this"

'That's a lie, I use magic to create enough golden coins to get this much of the sweet breads' Alfred thought as he was able to use high advanced magic to create golden coins which it's incredibly hard to do so.

"Anyways, let's eat! Luna!"


They soon begin to eat up as almost squeals by the delicious taste of the sweet bread.

'Ah, so good' they thought together.

"I hope we can get good house better soon"

"Yeah, me too. I mean I like the barn we lived but I would really like a nice house, with you of course" the girl named Luna soon said which Alfred smiled while eating the sweet bread.

That beautiful young girl with the ebony black hair and those precious light blue was non other than the reincarnated daughter of Diana Cisneros in the previous timeline.


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