Marchioness Diana

By amey78

99.4K 2.8K 689

I got reincarnated as Diana Cisneros, tragic and pitiful villainess who had a completely awful life as a aban... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Characters of the new Arc
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sana's Profile
Diana's Profile
Leonel's profile
Aurora's Profile
Eloisa's Profile
Archduchess's Profile
Marquess Gabriel's Profile
Selena's Profile
Chapter 31

Chapter 26

742 15 2
By amey78

Author's pov

In Cisneros March~

"So, Diana haven't return from her visit in the Rosales Grand Duchy?"

"Not yet, Your Lordship. The Young Lady and her friend, Prince Leonel are still in the Rosales Grand Duchy. From what I heard the Rosales Grand Ducal Family are relatives of the Hernandez Archduchy"

"Of course, Alfonso. Like my family, one of the children of the previous Grand Duke Hernandez married young Grand Duchess Rosales" A man spoke to his butler with a formal yet, causal tone as the butler nodded.

Yup, that was head of the Cisneros Marquess Family.

Marquess Gabriel Adrian Cisneros.

The father of Diana Cisneros and also, the adopted father of Tsukiyama Sana.

After the breakup of her engagement with the Crown Prince and putting the registration order on the Crown Prince.

He, Sana and Diana lived a peaceful life during the five years, including with his close friend Raul who became a father too.

And despite Diana/Sana are close friends with the Second Prince Leonel, he can't help but to feel protective of her due to his fatherly instincts.

I mean he's a single dad with one daughter.

"Anyways, there's any news for me?" Marquess soon asked which the Butler nodded.

"There's the letters about future suitors for your daughter. Like you requested, I throw them away"-Alfonso

"Good job, Alfonso"-Marquess Gabriel

"Also, there's a letter about the late Marchioness's family address to you. I believe it's about Christmas Eve party coming"-Alfonso

"I see...Alma did told me that her family loved Christmas. Something that Diana inherited from her" Marquess Gabriel spoke up as looking at the family crest of the Flores Household.

The Flores Duchy, family of the Late Marchioness Alma Yolanda Flores.

Before Alma Flores married the young Marquess Gabriel Cisneros, she was the eldest daughter of the Flores Ducal Family.

Her family was known to be house that produced the most elegant, beautiful and well-educated noble ladies who were often compared to angels due to their benevolent nature and often does charities.

Even also, they are in a good relationship with the Imperial Family and March Cisneros, especially when Alma was childhood friends with the back then Princess Mariposa and her beloved husband Gabriel.

After Alma died due to her illnesses, Duchess Victoria Flores give permission to the Marquess to remarry if it means for Diana to have a motherly figure around.

The Marquess Gabriel politely rejected since he stated his wife Alma is the only woman he can ever be with and he won't betray her.

Both the families weren't happy with engagement of Diana with Crown Prince Derrick, especially when Diana was very young to be engaged.

And they were glad that she broke off the engagement and now, spreading time with her family and making friends.

'Since the engagement of Diana, we couldn't have the Christmas Eve parties like we usually did. But thanks to the annulment of the engagement, we managed to return back to the good days. Even Diana became more beautiful, I mean she is Alma's daughter' Marquess Gabriel thought.

I mean his wife was very beautiful like the Archduchess Mariposa.

"Tell the workers to get ready for the Christmas Eve party. We're still in November and we have some time for the party" the Marquess Cisneros soon said which his butler Alfonso nodded.

"Oh, there's one more thing"-Alfonso

"What it is?"-Marquess Gabriel

"Young Miss Naomi is here"-Alfonso

"Huh? Naomi?"-Marquess Gabriel

In the Gardens of the Cisneros March~

'Ah, winter is coming soon' a young girl thought as sitting on chair next to a tea table and patiently waiting.

That was first and only daughter of Baronet Raul Medina and Baronetess Madeleine Medina.

Naomi Medina.

Naomi is young girl of mixed descent due to her father's heritage and physical traits. She has tan skin which her skin is more lighter than her father's. She has long, wavy and smooth black hair reaches down to her waist and have small braids behind her ears, even her bangs are parted in the middle. She has big and around dark gray eyes framed by long, black lashes as expression was soft and gentle.

She wore set of dark blue dress embroidered with gold designs and fine fabric as wearing a white fur scarfs on her neck and arms. Her dress is rather influenced of the Middle Eastern's or South Asian's custom.

Sana helped Raul to know more of his paternal culture of the Southern Continent.

Naomi was born five years ago which it was big surprise for everyone, including March Cisneros and Baronetcy Medina.

"I wondered when...Lady Diana and Prince Leo will return" she mumbled softly as she was waiting for them.

"Naomi, what are you doing here alone?" The young girl was surprised before she turned around and seeing the Marquess Gabriel Cisneros who looked at her in some surprise.

"Y-Your Lordship?..." She uttered in surprised by seeing the Marquess Cisneros.

The Marquess Gabriel soon knee down and looks at the young girl.

"Naomi, be honest with me...Are you waiting for Diana?" He asked rather soft despite his strong and cold appearance since he is descendant of the Black Dragon Selena and most of her descendants are known to be strong and powerful.

She soon got embarrassed as she used her white fur scarfs to covered her face in a bashful and shy manner.

"Is it...that obvious?" She asked shyly while blushing as she inherited her mother's shyness and bashful personality.

'She really does resemble Lady Madeleine...No wonder why Raul looked so flustered' the Marquess Gabriel thought as recalling how Raul looked so flustered with his daughter's shyness and he was dying of her cuteness.

I mean who wouldn't?

She's so cute and lovely.

"How about I wait with you unlit Diana and Prince Leo returns? How about it?" He asked which Naomi looks at him with her dark gray eyes lighting up as he got his answer.

He soon sat down in front of her and order Roberta who was looking after Naomi, to get some sweets and more tea for Naomi.

Naomi lit up when the sweets along with the honey tea.

"So, how your father and your mother been lately?" The Marquess Gabriel soon asked the young girl who looks up at him with those big and round dark gray eyes.

"Papa...been training like usual and working his duties as the Baronet. As for Mama, she's working well her earth magic that she developed and being taught by Her Excellency, Grand Duchess Nieves" Naomi explained which the Marquess Cisneros nodded.

Baronetess Madeleine learned that she processes earth magic, a magic manifested from the deep solid of the ground and able to strengthen plants, flowers and trees.

She was taught by Grand Duchess Gloria Ignacia Palencia, the wife of the Grand Duke Abel Nieves and mother of the Princess Blanca Nieves.

She even developed a stronger personality as she and Raul often gets into argument about him carrying the whole weight to protect her and their daughter which it often ends when Naomi nearly shout them to stop.

And because of that, they feel guilty and they apologize to each other for arguing, especially in front of Naomi.

"I see, about you? Are still making progress on making friends?" He asked which Naomi sadly look down in disappoint and disbelief on her capability.

"Sadly, no, Your Lordship...I am still struggling with socializing. Enough that Papa mistakes it that someone is bullying me which I have to correct him that it isn't. As for Mama, she blames herself because I inherited her shyness...My Papa and Mama are strange" she explained which the Marquess Gabriel smiles at her.

"Naomi, your parents just love you very much and they wishes the best life for you. That's all they want for you, to be happy and safe" the Marquess Gabriel soon said which surprises Naomi.

The Marquess smiles at her as recalling how Raul find out that he was going to be father.


"Lady Madeleine is pregnant? Congratulations, Raul. You're going to be father" the Marquess Gabriel graduated Raul who sighs and rubbing the back of his head.

He was surprised, very surprised that his wife Madeleine became pregnant after the three years they married and almost 11 years they left their kingdom and they lived in the Godinez Empire.

He felt extremely happy, joy and also, anxious about being a father to his unborn child.

"Thank you, Gabriel...To be honest, I feel overwhelmed with emotion now..." He awkwardly said which Gabriel looks at him and knowing well his expression.

After all, they been close friends for years and he knew him well.

"Do you want some drink?"-Gabriel

"Yes, I believe I do"-Raul

Gabriel soon called Alfonso to get some rum which he did as both Gabriel and Raul sat down on two comfortable chairs with a table and the glass filled of rum.

Raul was the first who drink it as he sighs while Gabriel looks at him with his bright red eyes.

"Now, can you tell what's troubling you, my friend?" He asked calmly and sincere which Raul chuckles and leaned on the chair.

"I am actually anxious on becoming a father. And I know it's normal to do so, I remembered how you were so nervous when the Late Marchioness, Her Ladyship became pregnant with Lady Diana"-Raul

"Yeah, I almost give a strict schedule to the staff because of that. Alma was mad at me for that"-Gabriel

"But the true is because...I didn't have a good father figure to begin with. My father died when I was very young, my mother had to get remarried to provide me. My stepfather...he wasn't a good man to begin with, he was harsh and cold-hearted man, he never shed a tear when my mother died and he was so hard on me while I grew up. He taught me to never think a dream for myself nor the happiness for me. It took me long time to realize he loathed me for being the child of foreigner and my mother for marrying a foreigner. Because of that, I always never ask for help and always took it by my own. But when I heard Madeleine was going to be sell off by her bastard father, my stepfather furiously order me to let my emotions for noble girl be my hope of a better life and if I went to save her, he will disown me. I only told him this, "Good, I will not longer be your burden anymore" and I left to save Madeleine" Raul explained his childhood and his lacking of a good father figure.

His stepfather wasn't good man either the bastard father of Madeleine and her sister whom he died for his crimes.

He was told to never dream something for himself like he if he was unworthy and unwanted.

Even living in kingdom filled of hypocrite nobles and selfish people already hardened him truthfully.

But Madeleine...

She was his light to his gloomy and dark world as he loved her more than anything out of this world.

He did selfishly dreamed a life with her and being genuinely happy with her if they live poor or rich.

That's all he cares about and when the Marquess Gabriel came in to help them out and let them live in the March to help then out with their citizenship and him earning his title.

He was relief and grateful that Gabriel was good nobleman as being a descendant of the Black Dragon to care the wellbeing of the common society who became his friend.

"Raul..." He spoke up which the Baronet looks at him as she smiles.

"You will be a good father, that I can ensure you. And if you didn't have the best father figure in your life, then use me as a example when you're raising your child" Gabriel soon said which Raul smiles as drinking more of his rum.

"Also, correct by Her Excellency, Grand Duchess Nieves...She stated that it might be girl" Raul soon said which surprises Marquess Gabriel and he chuckles.

"You thought about the name for your little lady yet?"-Gabriel

"Madeleine wants the name to be part of my father's country. I went through books of children's name of my father's country...I am still lacking" Raul awkwardly admitted which the Marquess Gabriel laughs.

"Then, ask Diana. She's learning more of cultures and customs of other continents, especially the Eastern and Southern Continents" Gabriel soon said which Raul soon thought about.

"I think Lady Diana will help me"-Raul

End of Flashback~

Naomi was looked down and blushing since she knows her parents care lot for her and wanted her the best.

"Thank you, Your Lordship" she replied softly which the Marquess smiled.

"Naomi" Naomi and the Marquess Gabriel turned around and seeing Diana (And Sana) along with Leo and her father walking towards them.

"Papa...Lady Diana and Prince Leo..." Naomi mumbled as Sana soon walked towards her and bend down.

"Naomi, what are you doing here? Were waiting for me?" She asked which Naomi hided her face with her white fur scarf and looked away which made Sana and Diana struck by her cuteness.

'She's so cute!!!'-Sana

"We must protect her, she's national treasure" Diana said as being overwhelmed by her cuteness and loveliness.

"Y-Yes...How are you trip with Prince Leo from the Rosales Grand Duchy?" She asked softly which Sana smiled.

"It was good, and Grand Duchess Rosales has two kids who are around your age, even their aunt is good mage like your mom" Diana soon said as taking little over which Naomi lits up.

"So, are your cousins are good children, Prince Leonel?" Baronet Raul soon asked to Leo who nodded.

"Of course, they are. Felix and Eliana are naturally kind hearted children which they does take it from their dad, Doctor Trevino" Leo explained which Raul thought about it since like him, Luis Leon Trevino is commoner and hardworking family man.

Despite his wife is the Grand Duchess of one of the famous and founding houses of the Empire.

Also, he often saw him treating people from both common and noble without asking lot of money.

'I guess Naomi can be friends with the children of the Grand Duchess Rosales and the Doctor Trevino' he thought since he is trying hard to help his daughter find friends around her age.

"I supposed the visit was fine" the Marquess Gabriel soon said which Sana smiles at him.

"Of course, it was. It was very fine, Dad"-Sana and Diana


Naomi used to call Leo by his name Prince Leonel but Leo told her to call him by his nickname.

Naomi was born in February 28.

Sana helped Raul to name her Naomi because she thought about the name of Naomi from the actress Naomi Scott because she liked her how she played her role as Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.

Madeleine's younger sister is based out of Maxi's half sister Rosetta and Princess Agnes from Under the Oak Tree.

Raul affectionately calls Madeleine "Maddie".

Madeleine's half younger sister Agnes is very protective of her sister and she faked that she was about to get marry in order to take all the fortune of their father to run away.

Raul and Agnes don't get along and they are often rivals when it comes to the affection of Madeleine.

She's throw away Calcraft family name and replaced it with Robles.

She's and Madeleine are descended from mages back in their homeland.

Like Madeleine and Raul, she immigrated into the Godinez Empire and learned her citizenship and earn the title as Duchess.

She loves her niece and likes to spoiled her.

The Marchioness Alma came from the Ducal House Flores and she was a Ducal Lady.

Her father, the Duke Flores passed away long time ago.

Here are the names of her members of the Duchy Flores.

Duchess Victoria Flores, the mother of Alma and maternal grandmother of Diana.

Margarita Flores, Alma's younger sister and the second daughter of the Duchy Flores.

Lucia Flores, Alma's second younger sister and the third daughter of the Duchy Flores.

Camila Flores, Alma's third younger sister and the fourth daughter of the Duchy Flores.

Ines Flores, Alma's fourth younger sister and the fifth daughter of the Duchy Flores.

And lastly, the appearance of the Baronetess Madeleine Medina's half younger sister and Duchess Robles.

Agnes Robles.

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