... and nothing but the truth

By Polllardii

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This is a book of true stories, anecdotes and little snippets. I hope you enjoy them. There may even be a l... More

... and nothing but the truth
My Pink Sandals
You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
Fantasy Bird
Little Patricia
Patricia's Own Language
The House By The Track
Things About Me - Tag A -Z
The Visit
Talk, talk
The clever dog
I don't like it!
Long, long words
The needle's point
What lurks beneath....
Are you old?
Life and the mayonnaise jar
The broken down van
Two Buckets and a Jug
What a waste!
Me and My Dad
A Child Of The 1950's - Part Two
A Child of the 1950's - Part Three
A Child Of The 1950's - Part Four
A Child of the 1950's - Part Five
A Child Of The 1950's - Part Six
Author's Note
A Handy Tip (for forgetful people)
The Kind Barber
Monkey Business
Too small for words
A Strange and Dangerous Ritual
She Who Must Be Obeyed!
A Very Strange Day
Remembering Gloria
JUNE - First Acrostic Poem
Too Upsetting For Words
Do A Little Research...
In My Dreams....
'Crunch' The Cat
A Happy Covid Tale
Another Happy Covid Tale
More Covid Kindness
MY A - Z OF 2020 - Coronavirus Year
Foxy Loxy
Can You Believe It?
The Strange Neighbour - A Tale to make you laugh
A Child of the 1950's - Chapter Seven
A Child Of The 1950's - Chapter 8
A Child of the 1950's - Chapter Nine
A Child Of the 1950's - Chapter Ten
26th January 2021 - A Catastrophic Day for the UK
A Child Of The 1950's - Chapter Eleven
FUNNY things to cheer us all up.
Something to make you smile
Odds, Evens and Strange Coincidences
I'm Hibernating
Here Comes Santa
A Child of the 1950's - Chapter 12 - Marjorie, Barbara and Maxine
The Pink Fluffy Chair
The story of my husband's life so far - MIKE'S STORY


40 7 23
By Polllardii

SPIDERS - Those scary little monsters!

This posting has been encouraged by JELyrica's post on July 28th in her lovely book  Life In A Nutshell:- 'Spiders and me.'

My mother-in-law was so scared of spiders she wouldn't go near them and always got someone else to gather them up in a duster or tissue and throw them out of the window. I always thought her fear was a little un-called for, but now I understand.

When we lived in our house and our children were small, I came home one day to find a big black, shiny spider right in front of my nose on the door bell. I thought it was a plastic one and someone was playing a trick on me. I went inside and told them all I knew they were playing a trick only to find out that it was a real one! Ugh! It really made me shudder, particularly as I had been tempted to touch it! It lived in a little hole in the brick near the bell push. When we went out to look it was still there. My children were surprised as it didn't look like anything we had ever seen before. Fortunately, I never saw it again.

I have always thought, would I scream if I were really scared? Yes, I found out that I would when one day in the ladies toilets at work (many moons ago now) a spider had the audacity to crawl on my bare leg! I screamed as it crawled and brushed it away rapidly. Luckily, there was no one else in the ladies toilets at the time. Ugh, it was a really creepy experience and it has not helped me to love them any better!

Only a couple of weeks ago I must have trampled on one in the night, (luckily I was wearing slippers, I never walk around in bare feet). It was curled up in a ball completely flattened and was surrounded in it's nasty orange blood.  I told it, it was it's own fault walking about at night when it should have been in bed. It didn't listen!

And when dusting I found a hairy black spider leg on the shelf in the bathroom; how freaky is that?  It really creeped me out!   I spotted a spider crawling into my basket of shells; I wish they would all emigrate.

When I see spiders in the daytime I usually catch them in a plastic cup and slip a piece of paper over the top and throw them out of the window. I tell them not to come back or 'I will kill you!' They don't seem to care. If I find them in the bathroom I pick them up and throw them down the toilet.

I really hate flies as well and anything flying or crawling about my kitchen makes me feel very disturbed. And, we always make sure before going to bed at night there is nothing of the insect variety in our bedroom. Honestly, it's more spooky than Halloween.

It is easy to see why J K Rowling created a huge spider in the Dark Forest, plus all the little ones running around, in the Harry Potter series. She even gave it a name which I can't recall at this moment. It is enough to give us all nightmares!

August 2023

J K Rowling's spider is called Aragog.

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