Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

161K 4.5K 1.1K

In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 21

1.3K 86 10
By oddcabello

I see you guys missed me 🤭

Y/N's POV:

The summer music festival was finally here. The one thing I had been looking forward to all year and it was tainted with all of the drama and emotions caused by a certain girl.

Why did this have to happen to me?

We were halfway into the first day of the festival. Some of my friends and I split up throughout the day to each watch bands and artists that we wanted to see. We would all come together at the end to watch the headliner of the night. For now it was basically a free for all since set times were different and scattered.

I hadn't talked to Camila since last night at the bar. A thick tension had definitely been built between us.

I saw her a few times today. The first was when we got to the festival grounds and met up with her and her new crowd of friends with Austin

Camila's friends tagged along with her as their names were on her list roll and they needed to get their Festival passes.

Since Camila was a celebrity and her friends and the crowd she was with were all rich basically they had VIP passes

While my normal friends and I had boughten the general admission packages. It didn't matter to us. We still made the very best of it.

We saw them a couple of times while we were in the general admission crowd. Only a barricade keeping the crowds divided

She danced and sang with Austin like she was having the time of her life. It was only until she noticed I was around that she would lower her energy with him.

Her friends were right. She definitely had feelings for him too. In the few times that I caught her with him she had the same sparkly eyes that she gave me

It drove me insane that he probably meant so much to her as well.

The fear of Austin asking her to be his girlfriend ate me up since he told me. I fear she wouldn't say no.

The worst part about it is that he seemed like genuinely good guy.

She held his hand throughout the entire festival as they walked around the big grassy area

Pulling myself out of my thoughts when Maria shoved me playfully singing in my face and making me dance and sing along with her which I carried on to do

My friends could tell that I would zone out. They knew what I was thinking about. They were upset that I was here at something we all looked forward to but I was too busy thinking about her

They got me out of my funk at times. And I did enjoy myself. But the slight glimpses of her were the cause of me zoning out at times

I had also seen Sabrina a few times. She was also with her own friends. There was also a little tension between us but ours was more innocent rather than toxic. I could tell she got shy around me

We texted each other a few times since we shared intimate photos with each other

Our texting had gotten flirtier but she was bolder over the phone than in person.

The few times that we met up together she would barely look at me. She blushed when we hugged and she sort of hid behind her friends. I could tell I made her nervous

Which I found extremely adorable.

But it also confused me because I feel like I'm the least intimidating person in the world.

I'm shy and quiet as it is. No talking was really happening between us in person at the moment that wasn't platonic.

We had discussed that since we both had different artists that we wanted to see today that we would do our own separate things with our friends.

Tomorrow was a day with artists neither of us desperately cared about so we decided we'd spend day 2 together.

I had hoped to get to know her much more. Aside from being attracted to her she was genuinely such a sweetheart. And she knew how to make me laugh.

I don't know if she was looking for something specific with me because I know that she got out of a serious relationship not that long ago. Maybe she also was just looking for some fun. I just hope I wouldn't have a repeat with her in growing strong feelings the way I did with Camila

After a long sunny day and suffering in crowds, dancing, and walking, the day was coming to an end.

Before I knew it day one of the festival was done. Back at the air bnb we were still up late recapping what or who we had seen as we ate food since we were extremely hungry.

Camila and Austin plus his friends tagged along because it was almost like a little after party that my friends had made. Music playing and them going into the pool and what not.

I sat quiet for most of the night only contributing small comments or talked when spoken to.

I could tell Camila tried to keep her distance with Austin when I was around but he made it hard as he basically never left her side

It wasn't until he and a bunch of others went swimming that she had a second to breathe.

I would say that everyone was genuinely having a fun time. I did too to an extent

I felt like my social battery had more than enough for today so I quietly slipped away when no one was paying attention.

I would announce that I was going to sleep and say goodnight to everyone but then everyone would just make me stay and call me a bore and I would stay there for another miserable two hours

Once in my now solo room I changed into some comfy clothes. I saw I had a few texts from Sabrina and I sat on the edge of the bed as I read them and then replied

She was just recapping me on her day and talking about things she did and saw

I replied about the same things and we said how we couldn't wait to see each other tomorrow

I set my phone on the nightstand and laid down letting a breath out. My legs still planted on the floor as I was on the edge of the bed

I rubbed my eyes as I could feel exhaustion wanting to take over

I heard a knock on the door and my head shot up

I saw Camila standing in the door way leaning against the frame

"Can I come in?" She asked

All I did was silently nod

She let out a small smile and closed the door a bit. It didn't close fully but gave us just a little privacy

She sat next to me on the edge of the bed as I still laid there rubbing my tired eyes

"How was your day?" She asked

"It was good" I blankly replied

That tension still between us. She tried her best to make small talk with me. Like Sabrina, she also filled me in on her day on what and who she saw. I replied the same just letting us have a small conversation

I was still hurt with her but acted like I did before. I wasn't going to give her the silent treatment. It would show I cared when I in fact didn't care anymore

There was nothing to fight for anymore. She would get a colder version of me romantically but as a friend I was still myself

After our little awkward conversation their was a pause of awkward silence

I could tell she didn't know where to carry on from there and I was just confused on what she was doing here

She finally broke the silence with a sigh

"Are we good?" She asked randomly

I was still laying down. I just looked at her confused

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's weird between us right now, I don't know-" she rambled "I don't like it when we fight"

"We're not fighting. I don't think we've ever had" I said calmly

We have. I just want her to think I didn't care or think about it much

"But we can't even look at each other right now. And there's this weird energy" she said

"I'm fine. I don't know what you mean" I said

I did know.

She just stared at me like she didn't believe me

"I'm good. You started acting weird when you found out I talk to someone else" I said truthfully as I sat up now

"It's not because of that" she said trying to play it off but now I just stared at her not believing her

"Then what could it be Camila? Any other reasons for us to be weird were caused because of you" I said

She looked away slightly clenching her jaw because she knew I was right

"So you are talking to her like that?" She asked in a small insecure tone

Why did it hurt me for her to talk like that? She literally has a whole other person downstairs and I still want to give her the world

I just nodded

"I think I am starting to like her" I said in a low tone

She didn't move her eyes from the ground. There was nothing she could say.

"I can see" she said lowly

I just stared at her

"Does it bother you?" I asked even though I knew

"No it's fine" she said emotionless still not looking at me

"Okay..." I said dragging the word out not knowing what else to say

"You're allowed to do what you want. I just overreact I know. I'm trying to work on it" she said laughing a little at the end to ease the tension

"Whatever you say" I said looking up at the ceiling

"I thought she was staying with you?" She asked looking around the room seeing no new things

I just laughed a little

"Na she has her own place with her own friends" I said. There was no point in lying. She saw she clearly wasn't here. It was nearly 3 AM when would she even arrive?

"Oh" was all she said

It was quiet and weird again

I was truly tired. I needed to get some sleep soon

"Does this mean you don't want to see me anymore?" She asked in that insecure low voice again

I just stared at her confused again

"Because you're interested in someone else?" She asked

"I'm not anything with her. I fancy her but nothing else has escalated" I said truthfully

She just stared back at the ground letting us fall silent for just a moment as she was afraid to speak what was on her mind

When she finally got the courage to she closed her eyes as if shielding herself

"I was just wondering since we were not speaking and because you're interested in someone else that maybe you didn't want to continue what we had" she said still sounding insecure

What is it with these girls being so fragile around me? I am not a scary person.

I still hated that she felt like this. She should damn well know that she's everything to me.

I let out a sigh and then looked at her

"This doesn't end until you say it does" I said as I leaned down on the bed on my elbows

She just stared at me

"You started it, so you get to say when you're ready to stop" I said and she nodded understanding what I said

To her it was probably her thinking that she still had some sort of hold on me. But I was just saying it in a way that basically prepared myself for the day she tells me that she's agreeing to being Austins girlfriend

"Unless you don't want us to continue-" I trailed off

She immediately shook her head

"No no- I mean yes I do" she said and I smiled a little amused at her response

"I just thought since you're with Austin-" I said

"Not at all" she said

"You guys have looked kind of serious I didn't want to impose" I said playfully putting my hands up defensively

"No it's not like that at all" she said blushing a little

"I don't want to stand in the way of something-" I said still pretending to joke but with slight seriousness

"No there's nothing different between he and I than what you and I have" she said defensively

"I beg to differ. But it's okay" I said

"Y/n I'm serious" She said

"Okay" I said smiling to show her I wasn't bothered

"Ok in some ways it's different but it's only because you know- he's a guy. It's easier to be in public" she said and I looked at her shocked she brought this up

"I don't know where that came from but I literally have never cared for that Camila" I said

"I know I just thought you needed to know" she said

"Noted" I said because she did not need to go any further. She had other things I would like her to clarify but her sexuality in the public eye was something she didn't have to do

She looked like she still wanted to explain more but didn't know how to say it

"Camila truly its fine. What we do behind closed doors is between us. That's enough for me" I said grabbing her hand and she smiled warmly at me

That was something I never questioned as to why she treats him differently. I think she just truly likes him.

She looked away from me again. Chewing on her bottom lip nervously

I also looked away again. The tension still awkward in the air between us

"So we're okay?" She asked

I looked into those hopeful eyes and I nodded

"Yea we're good" I said

"good" she said smiling blushing now looking down at her lap

Another silent paused engulfed us but the tension was finally gone.

"Uh I wanted to ask you something else" she said

"What's up?" I asked staring at her

She looked up and met my eyes. The sparkles and glow in her eyes back again.

"D-do y-you, uh want to watch Joji's set together tomorrow? I know you really like his music" she stuttered out like she was nervous

I just stared at her warmly. I was honestly surprised that she even thought about spending that time with me

"Like obviously our friends would be around if you want. But if not I thought that maybe you and I could just get lost within the crowd together-" she said

She looked like a nervous mess. She was acting like a girl that was asking out her crush for the first time.

Which is why what I had to reply made it so hard and painful to say

"I would love to" I said then let out a breath "but I kind of have plans already"

The sparkle and glow left her eyes. The hope vanished from her face

"Oh okay" she simply said

"I'm sorry-" I replied before she cut me off

"No no it's fine. I couldn't expect you to just drop what you had planned" she said

"If you'd asked me earlier you know I would've said yes" I replied and she nodded

"I know" she said still looking disappointed

But she didn't need to be. She still had Austin she could be with

I gabbed her hand on her lap

"It's okay right? We'll spend time together some other time" I said trying to cheer her up. I didn't need to. But at the same time I felt like I had to for my sake. I didn't like seeing her sad

"Yea for sure" she said still clearly sad but trying to mask it

I mean if she really wanted to spend time with me she wouldn't have left me alone in this room and gone to be with him...

But I digress. She had these plans with him for months now right???

"Y/n?" She asked

"Hmm?" I hummed in a questioning response

Our faces a little closer to each other now

"Can I kiss you?" She asked as if she was afraid to touch to me

"You never have to ask that" I said

She smiled a little and slowly leaned in more

I met her halfway in because she seemed tense about it. The fireworks still going off when our lips touched.

Her lips fit perfectly against mine. They were the most intoxicating thing I've ever felt or tasted

We kissed slowly and a little tender. It was sweet. I could feel her telling me she missed me and was saying sorry just by the way she moved her lips with mine.

We kissed innocently for a short while. It was a light make out. There was no need for escalation or to get heated. We were simply enjoying being with each other

In the midst of our lip locking we heard her name being called from downstairs

"Camila we're leaving" we overheard Austins friend call to her

We slowly pulled away from each other

She sighed disappointedly

"I guess I have to go" she said as she got up

"You could stay" I said as I stayed in place

"I should" she said then disappointingly laughed

"But I made my mess and now I have to deal with it" she said

I'm sure she meant about choosing to take her things and stay with him and not here

I just smiled back at her softly

"Goodnight y/n" she said as she headed towards the door

"Goodnight" I said blankly actually not wanting her to go

She gave me a final look then slipped out the door


Took a little break bc I was constantly writing but I am here 🥰

Made this one a little filler. I wasn't expecting it to get this long so I decided to take the next part into a separate chapter :)

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