Wednesday X Tribrid

By Arrowcraft

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the story takes place in Nevermore where Wednesday meet a tribrid that is Hope's twin sister who was misplace... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
charter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 6

1K 29 1
By Arrowcraft

Wednesday, Faith and Miss Weems were in the car driving back to Nevermore with Faith in the back and Wednesday in the passenger seat and Miss Weems diving. faith just looking out the window of the car.

"your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar," Miss Weems says to Wednesday

"you can't blame Wednesday for something you did," Faith said back to Miss Weems saying how she had seen things going on back at the coffee shop.

"What is that support to mean faith,"

" the sheriff was more on me than Wednesday till you called Wednesday ms Addams or whatever you called her" Faith explained to Miss Weems knowing that she was right about this.

"What did he mean about my father?" Wednesday's question Miss Weems moved the conversation on from what Faith said.

"I have no idea but a word of advice. stop making enemies and start making a few friends you're going to need them." Miss Weems says to Wednesday

"That sounds like a threat and you don't need friends," Faith said

"look like an accident I hope the diver's okay," Miss Weems said back after seeing the accident and not saying anything back to Faith's comment.

"he's dead," Faith says back to Miss Weems using her hearing to see if there is a heartbeat in the car and there not being one.

"Broken his neck," Wednesday says back to Miss Weems.

"How can you tell from this angle"Miss Weems questions Wednesday and Faith on how they can what happened. Wednesday did not answer and took out the neckless her mother gave her when she first got to the school moving in between her fingers. 

faith looked over that Wednesday seeing using the neckless between her fingers. wonder why the girl seems different from the question asked by Miss Weems. but more importantly, why would Wednesday do half the things like bringing up overhearing her and trying to push her, to tell the truth with something that the girl was clearly trying to say wasn't true? The girl was becoming more of a mystery to faith, not something she liked not all.


Wednesday was setting up her cello to play out on the balcony, Wednesday used the help of Thing to get her cello out to the balcony. Wednesday started to play her cello playing Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones and getting lost in the music while Wednesday was playing. thing turns the pages when Wednesday need it. Wednesday finished the song she looked at that thing when he asked her something.

"no, I don't really feel better," Wednesday says back to the hand "There's just something wrong with this place not just because it's school," after Wednesday finished talking the hand has Enid walked out to the balcony.

"how the hell did you get your oversized violin out of the widow" Enid questioned the girl

"I had an extra hand" Wednesday says and the hand waved that enid saying hi to her.

"woah where's the rest of him," Enid says after seeing Thing not sure of what else to say.

"it's one of the great Addams family mysteries" With that being said things moved off of the stand and started to make his way back into the dorm's room. in the background, Wednesday and Enid can hear Werewolf wolfing out so was starts to wonder why her roommate was here and not doing that instarred. " why aren't you wolfing out"

"because I can't," Enid says to Wednesday bringing up her hand and showing her claws to Wednesday "That's all I got. My mum says some wolves are late bloomers but I've been to the best lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee would you believe it? yeah, she says there a chance I may never you know."

"what happens then"

"I'd become alone wolf"

"sounds perfect"

"Are you kidding me? my life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate" Enid tried to explain to Wednesday.

"I'm failing to see the problem here,"

"I could die alone"

"We all die alone, enid"

"you really suck that this cheering people up,"

"why are you crying ?" Wednesday question the girl.

"Because I'm upset. haven't you ever cried or are you above that too?" Enid questions and snaps that Wednesday at the same time.

"it was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion Nero out for his afternoon stroll and we were ambushed. they wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet. two of them hold me down and made me watch while the other ran Nero over." Wednesday says with a while looking not wanting to go on with the story but knowing it was better if she just finished it. " it was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out but tears don't fix anything so I vowed never to do it again."

"your secret is safe with me. still think you're weird as shit though." Enid thinks about why the girl is the way she is cold because she doesn't want to get close to people to just lose them like her pet scorpion.

"the feeling is incredibly mutual. how would you like your single room back? you just need to show me how to use your computer," Wednesday asked Enid making a new plan for leaving this school.


Wednesday sits in front of Enid's computer waiting for Tyler to call her because she sends Thing out to find the boy. After all, he stated that he would help her before the fight that happened in Weathervane. it hasn't taken long for Thing to get where it was going to be. which is Tyler's house because he said he would drive her out of town so she could leave this place once and for all.

"uh, hi," Tyler says still looking at the hand that is in this house telling him what to do.

"that's Thing," Wednesday explained who her friend was to Tyler because he kept looking at the hand.

"Is he like your pet?" Tyler says getting Thing to give him the finger.

"he sensitive," Wednesday says knowing what thing is doing at this point.

"Look I know Nevermore is ground zero for all thing things weird but this is the next level. so what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology," Tyler says questioning and also wanting to move on from the last bit of the converting and the hand.

"desperate times, are you still willing to help me escape,"

"Well, after what happened at the weathervane today I figured they'd have you in solitary" Tyler admitted to Wednesday.

"There's the harvest festival this weekend. attendance is mandatory. I'm going to use it as a cover if you're still willing to drive me to the train station, I can make it worth your while."

"I'm in and no charge consider it a freebie,"

"why?" Wednesday questioned Tyler on why he would do something for free when he could get money for doing it.

"cause I wish I was going with you. at least one of us will get out of this hellhole town." after Tyler's last comment Wednesday hung up and closed the computer.


"Are you sure you can trust that norie?" Enid asks Wednesday, when they were both standing by the entrance of the harvest festival, watching Tyler talking to his father about something. 

"I trust that I can handle myself" Wednesday replied at the same time not answering the question that was asked of her.

'well good luck and safe travels" Enid says to Wednesday going in for another hug. witch Wednesday steps back from.

"Still not a hugger got it," Enid says as she starts to find some of her other friends. with Wednesday watching her walk off most likely to her group of friends. Wednesday looked around trying to see if she could faith just somewhere within the crowd of people but when she noticed Miss Weems was watching her from a table.

Wednesday walks off trying to test to see if Miss Weems followed her or was this a one-time thing. She walks off into the festival and finds a darts booth picks one up throws the dart that the balloon and pops it.  witch she picks up more of the darts and throws them to Ballon.

"jeez you get any better at this you'll be taking home a whole pack," Xavier says walking up to Wednesday.

"pandas don't travel in packs they prefer solitude" Wednesday comments on his comment about the pandas and her wanting to be left by herself unless you were helping her leave right now or faith.

"alright. subtle hint taken," but with him saying that he didn't leave so was the hint taken that all.

" you should know I'm waiting for someone"

"oh yeah, who's the lucky guy or girl?" Xavier's question Wednesday.

"what does it matter to you?" Wednesday reply.

"didn't mean to interrupt," Tyler announces to the two others letting them know that he has shown up.

"you're not," Xavier says in a tone that is a lot colder than he would want to talk in and walks away from the two.

"This is going to be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. we need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time" Tyler says to Wednesday

"I've got some dead weight I need to lose first. Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start." Wednesdays tells Tyler who nods to Wednesday and walks away.

the booth worker comes up to Wednesday and puts the giant stuffed panda that she won in the game she was playing. after Wednesday won the game the booth worker placed down a big panda for Wednesday to keep. has Wednesday looked at the pandas she got an idea of giving it to Miss Weems so she would look away from her for like five seconds giving her time to get away.

Wednesday puts a 20-dollar bill on the table and says to the booth guy. " you see that sad, lonely woman over there? she needs this pathetic validation more than I do. would you mind distracting her?" to what the booth worker takes the money walks over to Miss Weems and places it down in front of her. getting her to look away from Wednesday and to the booth worker and giving him a smile then turning back to look that Wednesday but with no Wednesday there.

after Wednesday walks off she goes to where she was meeting up with Tyler to go to the train station to leave this place once and for all. when she arrived here Tyler was there waiting for her so she could go to his.

 "hey before you leave, I wanted you to have this. it's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason I hate him." Tyler says handing her a file and then looking at her. "you okay"

Wednesday looked at the file before taking it and saying "I'm not used to people engaging with me. most people see me coming and cross the street,"

"you're not scary. you're just kinda," Tyler says while leaving the last worded out trying to think of the right word to say to the girl. "kooky"

"I prefer spooky."


"Now my train leaves in an hour, we're burning moonlight," Wednesday says starting to walk toward the cars.

"uh, right, right," Tyler says as he goes to follow Wednesday to where the cars but the three boys from the Weathervane come out from where the cars are coming from. Wednesday would be able to fight her way through them but Tyler had other plans. "come on Wednesday, we can lose them in the crowd,"

Wednesday goes with him because she needs a ride so if he goes she doesn't have a ride and the fact that it is best doesn't make a scene and she gets caught trying to leave again. so both of them start to run into the crowd trying not to lose one other and get away from the other.

the plan for losing the three other people is going well for them till Wednesday when they bump into someone and go into a vision. showing that the person she bumped into was going to die and Wednesday wasn't going to let that happen but the part of her vision was the black wolf that was in it. 

when Wednesday got out of her vision she looked at Rowan before her going to run off after him with Tyler saying " Wednesday we need to go Wednesday come on Wednesday" but Wednesday did not listen to him and ran after Rowan.

"Rowan, come back" Wednesday then going after the said boy. Wednesday ran into the woods after the boy wanting to stop the danger he was in. When they get into a far entrance where no one can hear what is happening Rowan stops running away from Wednesday and turns to her and asks.

"what do you want, why are you following me" After finding taking he took a hit of his inhaler while he was looking on Wednesday annoyed that he was being followed.

"I don't have time to explain but you're in danger" Wednesday says trying to get out of what is to come if they stay out here much longer.

"I think you've got it backwards," Rowan says as he uses his telekinesis to pin Wednesday to a tree. With Rowan having pinned the tree up in the air he continued to talk to her. " you're the one who is in danger,"

"what are you doing ?" Wednesday questioned the boy.

"saving everyone from you I have to kill you," Rowan says back sounding like he was trying to get Wednesday to under why he was doing what he was doing.

"the gargoyle, that was you" Wednesday questioned the rowan about what happened the other day.

"yeah," Rowan says back to Wednesday.

"it's always the quiet one," Wednesday says quietly to herself. has Rowan with his telekinesis take a piece of paper out of his pocket and move it up to show Wednesday the drawing on the paper. "you want to kill me because of some picture,"  Wednesday says after seeing the picture not believing the reason why someone would want her dead because of that.

"my mother drew that picture twenty-five years ago when she was a student at Nevermore. She was a powerful seer," Rowan said with a sad look on his face as he resumed by saying "told me about it before she died,"

"Rowan put me down" Wednesday demanded Rowan but he didn't listen to her at all.

" no, my mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore because she would destroy the school and everyone in it," Rowan said it was always going to happen like this and he didn't have I choice in what he was doing.

just as Rowan finished talking a low growl was heard from behind Rowan.  a tall monster had big eyes and greyish skin. had it grab Rowan and throw him to the ground before using clews to cut into his flesh. 

with Rowan being thrown to the ground Wednesday was dropped to the ground as well.  the only thing she could do was watch what was happening in her vision she had come to life all because she tried to stop it from happening making it happen but then again it still couldn't happen if she wasn't there.

the monster then looked at Wednesday as a black wolf with a white paw and gold eyes came in behind her looking at the monster the monster just turned around and ran away from what just happened. The wolf turns her head to look at Wednesday with Wednesday doing the same.

but the wolf looked back to Rowan turned back around and ran off into the wood. with Wednesday moving to Rowan's body the picture he showed her landing on top of him. 

Wednesday also looked at the two different paths the monster went down and then the wolf's way down and wondered what both of them were. she had thought about what the wolf could be. She will need to ask Enid some questions about being a werewolf but for what the monster could be Wednesday had no idea of what it could be.

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