
By shereads_6

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Someone who has become a stranger. More

Let's talk


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By shereads_6

🎶Happy birthday to you🎶

Fatima's hazel eyes slowly fluttered open as she was woken up by the choral sound of her family standing around her bed singing happy birthday to her. Eva was holding a heart-shaped cake with candles all around it, while her father was holding a gift bag. Lastly, CJ was holding a bouquet of money roses with a giant helium and confetti filled balloon written "Happy 18th birthday Fatima."

"Hurry up and blow out the candles" Eva said while approaching her with the lit cake. "Don't forget to make a wish" she said.

Fatima felt herself get overcome with a rush of emotions. She sat up against the headboard and started sobbing at the display of love that her family was showing.

"Aww baby" Eva said as she put the cake on the side table. "What's wrong Tima?" She asked while also getting emotional.

"Somebody pinch me because I swear this doesn't feel real" Fatima said.

Of course CJ couldn't pass up the opportunity to pinch his sister as per her request so he did just that.

"Owww!! CJ what the hell bro??!" Fatima shouted as she rubbed her arm.

"What?" CJ shrugged. "I was just following your orders."

"You do know that's just a hypothetical saying right?" Fatima asked.

"Whatever sis. Just hurry up and blow out the damn candles already" CJ laughed.

Eva brought the cake closer and then Fatima blew out the candles. Afterwards, it was finally time for her to open up the presents. Fatima just scanned through the bigger gifts and then rushed to open the smallest box because she 'knew' what it was.

Since the Wilsons don't believe in rewarding their children with cars for their 16th birthday because they feel like it's not really an achievement. Fatima was expecting a car because it's a Wilson family tradition to get a car on your 18th after passing high school and seeing that Fatima graduated last week and her end results were exemplary she was most definitely deserving of a brand new set of wheels.

Fatima excitedly opened up the smallest box and her mood instantly dropped when she saw some jewelry instead of her car keys. Carlos noticed her facial expression and then spoke up.

Carlos bought Fatima her very first pair of real diamonds and said "babygirl I know that you were expecting car keys but we'll speak about that later. Just let me explain the meaning behind this diamond necklace. Now that you are officially a woman, I want you to always think back to this moment when you meet guys. Never settle for the ordinary because you my darling are extraordinary." He said with tears in his eyes as he put the necklace around her neck and then kissed her cheek. "I love you and happy birthday."

"Thank you daddy and I love you too" Fatima managed to say through her tears. "Thank you all so much! Y'all have no idea how much this means to me." She said as she cried more intensely.

"Babygirl what's wrong?" Carlos asked with concern.

"I'm just not used to y'all doing something nice for me" Fatima said while wiping away her tears.

"That is totally understandable but we're all human and we make mistakes. However, I feel like since we're all family we should give each other a little more grace. Which is why I'm gonna start off by apologizing for not being a better father to you." Carlos said.

"And I also apologize for not being a better sister to you. I'm sorry for not being your confidant and your number one supporter but I promise you that from here onwards I'm gonna do better" Eva added in.

"If we're being honest I ain't got nothing to apologize for because I always got your back. So all imma say is that I love you Loompa" CJ said.

There was an awkward silence for a while as everyone looked at Evelyn waiting for her to say her piece. Although Evelyn wanted desperately to apologize, her pride just wouldn't let her so as always, Fatima took the initiative to speak first.

"Okay well... I'm sorry too for all the wrong that I've done. I'm also sorry for disappointing y'all by falling pregnant and for hiding it. However, I promise y'all that I have learnt from this and it will definitely be a growing curve for me. My baby is gonna help me to be better in all aspects of my life." Fatima said.

"Ev, is there something that you'd like to say? Now is your chance to speak up" Carlos said to his wife.

-Evelyn remained silent-

Carlos sighed in defeat at his wife's stubbornness. "Anyway, Fatima going back to the car. Good news is that I did buy one for you but bad news is that it'll only be ready for delivery once you return from your trip to South Africa." Carlos said without even realizing that he had just spilled the beans.

"Damn pops!! Welp... I guess there goes my new Nike sneakers now that the cat is out the bag" CJ said in disappointment.

"Hold up. Fatima is going to Africa?!" Eva asked. "Why?"

"She's going to visit your aunt Vivian for a few days." Carlos said.

"Aww I remember aunt Viv. She always used to make the best Mac n cheese!" Eva said.

"Oh so that's who's in Africa?" CJ finally caught on. "Whatever happened to her?"

"Mommy told me that she died" Eva said.

"I don't know why your mother would say that but no my sister is still very much alive. She's been living in Cape Town South Africa for the past 10 years." Carlos said.

Eva gasped and gave her mother a side eye. "Mommy how could you lie like that?!" She asked.

"So Fatima is going to visit my nemesis and nobody thought of telling me about it?" Evelyn asked her husband, completely disregarding her children's questions.

"Yes I am." Fatima replied nonchalantly. "And nobody kept it from you, I just insisted that daddy not say a word. Why are you so pressed though? It's not like you care."

"Can y'all please excuse us for a lil bit. I want to talk to Fatima woman to woman" Evelyn said as they all exited Fatima's room giving the two of them privacy.


"So... wassup?" Fatima asked her mother in a disrespectful tone.

"Fatima I know that you're not very fond of me but I'm still your mother and you will respect me!" Evelyn said sternly as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Respect is earned. You haven't shown me any so why should I? Besides, I'm a woman now so I dont have to do shit!" Fatima said with much more attitude.

"Okay that's enough! If you speak to me sideways again then I'm gonna beat your ass like the woman you claim to be!" Evelyn said with some base in her voice and Fatima could sense that she was deadass serious so she kept quiet.

"That's exactly what I thought!" Evelyn said. "Now let's try this again and remember to mind your manners."

"Fine" Fatima said.

"Let me start by saying that I am immensely sorry for every bad thing that I have ever done to you. I'm sorry for making you feel unloved and unwanted. I'm sorry for making you feel like you can't trust me enough to confide in me. But babygirl please believe me when I say that I- she got choked up. "Tima I honestly was just trying to keep you from repeating my mistakes."

"Like me?" Fatima asked holding back her tears.

"What?" Evelyn asked confused.

"Was I a mistake? Is that why you hate me so much?" Fatima asked as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

"What!?" Evelyn asked appalled. "Babygirl you were not a mistake but you were most definitely a surprise. And I don't hate you so please stop saying that!"

"But mommy what am I supposed to think when you treat me the way you do?" Fatima asked.

Evelyn paused for a while and went deep in thought. "Tima, for years I've debated on whether or not to tell you this but now that you're a woman I think it's time I tell you the real story behind how your sister was conceived and why I have a soft spot for her. But before I do, you have to promise me that you'll keep this between us because other than your aunt Viv aka my former bestie.. I've never told anyone this."

"Not even Eva?" Fatima asked.

"Nope not even Eva. Although she is my oldest, you're definitely much stronger than she is... emotionally speaking. So I haven't told her because I fear that it would destroy her sense of identity." Evelyn said.

"As you already know I had Eva when I was 15 and unfortunately it wasn't by choice" Evelyn said while holding back tears.

"So you were molested?" Fatima asked in shock.

Evelyn just nodded her head yes as the tears began to fall from her eyes. "What hurts the most is that it was done by someone that I loved and trusted. Someone who I saw a future with." She paused to wipe her tears. "Having a baby is one of the greatest challenges that I've ever faced because it wasn't easy and I was all alone... well for 2 years. Until I met your father and he naturally stepped up."

"What do you mean that you were alone? Where was grandma Joy?" Fatima asked referring to her maternal grandmother.

"She was there but she made it abundantly clear that she didn't want anything to do with me or the baby. She wanted me to have an abortion and when I refused she kicked me out and that's when I temporarily lived with my best friend at the time (your aunt Viv) and her family. That's also when I met your father." Evelyn explained.

"Damn it's hard to believe that grandma did that to her own daughter!.. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at her the same after this revelation." Fatima said.

"No baby I don't want you to dislike your grandmother. You two have a great relationship and I don't want to get in the middle of that." Evelyn said.

"But mommy-

"No buts Fatima! Look you're about to be a mother now so you have to understand that all mother's react differently to getting disappointed by their children. BUT, the bottom line is that we do come around... eventually." Evelyn said.

"I guess I get it. Your reaction to finding out about my pregnancy does kind of make sense now. However, it still doesn't justify all the years I've had to endure of you treating me like you don't want me. You've literally treated me like shit for as long as I can remember and that was way before I fell pregnant." Fatima said truthfully. "I'm sorry for cussing but I'm honestly just expressing myself."

"That's fine and you are absolutely correct. Which is why I started doing one on one therapy sessions with Pastor Daniels and I've soon come to realize that the reason behind my ill treatment towards you is because I never experienced a mother's love so I don't know how to give it. But I am working on my past traumas so I can become a better mother to you and your siblings." Evelyn said.

"So how come Eva never got the bad end of the stick like I did?" Fatima asked.

"Honestly. I don't know but I think that it has everything to do with the circumstances she was born under. Eva had nobody but me fending her, while you had a whole village. From your grandparents, your father and aunt Viv. I guess I just felt like you didn't need me as much, so I pushed you away before you could push me away." Evelyn said.

"Mommy no village can ever equal a mother's love. I wanted and needed you! Do you have any idea how it feels to be rejected by the very same person who gave you life?" Fatima asked while crying.

"Yes I do baby because I've lived through it too, but it still doesn't make it right!" Evelyn said while also crying. "All I can say is that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything and I hope that one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.. preferably before my grandbaby makes his/her arrival."

Fatima smiled because this was the first time she ever heard Evelyn claim her grandchild. "I guess this is you coming around huh?"

Evelyn smiled. "Yep. Something like that. I don't want to rush you into anything but I did get you a little something to show you that I'm all in with you and this baby and to also prove to you just how sorry I really am." She said while handing her a small white envelope.

Fatima opened the envelope and saw that it was a 5000$ gift card from BØRN BABY. A baby boutique that is every expectant mother's dream because they sell EVERYTHING!!

"Aww mommy!!" Fatima said as she went in for a hug. "Thank you so much. This means the world to me."

"You're welcome baby" Evelyn said while hugging her back. "If you're up for it, maybe I can accompany you to the store and help you pick out everything that you're gonna need. But no pressure."

"Are you kidding me?? Yes!! The answer is a million times yes!" Fatima exclaimed. "I've got about 2/3 hours to kill before meeting my friends at the mall so can we go now?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course we can Tima! Today is all about you" Evelyn said with a smile. "Well and my grandbaby. Speaking of... when are you gonna find out the gender?"

"I'm gonna find out at birth. Zac and I want it to be a surprise." Fatima said. "Do you think it's gonna make the pre-baby shopping difficult?"

"Not at all. We'll just steer clear from anything pink or blue and focus on buying neutral colors. Let me go get ready and then we can leave out" Evelyn said as she stood up from the bed and headed for the door.

"Mommy" Fatima called out, stopping her in her tracks.

"Yes baby?" Evelyn said.

"Can I be honest with you about something?" Fatima asked as she thought about coming clean about her plan to live in Africa indefinitely.

"Always" Evelyn said.

"I uh... I love you!" Fatima said with a smile.

"I love you too Tima" Evelyn replied.


▪︎ THE MALL ▪︎

A few hours have gone since Evelyn and Fatima got done shopping for the baby. Evelyn dropped Fatima off at the mall before heading back him with all the things they bought.

Fatima was currently at the cinema with her bestie Mya and two of her other friends from school (Jazzy and Nina). They had planned their whole day around showering the birthday girl with love and doing all of her favorite activities.

After the movies they went to the bowling alley and bought some light snacks and drinks to feast on while bowling.

"Jazzy, it's your turn to bowl" Mya called out as Jazzy stood up.

Jazzy rolled the ball and hit all the pins with one clean shot, getting the attention from the crew of guys that were bowling behind them.

"That was really good friend!" Fatima said.

"Right?!" Nina said. "You gotta teach me how to do that."

"Girl I don't even know how I did that shit myself" Jazzy laughed. "That fine ass guy over there (pointing with her eyes) was my motivation."

They all turned around to get a proper look of the group of guys.

"Ouu gray cap is mine!" Nina said.

"Girl you can have him. My eyes are glued on the one with the gold chain. Mmmh... nigga just oozes rich and expensive" Jazzy said seductively.

"Oh my gosh you two are a hot ass mess!" Mya laughed as she turned back around.

"What? Not all of us were fortunate to meet the love of our life in that dusty ass school like you and Tima did." Jazzy said but then caught herself for bringing up Zac. "OMG fren I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" she said sincerely.

"It's cool Jazzy. Couples break up all the time! It is what it is" Fatima said as she stuffed her mouth with a handful of popcorn.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mya asked. "I mean this is the first birthday in years that you're spending without him. Did he even wish you a happy birthday?"

"Nope! But it's cool. He's not obligated to do that because I'm not his girl anymore." Fatima said.

"Damn. I'm sorry Ti and for what it's worth I hope that y'all find your way back to each other again" Mya said.

"I doubt it but thank you bestie" Fatima said dryly.

"Oouu y'all he's waving me over. Is my hair and makeup still in tact?" Jazzy asked her girls.

"Yeah but just put on a little bit of lip gloss" Nina said while handing her some.

"Okay now I'm ready!" Jazzy said after glossing her lips.

"Jazzy in case you forgot. We're in the middle of a TIMED game" Mya said. "Plus today is supposed to be all about Fatima."

"I knowww" Jazzy whined. "I promise I'll be quick. You don't mind right birthday girl?"

"Not at all. Go get your man friend" Fatima encouraged with a smile.

"See this is why I love you!" Jazzy said as she hugged her. "Don't worry I'll be right back." She said while making her way to the group of guys.

"Jazzy is something else" Nina said and they all laughed. "OMG y'all, look who just walked in!!"

"Who is it?" Fatima asked because she was lazy to turn around.

"It's Zac!!" Nina said.

"Shiiit! Did he see me?" Fatima asked nervously.

"Yup" Nina nodded as she dramatically sipped on her drink.

"And he's coming over here" Mya warned as she saw Zac approach.

"Wassup ladies" Zac said with a smile.

"Hey Zac" Mya and Nina sang in unison while Fatima didn't respond.

"Ti can I talk to you for a second?" Zac asked and Fatima didn't respond.

"Uhm... Nina let's go check on Jazzy" Mya suggested as they got up from their seats.

"Y'all please don't leave me here alone" Fatima pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Girl hush. You're not alone, you're with your babydaddy" Mya said before she and Nina walked off.

"So this is what we doing?" Zac asked as he sat down beside Fatima.

"Huh?" Fatima acted clueless and avoided eye contact with him.

"Yo please don't do that! You know that fake clueless shit is the quickest way to piss me off!" Zac said.

"Why are you here Zac? And how'd you even find me?" Fatima asked with an attitude.

"Your bestie told me where yall are since you've been ignoring my calls" Zac said.

"Ugh I swear I'm gonna kill her!" Fatima said aggravated.

"No you won't. Trust me after tonight, you're gonna thank her" Zac said proudly.

"Whatever" Fatima said.

"So how have you been?" Zac asked.


"And how's the baby?" Zac asked.


"Fatima yo" Zac chuckled. "What is up with these one word answers?"

"Nothing. I'm just sticking to our routine." Fatima shrugged. "That's how we talk over the phone, ain't it?"

"Okay fine. Maybe I deserve that" Zac said. "Can you please look at me?" He practically begged.

"Why should I?" Fatima asked while looking at a random family that was bowling to their right.

"Because I said so" Zac said with some base causing her pussy to jump a little as he grabbed her chin and turned her face to his.

"I'm looking! What is it?" Fatima asked with an attitude as her eyes focused on his eyebrows instead of his eyes.

"Technically, you're looking at my eyebrows but I'll take it" Zac chuckled. "I hope our baby inherits my bushy eyebrows instead of your struggling ones." He teased. "He can have your beauty though."

Fatima looked at him and rolled her eyes as she laughed. "Whatever nigga! And who said that it's a boy?"

"I know it is. Because it's just in my gene pool. If we have a girl that will literally be a miracle because Taylor men haven't birthed one in over 80 years!" Zac said and Fatima went back to being silent.

"So... uhm.. are you still relocating to Africa?" Zac asked nervously.

"Why? So you can send your lawyer over to my house to come serve with another court order?" Fatima asked.

"Look I'm really sorry about that." Zac said.

"Zac I know that we have our issues but you know that I would never keep you from your child's life! So for you to file for sole custody on the grounds that my mommy issues make me unfit was downright evil!" Fatima said. "You used my weakest moments against me."

"I know and I'm sorry. But it wasn't even my idea - it was all my dad. You know how serious he is about this 'heir to the throne' shit! So when I told my parents about your plan to relocate, he panicked and filed those papers behind my back. I'm sorry baby " Zac said as he grabbed ahold of her hands. "Ti please look at me" he begged again.

"No" Fatima said with her eyes fixed on a random object.

"Why won't you look at me?" Zac asked.

"Because Zac every time I look into your eyes I fall deeper in love with you" Fatima said with her voice cracking because she was on the verge of tears.

"Baby please look at me " Zac begged once more causing Fatima to slowly turn to him as they locked eyes. "I love you too Ti. I am madly in love with you! Do you hear me?"

"Yes" Fatima said softly.

For a moment it seemed as though the place went silent and everyone around them disappeared. They stared into each other's souls as tears welled up in their eyes because they both saw that their love was still there. In fact, it seemed to have gotten much stronger. Zac closed his eyes and then leaned in for a kiss. Fatima was hesitant at first but she was no longer able to fight her feelings. She finally began to match his rhythm as their lips met and their tongues began to fight for dominance.

"See!! I told y'all that they would work it out" Mya sang with a smile as she and the girls watched the lovers from a nearby distance.

"Aww they are just too cute!!" Nina said with a smile. "I can't wait for baby Taylor to make his/her arrival."

"We should probably go over there and stop them before her ass get pregnant again" Jazzy joked as they all made their way back.

"Mm-hmm" Jazzy cleared her throat, causing Zac and Fatima to come back to reality. "We're really happy that y'all are back together but this is a family friendly place and them poor kids don't need to see all of this nasty behavior!"

Fatima chuckled, "you're absolutely right friend and I'm sorry."

"Cool. So can we get back to this game or what?" Jazzy asked.

"Looks like we've been disconnected" Mya said while looking at the screen.

"What! Are you serious??!" Jazzy asked getting a closer look at the screen. "Damn mayne! And I was whooping y'all ass too!"

"Yes you were but it's probably for the best because it's almost time for our dinner reservation." Fatima said while rubbing on her belly in circles.

"You okay?" Mya asked with slight concern.

"Mm-hmm, I'm good it just feels like the baby is playing soccer. I don't know if it's because he/she is hungry or if it's just happy to hear daddy's voice" Fatima said.

"It's a HE and he's obviously happy to hear my voice" Zac said as he leaned in to kiss her belly.

"Aww that's cute but let's hurry up and get outta here" Jazzy said as she grabbed her purse.

"Why you rushing?" Nina laughed. "Aren't you going back over there to give dude your number?"

"Hell no! Turns out he wasn't really feeling me like that. He was actually looking for people to join his church" Jazzy said as she rolled her eyes.

"What's the matter with that?" Mya asked. "Yo lil fast ass could do with some anointing oil" she teased as they walked out of the bowling place.

"You're probably right" Jazzy laughed. "BUT I don't do that cult shit. Out of respect, I'm not gonna say which church he said he's in but I think we all know which one and I think we can all agree that it gives cult vibes."

"Yup!!" They all said and then burst out laughing.

The girls walked ahead, while Zac and Fatima weren't too far behind. Zac had his hand in the back pocket of Fatima's jeans while she had her arm wrapped around his waist.

"Happy birthday mi amor" Zac said while looking at her with heart eyes.

"Thank you baby. I love you!" Fatima said with a smile.

"I have a surprise for you after dinner" Zac said as they entered the restaurant.

"And I have one for you too" Fatima replied as they followed the waiter up the stairs as he led them to their reserved table.

When they got there it was decorated with balloons, flowers and there were plenty of the gifts on the table. Fatima was caught off guard because she was just expecting a simple dinner.

"Uhm mister" Fatima said to the waiter. "Are you sure that this is the right table?"

"Yes ma'am. Unless you know of another Fatima Wilson who's turning 18 today?" The waiter replied.

"No I don't but-


Fatima got startled by the loud noise as hers and Zac's family came from behind the curtain.

"Oh my gosh!! What are y'all doing here?" Fatima asked shocked.

"What does it look like we're doing? We're attending your surprise baby shower/ birthday dinner. Courtesy of Zac" Gina said with a smile.

"Thank you baby!!" Fatima said as she hugged Zac and almost kissed him until she remembered that both of their parents are there.

Zac pulled a chair for Fatima and then helped her sit down. The waiter then proceeded to take everyone's drink order before serving the entrée.

The rest of the night went smoothly. For the first time in forever, Fatima felt a love like no other and in hindsight, it cemented a decision that she had been thinking about for weeks. She also couldn't help but to marvel at the fact that Gina and Evelyn were able to put their differences aside for the sake of her and the baby.

After some time, the waiter wheeled in a three-tier cake, courtesy of the Taylor's and they all sang happy birthday to her. Fatima managed to give a very brief vote of thanks because she was too emotional for a lengthy speech.

"Family and friends may I please get your attention" Zac said as he used a spoon to tap on his glass.

All the chatter died down as everyone turned their focus to Zac.

"As you all know I love this girl- WOMAN" Zac said as he corrected himself. "I love her with my entire existence and I don't ever want to be away from her and our baby. Which is why I thought long and hard about this and-. Zac paused to pull out an envelope and give it to Fatima.

"Zacccccc" Fatima said with tears in her eyes as she looked at the contents of the envelope.

"What does it say?" Eva asked on behalf of everyone.

"It's a boarding pass" Zac said. "I have decided to move to Africa with Fatima and our baby."


Author's note 📝

How does that saying go again?

The calm before the ..... ?

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