Breeze. Winx Club Fanfiction

By SaltyFork

14.9K 535 62

"Why don't you guys trust me?" Skylar asked, eyes watering. Nobody has an answer. Scratch that. They had an a... More

Introducing Our Main Character
One: Alfea
Two: Annual Gala
Three: Azer
Four: Day of the Rose
Five: Misunderstandings
Six: Midterms and Floras Plants
Seven: Water Nymphs
Eight: Bye Bye Bloom Bye Bye Magix
Nine: Mission to Domino
ten: Tunnels to Cloud Tower
Eleven: So much walking
Twelve: Season 1 Finale
1.2 are you okay?
2.2 Rescue Mission
4.2 Amore saves the day
5.2 Eaves dropping
6.2 Self Defence Pro
7.2 Knightly Visions
8.2 Feeling Homesick

3.2 Bonded Pixies

387 15 1
By SaltyFork

(Sorry if writing is crappy this chapter, idk where my writing skills went, I completely blanked so I'm sorry)

"Ew!" Layla screamed. "Disgusting!" She was trapped to a wall by monster spit. 

Sky and Bloom ran down to meet Layla and Skylar. 

Sky pulled her from the wall as Layla shrieked in pain from the pull on her wings. 

"My wings Sky! My wings!" Sky gets tugging on the goo until Layla fell to the floor. 

Layla hugged Sky. 

Bloom huffed.

"Relax Bloom, I was just gonna thank Sky. Thank you." Layla backed away from Sky after she thanked him. 

"That's really cute!" Skylar yelled angrily. "But can I have... some HELP?!"

Skylar has been getting tossed around like a rag doll by one of the creatures. 

Sky began stabbing the creature with his sword but it wasn't enough at all, it was moving too much.

The creature was practically bashing her head against the walls of the cave. "Ouch." She cringed as her head hit a rock. And another rock. and another rock. 

"You asked for it...." 

Skylar focused and blocked the monsters air way. The monster dropped her and began struggling. She released her hold and Sky chopped its head off. 

Skylar sat on the ground and caught her breath. She healed herself before rushing over to Layla. "How are you feeling?" 

"How are you feeling?" Layla asked in response. 

"Better now that that thing is dead." Skylar admitted. "You?" 

"I'm much better now but what about the others?" 

They ran to the edge. "Stella and Brandon fell down into the pit!" 

They all looked down the seemingly endless pit. 

Layla looked at them worried. "But Stella can't fly!" 

Bloom tried transforming but failed. "Layla can you carry me down?" Sky asked. 

Layla attempted to fly but failed, yanking a bit of gunk off her wings. 


"Naturally. Its gonna be a bumpy ride so no complaints...and please try and keep quiet if you want me to carry all of us down." Skylar burst into the air. She flaps her wings a bit. 

She fluttered down slowly, keeping her hands steady as she kept slowly going down, controlling the air around the three remaining teammates. 

"Okay, sit on the edge, and fall." 

"Fall?!" Bloom exclaimed. 

"Fall. Sit on the edge and when I tell you to, fall." Skylar directed. "one, two, three, FALL"

They did just that, Skylar caught them all with her air powers and then floated them all down safely. 

"Sky stop moving or I'll drop you." 

Skylar slowly went down the pit until their heels were on the ground. 

The bottom of the pit was exactly how you would expect it to be. It looked the same as it did a few thousand feet up only it was a floor that was covered in dust. 

"You better detransform to save energy." Layla recommended when they were on the ground. 

"You too. Better save our energy for something important." 

She would wonder why she didn't automatically transform back, she had been using her powers a lot but there was no time. No time at all. 

They called for Brandon and Stella on the ground but they weren't there. "Oh no!"

"Good. That means they're alive." Sky pointed out. 

"hey Look!" Layla pointed to two figures crumpled on the ground. "They're over there!"

They ran over. Skylar pushed her hand out, operating the fog and dust but luckily it was only some rocks. 

"Good. It's only some boulders."

"What's over there?" Skylar looked over to Bloom who ran over to something. They all following quickly  behind her. 

"Hey! It's an underground river!" 

"Oh no...they must've fallen in there!"

The group stared at the aggressive running water. It violently splashed against the rocks around and the currents were strong. 

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm going after them!" Sky held Bloom back.


"Bloom the waters are really strong. You could get hurt. Besides, I took that river to escape. I'm sure their already back where we started." Layla reasoned. 

"Okay then lets find them—"

"No! Bloom we'd be wasting time. The pixie need our help!" 

"We can complete the mission on our own. I'm sure they're fine." Skylar comforted. "Even if they come back a bit bruised I can fix that with the snap of my fingers. C'mon, we'll complete the mission ourselves and then get back to Alfea." 

Bloom hesitantly agreed and so they continued walking some more. 

And more. 

And more. 

And guess what? They walked some more. 

"Layla we've been walking forever." Skylar complained. Bloom was on her back after getting tired. "Are you sure we're not just lost?" 

"I recognise this passageway!" Layla said. "Come on!" 

Skylar ran after Bloom with on her back, Sky quick on her heels. 

And do ya know what? 

They kept walking. 

"Isn't that sound lovely?" Randrops were falling onto crystals making small tingly sounds that echoed in the caves. 

"Yes! Musa would love it, if she were here. Don't you think?" Bloom ran her hand over a crystal. 

"We can tell her about it when we get back." Skylar added below. 

"It really is beautiful." Sky commented. 

They heard growls from behind them. Bloom jumped off Skylar's back. 

"More monsters!" 

"Quick lets get out of here!" 

Layla, Skylar and Bloom were at the front while Sky stayed back a bit. 

"Bloom, can you transform?"

"Sorry! I need more rest!" Bloom shouted back. 

"Me too!" Layla kept running. 

"I'll handle it!" Skylar transformed and oriented herself near Sky. 

She began blasting them as much as she could. The beasts were affected but not enough as she would've liked. Why was this phoenix guy so much strong than her?

But soon even Skylar was knocked down. 

Bloom was scrambled on the ground and Sky had been tossed to the side. 

Skylar got herself pinned to a wall, similar to how Layla been earlier. She struggled against it but when she fell to the floor, she was too weak to get up having been pinned quite high and getting winded. 

Skylar turned her head to look at her hands. She could barely see them. The blue light from her hands was practically shining through her leather globes. 

Skylar pressed her other hand on the shining blue pair and snapped her eyes shut as a blinding pain struck her. 

She shook her hands out and attempted to get back up but a monsters tail flung her against a wall. 

Layla was defenceless. 

Layla threw down the seads that Miss Faragonda gave her. 

Only it did nothing. 

They laid on the ground, useless. 

"There's not enough light in here for them to grow!" Layla shrieked. 

A voice rang out from above. "I've got all the light you need!" 


Stella fought off some beasts and the seeds grew, becoming trees that shined a light so bright all the monsters shrivelled to nothing. 

"Stella!" Bloom and Skylar ran towards her and tackled her in a hug. Skylar detransformed herself. 

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine!" But at those words, the entire cavern began to shake and crumble. Layla lead them through random caves in an attempt to survive. 

Layla had guided them outside of the caves but now they were stuck and out in the open. 

"Stella, can you teleport us back into the caves?" Sky asked her. 

Stella shook her head. "Nuh-uh not unless you want to end up in that creeps bathroom."

Skylar rolled her eyes. "In translation, Stella has to know the location really well in order to teleport there. Otherwise we could end anywhere." 

They looked around and discussed options to get back to where they were. 

They had to get down a giant, deep, and dark valley. 

"I find the sight of those monsters most unpleasant." Tune spat. 

"Well they're certainly not winning any beauty contests." Salem agreed.

"Go away you horrible creatures!" Chatta yelled at them. "Leave us alone!" 

The crows kept circling the room that surrounded the Pixies. 

Digit crossed her arms. "You've been shouting at them all day. And what has it done other than overload my audio inputs?" 

Tune squinted her eyes at the bunch. "They're so ugly it's embarrassing." 

"At least Im doing something to drive away those revolting things! So instead of sitting there in your sandy code—"

"stand by code" Digit interrupted. 

"Whatever!" Chatta irked. "Help me and lets both of us give them a piece of my mind." 

Tune was practically fuming at the sight of them. "Its a nightmare! And aesthetic nightmare!" She seethed. 

"I swear, if I hear another shout, I'll reboot!" +

"For goodness sakes!" Tune gritted her teeth. "Stop ITTTTTTTTTT—" Tune began to sing opera slightly off tune. 

The crows flew away form the wretched voice. "ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT." Tune then took a bow. 

"I guess shouting was the solution." Salem mumbled. 

Lockette walked towards the other cells in the distance, as close as she could. Amore comforted her. 

"What wrong Lockette?" 

Lockette sighed. "We'll...end up like the others....won't we?" 

They stared at the lost trinkets from their fallen friends, floating in the cells where they were last seen. 

They heard hissing. They all whipped around to see a disgusting looking snake. Lockette screamed. 

"Don't worry!" Salem tried. "The energy shield with protect us!" 

The snake stuck its head through the barrier and began inching closer to the pixies. 

"Or not!" Chatta yelled. She hushed her voice down. "Keep still. No sudden moves." The pixies cowered in fear.

The snake slithered around their cage. "insulate pixies....your....silence.....annoys me..." The snake hissed. It licked Chatt's cheek, causing her to cringe. "So brave..."

The snake slithered towards Lockette. "How about this one?" Lockette was shaking. It whipped its tongue around her. 

"Alright! I'll tell you everything!" Lockette sobbed. "Our village is—"

"Quiet!" Shrieked Chatta. "Don't you get it? Without us, he'll never find the village! That's why he needs us alive!"

The snake muttered inherently before quickly escaping the cage and slithering off. 

"Hey guys! I think I just found a much better way of getting down!" Layla held up some wooden planks she found on the ground. 

With that, Layla went flying down the hill on her make-shift board before gracefully swerving to a stop. 

Sky followed quickly after, stopping next to Layla. 

Bloom and Stella came much less coordinated. Bloom mangled to get control over her board and swiftly move in-between Layla and Sky. "What was that about passion?" 

"Bloom your board—"

Bloom hadn't stepped off her board and slipped. 

Stella sent herself flying into a rock, luckily the rock was damaged more than Stella. "Brandon better buy me a new dress to make up for this." 

"Skylar?" Layla called. 


Skylar had found a bit of rope and tied it through her board to make a sled. 

Skylar sat down on her board and gently slid down the hill, using her new steering wheel to come to a slow stop. 

"That was fun!" Skylar said, dusting herself off all giddy. 

Layla laughed before helping her up from the ground. 

"The rocks here are dangerously brittle. Luckily for us, its the perfect environment for the demoleculizer!" Sky took out the fancy new gear that they had been dying to use from the start. 

"Do you think we should go in pairs?" Bloom batted her eyelashes at Sky, clearly wanting to go in pairs. 

"No, we better go all together Bloom." Bloom childishly pouted as Skylar rolled her eyes playfully at her antics. 

They all surrounded the demoleculizer. The light flashed and soon they all ran through a portal. 

Sky jumped out first, followed by Bloom who nearly tripped. Layla flipped her way out, saving herself  from falling upside down and Skylar casually walked out of it. 

"How much time left?" Bloom asked. Stela hadn't gone through yet. 

"I have no idea." 

"I knew it! Stella's still too weak!" 

But low and behold, Stella came tumbling out of it just a few seconds later. 

"Hi Stella!"

"A worm passed through me!" Stella cringed. 

Bloom picked a worm from Stella's head. "Was it this one?" 

"Ew! Get it off!" 

Sky laughed. "Brandon better get you a new shampoo too."

"Yes. Apple scented, to go with the worm!" She joked. 

"Guys?" Skylar got their attention as she looked out from the cave. 

"Guys!" Layla called. "Its incredible! We've already reach the shadow castle!"

The castle hung from the ceiling of the cave like dripstone. It looked abandoned and eerie. 

"The pixies should be somewhere over there!" 

"Does this mean we have to take the rope bridge?" Sky pointed to a janky bridge that spread across for far too long.

"Of course not." Stella said. "We'll fly! Sky, why don't you play it safe and wait for us here?" 

"Stella! We'll all go by foot!" Bloom defended. 

"What? Won't part from your sweetheart?" 

"Stella! If we transform now, we won't have enough power when we really need it."

"Guys!" Skylar snapped her fingers in front of their faces before walking off to the bridge. 

"Lets go guys." Layla said exasperated, following after Skylar. 

"Hang on tight." Layla wanted when they approached the bridge. "That bridge is gonna swing like a boat on a hurricane." 

"Lets go, we better get the pixies and get Brandon before he said 'I do'" Stella scoffed. 

"I can help control it." Skylar offered. "Let me go first..." 

With that, Skylar took a shaky step onto the bridge. A white glow from her hands emitted as she tried her best to stable the bridge. 

"I'm going ahead!" Layla informed. 

"I'll go with you. I don't think my magic is doing too much anyways." 

Layla nodded before jumping up onto a piece of rope and swinging her way over. Layla grabbed onto a ledge.

 "Why does she make things look so cool?" Skylar sulked as she casually floated after her, transforming in midair nonchalantly. 

Layla and Skylar explored the hallway before they heard a few voices. 

"Layla!" The pixies chorused. 

Layla turned around and rushed towards the pixies. 

Salem jumped about. "I knew you'd come back for us! Knew it! I knew it!" 

"Its so good to see you again Layla!" Amore also jumped a bit. 

Skylar stayed within the doorway, not wanting to frighten the pixies. 

"Are you all safe?" Layla asked the pixies. 

"As safe as snake food can be!" Chatta replied. 

"Have you got the bandwidth for our escape?" Digit asked excited, 

"Dont worry." Layla assured. "I've brought reinforcements." Layla gestured for Skylar to come closer. 

Skylar walked fowards a bit. "Hello! I'm one of the reinforcements. Now how do we get you out of here...." Skylar walked around the cage. 

"You've got to destroy that seal!" Lockette told them. "It's what powers the cages!" 

"Thank you!" Skylar walked towards it. "Would you like to do the honours?" 

"Gladly!" Layla transformed. She gathered energy and created a blast. She aimed and then she shot it. 

In a gust of smoke, the lock was unharmed. 

"Hmm...let me try..." Skylar shot at it too but was once again unsuccessful. "This stupid lock!" 

Layla got angrier. "Stand back..." She warned the pixies. "Skylar, with"

Skylar attacked the Lock and Layla attacked the cage itself but it was no use. 

Layla sunk to the floor. "That was my strongest attack..."

Lockette came forwards. "Lockette, try and find a weak spot in the forcefield." Layla told her. Lockette nodded. 

"There's no weak spot!" Lockette said distraught. "And the barrier is immune to magic!" 

"No magic? Then lets get physical." Layla began shoving her shoulder and arm into the barrier, only to held there and electrocuted until she fell. 

"Layla!" Skylar dove down next to her. 

"It hurts!" She cried. 

"Deep breaths okay? The pain will go away in a second I promise..." Skylar began to heal her. "Its all in your mind okay? It doesn't doesn't hurt..." 

Layla shuddered before sitting up again. "Thanks." 

"No problem." Skylar smiled. "Now how do you get them out of there!" Skylar looked at the barrier. 

She walked towards them and this time, really looked at the pixies. 

One of them caught her eye. 

The pixie stepped forwards. "Hello!" The pixie greeted. 

"Hi...I'm Skylar. Fairy of Air" Skylar pretended to curtsey. 

"I'm Salem! Pixie of Faith!" 

"You've bonded with one of the pixies!" Layla gushed happily. 

Suddenly they heard a commotion outside. "Uh oh. Lets go!" Skylar pulled Layla up. 

"We'll be right back Pixies!" Skylar called. "Just a short intermission for an ad break!"

Layla and Skylar flew down. 

"The Trix?" Skylar questioned. 

"Who are they?" 

"The route of all problems from last year." Skylar looked at Layla who looked at her shocked. 

"That chaos was them?" 

"Yeah. We sent them to some sort of peaceful retreat that was seemingly impossible to escape from..." Skylar looked at the very real Trix. 

Layla leaned over to whisper "Well it obviously didn't work." 

"Yeah I realised." Skylar rolled her eyes. "We have history with them, I'll get you up to speed when we get back to Alfea." 

The two split up. 

"Did someone say games? I'm a big fan of ball games myself." Layla quipped, throwing a energy ball at Icy. 

Icy grabbed it and it fizzled out in her fist. "Pathetic." 

Darcy hypnotised Layla and sent her to the floor. Meanwhile behind her, Skylar punched Darcy in her jaw. 

Darcy fell to the floor. "Oopsies." Skylar grinned. 

Stormy gritted her teeth. "Would you look at that, the knock off version of me." 

"Yeah? Well, your knock off just knocked out your sister." Skylar retorted. "Weren't you guys in prison?" 

"I wish." Icy muttered, thinking back to the peaceful retreat. "But enough chatter!" Icy sent an icy spiral towards Skylar who used wind to blow it towards Stormy. 

"That's it!" Stormy burst free from the ice and sent a tornado her way. 

Skylar shielded herself was eventually got pushed back from the strength of it. She was backed into a wall and fell down. Icy took this opportunity to freeze her limbs to the ground. 

Skylar struggled free from her restraints as Stormy helped Darcy up. 

I don't think you'd believe what happens next but an angel flutters down from who knows where. He hovers over Layla who springs back up. 

The Trix are blinded by the light of the angels wings. He unfrosted Sky and Skylar, frees Bloom from Darcy's hold and wakes Stella up. 

Skylar flies back up, transforming immediately. "Who on earth is that? I've been many places but I'll admit, I haven't seen an angel before!" 

The angel-man blasted the three witches with a beam of light and flung them away. 

"I'd like to say on the behalf of everyone, thank you." Bloom said. 

"Not to be rude but who are you?" Skylar asked. 

"You'll find out." He said ominously before spreading his wings and flying away. 

"What. Just. Happened?!" Skylar asked incredulously.

"I don't know but more monsters are approaching!" Sky warned. They ran for cover. "In here before they see us!" 

Layla  stepped out. "That's no monster...Those are the pixies!" 

"Layla!" They all chorused. 

Layla's eyes widened. "Wait no—"

It was too late, the Pixie knocked Layla down. 

They all came to join Layla. 

Amore bonded with Stella. 

Bloom bonded with Lockette. 

"That's the magic of bonding." Layla explained. "Its like love at first sight!" 

"How did you guys manage to get out of the cage?" Layla asked all the pixies. 

"It was easy!" Exclaimed Digit. "All of a sudden the barrier just deleted!"

"You weren't rescued by the angel-paladin-man-guy?" Skylar questioned. 

The pixies shook their heads. 

Stella cleared her throat. "This is nice and all but can I remind you while we're having this lovely chat Brandon is probably walking down the aisle by now?" 

"Stella's right." They all got up. "Come on girls! No time to loose!" 

Skylar almost forgot how Brandon was as they speak, about to marry the princess of Downland. They better get to it before Brandon becomes a newly wed. 

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