Aurum ✧ Peter Parker

By IncognitoInkwell

5.8K 169 2

Ava Stark, the rebellious and sarcastic daughter of the renowned Tony Stark, finds herself at a boarding scho... More

✧ ˚ · cast .
✧ ˚ 1· one .
✧ ˚ 2· two .
✧ ˚ 3· three .
✧ ˚ 4· four .
✧ ˚ 5· five .
✧ ˚6· six .
✧ ˚ 7· seven .
✧ ˚ 8· eight .
✧ ˚ 9· nine .
✧ ˚ 10· ten .
✧ ˚11· eleven .
✧ ˚ 12· twelve .
✧ ˚13· thirteen .
✧ ˚14 · fourteen .
✧ ˚ 15 · fifteen .
✧ ˚ 16 · sixteen .
✧ ˚17 · seventeen .
✧ ˚ 18 · eighteen .
✧ ˚ 19 · nineteen .
✧˚ 20· twenty .
✧ ˚ 21 · twenty-one .
✧ ˚ 22 · twenty-two .
✧ ˚ 23 · twenty-three .
✧ ˚ 24 · twenty-four .
✧ ˚ 25 · twenty-five .
✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .
✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .
✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .
✧ ˚ 29 · twenty-nine .
✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .
✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .
✧ ˚ 32 · thirty-two .
✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .
✧ ˚ 34 · thirty-four .
✧ ˚ 35 · thirty-five .
✧ ˚ 36 · thirty-six .
✧ ˚ 37 · thirty-seven .
✧ ˚ 38 · thirty-eight .
✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

✧ ˚ 39 · thirty-nine .

70 2 0
By IncognitoInkwell

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

Standing together on the train, Ava opted for her sunglasses once more, a subtle attempt to shield her face, although her distinct features were still recognizable upon closer inspection. Beside her, she observed Peter's actions as he typed out another message to Happy, a faint frown gracing her lips as she observed him scrolling through a string of unread messages.

"He knows, Pete. He usually picks me up, you know?" She reassured him, a gentle smile curving her lips as she referred to the text he had just sent about his school schedule.

Looking up from his phone, Peter returned her smile with a sheepish one of his own. "Yeah, I guess. I just don't want him to forget about me."

Ava couldn't help but giggle at his earnestness. "How could anyone forget about you?" Her affection for him shone through in her smile and words.

As the train swayed gently along its tracks, Ava's playful gaze remained fixed on Peter, a soft warmth in her eyes. The surroundings blurred outside the window, a quiet backdrop to their conversation.

Peter's cheeks tinged with a hint of pink at her words, his bashfulness endearing. "I don't know, I just... worry sometimes, you know?"

Ava's hand found its way to his, her touch reassuring and steady. "I get it, Pete. But you're a hard person to forget." Her voice held a soothing tone, as if she was trying to ease any doubts that lingered in his mind.

He offered her a grateful smile, his fingers gently intertwining with hers. "And you're the one who makes sure I remember that."

Ava's lips curled into a soft grin. "Hey, we're a team, right? I've got your back, Peter Parker."

As the train neared their station, they smoothly disembarked the carriage, conveniently close to the school's rear entrance. Walking together, fingers entwined, they descended the platform's steps and navigated through the gates, passing across the football field. Ava's presence drew greetings from fellow students, her popularity evident. Murmurs and surprised glances accompanied their intertwined hands, as their relationship hadn't yet been openly shared.

She slid her sunglasses off her face, situating them atop her head once more, and cast a warm smile toward Peter at her side. As they completed their trek across the field, the steps leading up to the road awaited them. Recognizing her heeled boots, Peter offered his arm in a gentlemanly gesture, assisting her ascent. "How chivalrous," Ava chuckled appreciatively.

As they reached the road's edge, their pace quickened in synchronization, a well-practiced routine between them. Just then, Flash, who seemed to hold the title of Peter's foremost detractor and Ava's most ardent admirer, zoomed past them in his vehicle. It was as if he was aiming to clip Peter as he drove by.

"What's up, Penis Parker?" he yelled, his taunting tone carrying as he slowed down to shout at Peter. However, his attention quickly shifted to Ava. "Looking good, Stark," he flirted, earning an eye roll from her.

Ava glanced at Peter, noticing him stop in his tracks, suppressing a sigh before walking up the steps to the school entrance. As she joined him, she leaned in and whispered, "Don't let him get under your skin, Peter. He's just looking for a reaction."

Peter nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, you're right. It's just hard to ignore sometimes."

Ava gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know. Just remember he's not the one with the Stark Internship- that's all you."

Navigating the bustling hallways, Peter and Ava moved with a familiar rhythm. The distant chatter of a school news report caught their attention, with Betty Brant and Jason Ionello discussing homecoming tickets and dates.

Principal Morita's voice sliced through the background noise, a mix of annoyance and authority directed at a mischievous drone pilot that flew past their heads.

Reaching Peter's locker, Ava exchanged a friendly smile with the group of cheerleaders standing nearby, familiar faces from their shared participation in the gymnastics club. She shifted her attention to Peter, observing his practiced movements as he skillfully manipulated the combination lock. With a soft grin, she leaned in to speak, her voice warm amidst the hubbub of the hallway.

"Hey, I'm going to catch up with Liz. I'll catch you in first period," Ava said, her affection for him evident in her gaze. Before parting, she planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, Peter's cheeks flushed slightly at Ava's affectionate gesture. He watched her navigate through the crowd with her usual grace, a sense of warmth lingering from her kiss. Once she was out of sight, he focused on his locker, retrieving his books for the upcoming class.

He felt somebody come up behind him, "Join me," Ned mimicked Emperor Palpatine, "and together... we'll build my new Lego Death Star."

Peter's brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and amusement. "What?" Turning to look over his shoulder, he saw Ned holding a miniature Emperor Palpatine Lego figure.

Beside them they could hear the cheerleaders commenting on their interaction, "So lame. Why does Ava Stark hang around with them?"

Defending his friend's idea, Peter retorted with genuine excitement, "No way! That's awesome. How many pieces?"

Ned answered with a sense of pride, "Three thousand eight hundred and three."

Peter's eyes widened, impressed. "That's insane."

Ned's excitement radiated as he presented his plan, his voice carrying eagerness. "You want to build it tonight?"

Caught in a momentary hesitation, Peter eventually shook his head, a tinge of regret in his expression. "No, I can't tonight. I've got the Stark-"

Ned finished Peter's sentence with a knowing nod, "Mm-hmm. Stark internship."

With a determined tone, Peter reaffirmed, "Yeah, exactly."

Gathering his textbooks, Peter started to move down the hallway, and Ned naturally fell into step beside him.

Ned's tone took on a hint of humour as he continued, "Always got that internship. Is it something to do with Ava? Can't she get you out of it?" He inquired.

Peter let out a small chuckle at Ned's question, shaking his head in response. "Nah, it's not that. Ava's great, but you know how it is. Gotta earn my keep at the Stark internship. Plus, it's not like I'd want to skip it anyway. And hopefully, soon it'll lead to a real job with them."

"That would be so sweet."

Peter agreed, "Right?"

Ned continued his playful speculation, painting a humorous picture, "He'd be all, 'Good job on those spreadsheets, Peter. Here's a gold coin.'"

Peter's amused gaze met Ned's, who responded with candour, "I don't know how jobs work."

With a grin, Peter concluded, his tone light, "That's exactly how they work."

Ned's excitement continued in his voice, "Oh." He chuckled, "I'll knock out the basic bones of the Death Star at my place. And then, I'll come by afterwards..."

As Peter walked, his steps involuntarily slowed, his attention pulled away from Ned's words. His eyes were drawn to Ava, who happened to walk past the corridor's end, surrounded by her group of friends, including Liz and Betty.

Caught in a momentary trance, Peter struggled to maintain his focus on Ned's ongoing conversation.

Amidst the ambient noise of the hallway, Ned's voice barely reached him, "...because for the most part, the difficult thing is the base of it. The top half we can knock out in two hours, tops."

Peter's reply sounded somewhat absent, "That'd be great."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

In the realm of the physics classroom, a less fortunate seating arrangement placed Ava right beside Flash, an arrangement that proved to be a constant invitation for his attempts at conversation. Resolute in her focus, she kept her head down, determinedly avoiding his attempts to engage her.

Amidst the backdrop of learning, the teacher's question pierced the air, prompting the class to respond. "Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?" Ms. Warren inquired, her gaze sweeping across the room. Beside Ava, Flash wore a confident smirk, his hand enthusiastically reaching for the ceiling.

"It's the product of the sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass," he confidently declared as the teacher selected him for a response. To his dismay, however, his answer was met with correction, a misstep that evoked a snigger from Ava, her lips curving in amusement as she observed his scowling reaction.

"Peter. You still with us?" Ms. Warren redirected her attention, recognizing Peter's distant demeanor.

Ava turned her head, glimpsing her boyfriend with a distracted gaze fixed on his laptop screen.

Caught off guard, Peter reacted swiftly, shutting his laptop with a hurried motion, his eyes now focused on the teacher's board.

"Uh... Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine," he offered, his response laced with a hint of uncertainty.

Ms. Warren acknowledged his answer with a nod. "Right. See, Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong."

Laughter cascaded through the classroom, and as the mirth settled, Ava met Flash's gaze, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

Flash's glance shifted, his simmering glare aimed squarely at Peter. "You're dead," he whispered, only to receive a swift smack on the arm from Ava, a silent reprimand for his words.

"You'll have to go through me, tough boy," she whispered in response, a hint of playful challenge in her tone.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Mr. Cobbwell's voice resonated through the classroom, his enthusiasm apparent as he delved into the day's topic – Danish physicist Niels Bohr. He injected a dash of humour into his introduction, quipping, "But trust me, there is nothing Bohr-ing about his discoveries regarding quantum theory."

The pun drew an audible groan from Ava, who shifted her goggles on her face with a touch of annoyance. Her fingers tapped rhythmically against the titration setup before her, a clear sign of her boredom.

Ava's attention sidled toward Peter, her curiosity piqued as she noticed him quietly unveil his notebook. Her eyes widened as they scanned the page labelled "Web Fluid Version 3.01." A smile curved her lips as she absorbed the intricate diagrams of molecules and the meticulous list of liquids, which included salicylic acid, toluene, and methanol.

Curiosity propelled her to lean in closer, and she whispered to him, "What are you up to?" As Peter proceeded to pour a vibrant orange liquid into a beaker, she observed with intrigue as the concoction began to stir and react. The mixture expanded in volume, spilling over the beaker's edges in a disobedient surge. Her eyebrows arched as Peter wielded a glass stirring rod, only to find the compound adhering to it, forming a web-like structure.

"What in the world, P?" Ava's soft inquiry reached him, their gazes locking for an brief moment before he shut the drawer.

"Just testing the new formula," he whispered in reply, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.

"In the middle of chemistry class?" She whispered back, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Peter shrugged sheepishly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, inspiration strikes when it strikes, right?"

Ava couldn't help but chuckle softly at his audacity. "You really are something else, you know that?" she whispered, her lips curling into an affectionate smile.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Seated together at a lunch table, Peter and Ned enjoyed a casual moment amidst the bustling cafeteria. Ned's gaze was fixed on Liz and Betty, who were working on hanging up the vibrant homecoming banner. Meanwhile, Peter's attention was entirely consumed by the sight of Ava, gracefully navigating the sea of students while carrying her tray of food. He couldn't help but smile at her careful determination to keep everything balanced and avoid any mishaps.

Ava approached their table with a bright smile, settling down with the two boys. She wasted no time in reaching for a fry from her plate.

Ned's curiosity led him to comment, "Did Liz get a new top?"

Ava turned her head to glance at Liz, analyzing her outfit. "Nope, she's worn that before, but never with that skirt. It looks good," Ava remarked casually before her attention was drawn back to her own plate.

In a sudden realization, her eyes widened, and she groaned, "I just remembered I promised I'd help her with this homecoming thing..." Frustration etched across her features, she looked at Peter, who offered a reassuring smile in return.

"I've gotta go," she announced, her tone a mix of resignation and determination. She pushed her tray toward Peter and Ned, signalling them to finish her food. Rising from her seat, she leaned over the table to place a gentle kiss on Peter's lips.

Ned couldn't help but express his admiration, blurting out, "You guys are so cute."

Michelle's distinct voice chimed in from the adjacent table, her dry humour cutting through the moment, "You guys are losers."

Ava responded with playful nonchalance, laughing, "Love you too, MJ." She stood up and called after Liz, her departure marked by her vibrant energy.

Observing Ava's departure, Ned turned to Peter with a teasing smile. "How'd you get so lucky?"

Peter's smile was affectionate as he shook his head, his answer simple and heartfelt, "I have no idea."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

After helping Liz set up some additional homecoming banners, Ava found herself seated in an auditorium beside Liz, who stood behind a podium, quiz cards in hand. Before them, the stage accommodated other members of the Academic Decathlon team, including Ned, Charles, Abe, and Cindy, each poised with a bell positioned before them in readiness for the practice.

"Let's move to the next question," Liz's determined voice cut through the air. "What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?"

Charles pondered, his thought process audible, "Hydrogen's the lightest. That's not the question. Okay. Yeah."

Abe chimed in, his answer clear and confident, "Uranium."

Cindy, who had been intently scouring her books for the answer, shot an unamused glare at Abe for beating her to it.

Liz acknowledged the correct response, her tone composed. "That is correct. Thank you, Abraham."

Abe's subdued triumph manifested in a barely perceptible fist pump. Under Liz's guidance, the team then turned their attention to a specific page in their books.

Meanwhile, on a table adjacent to them, Peter engaged in conversation with Mr. Harrington, the teacher responsible for overseeing the Decathlon team.

"Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?" Mr. Harrington's plea was accompanied by a glance towards Ava, invoking her potential influence.

Peter's resolve remained unwavering, his stance unwavering. "I can't go to Washington because if Mr. Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I'm here."

Ava attempted to intercede with a persuasive tone, "I'm sure he would be fine with it, Pete."

Flash's mocking interjection derailed the conversation, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." Ava couldn't help but roll her eyes at his antics.

Cindy's curiosity was piqued, prompting her to seek clarification, "Wait, what's happening?"

Sally, absorbed in her study notes while lying on her stomach, supplied the answer, "Peter's not going to Washington."

Cindy's incredulous objection echoed in the hallway, "No. No, no, no, no, no. No. No."

Abe's bell-activated inquiry pursued a better understanding. "Why not?"

Liz's frustration was clear, "Really? Right before nationals?"

Michelle, leaning against the wall with a book, shared an unexpected revelation, capturing everyone's attention. "He already quit marching band and robotics lab." She felt the need to clarify her statement, adding, "I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant."

Ava, giving Peter an unimpressed look, couldn't help but express her opinion on the matter.

Liz, displaying her authority, announced her decision with resolve. "Flash, you're in for Peter."

Flash's trademark arrogance manifested in a teasing remark, "Ooh, I don't know. I gotta check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up."

Ava, never one to hold back, retorted, "Disgusting, Flash. As if Auntie Nat would even spare a second glance at you." Her candid statement rendered the room momentarily speechless, all eyes on her.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Exhaustion hung heavily on Ava after the rigorous gymnastics practice, her body protesting with every ache. Her stomach emitted an impatient growl, a result of missing lunch while assisting Liz. Shifting out of her practice attire, she traded it for her usual clothes. With a wearied sigh, she slung her bag over her shoulder, the weight feeling even heavier than usual. As she left the school premises, she ran her fingers through her hair, undoing the messy braid and attempting to tame the dishevelled strands.

Originally planning to take the train home, her exhaustion was so pronounced that she found herself seated on the steps outside the school building. She reached for her phone, contemplating a message to Happy about the possibility of a ride, when the familiar sound of web-shooters caught her attention.

"Hey, pretty lady," a voice chimed from behind her. Ava turned, her gaze locking onto the sight of Spider-Man dangling upside down from a web connected to the school's roof.

A playful smile danced across her lips as she played along, "Hey, you're the spider-boy."

Peter's masked face gave a nod, his tone laced with humour. "Spider-Man works too, but I won't object to the nickname."

Curiosity and a touch of mischief glinted in her eyes as she asked, making sure no prying ears were nearby, "What are you up to, P?"

"Well," Peter began, his explanation unfolding with warmth, "I heard you skipped lunch to help Liz, so I thought I'd play the dashing boyfriend and bring you your all-time favourite sandwich."

Her expression brightened as she caught on, "From Delmar's?"

Peter's chuckle was like a melody, confirming her guess with a nod. "And there's this hidden gem of a spot nearby with an incredible view. Thought it'd be the perfect hangout for a lady as pretty as you." He grinned, his intentions clear. But before Ava could react, he gently grabbed her waist and sent out a web, latching onto a building across from them.

"Hold on tight!" he called out, excitement tinging his voice as he propelled them through the open sky.

The wind rushed past Ava as they swung through the cityscape, the exhilarating sensation sending a thrill through her veins. She couldn't help but laugh, the joy of the moment lighting up her features. She tightened her grip around Peter's waist. 

As they landed on a rooftop, Ava's laughter lingered in the air. "Wow, Peter, this is amazing," she exclaimed, looking down across her favourite part of the city, her old home at the Avengers tower in view.

Peter removed his mask, revealing his warm smile as he gazed at her. "I thought you'd like it. And look," he pointed, "there's the sandwich."

Sure enough, resting on a cloth spread out on the rooftop, was Ava's favourite sandwich from Delmar's, carefully wrapped and waiting for her. She felt a rush of affection for him, touched by the thoughtfulness of the gesture.

"Thank you," she said sincerely, her eyes locking onto his.

Peter's smile widened as he replied, "Anything for my favourite gymnast."

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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