The other original (Vampire D...

By XxLiveLoudLivesxX

214K 4.2K 317

Kalus is many things in many people's eyes, cruel, twisted, powerful, ruthless or even down right evil. Howev... More

The other original (TVD) fanfic
Chapter 1 Rude Awakening
Chapter 2 sudden realization
Chapter 3 a day from hell
Chapter 4 the forbidden stone
Chapter 5 A Fork in the Road
Chapter 6 The Tomb Entrance
Chapter 7 Drop the Bomb
Chapter 8 The Moon in the Sky
Chapter 9 a wilting Rose
Chapter 11 Rocks, Chains and a Wooden Stake
Chapter 12 dagger to the heart
Chapter 13 two faced witch case
Chapter 14 Liar, Liar
Chapter 15 Party Hard
Chapter 16 a haunting past
Chapter 17 the wolf, the witch and the bite mark
Chapter 18 ring of fire
Chapter 19 Bad Wolf

Chapter 10 New Wolves in Town

8.4K 189 14
By XxLiveLoudLivesxX

Chapter 10 New Wolves in Town


This chapter is my apology for not uploading in forever before yesterday but the next chapter I need at least 6 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS ENJOY

Emily POV 

I woke up the next morning to the sound of running water. Confused I felt around the bed blindly searching for Damon, only to realize he wasn't there.  

"Damon?" I called, there was no reply. Groaning to myself I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where I saw standing in the shower a very naked and oblivious Damon. 

"Oh god," I said while turning away slightly, suddenly Damon turned towards me with a confused look on his face. 

"Emily, what are you doing in here?" Damon asked while turning off the water. 

"Um, I, um, I can't focus till you cover your junk." I whispered while slapping a hand over my eyes. 

"I have a towel on Emily." Nervously I peeled my hand away from my eyes and sighed with relief when I saw that indeed he was wearing a towel. 

"Sorry I just didn't know if you were ok after last night." I asked sadly. 

"I should be asking you the same thing, come on let's get something to eat." I nodded before turning away from a wet Damon and heading back into his room where the tv was playing.  

"Two more dead at a high school party last night."  

"Did Rose do all that?" I asked sadly. 

"Yes she did." Damon replied while placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. 

"I know I'm a vampire, but still death isn't right." I growled.  

"Yeah, not right." Damon said flatly, but I could tell he was hiding something.

Elena POV 

"What are you doing here!" I demanded while making my way into the kitchen. 

"Good morning to you too, coffee?" John offered. 

"No we are not doing that, I want to know what you are doing here!" I demanded while crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I'm here to protect you, that's all I can say for now until I know I can trust you." John said while sipping his coffee. I was ready to protest when I heard Jenna rushing down the stairs. 

"I'm late and have no clue where Emily is, Jermey needs to stop covering for her late nights." 

"I'm sure she is fine Jenna, let her live a little." Alaric chuckled softly. 

"You're one to talk, you never liked her!" Jenna snapped a bit paranoid. 

"I resent that, we just got off on the wrong foot." Alaric stated while stumbling into the kitchen. 

"Oh Elena thank god, have you seen Emily she didn't come home again!" Jenna yelled. 

"I saw her last night, I think she went to Bonnie's for the morning." I said with a small smile. 

"How does that girl do it, one day you can't get her out of bed the next she is gone before dawn..." Jenna slowly stopped her rant when her eyes landed on John casually sipping his coffee. 

"What the hell are you doing here!" She snapped. 

"I got in late last night, Elena let me in." John stated with a slight shrug. 

"Well I want you out!" Jenna yelled. 

"I have a right to stay here." John said with a matter of fact tone. 

"I'm legal guardian and I want you out!" Jenna snapped. 

"Funny, Elena do you wanna tell Jenna the news or should I?" John asked while Jenna gave me a confused look. 

"Jenna John is..." 

"Elena's biological father." With that said he walked away leaving a confused Jenna.

Damon POV 

"John Gilbert that was your big plan?" I yelled at Stefan. 

"I called for Isobel and got John instead, he said he could help." Stefan said with a shrug. 

"And you trust him?"  

"Look the moonstone wasn't destroyed and you know that and we can't put our faith in Elijah he is an original they can't be trusted." I had to hold back from snapping at him, Emily was an original and I trusted her with my life so his words meant nothing.  

"Well what about Emily, she can help us!" I snapped. 

"She is clueless to this sacrifice, all she knows is what we tell her. John know about the sacrifice and offered to help. Isobel told him about this and he said he knew how to keep Elena safe." Stefan said. 

"And he is telling you nothing?" I sighed. 

"Well yes, but he will eventually." Stefan stated. 

"We don't have time for this Stefan!" I stated while walking away from him. 

"Sorry about Rose," Stefan whispered.  

"Whatever Stefan," with that said I left the room.

Emily POV 

Message from Tyler  

Emily can you come over please, I haven't talked to you since the full moon it's urgent! 

I sighed before typing a quick reply saying that I would be over in a few.  

"Where you going?" Damon asked me confused. 

"To Bonnie's be back later." I called while running out of the house before he could stop me.  

Soon I arrived on the Lockwood's doorstep and Tyler opened the door with a smile.  

"Glad you could make it, the parlour is right through those doors." I gave him a small smile before heading to the parlour as the door rang again. 

"What do you want?" I heard Tyler ask. 

"Can I come in." A familiar voice asked. 

"Fine but I have a guest over so be nice." Slowly I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and soon a woman and Tyler returned.  

"Well you must be Jules." I chuckled while crossing my arms over my chest. 

"And you must be Emily, the non changing werewolf." I nodded before sitting down once again as the others sat on the couch. 

"So did you talk to your vampire friend, she was lying wasn't she? They killed him, vampires are not your friends." As Jules said that Tyler's gaze fell to me causing me to chuckle. 

"Something funny?" Jules asked confused. 

"yes, well I'm his friend and a very pretty vampire if I do say so myself." I said while sitting up. 

"What!" Jules growled while approaching me. 

"Tyler said you were a werewolf!" Jules hissed. 

"Oh I am, I'm just also a vampire, funny isn't it. Hence why I don't change on full moons and can walk in the sun, it's a nifty trick." I said while rolling my eyes.  

"That breaks all the bonds of our code, you can't be!" Jules growled. 

"I am sister and you know just as well as I do that we are loyal people and we help out our own kind." I declared. 

"You're not one of us, you're an outcast, Tyler please let me help you it would be an honour." Suddenly silence over took the room as Tyler thought over his options. 

I sat with Tyler for a while and Jules left saying she couldn't be in the same room with an experiment like me. Frankly I was ok with that because I didn't like being with her either.  

"Tyler you don't have to do anything, I'm here for you." I said while placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

"I know Emily, and thank you for that." I nodded as he got up off the couch and headed for the study. 

"Want me to make some tea?" I asked innocently. 

"Who drinks tea?" Tyler asked confused. 

"I do it's soothing you should give it a try." I said with a small smile. 

"Fine, but don't break anything." Tyler yelled as I went into the kitchen. 

"No promises." Once in the kitchen I saw mrs. Lockwood there getting ready to leave. 

"Oh hello," the woman said a bit confused. 

"Hello, I'm sorry my name is Emily I'm a friend of Tyler's." I said while extending my hand towards her.  

"Nice to meet you Emily, listen I have to head out for the memorial so can you tell Tyler I left?" She asked sadly. 

"Yeah of course, please give the town my best." She nodded in gratitude before rushing out the door. 

Quickly I got to work on the tea, boiling the water when I heard fighting coming from the study. 

"Tyler, everything ok?" No reply.  

"Tyler?" Quietly I put down the hot water and made my way towards the study, nervous about what I would find. 

Suddenly my phone went off and I quickly picked it up. 

"What!" I hissed into the phone. 

"Whoa just me, wanted to tell you I'm going to the grill to confront John so don't do anything stupid." Damon declared. 

"No promises, and who is this John character everyone keeps talking about?" I said confused. 

"Fill you in later bye!" Suddenly he hung up leaving me annoyed and confused 

Quietly I continued towards the study where I heard people talking. 

"I thought vampires and werewolves were enemies? " 

"That's from another time it doesn't have to be that way anymore Tyler, we go to the same school, have the same friends."  

"Help, help!" Tyler screamed. 

"Who's number was that." At that moment I walked into the room to see Stefan holding Tyler's phone. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked Stefan. 

"Better question is what are you doing here!" Stefan growled. 

"Leave her alone she is my friend unlike you!" Tyler snapped. 

"I'm telling Damon about this Emily, this is just ridiculous now!" Stefan said while picking up Tyler's phone. 

"Stefan don't!" I pleaded. 

"Why are you afraid of Damon?" Tyler asked me while pulling me away from Stefan. 

"Because she loves him, love is a tricky thing Tyler." Stefan chuckled while holding the phone up to his ear.  

"Hey Damon it's Stefan, listen I have a little problem, it's Emily, she's here at the Lockwood's with Tyler." With that said he hung up with a small smile. 

"Stefan you have three seconds to run before I rip your head off!" I growled at him. 

"Oh I'm scared the smallest original vampire has a bite!" Stefan chuckled, before I could reply Stefan's phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. 

"Caroline, everything ok?"  

"That depends do you want her alive?"  

"Who is this?" Stefan asked.  

"Ask your brother, now if you want her alive bring the boy and the outcast to the clearing in the forest in 20 minutes or she dies." With that said the phone went dead. 

"Jules, she wants Tyler and me." I declared sadly. 

"Why?" Stefan and Tyler asked. 

"That I don't know."

Caroline PoV 

"Why are you doing this to me," I cried as my face burned from vervain. 

"Because you're a vampire, now how many of you are in town." I remained quiet which seemed to annoyed the wolf because he shot a small wooden dart at me. 

"Ahhh, let me out, let me out!" 


"Let me out!" 

"I can't hear you?"  


Emily POV 

"We're not actually going to the clearing are we, this is an insane wolf we're dealing with!" I growled. 

"Yeah, but don't worry you'll be glued to my side."  

"Damon, when did you get here?" I asked while turning away from Stefan and Tyler to face him.  

"Only a few seconds ago, funny though this doesn't look like Bonnie's house?" Damon said while glaring at me. 

"Must of gotten lost," I shrugged.  

"Well you won't anymore, come on let's get going." I wanted to protest but Damon already had a hold on me and ran out the door. 

Awhile later we arrived at the clearing where Stefan was already talking to Jules.  

"I just want the boy!" Jules shouted.  

"Tyler is free to make his own Decisions once Caroline is free." Stefan stated. 

"Look at that, my brother the peacemaker." Damon chuckled while dragging me out beside Tyler.  

"This the other one you're looking for Jules?" Damon chuckled while holding me. 

"Yes that is, you would hand over your own kind to me?" Jules asked. 

"She's more wolf, so she is not one of us." Damon stated, I knew he was lying considering I was very much more vamp then wolf.  

"Give me them!" Jules declared. 

"We will, once you give us Caroline!" Stefan demanded. 

"I don't think so." Suddenly Jules whistled and men emerged from the bushes all armed to kill a vampire.  

"Now give me the boy and girl." I was shocked she didn't call me an outcast, however with the numbers we were facing I silently went to her side with Tyler. 

"Which one of you killed mason?" A tall buff wolf asked. 

"Um that would be me." Damon said while pointing to himself, I looked at him in shock but he seemed to be avoiding my gaze at all costs, this must have been what he was hiding from me. 

"Boys make sure that one suffers." 

"We can take them," Damon stated. 

"I'm not so sure about that." Suddenly a whole battle broke out and I was left standing there watching it. I didn't know what to do so I ran to help only to be pulled away from the fight. 

"What the hell?" I asked confused. 

"I know who you are Emilia, Elijah sent me to help your friends but I can't do it alone the spell is to strong." A man whispered in my ear. 

"Elijah, helping someone?" I said in disbelief. 

"Your friend Elena made a deal with him, he upholds his deals. Now will you help me?" The warlock asked. I nodded my head yes and grabbed hold of his hand before casting the spell. I watched in amazement as all the wolves fell to the ground in agonizing pain while Stefan, Damon and Caroline approached us. 

"Elijah made a deal, I am here to see that it is upheld now get out of here." I nodded to the warlock in gratitude before running out of there with my friends. 

Soon Damon latched onto my hand and we ran back to the Salvatore's while Stefan took Caroline home. 

"That was an interesting night." I chuckled softly. 

"No harm no foul," Damon stated while pulling out two cups and pouring some bourbon.  

"To another night," I said raising my glass. 

"To another night." Suddenly the doorbell rang, I looked at Damon confused but he just shrugged and wrapped an arm around me before we opened the door. 

"John, what are you doing here?" Damon asked confused. 

"Oh so this is the famous John?" I asked while looking up at the man in front of me.  

"And you must be the Emily Jenna keeps freaking out about, which she should if you're here with Damon." John chuckled softly. 

"What do you want John?" 

"I know you and I didn't start off On the right foot but I do know you and your brother will do everything you can to protect Elena so. I come baring gifts." John declared while unwrapping a cloth. 

"What is it?" I asked him curiously. 

"The only way to kill an original." Suddenly I stiffened and hid behind Damon's back. 

"Keep that thing away from her!" Damon growled. 

"What no I mean you no harm, this only hurts originals." John explained. 

"Yes so keep it away from Emily you idiot, how do you think we survived tonight, we had two originals on our side. Elijah and Emily." Damon growled. 

"An original, it can't be. She looks so young." John said in disbelief.  

"How does this dagger work," I asked softly. 

"You dip the dagger in the ash of the white oak tree and plunge it through their heart." I gulped slightly but nodded before taking the weapons from him.  

"Thank you John we will get Elijah soon." I declared. 

"Where is Isobel?" Damon asked suddenly. 

"Working, let's just say if she accomplishes what she is doing, Klaus will never set foot in mystic falls." With that said he disappeared leaving the two of us with the only weapon in the world that could kill me.

Elena POV  

I was sitting in the kitchen quietly when John came in, I tried to ignore him but he was having none of it. 

"Elena I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to protect you." John said 

"Yeah get in line." I chuckled. 

"Look according to Jenna you share a room wit an original, do you know how dangerous that is?" John snapped. 

"You're more dangerous then her, Emily is vulnerable she has been through hell and back. In fact the first time she set foot in mystic falls she was practically tortured to death so I trust her way more then You!" I snapped. 

"I want you to have this Elena," John said while holding out a small bracelet to me. 

"What is it?" I asked confused. 

"It was your mother's" 


"No Miranda, she use to wear it when she was younger, I know you don't trust me and you have every right not to I have done so many horrible things, I know I'll probably never make things right with you, but I'm going to do everything I can to protect you. 

"Elena?" Stefan said just as John left.  

"Oh Stefan thank god, how are you is Caroline ok?" I asked concerned.  

"Yeah, but I could use your help." I nodded and we left the house.

Caroline POV 

I heard the doorbell ring, confused I went to answer it and saw Stefan standing there. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused. 

"Thought you might need some friends," suddenly he moved revealing Elena, Bonnie and Emily. 

"We're gonna slumber it." Elena said while hugging me. 

"Yeah we haven't done it in ages," Bonnie commented while making her way inside. 

"You need us and we need you." Emily whispered while holding me tight as I sobbed. 

Suddenly Emily's phone rang and she slowly pulled away. 

"Hello?" She answered. 

"Where did you go, Stefan said he took you somewhere?" I heard Damon yell through the phone. 

"I'm at Caroline's." Emily chuckled. 

"Funny how I don't believe you." Damon sighed. 

"Well then ask your brother see you tomorrow." Emily said softly. 

"Wait!" Damon yelled. 

"What?" Emily sighed in annoyance.  

"I love you." With that said Damon hung up and Emily returned to the group. Once she was back I couldn't help but awe at how small she looked.  

"Emily you and Damon will last forever." I said with a slight chuckle. 

"We're you listening in on our conversation." She asked while raising an eyebrow. 

"Maybe but that doesn't change anything, I love all you guys." I said happily. 

"We love you too."

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