Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

Von HopeJohn

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The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... Mehr

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

528 18 8
Von HopeJohn

Author's Note: Because there's so many things that goes on in the next few chapters, instead of having a long Issue #44 I split it off into issues 44 & 45. As always I hope you enjoy. ;)

            Our journey had officially started around five hours ago. Sawyer had taken the Impala, my impala, so no one had to put up with him for five hours in the car, plus no one was comfortable with him riding in the same car as Breanna even if he lost his bloodlust. I did warn him not so much as scratch would be on my baby, or he would regret the very day he was born. Seto was pleased I had taken so well to my car, when he had first gotten it for me, he wasn’t even sure if I would like it or not. What he didn’t realize was not only did I like it because it was an Impala, but I liked it because it was from him.

Now Seto had the windows rolled down, the breeze soothing my skin, as the sun beamed down against it. I had taken medicine when we had gotten in the car. It had finally begun to kick in, so now I was feeling better than before, plus the rest had helped. The wind ruffled my hair, tossing it around from the wind. I smiled, even though we were on the run from Trackers, we were still free. Nothing seemed to be able to take that away.

            The sun was settled in the west, but it would be a few hours before nightfall. “So where do you think we should settle in for the night?” Seto asked, his gaze flicking from the road to me.

            I gave a smile…I knew just the place.


“This is awesome!” Breanna cheered, walking along the edge of the lakeshore where we were parked. There was nothing but snowflake white pebbles and sand along the shoreline. I could see the Mackinaw Bridge, one of the few places that divided humanity and the wild, in the distance. Most of the cities was on this side of the bridge, after you got into the U.P. it was mostly wilderness. It would be more in our element to deal with the Trackers and Bakura there, it was so close, and it could wait till morning—besides they had no idea where we were headed. It should take them at least a day to figure it out.

Roran smiled at Breanna’s enthusiasm, removing his helmet and tossing it off to the side. He grabbed her and tossed her into the water. She squealed, the water was freezing.

He laughed at her, dripping wet, and fresh water seaweed had gotten entangled in her hair.

“You damn fox!” Breanna hollered, she rarely got this mad, “Let’s see how you like getting soaked!” She grabbed him by his black trenchcoat and threw him in. She slipped on the rocks and he fell on top of her. She sat up out of the water, sputtering mad.

In response he chuckled, not really caring.

I saw an old tree, the bark had peeled away on it to leave a bone white color. It’s roots interwoven into the rocks. That had been here since the last time I remembered as well. I walked up to it, and ran my hand down its smooth surface. It was beautiful.

Seto looked at me, closing his eyes with a smug grin, “How’d you even know about this place anyways?”

            I turned from leaning up against the tree tiredly. I gave a soft smile, “I came here when I was a little girl. It’s just like I remember it.”

            “Some things just never change.” Seto commented, walking up alongside me.

            I smiled in return, watching as Breanna and Roran teamed up to toss Sawyer in the water. With a loud splash he landed face first into Lake Michigan. Sawyer gave a low growl, “Don’t do that again you morons! I could have killed you!”

            Roran laughed, “I’d like to see you try!”

            A small frog had plopped onto his whitish grey hair and jumped back into the water with a splash. Even we had to laugh at that.

            Seto had wrapped his hands around my waist. “You do realize we have not even so much as a tent to sleep in right?”

            I nodded, “Actually we have one better,” I pointed to the cars.

            His eyes narrowed, “You seriously expect me to sleep in a car, all night?”

            I crossed my arms, “It’s not that bad. It’s either this or the ground. Besides, we’ve slept in worse conditions than this. The weather is supposed to be great these next couple days and nights.”

            He frowned, not particularly happy about this. “Oh ease up City boy.” I said with a crooked smile.

            “Hm…” He responded and walked away, making me frown. What was I supposed to do, let him pay for all of us to stay at a five star hotel? Besides…I looked at the view of the bridge, and the splashing waves on the shore…hotels had nothing on this.


            “Hope!” Breanna shouted, causing me to look up from the white tree I was laying under, all of the leaves had died on it long ago, so it provided me with minimal shade, but it was still better than nothing.

            “Yea?” I raised my head up off the ground, she was walking along the edge of the sand barefoot, Roran close at her side. There were no people around, so Roran had tossed off his jacket a while ago. His black wings glistened in the sun, and I stared at him with jealously, damn fox, my wings were better. Had been better anyways.

            “Well…” Breanna began, “I know it’s not sundown yet, so how about we head into the city? Do some shopping…get some food…” Her green eyes sparkled at the thought.

            “Yeah, I’m starving.” Roran agreed. I looked over to the Camaro, where Seto was stretched out on the hood, reading a book. Casually flipping the page, he pretended not to notice me staring at him. I think he was still pretty distraught about sleeping here tonight.

            I gave a smile, “How about it? Want to head back to civilization for a few hours?”

             He shut the book, “Why not?”

            I grinned, “You’re back to giving me two syllable answers! You’re normal again!” I gave him a hug in response, I looked up at him, “You’re not mad at me anymore…are you?”

            He scoffed, “I suppose not.”

            “Four syllables!” I cried and placed my hands on his forehead, “You’re not sick are you?” I joked, he gave me a smirk in return.

Roran chuckled, glad I was picking on Seto for a change, “Okay everybody, meet back here in two hours deal?” I said to everyone seriously.

            “You guys go on ahead,” Sawyer replied, “I think I’ll kick back here for a little bit, grab me some food while you’re gone.”

            “You don’t wanna come?” Breanna asked, staring at him with big green eyes.

            He shook his head, “Nah, I need some time to myself, think some things over, you know?”

            “Alright Sawyer,” I retorted, “If you’re certain,” He gave a brief nod in response. Since he had gotten over his bloodlust, it was a lot easier to trust him now, that was one thing that been beneficial about him going after Breanna, other wise Roran and I wouldn't have punched him in the nose so many times.

The downside was that not only Breanna had been attacked, but he had shredded my stitches in the process. At least I had some medicine now, which was helping, but I definitely wasn't in my top condition to fight anyone.


            Roran and Breanna split off, enjoying the city and festivities. “So…what do you want to do?” I asked, strolling alongside Seto.

            “Come on,” He reached out taking my hand as he dragged me through the crowds. I blinked in surprise, how is it he knew where he was going? He's never even been here before.

           After a few minutes, he stopped outside a fudge shoppe, and my eyes widened immediately recognizing the place from when I was young.

           I grinned, “My favorite fudge shoppe in the whole freakin’ world, how’d you know about it!? You paid Breanna to tell you things about me again didn’t you!?” I wasn’t mad, it was cute he wanted to know about me, but he should learn to ask.

He smirked, “I thought you’d be happy to be here.”


We walked along the edge of the shoreline. I walked slowly, swinging the shopping bag filled with mackinaw city fudge lazily with my wrist. “See?” I retorted, “This is nice,” Our hands were intertwined together. He nodded briefly in agreement seeming content for the time being. It was sweet, I was with someone who cared enough about me to try and make me happy, and cheer me up when I wasn't feeling well.

I remembered the loneliness Entrez had when she had to wander the earth without me to complete her spirit. Part of me wondered if all those times I was sad and forced myself to move on was a type of loneliness I never realized I had, because now I did not feel alone. I smiled looking to Seto, perhaps he completed me in some weird way.

I remembered the vision, of me and him in Egypt again, “Seto…I think you’ve told me…you’ve been to Egypt with Yugi and the others before, right?”

His eyes narrowed in annoyance, thinking of the Geek Squad. “Can’t we just have a nice conversation?”

“I’m sorry, I was just wondering more about Kisara, about us.”

He paused, his face getting serious, “I don’t know much more about her than you do probably, I do know she had the Blue Eyes White Dragon inside her.”

My eyes widened, my spirit Entrez was bound to my bracelet. Long ago they had tried to place a monster into that bracelet. I was only one of the few people one besides Kaiba that could play that monster in a shadow duel. Blue Eyes….

“So, that’s why Bakura called me Kisara.” I said, disgusted that Bakura would even know that name. Somehow, I was a reincarnation of her…if that was even possible.

Seto was shocked, “He what—”

“Yea,” I replied unhappily. I paused, staring out at the lakeshore, lost in thought, “He didn’t seem too pleased to see me either, but he wanted to take my power, and use it for himself since I was there.”

            “He won’t.” Seto said, I sensed the seriousness in his voice and I knew he would do whatever it took. “He’ll have to go through me first.”

            My eyes softened, staring at this man who I had long ago fallen in love with, but didn’t always have the guts to verbally admit it to him. “I know Seto, don’t you worry. We’ll take him down together.”

            He gave a nod, his hand tightening around mine as we continued to walk down the beach. “Come on…” He said, walking ahead of me, “Let’s go get dinner.”


            “Seto, you’re embarrassing me—this is too much honestly.” I sighed, taking in all the nice furnishings and dining this place.

            “Just order some food,” He said looking at the menu, then the waitress walked up. “Um hello…can I get you something to drink?” She asked, looking curiously from me to Seto.

            He sighed, remembering that in America you couldn’t drink legally unless you were twenty-one. “Just an Iced tea.” He grumbled, setting down the wine menu in irritation.

            She looked at me, “And you Miss?”

            I shut the menu looking on the back where drinks were, “The same I suppose.”

            “Okay, I’ll be back when you’re ready to take your order.” She clicked away in her black heels, making me annoyed. How could she walk in those things without doing a face plant in the dirt? I shook my head, remembering that some people were more talented at walking in heels than I ever would be. Heels were pretty useless to me though, you couldn’t fight in them, the only benefit they did was make you taller, which in my opinion, didn’t outweigh the blisters I would get from them.

            I looked around at the restaurant, the chandelier ceiling, the aquarium next to the table. He really did go out. Probably this meal would cost more than I made in a week. “Seto…” He looked at me, his blue eyes gazing at me intently, suddenly I felt my face heat up, “Uh…thanks, this was really nice of you.”

            He smirked, “Don’t mention it, Hope. Seriously, don’t. If Roran and the other two find out I dragged you here, they’d never shut up.”

            I laughed, “True. So what are we going to bring Sawyer when we get back?”

            He shrugged, “I don’t know, probably something cheap, he wouldn’t care.”

            “Neither would have I. I’m just glad we got some peace and quiet.”

            “We are in the middle of a restaurant.”

            The waitress arrived, placing our drinks on the table. “Are you ready to take your order?”

            “Yes, I will take the Fettuccine Carbonara.” Seto replied, closing his menu.

            “And you?” She asked carefully.

            “Um…the…three cheese chicken penne?” I retorted, handing her the menu. She stalked off again to another table across the room.

            I finished the conversation I was having before the waitress arrived. “That’s not what I meant, I’m using the words “peace and quiet” loosely. What I really meant to say is, it’s nice that we were able to take off, and do this by ourselves.” I admitted.

            He smirked, “Still opposed to the idea of getting a hotel tonight?”

            I shook my head, “No, I’m not having you pay for three hotel rooms just so you can be a pervert.”

            Seto appeared insulted by that, “I wasn’t even thinking that, I was thinking just some quality rest in a bed, you’re the one that mentioned doing more than sleeping.”

I blushed, "Oh, just shut up, Seto."


            By the time we had gotten back it was dark. They had a fire started, the flames flickering around their silhouettes. “We were starting to get worried,” Roran said through closed eyes, pretending not to care as he sprawled out on the fallen log he and Breanna had dragged away from the woods to sit on.

            “Yea,” Breanna glares accusingly at us, standing up and hovering over the flames, “Its been two and a half hours! Where were you!?”

            “Sorry—” I replied with a smile, “We walked around, then grabbed a bite of food.”

            “You get me anything?” Sawyer asks curious, “The girl and kid forgot about me.”

            I chuckled at his reference to Breanna and Roran, “I remembered, Fleabag.” I replied with a smile, dangling the bag with hamburgers and fries, “Learn to ask nicely though.”

            “Yes!!” He cheered, attempting to grab the bag of food from my clutches. I moved the bag away, just before his hand could grab the bag.

            “What do you say?”

            He turned crossing his arms, “Please, I’m not—”

            “Just shut up and take the food,” Kaiba tossed it to him and I pouted, my game was over with.

            I sighed, “Okay then I’m going to bed!” My eyes were tired and weary, plus we had all been in the car all day. Some rest would be nice.

            “You still feeling that bad?” Roran asked, opening his yellow eyes, the flames of the fire playing against them.

            “I’m still feeling a little rough,” I admitted, “But nothing a good night’s rest won’t solve.”

Seto scoffed, “I doubt that, but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to turn in.”

I walked over to the Camaro, and Seto opened the door, thinking it would be polite. He gave me a strange look when I jumped out on the hood of car, stretching out. “What are you doing?”

“Hm? Oh well I’m going to bed,” I said tiredly the cool metallic hood pressing against my back. I tucked my arms behind my head, propping it up as I looked up at the stars.

He sighed, shutting the car door and coming to sit down on the left side of me, mimicking me. Our sides were laying next to each other as I peered up at the glittering sky. I heard his voice next to me. “Do you know any of the constellations?” He asked.

“Some,” I admitted, looking at four big stars, “Like the big dipper, or Leo the lion. I know Sagittarius.”

“What’s Sagittarius?”

“It’s an archer, I think I’m born under that sign or something? I don’t know, I really don’t pay much attention to that horoscope stuff.” 

            “Okay, well there’s Delphinus the Dolphin, he took my hand and began pointing to the sky. I noticed the few stars together and how it jutted out to what appeared to be a fin, a dolphin fin then lower to its tail.

            “Cool, how’d you know that?”

            “My father taught me, my real father.” He added quietly, not referring to Gozaburo Kaiba. He frowned, his real mother had died when she gave birth to Mocuba, then Seto’s real father had gotten into an accident, leaving them orphans with a large inheritance. Unfortunately his “guardians” splurged all of Seto and Mocuba’s earnings then dumped them at an orphanage. People are so greedy…to think he didn’t have a mother, and his father passed away and instead of comforting them they dump them at an orphanage. I imagined he really cared about his father, to remember his father from so long ago. My father tried to teach me how to read the sky but I had forgotten after a week. The stars and constellations must be one of the nicest memories he has of his real father, I mused.

            “Oh, well that’s really interesting.” I said, trying to cheer him up, “What else do you know? And don’t respond with “everything” because I will get off of this car if you do so.” I gave a small laugh, letting him know I was kidding.

            He smirked, “Do you know that the Big Dipper is also known as the Chariot?”

            “No, but I do now.” I replied with a smile.

            “Do you know how to find Polaris?” That was the North Star.

            I imagined you just looked North. “No,” I admitted, “How?”

            “You see the two stars farthest from the reins…I mean handle?”

            I looked up at the sparkling lights in the sky, “Yea, what of them?”

            He took my hand again, “Follow it to the brightest star.” I watched as he made my fingers trace an imaginary line out from the two stars and sure enough, it was there.

            “You never fail to impress me sometimes.” I said with a smile.

            Suddenly I heard Breanna and Roran over to the campfire. “Let’s see how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth!” My closest friend cheered, as she held up the bag of marshmallows. Where did she even find those? I smiled.

            Roran chuckled, “I bet you can’t get four.”

            “I bet I can get seven!” She countered. I glanced over to my right to see her with a bag of jumbo marshmallows.

            “Jez,” I sighed, “They were being so quiet over there I thought they fell asleep. Now she’s over there stuffing her face….”

            “At least she’ll be quiet once she finally shuts up and does it.” Seto said thoughtfully and I giggled.

            “Shh!” I said, nudging him so she wouldn’t hear us.

            Sawyer seemed to be thinking the same as Kaiba, “I bet you can fit twenty with that big mouth of yours.”

            “Hey—what’s that supposed to mean dog boy!?”    

            I gave a small laugh in response and tucked my hands back behind my head while Breanna and Sawyer began to argue, the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

            “So what else do you know about the stars, Mr. Seto Kaiba?” I asked looking over to him.

            He had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful. I smiled, that was a rare occurrence, even with me around. With that I closed my eyes.

            Sometimes I wondered why if Gozaburo Kaiba had been such a jerk, why Seto even bothered taking his last name. Now after spending so much time with him, hearing him talk about his real father, it made me realize maybe he took on the Kaiba name was so he could prove himself to his deceased father, the one that he actually cared about. To prove that he had made himself known to the world, without his help. That as much as he loved them, he knew he could stand up and take charge even after they were gone. I smiled, knowing how well Mocuba was looked after, he had done so.

            I just hoped I could impact someone’s life like Seto had with Mocuba.


            Yugi walked around, his feet traipsing through the city. He looked around, the rain falling softly from above. Soon he noticed there were no other people around him. He looked around in confusion, there had been tons of people around him moments ago.

            Yugi…a familiar voice called and he turned, looking the direction the voice came from.

            He’d recognize that voice anywhere, “Pharaoh—I mean Atem?”

            He looked down an alleyway and saw him step forward, out of the shadows, a smug grin on the Pharaoh’s face.

            Yugi’s eyes widened, forgetting the spirits real name he cried, “Pharaoh!” He ran forward to him and tackled him in a hug. Atem chuckled as he fell into the ground, Yugi had always looked at him fondly, as if he was a big brother, and he had not seen him in such a long time.

           “I’m so glad to see you!” Yugi said, a smile on his face, “It’s been awhile—what are you doing here?”

            “Well…” Atem said, his face still with a small smile, “I’m sure you have figured out by now you’re dreaming…and since I am in the spirit world now this is one of the few ways I can contact you.”

            Yugi got off of him, standing up and scratching the back of his head sheepishly, “I was wondering what was going on when all of the people disappeared. Now it makes sense.” Yugi said, as the cloudy sky above them cleared and the sun beamed down on the skyscrapers.

            Yugi helped the Pharaoh up, “Yes, I’m sure it does. Do you know why I’m here Yugi?”

            “I’m not sure, is it because of everything that’s been going on at Kaiba Corp, with Seto, Hope, and the Vicinity Items?”

            Pharaoh frowned, “The Vicinity Items are just one of the reasons I contacted you today. We have a reason to believe that Bakura’s dark spirit never made it completely to the Shadows, he may have placed a piece of his soul into a Vicinity Item, just like he did with the Millennium Puzzle.”

            “What!? That can’t be possible!”

            Atem crossed his arm and frowned, “It is possible I’m afraid,”

            “So, are you going to come back and help us?”

            The Pharaoh turned to his vessel, “If I could come back I would, but I don’t think there’s any way.”

            Yugi frowned, “Well what do you think we should do?”

            “Keep on watch for one thing, and whose that girl you mentioned earlier, Hope?”

            “She’s one of the bearers of an item.” Yugi frowned, “Why?”

            “She’s in danger,”

Yugi smiled, “Well, she’s always been pretty good of taking care of herself, plus she’s already bound to her item, so even if Bakura takes it he won’t have any use for it.”

“I’m afraid he’ll still manage to do something with the items, even if they are powerless. Where is she now?” Atem claimed.

            “Uh….back in her world with Kaiba.” Yugi said, causing the Pharaoh to pause.

            He raised an eyebrow, looking to Yugi. To think Kaiba had left his company behind, for a woman? “They’re…together?” He shook his head in disbelief, “Well if they’re in another realm it explains why I haven’t been able to warn Kaiba as well, is it possible for you to, Yugi?”

           “Well yeah, if Mocuba’s in town, I’ll have to check.”

            “Good,” Atem nodded, “I will warn the others, I only wish I would have come bearing good news.”

            “It’s okay.” Yugi said, putting his hand on Atem’s shoulder, “I’m just glad I got to even see you again at all, it was certainly unexpected.” 

            Atem agreed, giving Yugi a grave smile. “I wish you the best, I will be watching now, and if there’s anything I can do, it will be done.”

            “Thanks Pharaoh.”


            Yugi ran down the street at night, the moon beaming down. As soon as he had woken up he contacted Kaiba Corp, but the secretary working late wouldn’t let him speak to Mocuba because she was getting ready to leave herself.

Yugi needed to get the Corporation, and let them know as soon as possible what was going on, if Bakura knew about jumping worlds, he might try going to them, if he hasn’t already.

            “I just wonder how well everyone else is handling getting to see the Pharaoh again.” He wondered aloud, hopefully they’d even believe him.

            “Hey Yug!!” A familiar voice said, running out into the street, a couple of cars honked and Joey shouted, jumping out of the way just in time. He was in jeans, but he hadn’t even bothered getting completely dressed, unlike Yugi, who had actually bothered to put on a shirt. Joey hadn’t even bothered with that, or shoes.

            “Joey—what are you doing here?” Yugi stopped, slowing down long enough for Joey to catch up.

            “Thought you might need the extra hand, I had some crazy dream, nearly thought I had lost my freakin’ marbles when the Pharaoh popped in for a visit.”

            “So he told you everything—”

            “Yea I was so out of it when I woke up though, I only remembered a couple of things, talking to him and he telling me I needed to go help you out.”

            They slowed getting up to Kaiba Corporation. “What are we doing here again Yugi?”

            “The Pharaoh said Hope was in danger, along with the other people with Vicinity Items.”

            “Oh I get it, so you think the only way to help Hope and that dude Roran is to go to them?”

            “Even if we get ahold of Mocuba we could at least warn them.”

            “Good point.” Joey said and tried to open the door. “Ugh!! Its locked!” He growled and began jiggling and shimming the door. He pounded on it, “COME ON MOCUBA!!! Open the door!”

            If what the Pharaoh said to be true, Bakura might be in there trying to use the machine already to enter Hope’s world. They needed to get in now, no matter what. “Here,” Yugi said and knelt down to the glass door, looking at the metal lock.

            “What are you doing Yug?”

            Yugi reached into his back pocket pulling out a credit card. “Grampa is always locking us out of the store here lately, so…I started to pick up some tricks of my own.” He knew how to break in.

            After a moment, the door swung wide open and Joey cheered, “All right Yug—that was awesome man!!”

            Yugi grinned sheepishly, “I don’t know about awesome—” They stepped into the room, and suddenly an alarm sounded.

           Yugi cringed, realized they just broke into a company worth billions. Of course there were going to be alarms. He turned to leave, but gates had fallen over the doors. “This isn’t good.” He said, his heart beginning to race.

Joey began pacing back and forth screaming, “AAAaaah!!! Yugi man that was a bad idea!!! Bad idea!!” Joey repeated.

“What is going on here!?” A voice cried and they looked to see Mocuba standing on a balcony, looking down.

“You two!?” He face palmed, really ready to kill them. “Guys—I just getting ready to come unlock the doors!! You didn’t have to break in Joey!”

Joey pointed to himself, “Me—why does everybody always think it’s me! It’s this little runt here that did it!” He looked accusingly at Yugi.

“Runt!?” Yugi blanched, “Five seconds ago I was awesome, and I’m taller than I used to be!! Just because I used to be short does not give you the right to call me—”

“Once a runt—always a runt,” Joey stated and Yugi’s began to argue in defiance to him.

Mocuba was not impressed at all by their exchange of words. They continued to bicker—the alarms blaring and covering up most of the profanity. Mocuba sighed, he had never heard Yugi use that typed of language before.

Needless to say, he had enough, “Okay this is ridiculous—” he decided and came downstairs, walking up to a keypad, punching digits into it. All of the alarms turned off, and the lights quit blinking.

Yugi and Joey stopped arguing, turning to look at Mocuba, both now realizing he was there.  “When did you get down here?” Joey blinked, and Mocuba gritted his teeth, doing his best not to snap at him. It was only two o’clock in the morning, and yet Yugi and Joey had already managed to tick little Mocuba off, and he usually was so nice.

Just come on—now I have to call and notify the police that it was just an accident. Follow me.” Mocuba said, ushering them into the elevator.


lol I loved writing this chapter, so many cute things happened. Please vote or comment before you continue on! I love getting feedback from you guys. :P


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[5th year anniversary book] "It's the wings of fate that blinds us together." (Y/N) (L/N) is a duelist in Heartland City. He attends a school called...
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I don't own the rights to Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, all rights belong to Kazuki Takahashi. This story is a fan-fiction and takes place three years after everyt...
551 14 5
Your favorite Yugioh characters (maybe not all of them are your favorites) are suddenly transported to an arena where they have to duel one another i...
11K 298 10
(First Fanfic Haha) A new girl shows up at Domino High. After beating Yugi in a game, she starts getting targeted by a mystery boy and his company an...