Candy - August Walker AU ❣️

By ashbrat488

23.8K 1.5K 337

~COMPLETED~ Meet August Walker, the CEO of a renowned Security Firm located in the bustling streets of Washin... More

Forty - Final


886 53 3
By ashbrat488

Joe moans, distracted from the game he was trying to play as Cassidy wrapped her mouth around his cock between his legs. "Oh god." He rests his hand on the top of her head, glancing down to find her brown eyes on his. "Cass..."

She giggles around his cock, resting her hands on his thighs as she allowed him to guide her on him before his phone rang beside him.

He groaned, looking to see August's name on the screen as he tried to push her away. She didn't budge, grabbing his cock with her hand as she continued her work. "It's my boss!" He hisses as she only shrugs.

"Answer it," she demands, pulling his cock back into her mouth, eliciting a grunt from above her.

"Hello?" He answers gruffly, trying to control his breath.

"Joseph, how are you?"

He tensed slightly at the sound of August's stern voice on the other line. Even through the phone, August Walker was someone that commanded attention. "Sir... I'm good." He manages to stumble out as Cassidy deep throated his cock, causing him to hit the back of her throat.

Cassidy rolled her eyes at Joe calling the August 'sir' as Joe bit his lip, trying his best to keep quiet on the phone.

"Listen, the Mrs. and I are having a small New Year's Eve party at the house and we wanted to invite you. And bring your pretty girlfriend too," August insists. "What was her name? Carly?"

"Cassidy... sir," he offers, gripping her hand in his hand as he now began to push her down on him and she moaned softly around his cock.

"Cassidy, right. I'll send you an email with the details. See you next week."

Joe knew that it wasn't a question or an invitation, not really. It was a summoning. "Yes sir. Thank you!"

"Please, call me August."

"Ye—" Joe hears the line click, scoffing slightly as he tosses it onto the couch beside him. "Fuck, Cass..."

She hears him grunt, feeling his cock tighten without warning as he came in her mouth, pushing her down on him as she swallowed. She pinched his thigh when he released her.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

"You're supposed to tell a girl when you're about to come!"

"Sorry," he chuckled, watching her stand up, grabbing his water from the table to take a large gulp, before plopping beside him on the couch.

"So... who was that?" She asks, already knowing the answer. She grabbed the book she had been reading earlier in the day and propped herself on the edge of the couch, facing him as he pulled his shorts back on.

"August Walker," Joe answers gleefully. "He invited us to his house for a New Year's Eve party this weekend. Can you believe it?!"

"Us?" She shakes her head, looking back down at her book, a little annoyed at his excitement. "No thanks."

"No thanks?" He repeats, placing his hand on her book to push it down, forcing her to look up at him. "What the fuck do you mean, no thanks? He said you were invited to. Sort of insisted I bring you. You're coming."

"No, I'm not. I do not want to go." She slams the book on the coffee table as he scoffs.

"You have to! I just started working there and I've been invited to the boss's house! There are guys that have been there for years that have never been invited. This is a big deal. It will be an even bigger fucking deal if I don't do as he asks and bring you."

Cassidy scowled, knowing she was the only reason he was invited in the first place. "I don't want to go. I do not like him."

Joe rolls his eyes at her childishness. "We always have to deal with people we don't like. It's a part of life. Please, Cass! This affects my career and how August sees me..."

His voice softens toward the end as he lowers his brows, doing his best to look dejected as she groans. "Ugh! Fine!"

Joe grins, pulling her to him to lay kisses along her cheek, down her neck and back up as she giggled. "Thank you. It means so much, really. Especially after you said you didn't think we were ready to meet each other's families for Christmas."

She groans softly with a sigh, resting her hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm just not ready. And I don't really think a big family holiday is the right time to introduce your significant other. It can be overwhelming..."

"I know." He nods with a small smile. "It's fine. Really? When you're ready, I'll introduce you to my parents."

"Sounds good. Can I go back to reading my book now like I was before you interrupted me?"

"I interrupted you?!" He laughs, squeezing her sides as she squealed, giggling. "I was sitting here quietly playing my game."

"You're so cute when you concentrate," she teases as he laughs, shaking his head.

He places a kiss on her nose before releasing her to allow her to prop herself back up in her spot beside him. She rested her legs in his lap as she returned to reading and he returned to his game. She took a glance back at him as he played, wondering how she would manage to date him while also trying to avoid August. She wasn't even really sure yet that she wanted to avoid August. Sure he was just a client and it didn't mean anything, but that didn't mean that she didn't enjoy her time with him.


August dialed another number after hanging up on Joe. He paced his office as he waited for the line to pick up. Finally, he heard the click. "Hey."

"Walker? What's up?"

"I might have a job for you."

"Who do I get to kill?" The man asks brazenly asks from the other line, making August scoff and roll his eyes.

"No one..." he stops pacing, glancing out the window with a small shrug, "well, I haven't decided yet. But you owe me."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you need Walker."

"Good, I'll be in touch." August hangs up the phone, sliding it into his pocket just as he hears his office door open behind him and his five-year-old son comes charging into the room. He turns around with a smile, scooping him into his arms.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Walker... he got away from me."

August smiles at the nanny, obviously tired from chasing his son all day. "No worries, I'm done for today. Where is his mother?"

"I... I do not know, sir." She keeps her eyes drawn down, away from him. She knew he was easier to deal with when he was around his son, but she did not want to be the one to incur his wrath because of Sara.

"Right," August sighs, patting her shoulder gently. "Go home. I will get him to bed." He dismisses her with his hand as she quickly scurries away and he focuses on his son, setting him on his feet. "Go pick out a book, I'll be right there." He chuckles to himself as his son happily runs up the stairs toward his room as he follows him. 

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