Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

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You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C14: Bonney
C15: Café
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C25: Clarification

327 18 31
By MasclaraReign

You arrived in front of the Eustass mansion followed by your brothers this evening. They parked near your car and went out, staring at the perfect mixed red shades of the Eustass Mansion. (The exterior is up to your imagination, dear readers hehehe)

"Can't deny, the mansion's exterior is nice." Peros said.

"Agree, but mama's better." Cracker said.

"Why don't we go now so we can get this over with." Katakuri said, not in the mood for sight seeing. You smiled at his little impatience as if he can't wait to beat up your potential ex-husband. Killer invited them prior to this day because he wanted your family to know how this meeting ends and how your marriage would be in the future.

The men who opened the gate awhile ago served as your guide and opened the doors of the mansion. They guided you all to the hall where a big long table with a set of food is on the center line. Sitting on the end is Killer, on his right are Kid, Wire, Heat, Bonney, Bartolomeo and Cavendish. On the left side were Nami, Robin and Morgan who came 10 minutes earlier.

They greeted you as you did the same. Peros sat on the other end of the table opposite to Killer like a family father figure representative to your side. You and your other brothers sat on the same lane with your friends.

"Good day everyone, thank you for coming here in our home. Let's get to the main point of this evening while you make yourself at home and enjoy the food." Killer gestured a hand towards Kid indicating his time to speak. "Brother?"

"Well, I uhh-" Kid scratch the back of his head, he wasn't able to compose himself in your presence. The pressure of having this day to be his last chance to make it up to you is taking so much toll in him.

"Start with sorry~~" Heat whispered to him. Of course, apologies are not in Kid's vocabulary to say especially in front of other people.

"First thing, I apologize to..." Kid tried his best not to cringe and feel out of character. He took a deep breath, closed and opened his eyes before continuing. "I apologize to the Charlotte family for hurting and offending Y/n. Well, except for punching back Katakuri, I ain't apologizing to that. He did it first."

"Kid..." Killer sighed, slowly shaking his head. The blonde thought his brother has learned better but the red head is still a prideful one.

"We're actually angry for what you did to our sister but she asked us to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even though you don't deserve it, Kid." Katakuri spoke calmly but made sure that his last sentence stick to Kid's brain.

"But you deserved Katakuri's punch." Cracker snickered, reminding them about what happened last time. Both Wire and Heat were trying their very best to avoid starting fire in the conversation.

"We know that arrange marriage is part of our mama's way to connect business from one family to us, but this time is different. Y/N was supposed to have her own freedom like us because of her performance in the family business but you came, Eustass Kid. It's just a little disappointing that you didn't keep your promise." Peros spoke like the best spokesperson he is. But his statement caught your attention, making your brows knit.

"What do you mean by that?" You asked.

"As what brother is saying, the Eustass family approached mama, asking specifically for you. And ooohh, they offered a lot just to make mama approve." Cracker answered for your brother.

"Killer wanted Kid to be the one to tell you about that information so we never brought it up to you as a respect to his position as your husband." Katakuri said.

"Even though he didn't deserve such respect." Cracker snickered again.

"Enough with those irrelevant side comments." Heat rolled his eyes on the purple head. The latter's face can be seen satisfied for irritating Heat, Kid and Wire.

"Kid never discussed that to you? He paused his race career to have more time with you and study about how business works since you are into business." Killer seems confused.

"Uh, no." You answered. Killer sent Kid a look but the red head only smiled at him sheepishly.

"I tried but she was angry and kicked me out of her house." Kid said while Killer sighed.

" See? That's what I don't like about you. You don't talk to me about important things but you talk loudly when you're arguing with me. AND you chose the worst timing to tell about that." You pointed out, throwing your hands in the air as a sign of frustration.

"Let us set that aside for the meantime and go back to our discussion. Would you care to explain why Mr. Cavendish is here with some other guests?"

"Isn't Bartolomeo a member of some underground organization who uses black mailing?" Cracker wanted to laugh upon recognizing the man with a light green-colored hair.

"Yeah, and you were our client 3 years ago. As well as idol miss Nami here." Bartolomeo blushed.

"Shoosh, this is not about me." Nami whispered but loudly enough to be heard while Cracker only chuckled, not denying the facts.

"You two know him?" You were surprised by that information.

"Yeah." Nami and Cracker answered.

From a different year, Bartolomeo worked with them and it's the same purpose which is to black mail a target. Because of that history, Bartolomeo never showed himself to you during his whole time working with Kid.

"The three of them are here because they were involved with my so-called project." Kid cleared his throat and started explaining.

According to him, he is friends with Bonney under the same worst generation gang in the underground, same goes for Cavendish and Bartolomeo. Their specialty in the underground is black mailing with the use of real evidence, undercover and many individual work.

They investigate people whether for a client or for their own entertainment only. Once the trio finds an intriguing secret of a person, they use that to gain money or favor in exchange of keeping the secret safe.

What they show to the public as their current work is just a tip of an iceberg and a foundation of their image. In that way, people will most likely to believe in what they say in case of unwanted issue rising to the public.

Kid asked the trio to work on a project, a project to catch you if you're up to something. But since they cannot find anything suspicious about you, Cavendish entered the picture. During those times you were with Cavendish, Kid was there with Bonney listening to the conversation being recorded while Bartolomeo is cunning enough to be hiding within the crowd while taking documents.

At the same time, some men from the Eustass family made sure to blend among the crowd to prevent any paparazzi when you we're with Cavendish. It is to keep your image safe during the test.

The only mistake was not deploying their men during the last test, that's why Apoo has the luck to record a video from that tragic evening and made it as his content which incited questions from the press. That's another matter to face after this evening.

"Oh, it's no wonder my employee caught you two in a restaurant and a laptop is always present." Morgan spoke with amusement, speaking from his own observations on his employee's report.

"Caught?" Wire asked the man across him.

Morgan looked at you for a moment, asking for permission to speak. You nodded as a sign for him to resume.

Morgan explained about how you, Nami and Robin reached out for his service. He told everyone in detail, even how he saw yourself broke down upon seeing those pictures of Kid and Bonney. It was the time when Bonney wasn't introduced yet as a close friend of the Eustass.

"Um, Mr. Morgan, not too detailed." You whispered while eyeing him.

"Oh, was it too much?" Morgan realized but laughed at himself.

"But as you can see, nothing was suspicious about us 'cause we're like brothers, right?" Bonney spoke.

"Nothing suspicious. It was just strange that you two are always together but now, that is plainly answered." Morgan agreed with Bonney.

"We didn't tell you about Kid's plan but believe us, we wouldn't tolerate our brother if he's going to cheat on you." Heat said. You can't help but smile from his words.

"We would feel ashamed if he did cheat. I mean, we're his older brother. We are responsible too." Wire chuckled.

You smiled, warming up to them again.

"Well, moreover, I would like to apologize to you, Y/N. Since the Eustass are like my brothers, I needed to help Kid with his crappy project but I was hanging out with you like a real friend. I wasn't faking my persona." Bonney explained but your eyes didn't meet her and your only response was a nod.

Bonney understood how you're feeling so she still had her pearly smile. A nod was enough for her.

"How about you, Cavendish and Bartolomeo? I think you have something to say too." Killer called for their attention.

"Me? Uh..." Bartolomeo started, scratching the back of his head. "I'm just here for being part of Kid's project and for leading the Eustass employees to keep the media out. Cavendish has a lot more to say." Bartolomeo nudged the blond beside him who has been avoiding everyone's gaze the entire time.

Cavendish sighed roughly and roamed his eyes around the Eustass brothers, to the others, then locked his gaze on you.

"I...am sorry, Y/N. I hope you can still forgive me after what happened." He spoke as if you were the only person in the room. "Our side had a personal conversation and...yeah, I may have done something wrong but the friendship we displayed is real. We weren't faking it just for the project."

Everyone was quiet and listening intently to what Cavendish had to say. He clarified that the project was true, to investigate if you'd cheat and to make you fall for him as part of the test. However, the part where he said Kid wanted you out of his life and that the Eustass wanted to win the Written Agreement by setting you up was wrong.

"So...What would've happened if Y/N fell in love with you?" Robin asked.

"Kid wasn't really planning on filing a case. If Y/N chose to be with me, Kid's plan was just to let her go if that's what she wanted, nothing more. However, Kid didn't expect that I'd fall for his wife. I didn't expect it too." Cavendish said in a sad tone, a tone of defeat for being the unchosen.

"That's it? Kid wasn't even planning to receive the deal from the Written Agreement if Y/N is found guilty?" Nami asked.

"He wasn't. The purpose of what we did as a group is to see if Y/n would genuinely want to stay loyal as Kid's wife." Cavendish answered then stood and his eyes looked down on his shoes.

"Y/N, I really do apologize for what I said and did. I hope...we can still hang out again some time as...friends. Just like the old times."

He then turned to Kid who was not yet ready to forgive him.

"As a gentleman, Kid, I admit that I have done you wrong. Both of us didn't expect that I was the one who fell for Y/n and that was a mistake on my end. But if you decided to forgive me, you may call me anytime to join the hosting of Heat's upcoming race and the upcoming car show this upcoming year."

Cavendish stepped away from the table then bowed a little, saying he is not needed anymore and he'll be off now. Killer accepted it and allowed him to go.

Cavendish exited the room, carrying a relief and sadness at the same time.

It was hard to end it that way but it's a consequence of one's actions. Bonney and Bartolomeo has already warned him in the past, they never failed to remind him about the situation. It was only him who failed to listen to them.

"What about you, Y/N?" Killer called for your attention when Cavendish was gone.

"Well... you all know it's been hard for me and Kid to get along, right? So my anger got the best of me and my intentions for sending a paparazzi was to see if Kid is cheating on me. Hoping that I could use those evidence to file a divorce with mama's permission and to avoid consequences from the family." You look down to your hands while rubbing your fingers as hesitation rises.

Robin cleared her throat and spoke for you.

"If it was true that Kid wanted her for a long time, maybe Kid lacked proper communication with Y/n and it resulted in misunderstanding and arguments. That also made us think that Kid is doing wrong deeds behind Y/n's back."

"Due to always having misunderstanding and arguments, we all thought Kid will never treat Y/n fairly. I know everyone is aware that these two has been fighting since day one, right?" Nami said.

"That's true." You admitted the set up at Black beard's bar, talking about how you tried to test him too but that was only for a night before reaching for Morgan's service.

"To be honest...I felt relief when Kid declined the hostess' offer. That's when...I started feeling funny inside." You admitted.

"Funny? You mean you felt butterfly in your stomach?" Cracker scoffed, crossing his arms on his chest while giving you the side eye. You closed your eyes then covered your face with a hand.

"Oh please brother, quite." You murmured. "As I was saying, I noticed Kid started changing little by little after how many months. It wasn't much but I appreciated that and so I ended Morgan's service because I thought I could trust him already. Little did I know, he didn't trust me even if he showed changes."

"I guess Kid is the only problem here." Katakuri commented. Kid didn't say anything but secretly rolling his eyes over Katakuri's comment.

"Both side lacks the understanding and both fairly didn't trust one another during the first time of the marriage. That is understandable. However, we, Eustass, understood that our brother had made some shitty move." Killer said calmly while his attention was on the red head.

"Yeah, I know, I know, but during that project, I tried my best to change. It's just hard for me to trust easily, you know me Killer." Kid spoke sincerely, recalling his conversation with Cavendish when they started the project.

"You heard your wife? She said she won't cheat even if the Written Agreement didn't exist. Hahaha, I can't believe she's too tough to deal with your shit." Cavendish laughed. The red head didn't pay too much attention on the blonde's last sentence because he's used to it. But knowing your words, it made him think about how patient you were with his attitude and your willingness to remain loyal to the marriage.

"I noticed your small changes. Being nice to me, talking to me more and had less argument with me. I realized I didn't really want you to leave me. But the thought of you not trusting my loyalty hurts a lot because I already trusted you."

Katakuri gave you a napkin to wipe the little tear escaping your eyes. You can't help but giggle from his concern and thanked him for that loving gesture while he glares at Kid.

" Awe, sis. That's so sweet and poetic." Cracker looked at you with an awe but you can tell he's teasing you too.

"Eh. Are you really on my side?" You pushed him jokingly.

"Well, I am." Cracker grinned and placed his arm around your shoulders as he sways you sideways like trying to stop a child from crying.

"I promise it won't happen again." Kid spoke.

"I believe everything is explained now. So, Kid and Y/n...what is your decision?" Killer asked then took out some papers and pen that were prepared earlier under his chair. It was Kid's divorce paper copy that you sent him from the other day.

"As your brother, we will support your decision. You don't have to be afraid of your written agreement anymore." Peros assured you.

The atmosphere began to be heavy again as everyone waits for your answer. Bonney and Bartolomeo even paused chewing just to focus on what you'd say.

"Wait! Before you say anything..." Kid stood on his chair and made his way to you. Everyone was shocked when he rushed behind your seat.

"Wow." Bonney and Bartolomeo commented in the middle of munching food.

When you scoot from your chair to have a good look at what's behind you, you blinked twice to see Kid who is kneeling on his one knee. The room fell silent when he opened a little box with a ring inside it.

"Y/n Charlotte, I know I have been such an ass and I'm sorry for that, but I just wanted to ask you with your own free will... Will you marry me? Again?"

You glanced over your brothers and friends like asking for permission or a sign of objections. Cracker and Peros gave you a genuine smile. In their minds, they cannot dictate what your heart really desires. You're eyes averted to Katakuri and as if he read your mind, he sighed lightly.

"As long as you're happy." Katakuri finally said under his scarf.

Masclara (author) : If you were to choose ONE, who is that One Piece character that you'd marry in a heart beat? Mine would be Trafalgar Law.

Written date: July 30, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara

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