C11: Liar

308 21 13

You needed time to reflect and assess your surroundings with Kid.

Days passed by... No arguments, just a little bit of annoying each other that turns to a little scoff like it was a natural thing between you two. It was far different from the first months that you've been with him.

Reflecting on the previous days and the previous reports made you question yourself. You told Cavendish before that you don't want to divorce Kid because he never hurt you physically but there must be something more than that.

Even if the past months have been an argument routine, you still appreciated it when Kid calls his brothers to look after you when you have a hangover or whenever you're sick. Followed by his brothers' reminder that Kid was just having a hard time expressing himself.

With or without 'love', there's this little desire inside you that wanted to save the marriage. But then again, you don't want to have a marriage without mutual loyalty.

His loyalty is all you needed to hold on to the marriage.


Was it just loyalty?

You wiggled from your bed. Rolling to the other side, then to the other side again until you just turned to face the ceiling, frustrated.

You didn't drink coffee but you can't sleep because of overthinking.

Surrendering, you got up on your bed and went outside your room. You were supposed to go down stairs but you remained standing in front of Kid's door.

It's already 2 am and he's probably asleep by now. You walk back to your room then his door opened. He peaked from his door and saw you about to enter yours.

"What do you need?" grumpy man as ever.

"Nothing." You resume entering your room.


"What?" You groaned.

"Y-You can sleep here if you want to."

You're eyes widened for a brief moment. He never offered his company before especially in his room, where all of his privacy is stored.

"No." You tried to compose yourself and entered your room instead but was surprised when he followed you.

"He- wh- What are you doing in my room?! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN ROOM, KID!"

You're just dumbfounded to see him slip through your side to enter the room before you could even do.

He ignored you and just went to dive in your bed face flat then placing his phone on the nightstand like it's his own room.

"I can't sleep too so just let me stay here just for the night." He grumbled under the sheets.

"You're stubborn."

"I wouldn't do this if I didn't notice your shadow on my door gap. You've been standing there for 5 minutes like a murderer from a movie scene."

You wanted to slap your face for that. How are you supposed to know, you thought he was sleeping already.

You pulled your blanket, thinking of sleeping on the couch downstairs.

Before you could pull it from your bed, he grabbed the other end of it to stop you. He lifted is face from the bed to look at you then yanks it, causing you to yelp as you stumble yourself on the bed landing close to his ass. You raised a glare but he didn't care. Instead, he moved himself comfortably to the other side, giving you a space on the bed.

"What the hell Kid, you're acting like a LITERAL kid."

"Just come here, your bed is wide. Both of us can fit." He grumbled and turned to the other side with his back facing you. He ignored your glare and hugged an extra pillow near him.

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