C10: Lunch Date?

330 18 3

"Drive faster." Kid groaned beside you while his arms are crossed in his chest, glaring at the road.

Kid wanted to use one car for convenience so here you are, sitting on his driver seat.

"If I drive faster, I might damage your car or maybe bump somewhere." You said without caring about his complaints. You weren't too slow nor too fast but to that person sitting on the passenger seat, it felt too slow. Probably because Kid is not used to your preferred speed especially on a freeway.

"Why would you want to drive then?"

"Because... You drive too fast, remember when we had a meeting to attend to? You left me while you drove off dangerously like a mad racer, overtaking cars with every chance you get. You did that again when you picked me up last time. I couldn't even drive my car that fast. " You explained calmly.

"I was a racer before marrying your dumb ass."

"I know, dumb ass. But isn't this your idea of punishment? To serve you all day? So be quite and let me drive peacefully."

He didn't argue back but clicked his tongue as he turned his head to the window, staring outside with boredom. The car's pace is just about right but being a former racer, Kid felt bored to the highest level.

"Hey, how come you stopped racing? You won a cup last 2021 right?" You said, breaking the silence as the road to Hillside has a long way to go.

"Nothing, I just wanted to concentrate on handling the business with Killer. Besides, Heat is on track. He's enough as a representative for the family."

"Will you race again?"

"Will you watch me?"

That question made you pause a little. You can feel him looking at you from his seat, waiting for your answer.

"Of course, I don't see why not." You hummed while he snickered. "What?" You asked when you felt like he didn't believe you.

"Nothing." The way he said his words felt like he's holding more words to it.

"If you think I'm lying, I'm not. I support Heat, of course I'll support your dumb ass. I am still your wife on paper."

He scoffed upon your words but didn't say anything else.

Minutes later, you reached the destination with a strong breeze of fresh air. You pulled over the rocky parking space, beside three other familiar cars. Getting outside the car, the fresh air immediately enveloped you like thin comforting cloth that relaxes your nerves.

'Nature really knows how to hug me with comfort.'

" I'm glad to see you safe." Wire smiled lazily as he approaches the back seat to grab the food and drinks to add up to their pack.

" This woman drives like a snail." Kid laughed, pointing you with a thumb.

"I'm driving us safely." You defended.

"She's just taking care of you, Kid. You didn't have to complain." Wire said.

You didn't notice Heat and Killer was smiling as they watch you and Kid have a childish bickering while approaching their spot.

When you saw them having a barbecue, your attention shifted immediately to them, leaving Kid behind you to run to them.

"Hi" you greeted with a lively smile.

"Good to see you safe" Killer smiled.

"I thought we're climbing the top of Hillside?" Curiously asking. Killer looked past you to see Kid is a little busy with Wire on carrying the food and other things.

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