C13: Betrayals

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The meme above was drawn by me.

"Then what's your problem with me? Tell everyone about it." Kid's voice is starting to raise while both of you are glaring each other.

"Fine, my problem is WHO'S BONNEY?!"

You finally said it. You have finally opened the issue at hand that has been bothering you for a while now.

The dining table's atmosphere became heavy and silent upon the mention of the said name. When no one spoke, your heart clenched with the feeling of betrayal.

'is that a sign of confirming my suspicions?'

You blink few times, trying to blink away the water that started building into your eyelids which you didn't expect. In your mind, you don't want to feel this way but your emotions says otherwise.

You've been through a lot of fights and arguments with Kid but crying was a rare occurrence to you. It just means that you can handle any petty things with him because you are strong but being betrayed? That's a different story.

You hate wasting food but you lost your appetite to eat right now so you began to stand up, aiming to leave the dining table.

"Sit back down, y/n." Killer said, stopping your movements.

"Why? you cannot even tell me who she is." You retorted and remained standing.

"How did you know that name?" Kid asked without lifting his eyes on you.

"When you slept in my room, you told me Heat texted you but I saw the name says 'Bonney'. You lied, Kid. She's the pink haired woman your seeing, am I right? Huh?!" Your eyes were on him, as if trying to read every movement he does while you remain standing.

"I'm innocent" Heat mumbled his clarification. "But it's great to know that you two are now sleeping in one room."

"Bonney is the pink haired woman, you're right." Kid answered without caring much at all.

"And who is she?" You demanded.

"Bonney is Kid's old classmate as well as our family's friend, it just happened that she came to visit the city for a limited time while we're busy because of the upcoming race." Heat explained.

"Kid, you should've introduced Bonney to her. You're making her anxious." Wire said. Your mouth fell a little open from his statement.

"Wait, how did you know she has a weird pink hair?" Kid furrowed his brows while looking up on you. Now it's your turn to shut your mouth before you can make a mistake of exposing Morgans and your secret shenanigans.

"Kid, let her be and y/n, please sit down. Let's please enjoy the rest of our meal, shall we?" Killer said calmly. Being a father figure, Kid listened to him as well as you. Killer doesn't portray authority, instead he portrays peace and order.

You thank him inside your mind for interrupting his brother's interrogation.

" I'm sure Kid will find time to let you meet Bonney because for the mean time, the rest of us are busy especially now that Heat will have his next race. Moreover, I'm happy to know too that you brats are sleeping in one room."

"It was just last night, won't happen again." You bowed down and stared at your plate.

"I don't think so, you two will be sleeping in one room tonight. We don't have an extra guest room." Wire said.

"What?" You started complaining again. "Your mansion is so big, how come there is no extra guest room?"


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