Chapter 2: Annoying

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Just as you were about to sleep, Kid's radio filled the silence. Despite of the thick wall between the rooms, it's too loud that you can't even sleep. You lost patience and stormed to his door. Your palm hit the door harshly for few times until he opened his door, making the music grew louder than before.

"What?" He raised his voice, enough for you to hear it from the loud music.

"What the hell Kid?! it's late at night and I wanted to sleep." You glared at him but he look uninterested to your rant.

"You can sleep downstairs if you want to." He said in a bored tone.

"If we had neighbors, they'd sue us for your noisy music at night!"

"I'm glad we have no neighbors." Kid easily fueled your annoyance.

True, the compound you chose is a bit far from the neighborhood. There wasn't even a maid in the house, just the two of you.

Your hand curled, not because you wanted to hit him but because he is getting under your skin. When you huffed and went to your room he chuckled at your annoyance. After few minutes, he turned off his music. He did a successful job in annoying you tonight.

The next morning, Kid got up at 5:30 am. His work starts at 8 but he can't go back to sleep anymore. He went down stairs with only his shorts on. It doesn't really bother him because it's only the two of you and he doubted your up already or even so, you wouldn't mind it at all.

On his way to the kitchen, the faint light of the lampshade from the living room caught his eyes. It's a house rule to turn off unused lights and appliances to conserve energy. So, Kid was alarmed to see a light from the living room. Grabbing a nearby vase of an indoor plant, he carefully approached the living room. A relief flushed through his body when he saw you curled up in the large couch, peacefully sleeping with a slight snore. He clicked his tongue staring at you for few seconds until he decided to fix your blanket.

"I guess I turned off the radio a little too late." He said while suppressing his laughter.


Your phone alarm woke you up. Your eyes were still closed when you tried to search for your phone on the glass table with your hand. You were not able to find it but the alarm was turned off. Slowly, you opened your eyes in a furrowed brows, wondering why the alarm stopped. You snarled upon seeing Kid placing your phone back to the table and walked back to the kitchen. Speaking of kitchen, the faint smell of coffee, eggs and pancakes filled the air.

Am I dreaming?

"Let's eat before preparing for work!" He shouted from the kitchen for you to hear. You didn't want to argue so you went to the kitchen, walking lazily. He is still facing the stove to transfer the last pancake he cooked when you got there.

With him only wearing shorts, you don't really care about it but you appreciated his body toned muscles secretly. He didn't know you do, of course you didn't want to admit it.

"What?" He grumbled with his thin, almost non existent, brows furrowed. Kid almost caught you staring at his back. You shrugged and made your way to the table to pour your mug with the coffee he brewed before sitting down.

"Nothing, it's just that...this is the first time you cooked in the house." You took a sip of your coffee.

Ever since you got married to him, getting along is too hard for both of you. It's the reason why nobody cooks at home, both of you chose to eat in your respective offices. Either get food from a drive thru or just cook in the kitchen inside the office.

He made his own coffee and pushed you a plate of pancakes before sitting across.

"What? Am I not allowed to cook in your house." He sounded like he is insisting another argument. Sure, this is your house but you made it clear for him to call it as his own too because you two are married.

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