C16: Gift

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"Kid! Breakfast!" You shouted about right for him to hear it from upstairs.

"Coming!" His voice echoing back followed by footsteps running.

As bright as the rising sun and as quite as the surroundings, the house felt peaceful today.

'This is it, this is really it.' You smiled as you sat down with him on the table.

Kid noticed you were smiling the whole time you two were eating. He kept glancing at you from time to time until he decided to speak.

"Mrs. Eustass, what's gotten into you?"

You hummed and looked at him with a questioning look.

"You are... Hmm, glowing." He said which made you giggled a little.

"You're being silly Mr. Eustass. I know this is weird but I'm trying my best to be a good partner." You sliced a piece of ham and tried to offer it to him with your fork. Kid held your wrist and took a bite while maintaining eye contact.

"Idiot, you don't have to try."




"You're already the best partner." He let go of your wrist and resume digging on his plate. You blink then grin with a dust of pink on your cheeks. Oh, how your heart beats in wonderful rhythm.

"Now, I just said the truth but don't get that into your head." He said.

"Idiot, that's... that's a sweet thing to say, coming from Kid who loves annoying the shit out of me." You rolled your eyes while shaking your head slowly with a little soft laugh.

"You love annoying me too." He shrugged.

"Can I be honest with you, Kid?" You looked at him with all smiles while he nodded, encouraging you to speak, and met your gaze.

"I really thought we're not gonna reach this phase, I almost lost hope of our marriage and thought you were cheating so I decided to bring up the divorce before."

"Told you we're not going to talk about what happened before. I didn't agree with the divorce, I didn't violate anything from our Written Agreement so you've got nothing to worry about."

You reached for his hand across the table, your thumb massaging it lightly. Kid was taken aback from your sudden approach but he let it be. You took a deep breath and smiled at him sweetly.

"Kid, if you ever cheat or fuck the peace in this marriage, I'm gonna kill you instead of following our Written Agreement."

His brows furrowed with a sudden confusion then he raised his brows again.

"Is that a threat?" He asked while you laughed softly.

"No, Kid. It's a warning hahahah."

"Didn't know you can be a psycho HAH! I like that and since you cooked today, I'll drive you to your office later." He's surprised with your words but unbothered at the same time. Like he's confident enough that he has nothing to worry about or confident that he can handle your psychotic behavior if there is.

"Oh, well, I'll be needing my car. I'm going to meet Bonney after work."

"Bonney? Why?" His face turned dark and serious upon mentioning his friend's name.

"Yeah, for a date-"

"A DATE?!"

"Jeez, calm down idiot. It's just a friendly date, a casual girls hang out since Nami and Robin are not back in town yet." You explained. His face lighten a bit but remained scowling.

Written Agreement (Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now