Chapter 3: Plan

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After work, you decided to meet your friends down town, away from the city center. It is your type of bar since people here are simple and doesn't meddle with other people's businesses. This place is also safe from the media or press.

You only drink moderately and this place is the right place for you. Arriving at the said bar, you went to the corner table to meet your friends. Sanji's screaming your name can even beat the loud sound system.

"Y/N-chuwaaaann!!" He swayed within the crowed to make sure he guided you to the table.

"It's been a while." Zoro greeted and gave you a bottle that you gladly took.

"Hey guys, the others are not here huh." You cheerfully greeted your friends. Zoro, Luffy, Nami and Sanji were the only ones who made it.

"The others have a busy schedule right now, maybe they'll be here next time." Nami said. She scooted over to give you space to sit.

"So...I heard you're having a hard time with this so called husband of yours." Sanji said playfully. He's a gentleman but mostly similar to a womanizer too.

" Tss tsss, he's being an ass as always. All I know is he agreed to marry me because of profit. By the way, I apologize from his threat to you from the other day." You sighed.

"I'm used to that attitude of his, he didn't really want me near you." Sanji is not so pleased with how Kid treats him.

"But we can't deny the fact that the Eustass Brothers are good in the industry. They were able to function even after the loss of their parents. " Nami's eyes lit up in her statement but it is true. Your mama can earn a profit from them too even if it's a diverse type of business. Business people find ways to earn, even if it takes looking down into the nook and cranny.

"That's why I made an agreement with him under Mama's supervision, I don't want anyone to take advantage of my name." You drink what's left from your bottle while Zoro opened another for you.

"Oh, that agreement. If you were married to me, you won't need such paper." Sanji commented confidently.

"Who would want to marry you?" Zoro said with a serious look but it was funny to the rest. As usual, Sanji didn't like it and they started bickering. A normal sight to see.

"I really don't understand marriage at all." Luffy giggled and dig in to his beef steakes. "I thought marriage is supposed to be for people who love one another, but look at you." He gave you a pouting look then resume eating.

'Ouch, my boy. Right in my heart boy.'

For a person who's innocent, those words sting and there's a portion inside you that felt it.

Even being the youngest, most of his words whenever he gets serious can really hit like a bus. You can't help but feel sad. You knew to yourself that you tried to get along with Kid but most of the time it will always end in an argument until one of you decides to walk away.

"It might not be good today, but who knows what could happen in the future." Zoro said.

"As long as he doesn't lay a finger on you..." Sanji said and this time, he's serious.

"Yeah, he better not." Nami says.

"Hmm, don't worry. He never did." You answered.


You're conscious about everything but a bit drunk after breaking your alcohol limit intake. So Sanji drove your car followed by his car with Nami driving it because Zoro is too drunk and Luffy is too young to drive. But even so, Sanji will never trust neither of the boys to drive his car.

Written Agreement (Kid x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt