Whispers of The Forgotten

By writeralex00

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I used to be normal. I was a 17 year old girl, with one more year left of high school. And everything used to... More

Chapter 1 Stranger
Chapter 2 Colorful Eyes
Chapter 3 Suprise Visitations
Chapter 4 The Library
Chapter 5 Barriers
Chapter 6 Forgetting
Chapter 7 The Lake
Chapter 8 Why
Chapter 9 The Braythwell Boys
Chapter 11// Shining Bright
Chapter 12// Doctors Order
Chapter 13 The Road Home
Chapter 14 Mistake
Chapter 15 Kidnapped
Chapter 16 Daddy Dearest
Chapter 17 Confrontation... Kinda
Chapter 18 Subconscious
Chapter 19 Training
Chapter 20 Realization
Chapter 21 Detour
Chapter 22 Down Under
Chapter 23 Whispers of The Forgotten
Chapter 24 "Friendly" Stranger
Chapter 25 Naïve
Chapter 26 Torn
Chapter 27 Talk
Chapter 28 Family and My Birthday
Chapter 29 Almost Arrested
Chapter 30 Live A Little
Authors Note
Chapter 31 The Club, My Past, and Makeout Sessions
Chapter 32 Trust Me
Chapter 33 Krylan
Chapter 34 Wake Up Call.. Something Like That
Chapter 35 Facts and ReIntroducing
Chapter 36 GameTime
Chapter 37 The Full Story
Chapter 38 Talk is Cheap
Chapter 39 Tick Tock Till Your Grave
Chapter 40 The End of The Beginning
Final Authors Note

Chapter 10 Misery

54 2 0
By writeralex00

Krylan and I took the long way home.

He tried joking around to cheer me up, but nothing could stop what was inevitable. I was completely and utterly numb. Lucas had made Krylan erase my memories though I don't know how he did it.

You couldn't even piece my mind back together with superglue and ductape. Not even the best brain surgeon could fix it. And not even the worlds best psychiatrist could bring me back to my normal self.

Things were happening that weren't even supposed to be psychically possible.

And what? I'm important in another world besides earth?

Could it possibly be Hell?

"Stop, Sapphire. There's no need to stress yourself out even more," Krylan demanded as we pulled into my driveway.

Oh yea and somehow Krylan could read my thoughts. And I'm pretty sure his brother could also. Just great right? Two psychos in my psychotic mind.

"Ouch. I'm not a psycho," Krylan whimpered.

"Stop doing that," I shouted. And I immediately regretted it when his face turned cold. So I quickly recovered myself, "I didn't mean to snap, Kry. It's just a lots going on in my head now. And I'm pretty sure we need to go to an Asylum."

He tsked me. "Only if we drag Lucas, too. The heavens knows he needs it more than we do."

I stiffened again as I fought against my anger. "Don't ever bring up that name again, Krylan." With that I flew out of the car. Sprinting to my front door. But his voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Sapphire, promise me you'll give him a chance. Let him explain himself, for me. Don't be so hard on him. He's had a rough existence ," his French accent was dripping in sorrow.

My body couldn't turn itself around to face him. All of my nerves were starting to burn, as I took deep measured breaths to calm myself. It took a minute for me to be able to speak. "I can't promise anything. You helped today, yet you made it worse. Thanks though."

I made it to the porch now and put my head on the door. The pain was starting to twist my insides now. My body started to heat up. Just when I thought I was about to lose it, I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. "Sapphire, look at me," he pleaded.

Slowly I turned around. My face was still with anger, and he knew because his face turned soft. I drained all emotions from my face. Though I'm sure my eyes gave me away. Krylan placed his cool hand on my face.

A tear spiraled down my cheek after my best efforts to keep it concealed. And it dropped down on Krylan's arm. When it connected with his skin, it turned into steam with a sizzle. The steam rose above my head and floated off into the night.

It could escape, but I couldn't.

I grabbed Krylan's wrist and pulled his hand from my face. No more tears spilled, but my insides were overflowing with them. And I still let no emotions slink onto my face as I pushed Krylan away.

"Goodnight, Krylan Braythwell."

I managed to move my legs the few inches it took to get inside. And I shut the door as soon as I walked in. But it wasn't quick enough. I saw the hurt etched into his face as he whispered his departing note.

"Goodnight, Sapphire Lynette Woods."


The tears were threatening to spill now but I pulled myself together enough to talk to my Mom. As I walked into the kitchen, I smelt my favorite cake. Red Velvet. My Mom knew I could never pass it up, but I couldn't eat anything today.

"Hi, Mom," I whispered.

"Hi, honey. Did you have fun?"

I measured my day. Fun? A million miles away from it. Informing? Somewhat. But what she doesn't know won't hurt her. "I guess you could say that." But she wasn't fooled easily. Screw you eyes, I thought.

"What's wrong, baby?" Worry was clearly in her eyes and voice.

"I don't know, Mom. But I'm fine, honest. Look I'm all good." I showed her my arms and legs, assuring her I wasn't hurt. She was about to protest but I stopped her by pulling her in for a hug. "Don't worry about me. I'm gonna survive."

"Sapphire, you're scaring me. You've been so distant lately. Is something wrong? Is someone bothering you?" She kept popping of questions but I knew the answers to none of them.

I kissed her on the crown of her head. "I'm fine, Mom. But I'm really tired and I need sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." I turned to walk up the stairs to my room. And soon enough I was running to my room when I got out my mothers sight.

There was someone bothering me. Myself. And, well, the Braythwell boys. My life was just fine until they showed up and ruined it. I didn't know why they were so interested in ruining my life. It was already bad enough.

As soon as I got to my room, I locked the door. And I walked over to my oak dresser and got out an old tshirt and some grey sweatpants. I took a quick shower. It felt good to let the cold water rush over my boiling body. And it also felt good to wash the day's stench off of me.

I quickly put the sweatpants on, and I slipped the tshirt over my wet hair. There was no use in drying my hair, it would just make me burn hotter. And there was also no way that I was going to sleep. So I'm going to spend my night on the balcony until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

There was a door in my room that lead to the balcony. It was used frequently by me. Anytime that I couldn't sleep I would sit outside and watch the moon and the stars. I'd also listen to the wolves howling at the moon.

When I open the door a gust of cold wind hit me. I welcomed it because it calmed me further. But I almost had a heart attack when I saw a black shadow sitting in my lounging chair. But I'd know who it was from miles away. I felt that same warmth that I'd always did when I was around that person. Not the warmth I felt when I was angry but a different warmth all together.

But the sickness I felt covered up the familiar warmth.

I immediately tensed up and stood in a defensive position. Like I was getting ready for a fight. He looked up at me with his colorful eyes and then I went numb again. I gritted my teeth.


He suddenly stood up and started towards me. But I held up my hand. I didn't need him any closer to me because I might actually explode. "Stop," I demanded. He stopped straight away. Five feet was all that separated us.

"Sapphire," he began.

I shook my head and gritted my teeth harder. "Don't. Don't say anything." He tried to walk towards me again but one glare from me stopped him again. Four feet were between us now.

"Let me try to explain myself," he pleaded. His colorful eyes flashed up to mine. And I could see how truly agonizing my reaction was to him. A part of me wanted to let him explain himself.

But I didn't care.

"Where have you been, Lucas," I prodded. "Have you been getting someone else to steal people's memories? Have you? Because that's just something so normal to do," I retorted. He took another step towards me. Only 3 feet now. "Don't take another step."

Once again he stopped. But his face was defensive now. "Sapphire you have to hear me out. Please, let's be rational about this," he whispered, grief in his voice. Despite my warning, he took another step.

"Oh yea because you were so rational when you got your brother to erase my memories," I said. There's was two feet between us now. And I knew if he got any closer, I would melt into his arms. So I quickly walked over to the balcony railing. I didn't hear his footsteps behind me but I knew he was there. His presence was very powerful and known.

Especially to me.

"Explain. Before I change my mind," I said.

"Okay. Look I know I've hurt you. But, Sapphire, I am a monster. And a monster does monsterous things. It's my nature, and I can't change who I am. I've learned to accept that," he told me.

I whipped towards him, "You're not really helping your case right now, Comrade. And yea I know you're a monster." He cringed at my realization. "But, Lucas. You're only a human."

He laughed at me like what I said was absurd. "Excuse me? Did I say something that you found funny?" I asked. He shook his head at me.

"I'm far from human, Sapphire."

This caught my attention. But I quickly discarded it. He was just saying that to make it sound like what he did was because of what he was. "Lucas, I'm only giving you a chance because your brother told me too. So let's be realistic and tell me why you took my memories."

He sighed, "First time, when you followed me to my house. You broke a poison barrier and you were so helpless and so weak. I had to get Krylan to take your pain away and take away your memory of the pain. I couldn't stand to see you like that, you didn't deserve it."

I didn't even know I had hit a poison barrier. And why was there a poison barrier in the first place? "Why do you have a poison barrier?"

He chuckled darkly, "I'm in hiding. So I can protect you."

I gave him a murderous look, "And you've just been doing such a great job at that. And I don't need protection anyways."

Lucas frowned, "I know I'm sucking it up. Just let me finish. The last time I had your memory erased was that day we had at the lake together." Even though I took a sharp intake of breath and became rigid, he continued. "After I saw how scared you were, I had to talk to you again. I promised that I'd never leave again, but I knew I would. And I couldn't take the pain of watching you hurt over my disappearance again."

"Don't flatter yourself," I mumbled, "I have a lot going on beside you disappearing." A hot tear ran down my cheek. Why do I keep lying to myself? And why do I keep lying to the world? Lucas' warm hands gripped mine and he didn't let go.

"Stop lying, Sapphire. I saw you falling apart why you fell asleep. You cried every night. You're so so confused. But I know how you feel because we've known each other forever." He was breathing hard now as he pressed my hands to his chest. "We might not know each other well in this life, but I've always been here for you. You can't feel this and tell me it's not fimiliar."

And he wasn't wrong.

As his heart beat through his chest, I felt it. The fimiliar drumming of his heart beating against my fingertips. In the core of my being, I remember being in this exact situation before. Before I could stop it, my body started to heat up. And I fell back into his arms, body spasming.

Then I got pulled back in time.

**** 1838 ****

It was during the Victorian times.

A young woman sat on the balcony, watching the stars. Her golden hair fell just below her waist. She wore a light blue dress that ruffled out behind her. It was a very nice night, not very cold.

She seemed at ease. That was, until she saw him.

His black hair was slicked back. And his colorful eyes shone brightly in the moonlight. His trousers and shirt were very nice and clean. Which meant he was in the Royal family.

"I can't believe you would even dare show your face to me, " she said quietly. A faint British accent dripped onto her words.

The man took a step forward, he turned towards the ground.
"Please, Saphe. I have very valid reasons for what I did. Please sit and listen to me."

She whipped around, her green eyes shining bright with anger. She marched up and shoved him. "Why should I listen to you, Cas? All you've done is take things away from me! You took my sanity, and it was the only thing that was good in my world. And you took it and crushed it into nothing!"

He grabbed her hands and pinned them to his chest. "You know I've always been here for you, even when you didn't think I was. I would never want to hurt you. You know I care for you and that I always will. You know me."

She shook her head violently as hot tears gushed from her eyes. "No I don't. I don't even know who you are anymore. I should've just stayed with Kylan."

He tilted her head up gently and placed a passionate, lingering kiss on her lips. She fought at first, but then she soon melted into his touch.

Maybe she couldn't forgive him yet, but she knew he cared for her. And that he would be there for her in her darkest of times.

**** PRESENT ****

My world stopped as I took a sudden intake of breath.

Everything started to come into focus. I was in Lucas' arms and he was shaking me. My chest started spasming as I coughed. I finally forced my eyes opened. It felt like they'd been closed for a hundred of years. And Lucas' face lit up. Like lit up as if someone had shined a light in his face.

His eyes widen in shock and his face screwed up in confusion. But then the light faded and his eyes turned worried. I didn't know where the light had came from. And I really didn't know anything at this point.

The girl, Saphe, looked exactly like me. There was no denying it. And the boy, Cas, was unmistakably Lucas. And the other man mentioned, Kylan, had to be Krylan. It wasn't possible but it was all of us in 1838. I didn't even know how I knew the date. It just popped into my head.

But somewhere inside of me, I knew I had been there before. That I had lived then. And that Lucas had obviously loved me. I could tell by the way he looked at past me. It still showed in his now. I had one question to ask Lucas.

I stood out of his reach as he protested and asked if I was okay. But I didn't know how to answer that question. So I walked silently to the railing and stared up at the full moon. And I couldn't help but notice a wolf sitting in my yard, staring up at me.

Maybe it was the trick of the moons lighting, but it's eyes looked purple. It howled and ran off into the night too quick for me to investigate more.

But I had a bigger question for someone who was with me right now.

I could feel his body next to mine though I didn't look at him. My chest heaved as I took my last breath before I accused him of something. "You lied about your feelings for me," I whispered.

This took him by surprise. Because when I turned to look at him, his mouth hung open. Obviously he didn't expect me to ask a question like that after my episode. I could practically see all the questions forming on his tounge. But he reclaimed his control.

He took one deep breath and let it out slow. Lucas seemed to be measuring the words in his mind. Like he was judging what he should say so I wouldn't explode. "Yes. I did," he said slowly.

A tear dripped down my cheek. And for once, it wasn't hot. This wasn't a tear of anger. It was a tear of sadness. I turned to look at his guarded eyes, "Why would you do that?"

"I thought your life would be much easier if I wasn't in it," he said simply. And I turned my body around so that I faced him. He wasn't looking at me so I took my trembling hand and tilted his head up.

"Honestly, Lucas? It probably would. My life was fine before you and your brother showed up. All of my thoughts have been flipped upside down. Things that seem impossible are apparently possible. Nothing is as it seems anymore," I said gently.

He looked down to the ground, ashamed of himself. But I tilted his head up to me again. "Apparently you're supposed to be my shoulder to cry on, but you weren't here for me. Your brother was. And I find out he has been taking my memories away at your command. But he said he's done cleaning up your messes. He's here to be my friend and help me. And you're doing nothing but making me more confused."

His face clenched in pain at the mention of his brother but I still continued on, "Obviously something's wrong with me. And I need help. And I want to move on, but there's always one of you standing in the way. But I feel like I can't change what is destined to happen. Which means the two of you are going to be in my life whether we all like it or not."

He grabbed my hands and threaded his fingers through mine. Then he flashed his boyishly long eyelashes up to me. "I know, Sapphire. And I promise I'll be there every step of the way now. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. It about time I should be there for you like I always have."

I smiled and disconnected our hands. Then I threaded a hand through his hair. But his look stopped me from what I was going to do next. His eyes were tortured. "What's wrong, Lucas?"

He flashed his beautiful eyes up to me once again. And the torture was in plain sight now, twinkling in his eyes. "Before we can move on. You need to know what you're dealing with. Please don't freak out. I'm ashamed of what I am, but there's nothing I can do to change it."

My brow furrowed, "Lucas what are you-."

My mouth dropped wide open. He was taking his shirt off now. I shielded my eyes away from his rocking 6 pack. "Um. Look I know we just cleared things up a little but I don't think you should be stripping." His humorless laughter caused me to look back at him.

And I swear I crapped my pants right then and there.

On his naked sides, thin tubes twisted through him. And they looked as if something golden was flowing through them. They criss crossed up from his waist to his ribs. A weird looking black tattoo was also inked onto his chest.

"Lucas w-wh-what is wrong with you?"

He flashed pleading eyes up to me, "Please don't freak out, Sapp."

As he turned around I saw that the tattoo continued to his back. As did the little golden tubes. My mouth dropped open in horror when I saw two long splits open in his back. With a crack from his back, and a grunt from him, two things shot out from his back.

A pair of black, glossy wings engulfed my vision.

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