Feitan x Reader; Tangled in a...

By Jen_Fic_xxx

68.1K 2.2K 506

With Feitan badly hurt, Phinks deftly kidnaps a healer: you. Your life then becomes forcibly tangled with tha... More

Caught by a Spider
Stuck with the Spiders part 1
Stuck with the Spiders part 2
In a Spider's Room part 1
In a Spider's Room part 2
You Have a Thing for Spiders
Marked by a Spider
Tea with some Spiders, part 1
Tea with some Spiders part 2
A Gift from a Spider part 1
A Gift from a Spider part 2
Loving a Spider part1
Loving a Spider part 2
Some Spiders, some Planning, and a Blinky 1
Some Spiders, some Planning, and a Blinky 2
Spiders in Meteor City part 1
Spiders in Meteor City part 2
Spiders in Meteor City part 3
Spiders in Meteor City Part 4
The Head of the Spider Part 1
The Head of the Spider Part 2
Through the Eyes of the 2nd Spider Part 1
Through the Eyes of the 2nd Spider Part 2
A Hunted Assassin Part 1
A Hunted Assassin Part 2
Bait for the Hunters Part 1
Bait for the Hunters Part 2
Bait for the Hunters Part 3
Bait for the Hunters Part 4
Small Spider on the Hunt
Trapped by the Hunters Part 1
Trapped by the Hunters Part 2
Trapped by the Hunters Part 3
Trapped by the Hunters Part 4
Back with the Spiders Part 1
Back with the Spiders Part 2
Five spiders, an assassin and a clown enter a building... Part 1
Five spiders, an assassin and a clown enter a building... Part 2
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 1
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 2
Two Little Spiders Went on a Job Part 3
A Gathering of Spiders at the Arena
Two Little Spiders Went Into A Game Part 1
Two Little Spiders Went Into A Game Part 2
Spider vs Spider Part 1
Spider vs Spider Part 2
Spider vs Spider Part 3
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 1
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 2
Three Spiders and a Bomber Part 3
Two Spiders on a Date Part 1
Two Spiders on a Date Part 2
Two Spiders on a Date Part 3
Clown vs Spider Part 1
Clown vs Spider Part 2
Clown vs Spider Part 3
Before the Spider Part 1
Before the Spider Part 2
Before the Spider Part 3
A Spider's Vengeance Part 1
A Spider's Vengeance Part 2
A Spider's Vengeance Part 3
The First Spider Part 1

Spiders in Meteor City Part 5

1.3K 44 13
By Jen_Fic_xxx

~ * ~

'I don't think all of that can fit in your stomach,' Shizuku said, looking pointedly at the mountain of food you had piled up on your plate. Normally you would agree but the fight earlier had left you feeling weak, nauseous, and practically starving. The food was rather bland and frankly not all that tasty, still, you finished everything on your plate and shamelessly went for a second helping.

'Impressive,' Phinks said as you cleared the second plate, mopping up the last of the sauce with a piece of bread.

'You're certain you got all of them, right?' you asked him, and he grinned.

'Oh yes, I'm sure. And even if we did miss one or two, Bonolenov flushed all the tunnels with sound making sure nothing survived in there.'

'Great, that's a relief. What did the Assembly say? Are they accepting that people can not be turned back into humans again?'

'Those idiots? Who knows what goes on in their heads? Now they're arguing whether they should expand their revenge to the main colony,' he snorted, 'Stupid old men, sitting around their stupid little table debating over shit they can't even do.'

'They'll never change,' Shizuku said, 'but at least for now the city is as safe as it can be. Too bad I missed the last fight though. The guy I fought in the nest was so irritating, I'd have liked letting off some steam with the rest of you.'

'You said something about his webs, didn't you? That they ruined your clothes?' you remembered, and she nodded.

'Yeah, he was a spider, isn't that ironic? And yes, his web was sticky as hell and so annoying, but he was not very smart. Blinky and I got the win easy once I had him figured out.'

'You know I love Blinky, but I don't really see it as being all that helpful during actual fighting. You mentioned that it can't suck up living things, I guess that goes for opponents as well...'

'Oh, my Blinky's got a mean bite. Bit through that spider's skin easily and then simply sucked all of his blood right out of his body.' She smiled. 'As I said, spidey-guy wasn't very smart.'

'Wow, that's so awesome. Watching Feitan was great of course,' you gave him a fond look, 'but I wish I could have seen you and Blinky fight as well.'

You stifled a yawn and blinked sleepily. Now that all the adrenaline was gone, your eyelids felt very heavy and you looked at Phinks.

'Do you know where we're supposed to sleep tonight? For some reason I feel exhausted.'

Everybody laughed.

'Yeah, a decent fight and a week's worth of food in your stomach can do that to you,' Shalnark pointed out, laughing even more when you scowled at him. 'But I guess we should all prepare for the night, it is getting a bit late.'

~ * ~

A pile of thin rolled-up mattresses as well as blankets and pillows had been provided for you in the large room where you were going to spend the night. It seemed to be a storage room for spare furniture. Tables, shelves, and dressers were spread out in not so neat rows, creating smaller rooms in the room, and lines of stacked chairs were sealing off one of the corners. You were about to fall asleep standing and the others sounded like they'd be up, chatting, for hours, so you dragged your mattress into the dubious privacy in the corner behind the chairs. To your surprise Feitan put his mattress next to yours, you'd assumed you would sleep close to Shizuku and he'd stay with the guys.

'We stay close. Keep safe,' he said as he dumped his coat, bandana, and umbrella next to your makeshift bed.

You kicked off your shoes but kept your tank-top and skirt on before you flopped down on your mattress.

'Sounds good to me, I'm always safe close to you,' you mumbled as you pulled a blanket over you and let your consciousness drift off to sleep.

The feeling of Feitan pushing inside you woke you up, one hand covering your mouth muffling your surprised cry, the other on your hip, holding you still as he slowly pressed deeper into you from behind. Your back arched, and not quite sure if it was a dream or not, you tried to hold back a moan.

'Shh,' he whispered, mouth right next to your ear, 'No wake up others.'

Others? Your mind was still half asleep, but then it slowly came back to you. You were on your side with Fei right behind you, spooning, sharing a blanket. Spread out across the big room the others were wrapped up in their own blankets, different sets of snoring indicating that at least most of them were sleeping. You and Fei were alone in your corner, mostly hidden behind a few rows of chairs, but still... Slightly alarmed you tried to look around, but he shushed you again, the hand over your mouth pulling your head back down.

'Shh, we be quiet,' even in this quiet whisper you could hear the desire in his voice.

Fei's hand started rocking your hips ever so soft and gently, and the sensation made you whine and gasp into his hand. This position made you feel so tight, and even the smallest movements sent ripples of pleasure through you. This quiet, slow, almost motionless lovemaking was vastly different from what Fei and you had done so far and it felt surprisingly, no, overwhelmingly intimate, making your heart grow soft, melting with emotions so strong that they brought tears to your eyes. His breath felt hot against your neck, as his lips pressed against your soft skin, gently sucking, nibbling, and licking.

Your hips started moving by themselves, keeping the slow and steady pace set by his hand, and he moved it up to cradle your breasts instead, squeezing them, letting his fingers rub over and gently pinch your nipples. It was not long until you felt an orgasm starting deep inside you, small shivers building up and slowly spreading throughout your body. A few whimpering moans escaped you before you pressed your lips to his arm, silencing them.

When the shivers from your climax turned into deeper shudders, making your entire body shake against his, and you clenched him tightly inside you, he groaned softly in your ear. His hips started jerking irregularly against yours, his arm pressing your hips closer to his as he pushed deeper, then there was the warm feeling of his release filling you and a silent gasp as his teeth bit into your shoulder. Staying inside you he kept holding you close until the last shivers from your orgasm finally subsided.

Somehow you were left feeling soft and vulnerable in a way that made your heart swell with emotions.

'Fei,' you whispered, pressing a kiss onto the palm of his hand, 'I love you. So much. You know that right?'

He didn't say anything at first, but his arms tightened their grip around you, and his nose nuzzled your hair close to your ear.

'I know. Make feel happy,' the whisper was barely audible.

'Me too. Very happy.'

You smiled and snuggled closer to him and there was some shuffling as you tried to pull your skirt down a bit before he tucked the blanket firmly around both of you again. You briefly wondered what had happened to your panties, but decided it wasn't important right now. 'Love you,' you whispered once more before your consciousness drifted off to sleep again.

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