Livin La Vida Bam

By trauma_katrina

17K 211 69

Hello! I saw that there were very few Bam x Reader stories and I brought it upon myself to help all the other... More

Introduction (A/N)
Moving Day
Good Morning Sunshine
Why are you here?
Party Boys
A Learning Experience
Living it Up
Hold Up.. ?
That's Low
Time flies
It's Official
Suprise !
Parents=Bad Idea
The Note and Waffles :)
Formally a Jackass
Circle of Death
The first time. (NSFW!!!!!)
Moving, Again
Stunt Woman
The Wrap-up
Back to Chaos
Welcome 2002
What's going on? (WE"RE BACK BABY!)

Uneventful days

172 4 3
By trauma_katrina

(QUICK A/N) Holy fuck I am so sorry. I have been mush for most of this year and had no motivation for any of my art. No real excuse though so next time just blow up the comments and yell at me lol. anyways my style of typing may have changed a wee bit but it will hopefully not be that different. on with the story. I love u

January second was on record as the worst hangover I have ever had in my whole life. I woke up on my couch with a stain next to my head leading down the couch and absolutely no recollection of how I got home in the first place. since it was so impossible to sleep on the plane most of us took to dealing with our hangovers on the plane by adding more alcohol, because it's better to puke while drunk than puke while sober. 

I peeled myself off the couch and practically crawled to the kitchen to grab some ibuprofen to calm the raging migraine i had brewing already. I also grabbed some pet stain remover and a towel to scrub at the sofa with. I sauntered back and sprayed the stain and let it sit for a bit before scrubbing at it. I kept it out of my head of what it was because that just seemed to make it a lot easier to deal with. At this point I realize that I haven't looked at or even seen my phone. I started digging in the couch cushions and in my pockets hoping to find it, but with no luck. I pushed my migraine away from my focus and started tearing apart my house trying to find it. After looking through the couch about 4 times, running to my room to look there, and going through all my packed bags I finally found it sitting on top of everything in my purse.

 As I unlocked my screen I saw multiplet texts from all the guys

6:22 A.M. JAN 2ND
Johnny CocksVille
Did you actually pass away?

5:43 A.M. JAN 2ND
Ry Ry the guy
You have literally been asleep for at least a day. are you good?

10:02 P.M. JAN 1ST
Bammalammadingdong <3
hey baby, are you okay? you looked pretty rough when we brought you home today.

7:43 P.M. JAN 1ST
Coked out Jesus
Hey man, you looked really fucked up when we brought you home. I laid you on your side btw in case you threw up. and if you did, sorry about the couch lol. hope you're doing okay.

It's so good to know that they care so fucking much. I quickly texted them all back and let them know I was indeed still alive and somewhat well. I also thanked Pontius for putting me on my side so I didn't actually die. I looked over to my oven to see that it was only 7:43 A.M. and for some ungodly reason I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to just turn on the tv and watch some MTV and some random drama news I could find. There was the expected music, and some Jackass reruns, and some new news story of some celebrity cheating on another which is surprisingly typical. Since I knew nothing was really going to catch my attention after a whole hour of just going back and forth between channels I decided to just suck it up and go over to the skatepark to just dick around. I grabbed my board, my phone, and headphones and locked the door behind me as I was leaving. 

As I start to skate away I get a text from Bam

8:34 A.M.
Good to know you didn't die, it was getting a bit concerning after the 14-hour mark

8:35 A.M.
yea, I do feel like death though so I don't know if that's much better. I'm just heading out of the house, would you want to spend the day together?

I stopped and sat on the curb waiting for a response. 

8:39 A.M.
Yea, that sounds nice :)

I changed my direction to go to his place now, with no music playing and just feeling the wind hit my face. I hopped off my board and grabbed the nose end as I walked up to the door and just walk in.

"Hey Ape!" I yelled as I went pouncing up the stairs.
"Hey Y/N! How are you feeling?" She hollered back from the kitchen. 
"Not too bad besides a migraine." I leaned over the banister and hollered back.
"Good to hear hunnie!" and with that, I was off into Bam's room which was blaring Def Leppard and you could easily understand all the words even from just standing in the hall. When I walked in my eardrums were instantly blown and I saw Bam on his bed playing air guitar. I giggled and leaned against the dresser watching him be a dumbass. As the song faded out he hopped down and gave me a kiss. We sat in his room listening to music and we ended up taking a nap on accident. We woke up to the smell of food in the kitchen and my phone screen lit up 6:00. 

I jumped out of his bed and ran downstairs to see what April was making for dinner. I ran around the corner to see she had made lasagna and apple pie.

"Oh my god April Margera you have stolen my heart once again" I popped into the kitchen and made a heart on my chest with my hands and laughed. She looked at me and chuckled and so did Phil. I helped set the table with Bam and Phil though most of the time they were messing around. I told Bam not to touch the pie because of his infamy around them. April laughed but covered her mouth to hide it. I gave April a hand with bringing the food in and we all finally sat down together. I ate so much lasagna I thought I couldn't have any of the pie. Though I cannot live with myself if I don't eat at least a piece so to say the least I was full as fuck. 

To end the night we went to the skatepark like I had originally planned and sat and skated til the stars came out. When they finally did we just sat on one of the ramps and talked about our days, even though mine hadn't been much besides feeling like shit. He told me that they had come out about when the new Jackass Movie will be in theaters and when we can publically start showing it off and promoting going to see it. It was an uneventful day but a good one to say the least. At the end of the night I went home alone and slithered up to my room, passing out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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