Moving Day

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(y/n)- your name

(l/n)- last name

(e/c)- eye colour

(h/c)- hair colour

(smoking and drinking are going to be mentioned in this story)


18 and finally graduated. I don't really know what to do with my life anymore since i no longer have my parents around 24/7. Mom's always somewhere else and dad had started working a lot more since I'm no longer a "child". They kept telling me that a lot from the ages of 14- now but I'm starting to think they may be right.

I sat on my bed balling up clothes and throwing them into trash bags. I always knew i would leave this disgusting town in a bum state but i never thought it would be so soon after graduation. I graduated on June 1st and it's only the 11th now, but i know i need out. Mom is gone, dad is gone, and they wont even know i left right? Whatever the real case is, i don't want to dwell on it to much in case i decide to back out. Technically i can't though, the papers are already signed and now i have my own house. Since i could work i was saving up money to escape and start over. I didn't think I'd be moving from Minnesota to Pennsylvania, though it is new and the house was relatively cheap. I stand up off my bed and stare at the mirror perched on top of my now empty dresser. I slide my hand along my left arm which had been filled with patchwork tattoos ever since I had first gotten my own machine. I dont know why, but something sparked in me that i haven't felt in forever. I have always been know to be aggressive and at times just plain out stupid, and I know this is going to be one of those times but i dont care. I cocked my fist back and sent full force into the mirror, watching the pieces fall around me and shatter more. That's when i lost it, by the time i was done, my knuckles were full of blood and the walls filled with holes. It looked like a tornado had hit my room when i laid a note on my bed for my parents, and locked the door behind me, ready to never look back.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my parents to bits but i know that it doesn't go the same with them. I was just around to clean, or cook, or do anything that they decided they weren't going to do that day. And that's why i didn't tell them. I threw my bags into the back of my 1996 chevy impala, he's a pile but he gets me from point A to point B so that's all that really matters. I climb into the driver seat moving bags around so i could see a bit more. Now was time for the not so fun part, the drive.

~17 hours later~

I finally pulled up in front of my new house, it was really big and i could tell it was going to be hell moving in alone. At this point it's already 2 a.m. and all i can really hear is some loud music and yelling coming from another place a few houses down. I do love to party, but i have more important things to do. I slung two trash bags over m shoulder and began walking into my new humble abode. Upon entering though i can tell for the first while it wont be humble, and it will be far from home for a while. Leaving was hard, but it would have been harder if i had more than two friends. At this point in life I'm just praying I'm not going to be stuck living next to a bunch of jackasses and karens who can't handle the smell of a little weed.

It was a repeated process for the next hour and a half of grabbing bags or boxes and lugging them into the new place. By the time i was done I could still hear the music going on outside, at this point it was obvious that it was a party. I decided though to just let myself relax since i need it more than i ever have before. I sat on my new front porch screwing in a new bulb for the outside light. I decided to be basic and get one that i could change the colours on. As i got done and sat on the ground with my packed bong in my lap, i heard a new kind of yelling. Not the enthusiastic type but the type you use on your blackout friend at a party when they decide it's their time to show why they should have done track. All i could make out from the yelling though was what i assumed to be a name

"BAM! GOD DAMMIT GET THE HELL BACK HERE!" The voice sounded concerned but also a bit amused. I also at this point am very confused and amused, but i just lean against the house and slowly spark my bowl. I had to turn my light to green though, to give the hint that my house is going to be the "green" house, aka don't walk in and expect it not to smell like ganja. I then heard the loud thumping footsteps on the pavement, but i could tell it was just one person, who I assumed to be Bam. He was quite the sight to see considering his shirt was ripped, he was bleeding quite a bit, and he had a skateboard in hand. I laughed out loud as he booked it past but as soon as i did that i knew the footsteps stopped. I didn't know at this point if i was going to run inside or prepare to possibly fight a grown man. As he slowly started walking towards my house i heard another pair of running steps. These sounded heavier, like someone was wearing boots. I had learned that noise from many nights sitting in the station and hearing my dad's big boots come stomping in through the door.

"YO, WHY THE HELL WERE YOU LAUGHING AT ME" Bam screamed walking up to my steps.

I stood up walking over to him with my hands in my pockets. "Bam, i assume is who you are since i have heard people yelling it all night. Listen man, you're obviously drunk and I'm new here. I wouldn't start shit with me this soon unless you really want to have problems" I smirked sparking my bowl again and blowing the smoke out of the side of my mouth. I analyzed him a bit, he had longer brown hair, a dark short goatee, some tattoos, piercing blue eyes, he seemed about 5'8- 5'9, and he was extremely muscular, which was when i decided actually fighting was a bad idea.

"who do you think you fuckin are" Bam snapped at me

"For now, all you need to know is I'm a nobody, i just got here. I'm trying to just start over here-" as i was about the slip out my last word he was right in my face

"yea, you are a nobody" I could smell the mass amounts of alcohol on his breath, so i knew i couldn't take anything to personal, so i hope he wont take this personal either. I took a long pull off the bong and blew it right in his face.

"sorry just seemed like you needed to calm the FUCK down" i smirked and let out a small laugh. Thankfully before Bam could absolutely wreck my shit, someone ran up and grabbed him.

"Bam, let's go home and leave the girl alone" This mans voice was huskier, and this new mans face was kinder, maybe it was just because he didn't instantly come over to my own house to scream in my face. This man had more of a blonde hue in his brown hair, a little facial hair, shaggy hair, and his eyes seemed to be more of a green colour, though it was hard to see with the light. He grabbed Bam by the arms and looked at me apologetically and mouthed the words 'i'm sorry' as he dragged Bam away.

Finally at 4:30 a.m. i decided it was time to actually sleep. I set up my air mattress on the floor with a few pillows and blankets and stared at the ceiling. Everything is so new, dark, and scary. I never thought i would miss my old town in such a short time of being gone, but here i am. Staring at my ceiling at 6 a.m. watching the sun rise though the slightly open curtains.

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