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I felt hella bad for Ry since my body had come crashing down on his when we hit the bottom. I made sure he was okay but the side hug was kind of awkward. I still couldn't stop laughing tho, even through the pounding pain in my ribs from when we went flying apart at the end. The next thing I heard was "Low" by Flo Rida flowing through the speakers, blasting our eardrums out. I now being drunk, soaked, and adrenaline high made some questionable next moves. 

I took off both my hoodie and cartoon network pants, thankfully I had a pair of Friday the 13th boxers on under them, or else that could have been extremely unfortunate for my ego. I had quite a few bigger tattoo pieces on my legs. one of them being a heartagram in the center of a spiderweb covering the whole front of my right thigh. There was also an anarchy symbol stuck on the web. Since I was drunk my first thought was to start dancing with the closest person to me, that being Party Boy. I have to admit he is pleasing to the eyes, he's just really not my type. He seems like more of a frat boy, but who cares? I'm drunk as fuck. 

I, of course, had to get into the song so the dancing was a bit explicit with a whole lot of twerking, and moves you would see in the strip clubs. Everyone was hyping both me and him up, he was just laughing and getting into it. We both kept laughing until I got pulled to another guy, Ry. 

"Hey, I'm Johnny, and I'm making you dance with Dunn because come on." he looked from me then to him. He placed me in front of Ry and we both just laughed.

"Come on y/n, you don't have to do this for them" he gave a sideways look and I laughed in his face.
"They want a show, I'll give them one" I got all over Ryan even getting down to my knees at one point to glide my hand up his whole body. Then it was back into the twerking and club moves. Ry got really into it and I choked it all up to being the amount of booze we both had in our bodies. 

Everyone around us was screaming, some people even bringing in a chair for Ryan, and others throwing money at us. I thought it was absolutely hilarious and I don't think I've ever been to a party this fun. All the parties back in Minnesota were just a bunch of high school kids sitting around drinking, smoking, and gaming in their basements. I for once was actually having the time of my life. "Low" faded out just for "Right Thurr" to blast through the speakers after, people were, loving me? At this point, I'm just impressed with how this is all playing out. I pointed out Bam and motioned for him to come over to me. 


I was talking to Dicamillio about y/n's dancing and I could tell most of the dudes were absolutely drooling over her, seemingly including Dunn.

Then I saw her hand raise as she was shaking her ass on Dunn, she was looking right at me. shit. She motioned for me to go over to her. my brain said no but my body was already in motion. Jesus, what the hell does this woman do to me?

"YEA WHAT'S UP?" The music was all you could hear besides the screams of all the other drunken fucks.

"THAT'S VERY ODDLY SPECIFIC!" I could tell she was already hammered, she reeked of booze and was slurring her words left and right. 
"PRETTY PLEASE" Then she hit me with these big bullshit puppy dog eyes and I just said yes. I sighed as I walked into the house through the crowd of people around y/n and Dunn. I made her drink quick just pretty much guesstimating how much to put in. Then someone put their hands around my waist. 

I turned around ready to swing until I saw who it was. But at the same time, I was filled with absolute dread. 

"Jenn, don't fuckin do that shit at parties. Why are you here anyway, I thought you were out of town for the next few weeks?"
"We just made a stop in town and I wanted to come see you. That girl in the front yard seems like she a little bit of a-"
I pushed her back and put my finger to her lips "Don't even start this shit. She's one of Dunn's friends and she fits in well, so you might just have to get used to her being around." Her mouth flew open.
"So. A girl, is going to be around. The entire time I'm gone?"
Jesus fucking christ here we go again. "You're fucking crazy, leave before you fuck anything up." I pointed at the door but she didn't move. Instead, she snaked around me and saw the drink I was making.

"You said you would rather drink your own piss than drink jack again. Who's drink is this?"
Jesus Christ, am I ever going to get her off my fucking ass.

"Just. Go" with that she walked out the door, but I felt the trouble coming.


"Maneater" was blaring through the speakers and now I was dancing around with a bunch of girls, everyone still freaking out and throwing more money. Me and one of the girls got really, really close, and we somehow ended up kissing. At that everyone lost their shit, yelling and surrounding us more, some guys joining in. One of them was really short and had 'Wee Man' written on his chest so I assumed he was one of the boys. I got down on my knees and started leaning and crawling at him during the "You'll wish you never ever met her at all" part. He played into it too which always just makes it better. I stood back up to see a girl pushing through the crowd, and I felt a tug on my arm, it was Wee Man.

"Yo, that's Bam's girlfriend. I'm gonna get you out of here before anything happens, cause she's kinda-" he swirled his finger near the side of his head. Great, so Bam has a crazy girlfriend, noted. 

I went with Wee Man and we disappeard into the crowd. "Sex on Fire" was blaring through the speakers when I remembered my drink. I knew the house was probably the last place that psycho bitch would look for me in anyways. I told Wee Man I was going to make myself another drink in the house and he just told me to watch out just in case. I got into the house but I heard yelling coming from the kitchen, the exact place I needed to be to acquire more alcohol. 


"YOU'RE A FUCKING PSYCHO BITCH, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! SHE WASN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING AND WENT TO FUCKING HUNT FOR HER AT MY GOD DAMN PARTY? GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed in her face because this time it was fucking ridiculous. Y/n didn't do anything to me or her and she just goes after her. Jenn was sobbing as I knew she would but I just couldn't anymore. 

"And ya know what Jenn? Take your shit with you, we're done." My voice cracked a little but I knew at this point this wasn't anything good for me. Her eyes filled with tears and she was about to start pleading with me again. 

"No Jenn, I mean it. Get the fuck out." This time she walked away just, defeated. I just couldn't take this shit anymore. I watched her walk towards the door with all her shit and leave. The End. At least for me and her, which I think is a relief so I will take that as a win. 


I watched Bam's girlfriend leave with her stuff and I stayed quiet from the back until I couldn't see her anymore. I walked into the kitchen to see bam sitting in a chair by the counter with his head in his hands. 

"Hey Bam, are you okay?" I looked him up and down looking for injuries, and there was just a few bruised knuckles from punching I'm assuming the table. He looked up at me after just a second.
"Ya, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Here's your drink, by the way." He handed my drink over the counter. I completely forgot that I had asked him to make me a drink. I thanked him and chugged the drink down again.

"Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" I looked at him confused wiping my mouth on my arm.
"You drink it so damn fast" A smile tugged at the left side of his lip and he chuckled.
I burped then said, "To keep pussies like you in line when they're looking for someone to win against in a shotgunning or chugging contest." I laughed and bam put his hand to his heart and acted offended. 
"I would leave your ass in the fucking dust. And I'm not a Pussy. Bitch." He blurted out the word like an angry 4-year-old and I died of laughter. i was on the floor crying and cramping when bam slid down the fridge to sit right next to me, cry-laughing with me. This was something I never knew I always needed, His spirit was so much like mine, it was... comforting. 

Livin La Vida BamWhere stories live. Discover now