A Learning Experience

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I looked up at the clock, 4:47 a.m.  I had been partying with these idiots since 2:20, and I honestly thought not much time had passed. Some people were leaving now so the yard was way less crowded, and Bam and I decided to just lay in the grass away from everyone and listen to the music from the distance. Everything was still spinning but I was trying to keep my mind off of it by looking at the stars, counting some, and looking for constellations 

"So what's your story anyway?" I looked over at bam to see him propped up on his elbow, staring at me.
"What do you mean?" I closed my eyes, realizing that was a mistake quickly, and opening them again.
"I mean, where did you come from? How'd you end up in West Chester? Why'd you move alone? ya know just, anything that you're willing to tell me." He seemed genuinely interested in my life, once again, something new to me. 
"well, I grew up in Duluth Minnesota, it wasn't bad and we had a really pretty light show every year around Christmas, but it was just, boring. I knew I needed out ever since I was 14, so I saved every cent of money I could make, and between 14 and now, I had worked 3 jobs and made decent enough money. I bought that house on my own and just kind of... ran."
"What do you mean ran?" he leaned closer a bit looking confused and trying to dig more.
"I had a lot of problems back there, I was never really around my parents since they were always working or just didn't have the time to check into the house to see if I was still alive. I love them to death they just really didn't know how to parent a teenager, so they didn't. And I had a few problems with people up there that I just needed to get away from." I stared off into the sky letting my words trail away. 

He sat silently for a second. 
"Don't you miss anyone?" He looked a bit sad and it's probably because he's had an amazing life here, or at least it seems like he does. 
"I didn't have many people back home. I had one real friend, we had grown up together since birth, and his name was Denny. He um-" I felt the burning in my throat and eyes knowing the tears were about to start, I stopped talking. I whipped my eyes as a tear fell.
"That was another thing that sparked the move, I couldn't stand that town anymore without him around." I raised the right side of my lip in a fake smile trying to act like I wasn't bothered by spilling my life to a somewhat stranger. Then he hugged me, tightly, and inside I shattered. I started balling my eye out like a big baby just thinking about how much I had missed Denny and just being around someone who listens and gives a shit. 

"I'm so sorry y/n" he whispered into my ear as he played with my hair and the tears kept running down my face.
"I can't even imagine how you feel, I don't know what I'd do if I lost Ry." He kept holding me as I cried. I pulled away quickly ad wiped my face.
"So what about you? What's your story? Huge party guy in the middle of Pennsylvania is a bit strange to see, or at least I would think so." I smiled at him, with my face still red and burning from the salty tears. 

He broke down his whole life to me, April and Phil, Jenn, Ry, the "Jackasses" as he called them, and his skating career. He didn't go into much about his skating other than flexing and saying that he was one of the best, right next to Bird Man. We sat and talked until the sun rose at 6 a.m. just laughing and learning more about each other. I don't know when or how but we both just fell asleep in the grass as the sun rose in the sky above us. 

I woke up to light drops of water falling on my face. My eyes slowly fluttered open, to see I was now laying on Bam's chest. I closed my eyes just wanting to take in the moment, feeling wanted again, or something like that. After only a few minutes I sat up and he instantly woke up, thankfully though cause right as he shook the grass out of his hair, it started pouring. We ran inside to see the house fully clean already and all the boys were in the kitchen, gathered around the counter. 

"It's about time you guys woke up" Dunn smiled at me and Bam.
"I really thought about just going out and bringing y/n inside and leaving your ass out there to get soaked." Dunn playfully shoved at Bam and Bam swatted his arm away
"You guys are assholes. I need to actually get some sleep, good sleep, not on dirt." With that Bam left to go to his room. 

Ry handed me my bag, now dry clothes, and pointed to my board sitting by the entrance. The first thing I did was walk outside and light a cigarette. I stood in the rain taking long pulls and exhaling the smoke, thinking of how much my mom used to hate me smoking even around the area of the house. Everything now was so new, and I know that's what I wanted but, It's all so weird. I have a group now, a group of guys who seem to actually think I'm a cool person. I took in every cold drop that hit my body just thinking about how different everything was now. 

Moving on is honestly one of the hardest things I've had to do, but looking at things now, I don't think I would have changed it for anything. After I finished a few cigs I went back inside to tell the boys that I was finally heading home. I plopped into my own bed at 3:17 p.m. knowing I wouldn't be waking up at a regular time. 

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