It's Official

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He turned me to look at him.
"I don't know," he sounded sweet but there was something else in it too, "What are we?" 
He looked me up and down and smiled, I honestly wish I knew what to do, but I froze and words spilled out of my mouth like a waterfall.

"Bam, I want you. All of you. I don't want it to just be a media lie anymore, I want 'us' to be a real thing. I want to be the one you go to for help and wake up next to in bed. Bam I have had feelings for you for so long and I did want to mess things up. I was just terri-" I was cut off by his soft lips pressing against mine. 

The next few minutes were spent with his lips on mine and his hand tracing over every curve of my body lightly, sending chills across my skin.

"Yes, by the way." He had pulled away and said this, leaving me a bit confused.
"Yes, what?" I laughed a little and smiled.
"Yes, we are actually a couple now." With that he turned around and fell asleep, leaving me in shock with a stupid smile stuck on my face.

After the excitement in my veins had faded I was finally able to sleep. Bam and I sat in bed talking till we heard someone banging on the door. Thankfully, I didn't answer the door because the next thing I watched was Bam getting slammed in the face with flour. I put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh, since I didn't want Bam's next target to be me. All the boys were outside the door dying of laughter, then I remembered, our flight home.

"Guys, when does our plane leave to go back home?" I was a bit scared, to be honest, cause I didn't want to be stranded in California.
"Whenever we want. The plane ticket was fake, we just wanted you to know where you were going before we actually got here and like, died." Ry laughed seeing me purse my lips together because I quite frankly feel like an idiot.

The next 11 hours were spent running around Cali to clubs, shops, and everything in between. We took a bunch of pictures and it was fun besides the everything spinning around me factor. The whole night was filled with laughs, flashing lights, and paparazzi. I was honestly scared, I have no disguise, and I have nothing to cover my face. I was flipping shit but Bam didn't even seem to care. Lights flashed at us and Bam just kept holding my hand, and he pulled me in for a kiss, in front of everyone. 

The questions were now filling the air, credit to the crowd of people now around us. 

"Bam who is your mystery woman?"
"Bam? how long have you been seeing her?"
"What's her name?"
"Is she famous as well?"
"How did you meet her?"
"Is it serious?"

The questions were engulfing us but Bam once again was completely calm. He spoke into some of the mic answering questions about how long we've been together, but still not saying my name. I looked to my left to see a female reporter with her mic pointed directly at me.
"What is your name darling?"
I took a deep breath before answering.  I'm no longer going to have a private life after this. 
"My name is y/n l/n and I'm Bam Margera's "mystery" girl"


I already was seeing him, the other boys, and y/n everywhere. Any news source was trying to get a hint as to who the poor girl is. I feel bad for her, and I can tell Bam really likes her.

"They work well together, don't they?" I looked over at Phil as Bam and y/n were on the TV, with many "news" people surrounding them.
"huh?" Phil looked back over at me but we heard Bam start talking.

REPORTER: "How long have you been with her Bam!"
BAM: "A few months now"
REPORTER: "Do you two live together now?"
BAM: "No, but we always end up in the same bed" He winked at the camera after this comment
REPORTER: "Who star-"

The camera panned over to another reporter right next to y/n.
"What's your name darling?"
Then she said it. They were no longer a secret, making me think Bam may have something to tell us when he gets home. 

"She said her name" Phil looked shocked. We had talked to her about being in the public eye with Bam and she said she had no idea how she felt about it. She really isn't one to seek out attention, so this, this was a shock. 


Bam whirled on his heels and looked at me, I thought the look was going to be anger, but he looked, happy. Glowing in fact, he was happy to finally tell everyone. No more secrets. We got on the plane around 5 a.m. Nov. 2nd. Bam hadn't stopped smiling since I had told everyone who I am. The media was exploding with this new information though and I was getting overwhelmed quickly. I turned off my phone and fell asleep. I can't wait to be home, in my own bed. 

(A/N: sorry about not updating for a bit, I had prom and I now have long-ass nails so it's a bit hard to type with. Thank you for all your guys' love and support. I love you)

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