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Halloween had come fast and the next thing I knew all the boys were gathered at my house getting read. I got finished with Ry's makeup and took a little smoke break. everyone's costumes were magnificent. Wee Man as a baby, Johnny's slutty biker was amazing, Chris was trotting around in his devil costume, Preston was a gorilla, Dave was a skeleton, Steve-O was running around in white shorts and wings, Ehren was a biker with a bunch of fake tats, and Bam and I did a couples costume cause I had finally convinced him. We were Bonnie and Clyde, but the shot-up version of course because we had to make it spooky. I had an all-white contact in one eye so I was very disoriented and my depth perception is very off. 

When everyone's makeup and costumes were finished and on I took polaroids of all the boys, me and Bam, Bam and Ry, Steve-O and Chris, Wee Man and Preston, Ehren and Dave, then just some other random ones. I put them all in my room to let them develop then we all made plans for the night. We were just "going out walking" but Bam and Johnny kept talking behind my back and I saw Bam disappear out of the living room for a little bit. I shut off all the lights and grabbed my normal things; smokes, a pipe, a little jar of ganja, my keys, my camera, and a phone charger. When we were leaving, I locked up the house and Johnny said we should take his car to the gas station and I agreed. 

We got into his car and started driving but the next thing I knew I had my eyes covered with a bandana, and someone was carrying me out of the car. I thought it had taken a while to get to a gas station but I hadn't even questioned it til now. I was set down and my eyes were uncovered to see Bam smiling at me with a plane ticket in his hand.

"We're adventuring today, and you're coming with." I grabbed it smiling back and looking at the destination. Los Angeles, CA I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to California.

"Wait, I don't have anything?" I looked confused and I saw Ry hold up a duffel bag. 
"All you're and Bam's stuff for the next two days. He packed it so enjoy." He winked at me and I made a grossed-out face at him. 
"We're celebrating Samhain right" Bam's eyes lit up and I was a little surprised he knew the real name of Halloween. 

After about an hour we were in our seats on a plane. It wasn't a regular plane, no no. A little plane only for us. What. The. Hell. I fell asleep resting my head on my hand, trying not to mess up my makeup. I woke up when we landed and it was a relatively easy process getting to a car, then to a hotel. The hotel itself made my jaw drop, It was gorgeous but I saw one huge problem. paparazzi, everywhere.  I threw on a really dark veil over my hat, the mesh barely making my face visible. I grabbed Bam's hand as we got out. There were guards, and just crowds of people yelling questions at us as we walked in. None of them got answers of course, cause most questions were about me, and we weren't bout to touch on that topic. Don't get me wrong, yes me and Bam are talking but we haven't really had a talk about what we are. The media just believes we're together and that's why I think he tries to sell it so much. 

We got checked into the hotel and Bam and I shared a room. I knew it was going to happen, and all the other boys shared three rooms across from us. Our room was huge and really fucking nice. The bed was comfy, there was a bar and a huge bathtub, plus a shower with a glass door. Most bougie place I've ever stayed. That night we went to a huge part where hella famous people were. I met Tony Hawk, Eminem, Jay-Z, Dre, and Snoop. I also got ungodly hammered and when we went back to the hotel I wanted to go swimming in the pool. Everyone thought it was a great idea so we all changed and on our way we went. Bam had only packed me the skimpiest swimming suit I owned. I pair of very high strapped bottoms and a small checkered bikini that just barely covered my nipple. All I have to say is underboob for days. We all swam until eventually, they kicked us out at like 4 a.m. I went into the bathroom to get changed into something comfortable, but all I could find was some old lingerie I knew I had hidden in the back of my bottom drawer. Thankfully I also found a pair of shorts and a black lace thong, so I threw them on over the lingerie, using it almost as just a top. I crawled into bed next to Bam as I had become so accustomed to at night. He was over almost every night now and it was comforting to not be alone in my house all the time. I sighed a bit thinking about the paparazzi, the media, and just what Bam and I are. 

He noticed the sigh and piped up.
"What's wrong?" He rolled over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, burying his head in my neck.
"Bam, I have a serious question." I didn't turn to look at him, because honestly, I'm scared of what the answer's going to be. I let out another breath bracing myself for the worst. 
"What are we?" I trailed off into almost a whisper at the end, terrified. 

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