Welcome 2002

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I packed for the next few days, mainly packing hot weather clothes, and some outfits that were a bit extra. I met up with the boys at 7 a.m. which was the earliest I think I've ever seen any of them awake. Then we were off to the airport, where I had become so familiar with the routine of the private plane and just being able to be loud and obnoxious the whole flight. We all kept playing pranks on each other and drinking, we had to pregame just a little bit. 

We got there around 11:45 a.m. so we had time to kill before we could even check into a hotel. We all got rental cars, me and Bam getting a Hummer, and the other boys chose some basic cars like Fords and Buicks. After settling everything and getting our bags we went to bar hopping. Though I wasn't 21 I did have a damn good fake, and at this point, I was known, so no one really cared. 

By 3 p.m. we were all hammered going to the hotel. We thankfully had Dico sober drive for us so we were safe, and I made sure the other boys had a DD too. We stumbled into the lobby giggling, and we somehow made our way up to our rooms. 

The whole night us and fans were filling the hotel pool and lobby. It was just one huge party and it honestly improved my mental state, or maybe that was the alcohol. Before we knew it, and to our own surprise of how we got there, we were in the Hardrock cafe counting down to the new year.




"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone around was kissing or yelling and jumping around. everyone was so excited about the new start. the new wonder of what the year would bring made everyone so giddy, it was amazing.

There was more and more alcohol going into our systems by the minute. Dave had turned into Darf and was testing the limits of every breathing human in his vicinity. Everyone else was also showing their own Darf's in themselves. Bam and Dunn were dancing on a table to 'Hot in Herre' with women surrounding them. I was talking to a bunch of new people, and unlike in Minnesota, I was now a magnet for men. all of them could never compare to Bam, so it was funny to watch them huff away when I pointed out my famous, goofy, and godly boyfriend. Some did threaten to fight but those were mainly cleaned out by Knoxville and the bartenders.

Getting home was an adventure because we all decided we were going to walk back to the hotel, instead of getting a cab like sane people. Dunn ran into a fence, Bam jumped headfirst into a trashcan, Knoxville picked up Weeman and started screaming "TAKE ME TO SNOW WHITE", Dave was, gone, Ehren was walking and puking at the same time, impressively not getting any on his clothes, Steve-O was in the same boat as Dave, and Pontius was just channeling his inner party boy.

I don't know what time we got back, or really how we actually made it, but we did. We hung out for a little bit in a chill conference room they had, also trying to sober ourselves up enough to close our eyes and not feel like we're spinning at 400 miles an hour. It was chaotic, a little bit of destruction was done, but this was normal for the hotels we stayed in. Bam even stole the painting from off the wall.

It was 8:45 in the morning and our plane was leaving at 10 so we all decided to bare through it til we were leaving. The plane ride was hell, almost everyone was puking, and with all the vomiting noises it was almost impossible to sleep without earbuds.

(A/N I'm so fucking sorry for not updating a lot, I swear I am still working on it. Im working a lot more and working on moving into my new apartment, so please bare with me. I will keep updating until this story is finished fully and completely. i love you guys <3)

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