Moving, Again

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We all woke up relatively early and I got the news.

"we're kind of moving, only for a few months though!" Bam threw his arms up.
"Bam, I don't want to move again! And Cali's so big!"
"you're a Jackass now! people love you! I love you" with that his face dropped down and he smiled.
I let out a sigh "alright. We're moving to Cali, ONLY for a few months, until we're done shooting there." With that, he smiled and started pulling clothes out to pack. I ran back to my house to grab my own bag with clothes, makeup, and anything else I may need. I packed my polaroid and a lot of film, cause I knew I will be taking way too many pictures.

After about an hour we were all packed, all the other boys had already arranged places to stay for themselves, so they were just along for the ride.

Our plane took off at 3 and we landed around 8:30. The boys all disbanded to wherever they were going then Bam put a blindfold over my eyes. He led me to a car and put me in the back.

"Why am I blindfolded?"
"because it's a surprise."

We were in the car for about what felt like two hours. Throughout the whole time, Bam was talking to me about random things which might not have been so random. He was talking about favorite colors, which he already know. And he also brought up marriage which was a bit strange, but I understand because at least he wants to spend the rest of his life with me too.

I should've known better because a few weeks prior I was talking to Bam about how I would like my house to look, kind of like what my dream house would be. I told him it would be something smaller with a wood exterior and inside and just have it be the most hippy, yet alternative place.

when Bam took off my blindfold in the driveway of what was assumingly our new house, it was exactly as I had described to him when he asked me what my dream was. he walked me inside the accent wall was painted checkered and the other three were black-colored wood.

"This is insane"
"Pretty great isn't it"

they were tapestries hung on some of the walls and all over the ceiling. There was also a HIM poster on the wall and a matching tapestry on the ceiling. The checkered wall was decorated in the black spots with records hung up, and the white parts were decorated with the silver sides of CDs. There was a fuzzy black rug and on top of it was a cute little black glass coffee table. There was a gray recliner in the corner and next to it sat a two-person black loveseat, it was also shaped like a heart so who knows how much it was.

"Bam, it's amazing. is this?" I was obviously hinting at the fact that I didn't really know if the place was fully ours
"Yes, I had it built for us, it can just be a little getaway home after we're done shooting, and who knows if there'll be more movies" he smiled at me and I started to cry.

"What, what's wrong?" Bam looked at me concerned and put his hands on my hips.
"Nothing," I said. my voice cracking. "I just love you, so much" I threw my arms around him and hugged him.

This was honestly the sweetest jester anyone could've done for me. It just showed how much she really didn't listen and cared about how I liked things. It was just comforting to know that for once I was being listened to and not just talking into the abyss. He makes me feel safe and I don't know what I would do without him.

we ended our night pretty late at about 2 o'clock in the morning. We plopped into our bed which was absolutely humongous. Our room had one bed that stretched from wall-to-wall and across from the bed was just a TV and a couple of small plants, my favorites to be exact. it was too dark and I was too tired to pay any attention to what color the walls are or what was on them. Right when my head hit the pillow I was out like a light

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