That's Low

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I woke up before Bam did, the pounding in my head had gone down a lot. I checked my phone to see the time, 12:46 p.m. and I had only gotten 5 hours of sleep compared to my normal 12. Surprisingly though I felt better than I normally did, and I was more awake. I tried to sit up but Bam wrapped his arms around me and didn't let me get up. I sighed laying back down and just looking through the new drama in the celeb scene. 

Thousands, and I mean thousands of people were talking about a leaked sex tape of a skateboarder and his girlfriend. No names had been dropped yet in anything I had seen but I needed to know who. I don't have enough drama in my own life so I search through the interwebs looking for any piece I can clutch onto and find like a fucking FBI agent. 

After a little while, Bam's phone was blowing up. Texts and calls were flooding in, which was normal, except there was more, and more, to the point where the constant notifications woke him up. 
"Jesus Christ, what the hell do all these asswipes want." He didn't even look at his phone before turning it on silent and throwing it. 
I was still hyper-focused on my phone and I could feel him staring at me.
"Whatcha looking at?"
"Some skateboarder's sex tape got leaked and I'm trying to find out who it was. No one will drop names yet. Apparently, the video is easy to find, ya know, if I knew names." I pursed my lips still looking through trying to find any name drops from anyone.
Bam got up and looked at his phone, his face was completely white and I thought he was going to faint. He picked up his phone reading some of the texts. 

"That dirty bitch!" He turned to hit his wall, making only a dent. 
"Bam, what happened?"
"She fucking leaked it." He said in almost a whisper.
"what are you talking about?"
"That leaked sex tape, yea you found the skateboarder." He motioned to himself then put his head in his hands. Mind you, I had never really known what the boys did for work, all I knew was we partied all the time and sometimes they just weren't home. 
"You? Jenn did it didn't she." My face fell and I looked at him sympathetically. Obviously, I had no idea what he was going through since the whole world will now be able to see his dick with just the click of a link. 
"Well, just wait til this also get's "leaked" to the media." I turned to kiss him and snapped a picture. I don't know how, but it was a cute picture, thankfully not one of the awkward smashing face pics seen from some people. I emailed a drama news source anonymously the picture simply with, "It looks as though Jenn is now Bam's ex-girlfriend". 

"See, now people are going to be wondering more about this new mystery girl. They won't care as much about the tape. Trust me, I'm a media professional." I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and I made a kissy face.
"As for Jenn, give me your phone." A smile spread across my face as he handed over his phone with no hesitation. I found her number unsaved in his messages and I called her. 

"Fuck you, you twiggy ass bitch. EVER fuck with any of my boys again and I won't be held back by anyone."
"Awe someone's mad that he doesn't want them." Right at that moment, I updated the drama section pulled up on my phone. The new biggest story, "Who is Bam Margera's new mystery girl?" I laughed a little then responded.
"Oh really? That was low, even for you, but I'd check the top new drama story.  BTW sorry I took your spot love <3 xoxo." I blocked her number on his phone and handed it back to him.
"See, both problems are now solved." I smiled and laid back down, my back still stinging a bit but much better than earlier thismorning. We sat in his room and he finally spilled everything to me that he had held back. He was an MTV hit, and he even had a few movies he was in. He was sponsored by element and that's why he was so surprised I hadn't put together the pieces the night in my room. He spent hours just telling me his whole life story right up to the moments of now.
"..and I met this really amazing woman, I don't know how or why but she fell for me, and I did her.  She amazingly spent the night in my bed and didn't completely flip when she found out I was famous, and the whole scene now thinks me and her are together because she's an absolute genius." He nudged me with his shoulder and smiled wrapping his arms around me. 

We took a small nap and woke up at around 8:20 p.m. I decided it was finally time to go back to my own house and lay in my own bed. Bam also decided it was time to come to my house and stay the night just because he could. I shook my head walking out the door with all my stuff, him close behind me.
"Later Ape! Later Phil! See you guys sometime tomorrow, or...eventually!" 

We stayed up watching movies in my room and we just kept talking. I just always felt like I wanted to know more. I was genuinely interested in this man, and he was into me. Our sleep schedules were fucked up and we kept staying up all night together and sleeping all day. He stayed at the house for 4 nights before going back home. It was the most comforting thing I had, I finally had someone.

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