Illusion | Taekook βœ”οΈ

By amy_149

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βœ… COMPLETED βœ… A story of two souls that were blessed or doomed to be together. A story of love, betrayal, pai... More

Author's Note
Character Introduction
1. Choice Is An Illusion
2. Choice Is A Truth
3. Kindness Or Stupidity
4. Privileged And Unprivileged
5. Unexpected Changes
6. Endless Maze
7. Self Doubt
8. First Gift
9. Souvenir Of The Darkness
10. Purity
11. Wrong And Right Is Illusion
12. Luck
13. Bed Business
14. There For You
15. Exploring Past
16. Helpless
17. The Answer
18. Intimate Moment
19. Legacy
20. Taking Stand
21. Life's Purpose
22. Last Day
23. First Day In Office
24. Home
25. Calm After The Storm
26. A Normal Day
27. Withdrawal
28. Drunk Dazed
29. The Wedding
30. Pre-Reception
31. Reception
32. A Drink
33. Honey Moon
34. Back To Routine
35. Traitor
36. Executing Plan
37. More Like Home
38. An Offer
40. Son In-Law Home Coming
41. First Breakfast
42. Doomed Celebration (l)
43. Doomed Celebration (ll)
44. The Moment Of Truth
45. The Moment Of Realization
46. The Moment Of Helplessness
47. Den Of Dragon
48. A Story Untold
49. Eyes On You
50. Goodbye
51. Knocking Some Sense
52. Regret
53. Moving Forward
54. Self Crises
55. Repentance
56. Perfect Face
57. Kindness Isn't Dead
58. Doomed From The Start
59. Map Of Life
60. Inauguration (D-day)-I
61. Inauguration (D-day) II
62. Crumbs Of Past-I
63. Crumbs Of The Past II
64. Aftermath
65. Normal Family Dinner
66. Life Goes On
67. Broken
68. A Chance
69. Love Me Again
70. Epilogue
71. Special Episode (Namjin)
Yoonmin SpinOff Announcement
New Book Release
Black Rose

39. Shawn's Annual Business Gala

1K 52 26
By amy_149

Jeon Jungkook

From past three nights we have been working day and night tirelessly to secure this deal. In these three days, I have got to know Taehyung more. How he seem concerned about my reputation. How he wanted to help to achieve what I wanted.

There was a bit of risk that I had to take in order to gain power. With Taehyung by my side, I knew I will conquer all I need. I realized that he was my strength and I need to hold onto that. He might be an unfortunate boy with a rough past but now all I see is a capable man. To be precise my capable man.

Immersed in my thoughts, it did the button of my shirt and wearing my coat afterwards. "Love are you ready?" I walked into our shared closet.

He raised his eyes to look at my reflection through the mirror. He was stunning the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. With each passing day I was falling more and more in love with them and I am afraid there is no going back.

When I lost Iseul, I thought I won't have a chance again at happiness. Now, when I look at him, it seem like my every hardship was worth it and if fate took away my love, it granted me love once again with peace of heart and mind.

"Can you help me wearing this? I can't lock it...." he pouted. I smiled at my gorgeous baby and walked up to him.

"Are you planning on making me jealous tonight?" I locked his necklace.

He turned around looking at me with his shining innocent eyes. "What?"

"Everyone will be looking at you tonight because you look beautiful and it'll make me jealous." I caressed his jaw.

"I am already your husband, someone looking at me won't do a thing."

"Still, what if someone tries to snatch you from me?"

He chuckled lightly and I furrowed my eyebrows at his demeanor, this was funny to him, "Then tell them whom I belong to." he said placing my boths hands on his ass cheeks and I gave it a handful of squeeze and he moaned lightly.

He wrapped his arms around me and we shared a kiss with me nibbling on his lower lip, "We have ten minutes tho...." I whispered against his lips.

"Hmmhhh won't do, I need you whole night, we will continue this after party." he pecked my lips, releasing himself from my hold. Now, I don't know if I could wait till night.

"I want you to be my advisor from now on Taehyung." I smiled while he fixed his suit.

"Wait what? Really? Am I getting like a promotion?" he asked me breathlessly.

"Yes, my love. You've earned it." I smiled and he clapped his hands jumping like a little kid.

"Oh Hyung, I love you. But what I did was just because I am your husband and it is duty to be there of you out of love and respect, I wasn't looking for a reward."

"But now you got one and you have to keep it. There is no one more eligible for this job then you."

"Thankyou Hyung for believing in me. I'll be always there for you." he rested his head on my chest and I hugged him, enjoying the peace and tranquility his presence was giving me.

"By the way you also look handsome hyung." he smiled looking in my eyes.

"If you say so..." I pecked his forehead.

Kim Taehyung

The hall was flooded with the elite kind of chandeliers and lightening. That's how business gala's are, a show of power and money. I wondered if this money was donated to poors, then no one would've to sleep hungry.

Sometimes I ask God that if He loves his creation equally then why is this status system? When poors have to struggle for a bite of food and rich light their money on fires like this. I wished that there was no difference in human beings. I wish no human being had to go through the pain of feeding his kids and family.

"What happened love?" Jungkook asked me.

"Nothing, it's just too crowded places makes me suffocated." I smiled.

"Just a little while then we will be going home." he squeezed my hand and I nooded my head.

"Well, Congratulations Jeon." A sturdy man made his way towards us.

"Mr. Seo Chul, thank you. Taehyung this is one of our partners Mr. Seo and this is my husband Jeon Taehyung." Jungkook smiled.

"Congratulations to you too young man. I apologize for not attending your wedding reception, I wasn't in Seoul. But you both have my blessing." the man hugged Jungkook.

"I understand Mr. Seo. Well, congratulations to you too on launching your brand in America." Jungkook said.

"Well, you know how business is you gotta expand." he laughed.

"That's why I am here tonight too..."

"Well, You and Shawn's, I am looking forward to see what's cooking" the man slapped Jungkook's shoulder playfully.

"I need your blessing on that too." Jungkook smiled.

"Well, son may you be successful." the man said shaking hands with Jungkook who thanked him and the man left.

"Taehyung he is our long term business partner, Uncle Chul is just like my own dad. I did my internship in his company."

"Wahh really.... He seem a jolly man."

"He is, Mr. Seo was first per......" Jungkook didn't get to complete his sentence when a voice interrupted us.

"Congratulations in person Jeon. I hope you received my gift already but you know got to give you my blessings in person." It was that Min guy.

Yoongi deserves visuals too😂👀

"I don't need your blessing and your gifts." Jungkook said firmly.

"Well, I feel like its my obligation you know. By the way you have got a pretty husband." the Min guy smiled.

"Don't you dare talk about...." I squeezed Jungkook's arm because his voice was loud enough to gain attention and that guy chuckled.

"Don't you dare talk about him from this mouth of yours or otherwise I'll pull your filthy tongue out of your mouth." Jungkook growled.

"You can try, do you really think that you would be happy playing house with this man, when my sister is six feet under because of you. I wonder you how you sleep at night knowing this."

"Min I repeat, what happened to her was an accident. Note this if you tried to hurt my husband. I'll burn down everything you have."

"Ohh feisty, how hypocrite can you be Jeon? You would burn down all I have, then I deserve that too, burn all you have because my sister is already dead." he smirked.

"Go ahead Min and try." Jungkook grutted his teeth. Before Min could speak the MC on the stage started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome at 24th annual business gala hosted by Shawn's and Corp. Each year this event is marked as a hub of numerous national and international business dealings. This year wasn't any different. Shawn's Corp. congratulate all its partners who secured investment and business expansions this year.

Now, for the most awaited part of this event, the announcement of annual partnership by Shawn is here. Since, its launching days in Korean Market Shawn's have made a significant name. This year its time to go a step forward in this endeavor. So, I would like to announce that Shawn's will soon be launching it's product in the Chinese market." Hall full of people broke into round of applause.

"Yes, you heard right, now it's time for revealing whom would be partnering with Shawn's in this endeavor. We appreciate all the entrepreneurs who sent their proposal but we needed to work towards expansion overseas. So, Shawn's is glad to announce that for upcoming year they would be signing agreement with....... "

I held tightly onto Jungkook's hand. Although I knew it but I wanted it to hear officially. Jungkook held my hand back."...... With none other than one of the leading Korean Company Jeon Group of Companies." Everyone broke into round of applause again and Jungkook hugged me tightly as I did the same. With the corner of my eye I saw Min scoffing taking a sip of his wine.

"I would like to call upon Mr. Joe Shawn and Mr. Jeon Jungkook to sign the agreement." the MC announced and everyone clapped again and me too who was excited. Jungkook made his way to the stage where there was singing setup arranged.

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon." Min said looking at the stage and talking to me.

"I appreciate." I said with a straight face looking at Jungkook who was busy in settling down.

"You seem like a devoted husband. Where did you two meet by the way?" He smirked.

"I am not obliged to share my personal life details with you. I will appreciate if you stop bothering my husband now onwards." I said firmly.

"It ain't good to put so much faith in a person you barely know Mr. Kim Taehyung." He looked at me and chuckled evily.

"How do you know my name?" i asked.

"Why? Are you scared Mr. Kim that I might know you well."

"No, I am not. I am not scared of a person like you who blames my husband for nothing."

"Well, quite confident aren't we? Time will tell." he smiled and walked away.

I maintained my posture giving Jungkook a motivational look as he looked in my direction before signing at the contract. After the signatures were done both representatives shook their hands.

"Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to sign this partnership with Shawn's. I hope this coming year will bring both companies success and prosperity. Almost everyone in this event knows Jeon Group of Companies, one way or another. Various projects and marketings done by Jeon Group of Companies speak of their success and perfection. I hope the same for this one. I am glad to announce my partnership with Shawn's to this business community and I would like to give dedicate this win of Jeon Company, to my husband Jeon Taehyung who has been with me in difficult times." Jungkook ended his speech, everyone clapped again turning their heads in my direction and I smiled awkwardly looking away.

Jungkook gestured me to the stage and I joined him."Mr. Shawn this is my husband Jeon Taehyung  and Taehyung this is Mr.Joe Shawn, CEO of Shawn and Corp."

"It's good to see you Mr. Jeon." Shawn shook his hands with me.

"Likewise Mr. Shawn. I hope this contract works well for both of us." I smiled and he nodded.

"Mr. Shawn, I and Taehyung would like to invite you for a party in honor of this partnership."Jungkook said.

Mr. Shawn laughed lightly,"Why not Mr. Jeon. It would form a positive image of our partnership on business community."

"Then it's done. My company will send you the invitation. I hope you previous partner doesn't mind it." Jungkook said.

"Well that's business, you got to think about your profit right. It would be good if you invite him too." Mr. Shawn winked laughing loudly.

"If you say so. I don't think he would attend."

"He will Jeon. He seem a little too interested whenever it comes to Jeons." Mr. Shawn said and the night went on like that.


Congratulations to Jeon for getting the deal 👀 😉

@Hayatazim he especially needs your congratulations. Also, Tae who is now business advisor. 😂

Love from my side 💜

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