What if I'm him?

By TakeThePride

204 8 19

Bakugo feels like something is wrong with him. Like he as been cursed with bad luck. He is being followed by... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Fourteen

3 0 0
By TakeThePride

Masaru took the coat he set off the couch. He shook it open and put it on, filling the pocket with his keys and wallet. He put his phone in the back pocket of his pants. He walked to the door, slipping into the shoes waiting for him. He bent down, using his finger to widen the opening for his foot to fit, being too lazy to untie the shoe.

He cleared his throat as he walked out the door, stepping through his large garage until he spotted a man near his car. The man was dressed in uniform with white cotton gloves. He looked quite young, in his mid to late twenties. The man bowed and opened the driver's door.

"Thanks," he got in the car. "When are the maids coming?"

"They should arrive soon, sir."

"I want everything to be perfect and comfortable for Katsuki. And replace the dishes with something lighter along with dinner so he doesn't hold a lot."

The man nodded, "Of course, sir."

"When is Chef coming?"

"Two days from now, sir."

Masaru nodded, "Alright." He put his hands on the steering wheel. "And the kids?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, sir."

Masaru bit his lip, "Is it too much? Would it overwhelm him? He probably doesn't even remember these people." The man didn't answer. Masaru sighed, "The GPS is set up, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. I'll be back in an hour or two." The man nodded and closed the driver's door. Masaru started the car and put on his seat belt. He waited for the man who went to a wall with a panel. The man hit a button and the garage door opened. Masaru drives the car forward towards the open garage doors. He exited the garage and pulled out of the long driveway onto a rural street that would lead to the main road.

Masaru had one hand on the steering wheel, blindly following the car in front of him.

Masaru ran down in the hallway when he noticed that Katsuki hadn't returned. He ran outside into their large backyard, covered with a beautiful garden with tall plants that went higher than Masaru. It was a sight for sore eyes but for Masaru at that moment it looked hideous and disgusting.

"Katsuki!" he called out, speed walking through the garden, panting. He strained his eyesight as he tried to peer through the tall plants and trees. "Katsuki! Katsuki, where are you?" Tears were starting to build. "Katsuki, please!" He cried, picking up the pace as he scavenged the large garden.

He ran into the long stems, pushing them out of his way. He looked through the bushes, "Katsuki?" He got off the trail and into the forest that started where his huge yard ended.The forest was filled with tall trees with branches that hung down like streamers. "Katsu-" Masaru was cut off by his foot catching a root on the ground. He tripped, sliding on his hands and knees. He cursed, wiping away the dirt on his hands. He reached for his glasses on his head and straightened them, a crack from the corner of the left lens made his vision uneven.

He pushed himself back to his feet, "Katsuki!" He took a step forward and collapsed. "Fuck!" He turned and sat on his bottom, looking at his foot. He took off his shoe and cradled his ankle. It was red and hurt to the touch. Masaru winced, "God-" He tried to put his shoe back on, grunting, trying to hold in his curses. He exhaled as his foot slipped in.

Masaru stood and hopped for the next few steps regaining the feeling back in his leg and continued walking. He limped but never once stopped. "Katsuki!" He would pause, bring his hands to his mouth, curling his finger and called for his son. When there wasn't a response he would walk down the unmarked path and repeat the process again.

"Katsuki!" He cried, "Katsuki, please! Just tell me where you are!" Masaru waited. He stood there until his foot couldn't take it any longer. He hopped over to a tree, tears pricking his eyes. He leaned against the trunk with his hand, sliding down.

"Oh my god," Masaru fell to his knees. "Oh my god," he ran his hands through his hair and tugged. "Oh my god," he sobbed. Masaru hated himself. He hated his house. He hated his garden. He should've known such a large house with an even larger landscape would result in this. He wanted to pull it apart. He wanted to strip everything off, to have everything inside out. He wanted to burn it all down. His glasses slid down his nose and tears fell onto the lenses. Masaru didn't know what to do. He wanted to end it all.

That is before he heard the scream.

Masaru's head snapped up, "Katsuki?" He heard it again but more faint. "Katsuki!" He shot up from the floor, the sudden movement flinging his glasses off his face and dropping to the ground. "Katsuki, I'm coming!" He shouted, sprinting in a random direction deeper into his forest of a garden. Not registering the throbbing in his ankles.

He followed the direction of the voice that slowly kept getting louder, more frustrated. Twigs snapped underneath his feet as he sprinted, dodging trees that came in his path. Masaru was panting and his muscles were burning but he didn't stop running.

It wasn't until he came to a clearing that he finally stopped, taking in the view. Somehow, past his house, past his garden, past the forest was a river. The water was so blue that it made Masaru wonder if it was the actual color of the water and not the sky reflecting off of it. In the middle of this huge river was a large willow tree.

Masaru stepped forward, "Katsuki!"


"Help me!"

Masaru's eyes widened. He ran to the water splashing around. "Katsuki, I'm coming!" As he got deeper, the water slowed him down. Masaru looked around him and saw big rocks. They were boulders creating a pathway to the large tree. He made his way from the water to the large rock, he climbed on top of it and balanced himself. It was conveniently smooth at the top so it wasn't hard to stand balanced. He jumped from rock to rock carefully then picked up the pace.

When he got to the branches of the Willow tree he hesitated. Masaru bit his lip, why was he hesitating? His son was in there and in need of help so why is he hesitating? Masaru let his lip free and inhaled, grabbing a fist full of the hanging vines, pushing them out of his way. "Katsuki, I'm here!"

Under the willow tree was another small clearing, a beautiful small island where the willows trunk grew and water surrounding it like a mote. The trunk of the tree was thick, its width as big as a house and its height taller than any building Masaru has seen. The entire scene was beautiful, something no one could ever see in their lifetime. Masaru was mesmerized, the shades of blue, brown, and green all softly complimented each other with small little colors of pink and purple that danced around. The blond color almost blending in with the rest.


Masaru gasped, "Katsuki!" He took a double take and continued to hop on the stones until he reached the small island of the trunk. Once on the island he slid and fell to his knees, immediately recovering and shuffling to the trunk. He leaned against the trunk, looking up he called, "Katsuki!"

Katsuki looked down, "What are you doing here?" Katsuki sat on a thick branch at around six meters up the tree.

"Me?" Masaru cried, "Katsuki, what are you doing here? You know what? Nevermind!." Masaru felt around the extremely thick trunk finding two small hand holds and placing his right foot on the trunk. "Just stay right there, Katsuki! I'm coming!" He bounced on his left foot and pushed off, reaching out to grab another branch and his right foot slid, unable to carry the weight. Masaru's entire body scratched against the trunk, scraping his stomach, chest, thighs, and arms.

"Hey!" Katsuki shouted, leaning over the branch. "Don't do that! You're gonna kill yourself!"

"It's okay!" Masaru called up. He rubbed his chest, "I'll be there in a second, don't worry!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "I'm coming!"

Masaru's eyes widened. "Katsuki! Katsuki, no! You're gonna get hurt!"

Katsuki stood on the branch, leaning his small hands against the trunk for support in balance, "I'm not gonna hurt myself! I got up here once, didn't I?" Masaru trembled as Katsuki made his way down the tree rather quickly and dangerously. As Katsuki started to be within Masaru's reach, Masaru stood on a root and grabbed Katsuki by his waist. The weight of Katsuki caused Masaru to fall off the root, he clutched Katsuki against him and fell on his back with the small child on top of him.

Katsuki wiggled out of his grip and stood up, "Are you okay?"

Masaru layed on his back, staring the colors of green and brown infront of him. "Katsuki," he called, softly. Katsuki hummed. "Don't you ever run away this far again." Katsuki nodded. "Katsuki, promise me."

Masaru moved his head to look at his young son. Katsuki nodded, "Okay."

Masaru gripped Katsuki's arm, "Promise me."

"I promise."

Masaru held his grip for a few more seconds then dropped his hand down. He shut his eyes and tried to calm his speeding heart. It was so peaceful under the willow tree. Masaru couldn't feel the wind being swirled under the willow tree. He couldn't hear the singing of the birds or the gawking of the crows under the willow tree. Couldn't hear the squirrels scurry their way up the willow tree. He didn't hear the river flowing when he woke up in a creek. His ankle burning. His son looming over him.

He couldn't hear the loud horn blaring.

Masaru swerved the car back into his lane just in time for a large semi to pass him in the lane next to him. Masaru gripped the steering, swallowing his spit and his glasses foggy. "Holy shit." He blinked hard, constantly shaking his head slightly so his foggy glasses fell on his lap. He didn't dare take his hands off the wheel. He glanced down to the screen and quickly back to the road and mirrors. "I missed the exit."

The GPS redirected itself, having Masaru leave on the next exit and heading back to the hospital with no highway. Once off the highway, Masaru pulled over to a gas station. He parked in the few spaces it had and rubbed his hands down his face. "Oh my god." He inhaled, "Okay." He blinked hard a few times as he wiped the fog and tears off his glasses. He cleared his throat and slipped them back behind his ears and on his face.

He reached over to the glove compartment, rummaging through it and then closing it. He opened the center console armrest pulling out items and shoving them back in, slamming the hatch closed and hitting his head against the headrest. Masaru grumbled and pulled out his keys and left the car. He shut the door, looking down at his keys then at the car as he locked it, pushing the button a few more times for good measure.

He walked into the gas station going straight for the counter where a young boy stood leaning over the counter and looking out the window. Masaru tapped on the counter and the boy looked up at him. Masaru smiled, "I would like a pack of cigarettes, please."

"Oh," the boy stood straight. "Sorry, sir. I would need to get my manager as I am underage and can not sell them to you." Masaru smiled and nodded. He watched the boy run off.

A woman came back along with the boy. "Hello, sir."

Masaru bowed his head, "Hello."

"Which cigarettes would you like?"

"Menthols, please." She pointed to a popular brand. Masaru grinned, "Yes. That's the one." The woman quickly rang him up, "Can you toss in a lighter and uh...?" Masaru picked up a lollipop from a stand. He placed it near the cigarettes she scanned. "This too." The woman nodded. Masaru paid for his items and waved the two goodbye. He unlocked his car and slipped in, removing the plastic from the cigarette box and freeing the lighter.

He lit one and held it in his mouth as he turned on the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He slid his window down and put an arm out with the lit cigarette. He drove to a red light. He took his hand off the wheel and took off his glasses and placed them in the cup holder.

There was a ringing. He pulled out his phone, using the hand with the cigarette to control the wheel. He tossed his phone on the passenger seat and answered the call on the screen. "What?" He said coldly without checking to see who it was.

"Masaru," Mitsuki responded, almost dead. Her voice filling the car.

Masaru inhaled a quick puff of his cigarette before throwing it out the window, not caring what could happen. "Honey-"

"How is he?"

Masaru pursed his lips, eyes glued to the road but he could still imagine the look on Mitsuki's face. "I haven't gotten him yet. I missed the exit so I'm taking a detour."

Mitsuki hummed. "Do you think it's too much?"

"What is?"

"Having the kids come tomorrow. Yeah, sure, school is going to start soon and he needs to get adjusted quickly but it feels like it's too much."

"Yeah," he took a turn. "I'm not far from the place. I don't know. Chef's coming and I also think that might be much but he's like family."

"Right," she agreed. "He's like family. I don't know how close Katsuki is with these kids. And the day after he gets discharged? What if their psychotic teacher decided to tell them to kill him while they're over?"

"Come on-"

"No, Masaru!" She snapped, "You saw how they fucking behaved! They were holding us hostage. He could've died in there!" There wasn't an answer, "Masaru!"

"Sorry, sorry. The thing...it says I'm here but..." Masaru's voice trailed off as he looked out the window. There was a large building in the center of land that wasn't near any roads. "It looks like a prison," he unconsciously said out loud.

"And watch it fucking be a prison!" Masaru cringed and Mitsuki continued to rant about her worries.

"H-hey," Masaru stuttered, "I found a parking spot. I'm going in now. I'll see you soon." When there wasn't a reply he called, "Mitsuki?"


"Yes, darling?"

"I love you."

Masaru softly smiled, "I love you too." 

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