court of lies | robert's rebe...

De songofsapphire

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Atera Hightower joins the Red Keep as the lady-in-waiting of the future wife of the crown prince, Elia Martel... Mais

characters pti
characters ptii
characters ptiii
characters ptiv
pti | the royal wedding
the call
the ladies
the proposal
the dorne
the princess
the storm's end
the feast
the joust
the court
the wedding
ptii | the florent revolt
moodboards; pti
moodboards; ptii (fashion)
the fool moon
the baby dragon
the death of a queen
the rush hour
the funeral
the rains
the labour
the amber skies
the fine print
the lion and the king
ptiii | the unfinished business
the family line
the dangerous game
the prophecy
the sign of the times
the sun and the spear
the skyfall
the divine move
the shadow of doubt
the summerhall
ptiv | the kingswood
the fighting pit
the icarus
the poisoned bond
the brotherhood
the sept of baelor
the princess and the queen
the burning embers
the sworn sword
the heartbreak weather
the emperor's new clothes
ptv | the year of the false spring
the harrenhal
the lotus
the kingsguard
the harbinger of war
the mystery knight
the broken crown
the lost stars
the winter roses
the dawn will come
the song of ice and fire
ptvi | the war of the usurper
the north remembers
the labyrinth
the below of the surface
the war council
the bells
the winter solstice

the champagne problems

128 3 10
De songofsapphire

"the price of freedom is high, it always has been"

281 AC, Oldtown

"I do not need you to baby me, brother.", she said that night with a huff as he took the soup from the tray to his own lap.

"You had injured your hand.", he pointed out dryly. "Carbollen said not to use it for a while, your first cut had just healed."

"It wasn't a deep cut. It wasn't even a cut.", she tried to defend herself with an eye roll. "It was that bad because it was Valyrian steel and nothing more."

"You are lucky that the king did not seek to punish you for that.", he stopped mixing the soup and sent her a look. "I will not scold you, not when time had passed from it but you've been getting too comfortable with the royal family. First this and now you had showed the dragon eggs to the prince without asking my permission."

"You did not approve it, brother?", she frowned slightly. "He wondered about them and I didn't see any harm in it. I even blind folded him and paraded him around the wing so that he wouldn't know dragons are here.", her eyes found the wall on the left -which was a secret door. "He has no idea."

"What if he decides to take them?"

"He has no right to do so. They belonged to us now, he understood that much."

"Aegon understood that the time of the dragons had ended and yet later on he changed his mind because that is what kings do."

"The prince is not the king.", she reminded him. "And he is not going to demand them to be given to him."

He seemed like he was going to object but chose to held his tongue. Her fever had decreased greatly but she still was not well, he didn't want toa argue with her. "Nervetheless, please do not mention no more about the dragon eggs nor prophecies and myths."

"I do understand your reluctance. Magic and the Targaryens should never combine with each other but-"

"-there is not 'but'.", he pointed. "Targaryens think they are closer to the Gods then mortal men and they seek glorification from ancient letters. It is why Jaehaerys married his children, those parchemtns are the sole reason of the prince's existence. Without them, Aegon would marry his grandchildren with others as he hated incest just like his father. The prince seems different for now but you haven't seen Aerys when he was younger. He was even brighter than Rhaegar now."

"The king?", she asked with raised eyebrows. Of course she heard many tales about Aerys the Second though she met with him only until recently but those tales started after his ascencion and all were clouded by Tywin.

"I knew Aerys since we were boys.", though Leyton was older by three years. "Both our grandmother and father hated their lot but I had squired for our uncle at the capital. I thought he would be a great king. He was not as meek and feeble minded like his father nor over friendly like his grandfather. He was a true Targaryen prince and many of us thought we shall finally have peace.", he sent her a look. "His downfall started the day he befriended Tywin and with that all he could achieve got destroyed because in order to elevate himself, he humiliated the king and shut down his ideas all while pretending to be his friend. Duskendale was only the cherry on top, an excuse to show the madness within, nothing more."

"You fear Rhaegar is like his father? What if he took after the late queen?"

"That is even worse.", he shook his head. "Rhaella when we were young was not a likable person, do not mistaken her with the queen she had became. She was vindictive with a bad heart.", his eyes got cold. "She deserved a lot better than Aerys' treatment but this does not change the fact that she was every bit of a monster Aerys is now."

"The queen?", she asked with a true disbelief. "I didn't even know she had a tongue in her mouth or a thought in her mind. It is heaten to speak ill of the death, I know,", she said before he started to reprimand her. "still, she seemed very weak to me."

"While their parents were alive, Aerys was not loved. And Rhaella used this to her advantage, after they got crowned, the balance shifted. Just because Aerys silences her, does not make her a good person. Sometimes abused can be the abuser too. But it is enough talk for now, you must eat.", he brough the spoon to her mouth, she took a sip and then grimaced immediately while pushed the plate with her hand.

"Get this away from me!", Leyton tried not to spill the hot soup all over her but she was covering her mouth with one hand and kept pushing it with the other. "It is disgusting."

"It is a soup, Atera, enough!", he raised his voice a little and stood up with a scolding look. He put down the plate and sat to the bed again. "You are such a child."

"I am not a child, that thing was tasting awful.", she popped her eyes out to make a point. "Taste it yourself if you wish, Leyton but I am not drinking that thing."

He rolled his eyes and took a sip from it himself -almost vomited with the taste of it. "Finnan!", he yelled loudly. "Finnan!"

"Yes, my lord?", he entered with a questioning tone, one hand on his sword's hilt. "Sometihing of the matter?"

"What is this?", he pointed out the sword and Finnan first look at him, then to the soup, then to Atera's face and then back to the soup and Leyton's face again with puzzlement.

"What is it, my lord?"

"The soup.", he pointed out with one hand while still grimacing.

"It is pumpking soup, I believe.", he narrowed his eyes while looking at the brownish orange thing. "Dornish?"

"That would explain the spice.", she said while taking a sip from her water but immediately after she spit it out to the floor, Finnan took a step back so it would not come to him. She tried to speak between her coughs. "Do not drink water, it makes it even worse."

Leyton looked at her with almost disgust -not towards her but in general. "Who prepared for this food?"

"The kitchens, my lord."

"No, I meant who did-"

"Alea used to handle these things.", he interrupted without a second thought but Leyton didn't seem to mind it. His entire demenaour changed when he heard Alea's name and sent a look to his sister. "Now that she is not any longer, the kitchen gives Lady Atera what everyone else eats and it was her order to prepare Dornish food now that you have guests of high nobility."

"I told them to prepare Dornish food, yes,", she spoke with deep breaths. "I did not tell those imbeciles to serve them to me. Everyone knows that I cannot eat spice, that it hurts my stomach.", she shook her head but then her eyes met with Leyton's insisting ones. She spoke towards Finnan without averting her brother's look. "You are in charge of my household too from now on Finnan, in addition of your duty as my Captain of Guards.", she ordered. "Alea will never return here."

"And you just said that youw ere not a child."


He woke up early in the next morning, bathed and shaved, wore a rich green outfit with golden embodiments and chain, he was checking himself on the mirror when Vortimer entered the room with raised eyebrows.

"So, you are returning back to your duties.", it wasn't a question and wasn't said with that intention.

Leyton took a troubled breath. "I am the head of this house and the lord of this city. It is time for me to return back.", even though he told to Atera that he would not until she marries. Since it was clear under this circumstances, he could not ever return back to it, he decided to be brave.

"I believe it is the right time for it.", if Leyton knew one thing about his best friend was that he would never talk just for the sake of it. He would not say this if he truly did not believe to it. "Summon the council, organize your thoughts and plan, make your decisions. Like the Braavosi ambassadors.", he suggested. "Atera treated them well but she left the final decision to you."

"I heard you supported my sister in my absence.", he turned his back to him and lowered his head, tried to be busy with his button.

"It disturbed you?"

"I believe it's better that it was you rather than an ambitious men who had more greed than mind but still,", he turned to him, forced himself to be gentle with him. "your closeness with her might raise some questions. You are not only my best friend and a proud lord but also Garth's uncle. There are many outside who would rather see him taking my place instead of Baelor."

"You doubt me?", he asked with a sudden hurt and straightned his spine, stopped leaning on the wall. "You think I would try to install my own nephew, usurping your son's rights?"

"Never.", he was quick to dismiss the accusations. "I would trusty ou with my life, Vortimer, it is not the question.", he sighed. "It is not Atera nor Garth either, that I do not trust but we both are clever enough to know the world and the time we are living in. I heard Baelor and Atera had many quarrels in my sickness -one being on my bedside even. And I know the former High Septon included, there were many who advocated against him. There were also many,", he sent him a knowig look. "who tried to kill me -or would want to see me dead sooner than later to install Baelor immediately and to use him for their own benefits. Neither of my sons -despite of what Atera wishes to believe, would get involved with such traisonous talks but there will always be ones who would seek to tear them apart. I am merely being cautious; would you being this close with her was wise? When she made her thoughts so very clear, that she does not support Baelor?", when Vortimer did not answer he continued. "I am merely trying to look after of your own honour, my friend."

"My honour is not the tarnished one.", he said with a low voice and a stern face, it was obvious despite the explanation, he was hurt. "It is my duty to you to look after your family in their time of need. We all had one goal; keep Atera alive until you got healed. I had to protect her through a siege, a revolt, I had to protect her from the High Septon and his zealot followers, from your own people, from your own army. I did so not because I might need to use her support to declare Garth as your successor but because I care about you that much."

"And as I made it clear; I do not doubt it even for one second.", he approached to him. "I do apologize if I upset you. It is was not a nice way of me to thank you."

"No it was not.", Vortimer said with a huff but his face got softened. "I did miss you."

"And I you.", a smile apparead on both their faces when Leyton patted him on the arm. "Before I leave for the council meeting, is there something you wish to inform me? Something that happened when I was ill, perhaps.", he was not fishing for information nor seeking for confirmation, it was a geuine question out of curiosity. "Something the children did not wish me to know?"

Vortimer seemed troubled. "You know the former High Septon died under mysterious circumstances."

"An accident, I was told.", he took a step back with a frown. "No?"

"It was Baelor who arranged an assassination alongside Mace."

"Baelor?", he blurted, face took the shape of an impeccable surprise. "And Mace?", he could not believe it.

"Aye.", he nodded. "And those three thousand men who died at the harbour fire?"

"Yes?", he asked, fearing the answer.

"Alerie.", he deadpanned. "Both sides-"

"My daughter?", he couldn't help but to raise his voice with astonishment. "My baby daughter-"

"Who is almost five and twenty with two sons of her own.", he interrupted him. "She is not a baby any longer, nor your daughter. She is the Lady Tyrell of Highgarden.", he reminded him. "It is good that she is learning to establish authority and execute plans for her ebenfit. You should have taught her this.", Leyton was too stunned to speak. "She had changed a lot. At first, I was told that she was dealing with melancholia again, too upset over what happened.", Leyton's face fell. "But then she seemed to find her courage back. She had defended Atera to the Reacher Lords, it was her who went to the capital to convince your uncle to march with a batallion and it was her decision to name her as the regent. She had proved herself to be deserving of her title, you should be proud of her."

"I am always proud of her and the rest of my children, Vortimer.", he scowled. "They do not need to burn three thousand men alive nor assassin the head of the Faith in order to gaşn my praises.", he was shaking his head, his entire appetite would be lost for days to come. "When did they turn into little murderes, tell me?", he looked at her. While everyone was quick to dismiss and forget this ever happened, he was horrified by it. Vortimer was not sure which group had gave the right reaction to it. "Tell me, should I pray for their souls or they are beyond saving now?"

"The latter, I venture, if there is truly a hevan and hell."

"There isn't a heaven and hell, there are seven of them each.", he corrected him swiftly. "You could at least pay attention to it."

Vortimer shrugged. "The only time I had entered a Sept ever since Gunthor's-", Leyton swallowed with an empty face. "anointing, was last moon when the former High Septon called your sister a bastard and a whore and basically ordered her death.", he shook his head. "I do not see the reason to get myself involved with it."

Leyton rubbed his face. "Baelor and Garth went to the capital and shortly after their return I heard Piso is now chosen as the High Septon, anything about that?"

"Atera filled their pockets with gold and told them not to return until they secured his asencsion, with my advice, of course. I had told her it was your intention too."

"Why did they do that?", he asked with a defeated manner. "Alerie and Baelor? My innocent babies?"

"Because they are not babies any longer.", he took a deep breath. "I will not longed the subject; you are aware of Garth's nocturnal activities even though you do not ackowladge them openly."

Leyton took a step back. It was quite some time now he knew the affair between his second son and Lord Ashford. His son was not good at hiding his tracks. He didn't know who else knew -though he suspected of Malora and Atera, and he never made it clear that he knew. He was simply waiting for Garth to tell him but it was good if he wouldn't ever. It was why he was not pressing the marriage issue when it came to him. He was aware that there were some men and women who were interested in both genders at the same time but as much as he knew, his son was only interested in men. It was an uncomfortable information to know but it was not his place to judge him. He had met with men like this before and it did not make them any less men. Lpve was something pure, he refused to believe that it would get sullied when it was between the same gender.

"What is this has to do with anything?"

"Apparently the former High Septon had threaten Atera to step down from the regency or else he would have blame Garth with sodomy and order for his castration nor execution."

Leyton was turned into a blank expression. "He dared to threaten first my sister and later my son?"

"Atera told me that Baelor heard that.", he sent him a look. "He wanted to protect his brother."

"And what of Alerie?"

Vortimer tried too hard to not to make an expression. Leyton could not know, ever, that Baelor married Rhonda. He noted that he needed to find a way to break this news or turn them around in order to protect them both.

"Bank of Oldtown was refusing to give gold to Atera hence forcing her to marry. Also those men who died were Florent men at heart who chose to surrender when Ironbron attacked, they had dropped their swords. By all accounts, they deserved to be hanged as traitors and Atera ordered so but your uncle made her change her mind. Warned her that such a punishment would not sit right with the army."

"He was right.", he said with a thoughtful manner. "They will riot and take her head for it."

"Now you understand why it was hard to keep her alive?", he tried to jape. "It is not that she is stupid nor reckless but she is suicidal.", though it turned into a deadpan rather than a jape. "Your sister might be the smartest person I have ever met. She ruled the city well, made many changes -good changes, she would make a fine ruler, given the shance.", he complimented her when Leyton's face fell. "My help to her was only at the beginning when she refused to do anything in order to spite me and Alerie. But even then, she did more than she should. What Baelor and Alerie did seem rush but in truth, both did it partly for Atera too. You should not blame them for it."

Leyton rubbec his face again. "I do not blame them, I blame myself.", he admitted. "I should have protected them from the burden of these sins. It should have been my duty to dealt with. Not theirs, not Atera's and yet I had failed my family. How can I go there again?", he showed his weakness. "How can I sit on my father's seat and command respect when all of those men look at me and see a fool in my place?"

"They should look at themselves first."

"That's not how the world works. At first they condemtn me for not being merciful towards my father's enemies and deemed me as cruel and later they condemned me for being too merciful to my own enemies and deemed me as weak.", Vortimer realized that it was too similar with Atera's situation. Alerie, on top of everyone, was judging her for being too brutal with their family's enemies as she blamed her for being too meek to deal with her own. It seemed like brother like sister. "And now I am a man who got cuckholded and almost got killed by his wife and cousin and I will have to live with it forever.", he lowered his head. "I told Atera that I'll wait until she married but it was a lie. I had a half a mind to abdicate.", he confessed and Vortimer's head snapped.

"Half a mind, you are right, because you cannot think of such a stupid plan with the full of it.", he snapped. "You cannot abdicate, you cannot even think of it when we all sacrificed this much to keep you in your seat."

"You think I don't know that?", he scowled. "I am not thinking of my wounded pride but my pride is Oldtown's pride, this house's pride. I just wondered would it be better if Igot retiared and Baelor took over. Would it be better for this family and this house if I was out of their way?"

"Atera would make the rumours true and would kill you, my friend.", he looked at him with disappointment. "I do understand the thought process, it does not change that it is a horrible idea and no one would forgive you. Not your family, not men who fought in your name and glory and certainly not me. I advice you to not have such thoughts again. You are the Lord of Oldtown, you must remain as the Lord of Oldtown until the Gods decide you should not any longer."


"Elia, wait!", he called for her and when she did not stopped, he stood up abruptly to follow her.

When he went to her last night and they shared a bed together after a long time, he was sure that she had forgive her and that they would be waking to a new dawn. It didn't that long for him to realize that it was not the truth and he had imagined it. Because when he woke up the other side of the bed was cold and empty and she was nowhere to be seen even though it was her own chambers.

He had searched for her in the wing, in his chambers and in Rhaenys' nursery, asked to both Myles and Oswell and got no answers. With a sour mood and a solemn face he took a bath, tried not to cry, dressed up, refused to eat -worried Myles therefore worried Arthur, and went to the gardens by force.

He was sitting on one of the pergolas, not talking nor eating nor drinking. Myles was standing up at his behind alongside with Oswell and Arthur was resting, he had deserved so and it helped both to not to see each other for a while. Ever since Arthur basically broke up their friendship at the capital, they were in a weird mood. It was obvious that both wanted to forgive and forget and return the things to what they once were but failed.

Arthur could not forget the words Rhaegar spoke to him, the way he blamed him and Rhaegar could not forget the state he found his mother in. Arthur could not forgive Rhaegar for being careless with his heart and vice versa. Even though, in deep of his heart, Rhaegar sometimes acted as if everything was normal; he was aware that it was what hurting Arthur the most. He was sending confusing signals and not obeying Arthur's boundaries, therefore causing a crisis within him. Oswell was right, he could never leave Arthur but he could not live with him too, not until he managed to end his own dilemma. He needed to make a decision, things were not fair for either of them. Both deserved better.

And Elia was even more complex. Rhaegar was determined to speak to her, to confess her the sins of his father and the kingsguard -including her uncle, tell her about how the king tried to kill her and ask her to support him in his plan of a bloodless coup. The man who went to Oldtown only to get betrayed by his own army thought he loved her. He was not sure of it yet.

She refused to give him time and space, demaneded explaiantion without not respecting his wishes, did everything to make things harder, betrayed her trust by telling his words to her uncle -words that were said in confidence, and forced him to do something he did not want to do. This was not the woman he knew, this was not the woman he thought he loved. He was not sure if this woman would understand Rhaegar's actions. He did not trust to this woman with telling her about the coup.

Yet, Arthur was right. Happy wife meant happy life and Elia too had been through enough. It was understandable, it should have been understandable that she acted without thinking, with the urge of protecting their daughter. And Rhaegar did accept that Elia, though with the wrong means, forced him to do right. If he wanted to form a Great Council, as Oswell said, he had to stay alive first and the key of it was to befriend the king, not defy him publicly. Arthur was adamant that if he would just sit down and be honest with her, Elia would understand and support him. But Rhaegar just couldn't shake the feeling that she would not. He couldn't be sure that she wouldn't go and tell these to her brothers. He didn't even mention about his plans to Jon -to a man he knew since childhood, a man he fought beside, a man who was planning for a possible war and was trying to find allies for years when he was making fun of him due to his paranoia. He couldn't even trust into his secrecy, a man he trusted with the prophecy, how could he trust a woman he apparently barely knew?

But the Gods, how much he wanted to trust her... While still searching for a wife, which seemed ages ago to him now, he was adamant on finding a true life partner not a broodmare to give him heirs. He wanted a true companionship with an understanding and intelligent woman and by all means, as Arthur reminded again and again, Elia apparenyl was that woman. Rhaegar knew he was being ungrateful because until recently, his wife never showed her claws to him -nor her apparently venomous tongue and with a second thought, he had accepted that he deserved such a treatment because he was not an attentive husband at all. This was why he went to her the other night, to make things right. He still didn't trust her, he still didn't planned on telling her about his plans but it didn't mean he wanted to be cross with her. He would be happier if they just make peace and she stopped asking questions.

And maybe it was for the good. If he were to really dethrone his father, he shouldn't have any weaknesses that people could use against him. He was not seeking allies for battlefield and he feared the thought of it but it was obvious that the general belief was Aerys would not give the throne away with peace, not even when more than half of the kingdom had chosen Rhaegar over him and things could easily turn into war. If he were to show affection to Elia and Rhaenys on public, he would put a target on their bakcs but if he maintain to be indifferent -even cold, to them, then he could protect them a little longer and he hoped to end the entire ordeal by then. Especially now with the banishment of Tywin, this idea became more and more rightful to him. He was going to make things right with Elia, keep a respectful distance in public and keep her busy in private.

But then again there was Arthur who was trying to guide him to a different question where he demanded him to write songs and read poems to his wife, where he listened to her, where he speak to her, where he trusted her, where he even loved her. But Arthur had grew up with such an enviorement while neither Rhaegar nor Elia did, neither knew better and Rhaegar was no fool. Elia too neither loved nor trusted him. He would never tell this to Arthur but they had a lifetime in front of them where he they could be like Daeron and Myriah but in order to achieve that, he needed a crown on top of his head. Until then, he was not going to open his heart to Elia. At least his mind was set on one of them.

"Elia wait!", he raised his voice once more and when she fastened her steps, he made a little run after her and finally reached her. She was wearing a rose-coloured dress that did not suited well to her face and she was accompanied by only Lewyn. "Wait.", he stood in front of her, blocked her way. He looked at Lewyn when she averted his eyes. "Leave us alone.", Lewyn looked both of them and then turned away as if he was glad to do so. It was obvious that the older man did not want to have a aprt in lovers quarrel. "What is going on?"

"Nothing, my lord.", she answered. "I was going to the Sept, if you allow me, to pray."

"For what?", he asked rather rudely and cursed himself for his tone. Yes, he wanted answers, an explanation, to know what he had done it wrong but this attitude was not the rightful way for it -he understood it perfectly clear with the snap of Elia's eyes. He missed seeing her face at ease but it was always tense in these days. "I meant-"

"-for the health of our daughter.", she interrupted him coldly. "You surely do remember her, yes, my lord? Our daughter, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen -one that you named after a conqueror who tried to conquer my lands and died horribly for it?"

Rhaegar's brain froze with the sudden attack. "So, you do hate the name?", he asked without thinking and Elia's response was a disbelief of narrowed eyes. She tried to move but he moved too to block her way once again, they were lucky that the hour was too early that there was no one around, no one were seeing that they were quarrelling like children. "Of course I do remember our daughter.", he tried to put a hand on her arm but she pulled it back and he pinched his nose. "Elia, did I do something?", he asked plainly. "To upset you?", a gut-wrenching feeling filled him and his eyes widened with worry. "Did I hurt you last night?"

He feared that more than he feared anything else. Yes, it was quite some time that they ahd sex. The last being Elia was pregnant of five to six moons. It meant almost half a year ago now that they were in the first day of the third moon. And while his experiences were nothing when compared to men like Oberyn and Oswell, he knew a thing or two. He was not as large as people thought he were, he possessed a fairly normal cock -only a bit bigger than the average yet even in normal times, when they had sex regularly, she needed a preparation first and he was never rush with her. He was not some greenboy who didn't know about what he was doing nor too excited to not being able to keep it in his pants until she was throughlt ready. And for that, for being maybe overly cautious, she had taunt him before by accusing him for being a tease. The only time he was not as considerable as he ought to be with her was at their wedding night -but he simply didn't have time for it.

And last night, after she accepted him to her bed, he was even more attentive than usual. It had been long, she needed more attention and he did everything he could have done in order to not to hurt her. And she had said time and time again that she was fine and while Rhaegar was not some arrogant man, it was obvious that she enjoyed herself too much that he found out that Lewyn switched his vigil with Oswell. There was no hint of pain on her face nor a sign of discomfort -and he had asked. But now Elia's cold demenour, while it could be about everything, made him doubt himself. Maybe he was not careful with her as he thought -as he was not careful with her heart too even though he thought he was.

"No.", despite her harshness, the word came out softly to assure him that she was not hurt. "No, you did not hurt me the way you think you did.", her eyes grew distant againt. "But you hurt me nevertheless."

"It is you who left me alone in your own bed.", he narrowed his eyes with accusation. "It is you who rob me the right of waking up with my wife and I am the one who hurt you?"

"What did you think, Rhaegar?", she wondered. "Just because for the first time ever since we married you decided to come to my bed with your free will and not my request I will forgive everything?", the question -the accusation, was too heavy.

Blaming with for being distant was one thing, blaming him for not desiring her was another. He was not going to accept it, especially not when he thought he was falling in love with her merely weeks ago. He was a workcholic, he never denied that, he was no liar and he had neglect her -this didn't meant, it never meant, that he didn't want her.

"I came to you because I wanted to come.", he answere plainly with a tense tone. "I see that we have miscommunication problems but you cannot accuse me for the things you think in your own head without asking me first.", he straightened his spine. "As I told you before, I never wanted to disturb you at Dragonstone while you were trying to get to used to your new life, your new home. I did not want to force you nor make you think that I was using you for heirs. And later on, I did not want to disturb you because you were with child. I cannot know exactly how uncomfortable it was but I can make a fair guess, considering my mother herself has spent more than half of my childhood getting pregnant and then losing the babies.", his voice was hiding a hurt under its sterness. "What I aimed was to give you time and space. I did not want you to think that I was forcing my company to you as your husband. But now I see that I must have done something wrong by respecting you."

"It is not respect what you are describing.", she raised her chin but Rhaegar was a lot taller than her. "You make a decision in your head without asking me first.", Rhaegar huffed to that. "I am not your mother.", Rhaegar seemed like she slapped him instead and took a step back. Elia knew it was a step too far but she wanted to get it out of her chest. "And you are not your father. I do not know anything about their relationship but I never thought you were even remotely similar to the king. Maybe if you just sit down with me and talk you would know that it actually makes me feel better, happier, to know that my husband desires my company and does not come to me only when I want."


"Do you even have any idea how humiliating it is?", she tilted her head. "There is a fine line between being considerate and being neglectful, lord, thought I believe it was rather easy for you to cross that line more than once.", she took a step forward. "You say, merely hours ago, that you understand that you had neglected me, yet now you stand in front of me and dare to defend yourself.", she hissed. "You are being a hypocrite."

"And you are ebing impossible.", he snapped back, he had no idea what they were arguing about it. "Do you want me to come to your bed every night, visit you whenever I have time?"

She sent him a look. "It is what loving husbands does, being with their wives as much as they can arrange to be. You are insulting me ever since we began to this nonsense argument, you are making it clear that you care so little about me."

"It is literally opposite of what I am trying to tell!", he raised his voice with disbelief. "Are you even listening to me? I am telling you,", he took a step further. "that I wish to be with you but fear that you don't."

"Is it why it is always me who comes to you and never the other way?"

"How could I know you would want it?"

"You have a mouth and a tongue, you could try to use it.", silence fell to them, they just looked at each other for a while in oder to cool down, their argument had gone heated.

"Why did you leave the bed, Elia?", he asked with a defeat, the hurt was visible in his eyes.

"Because I wanted to.", she raised her chin.


Her fake confidence faltered. "I woke up in your arms.", he said with a little voice, averted his eyes. "It didn't feel right."

Rhaegar nodded to himself with disappointment. "Do not ever do this again.", he said a heartbeat later, knowing he was being unreasonable. "Wake me up if you have to, order me to leave you, I would never stay in a place I am unwanted. But do not ever,", he took a step forward to her. "ever, leave me like this. Do you understand it?", she didn't answer and he took a step forward and snorted unintentionally. "You made me feel used."

"It was not my intention, I just wanted some fresh air.", she spoke swiftly and then felt his touch in her chin. "I do apologize if I hurt you that much.", she spoke with sublte pride, like all the Martells did.

Rhaegar looked deeply into his eyes, as if he was trying to see something, then he leaned on and started to kiss her. Elia thought it was going to be a peck -since the prince was obviously not a fan of public display of attention so she made an attempt to pull herself but he did not allow her. His hands on her face -his fingers at the behind of her neck while thumbs caressed her cheeks, became stronger but not with the intent of hurting her, no, it felt more like a passionate act. His mouth was warm and touch was burning and his kiss was sending signals to all of her sensitive parts after last night. It was too easy for Elia to get lost in his touch and hard to remember that he would proaby break heart heart again.

After a while that felt like forever -and magical, he pulled himself back but didn't take his hands off of her. "You are my wife.", he pressed every word, he was not blinking, looking at her as if he was wanting to say something. "You are my wife.", he just managed to repeat it and then abrudptly he let go of her and turned his back, left her.


"It is of no use, Larra.", she rubbed her face. "Oberyn will not bend."

"Why?", they were having a tea at her chambers, it was afternoon and Elia demanded silence and privacy. "I thought you two...", she did not finish her line.

"Oberyn is many things, a menaceful fool, if you call it.", she threw herself to the couch and closed her eyes, pinched her nose. "He can kill and fuck and torture everyone but he has a limit. One person that he would never, ever displease, would behave if he has to.", she sent her a look. "Elia."

Larra sighed as she took a sip of her tea. "I do understand of her reluctance of this affair. I do not support you two fully two but when we consider it is the best option. Doran forces Oberyn to marry with Atera, a woman he does not want nor desire. He would be unhappy forever if he marries and he would make her unhappy too. Both deserve better than that. And you? I had spoken to Andric he doesn't know a thing about Doric too but it is a signal that you are now appropriate to be considered as a marriage candidate.", she sent her an understanding look. "You are not only known for your beauty, Ashara. Arthur's reputation makes you desirable too and you being Elia's chief lady in waiting makes you a very eligible maiden. Doric Hightower is not the first men who is considering you as a benefitable match, there will be many others and sooner or later, Andric will have to start considering them. It will be expected of you to marry with some lord just for his name."

"Andric would not want that."

"Not Andric, no but the court will.", she held her hands. "All of the former queen's ladies had married with either the king's gentlemen or with lords in high positions, it is how things work. When Elia's ladies were first chosen, it was both Lorenza and the Queen Rhaella's wish to form betrothals too between her ladies and Rhaegar's court. It was a necessary step that was not taken."


"Over the years, the queen's ladies, the loyal ones, married with the king's men şn order to give her influence so the king cannot have mistresses -and even if he has, the queen would be in charge of them.", she sent her a scolding look. "The queen has only the power the king gives to her and the king's power comes from his court, his influence comes from the men on his council. If the queen's ladies marry those men, the queen's power would increase. This was why Alicent Hightower was that powerful.", she squeezed her hands. "Her father was the Hand of the King and the rest of the council worshipped her. They had started as the king's men and then turned to be the queen's men. And not just her,", she shook her head. "every time a Targaryen king married another houses, his wife's relatives and friends took positions in the court. When Myriah Martell married Daeron, he was not even a prince, he had no titles, he was spare of the spare, a no one, yet Myriah brought his ladies and married them all of his men. And once they became the king and the queen, she had great influence in the realm -enough to trigger weak men to rebel against the crown. Elia should have done that, Elia should do that still."

"This mentality would wed me to Jon Connington, the prince's closest men who is not my brother nor sworn into celibacy.", she frowned. "I prefer Doric Hightower to that stoic man."

"You are missing the point.", she shook her head. "It is perfectly acceptable for you to marry him, it is the problem.", she claimed. "That man is Oberyn's best friend, no? The Lord Commander's nephew.", she pressured. "Not just some lord's second brother. He can very well swore himself to Rhaegar or Elia, can become a Captain of Guards or Master at Arms or something. Rhaegar can grant him a boon of a castle, or his brother a stronghold, a mansion perhaps, this city is filled with it. And though a third son, he is richer than half of the realm. Should the point come to it, Andric would not reject it. And for Oberyn? Since Rhaegar possed any female relatives, Atera is the best choice for him now that she can return back to Elia's service."

"Oberyn would prefer to amrry her than to upset Elia.", she said with a fallen face. "And I agree with him."


"No, Larra, it is not worth it.", she shook her head "She is not only his limit but mine as well."


Elia had met with Arthur in his chambers again the next morning. She had a look of discomfort on her face, she knew Arthur was going to scold her. This was not what they agreed on and she had a feeling that Rhaegar too was talking differenylt to Arhtur but acting differently with Elia. She knew her friend had the patience of a septon when he wanted to but still, from the way he looked at her while locking Rhaegar's way of entrance, she was sure that he was not going to be that patient with her this time.

"It is not my place to interfere with your marriage.", he began to speak, tied his hands behind his back. "It is not my place to talk with either of you, especially to meet you in secrecy, it is not my place to advice you or to except that you would follow them when I give it.", his face was cold and voice perhaps a bit too harsh -as usual with Arthur though his face lacked that hint of boredom, it was hiding tension this time. "But I thought, given both of you are adults who are sharing a child together, would at least try to behave like adults, not spoiled children who take everything for granted."

"Your words are cruel, Ser.", she tied he hands on her front, her eyes were on her countryman's face but she was playing with her rings still. Arthur had that kind of an affect on all of them. "Though right.", she turned her head away. "It was unseemly to have an argument with the prince on openfield even though there were no one around."

"I do understand, as I said repeatedly, your feelings.", he clenched his jaw. "But as I also said repeatedly that Rhaegar cannot.", he raised his voice only a little. "He acts like he knows everything -the key word in here is 'acts', he doesn't actually know everything, he cannot read your mind. If you want something you must tell him directly."

"I didn't know I married a halfwit, a heads up would be appreciated.", she couldn't help but snap, feeling like Oberyn and from Arthur's unamused look, she knew he thought the same. "I did tell him what had bothered me and-"

"-and what?", he interrupted her, too annoyed for courtly etiquette. "He dismissed you?", it was unlikely. Rhaegar was an emotional man who did not fare well with other people's emotions -his as well. It was what Aerys -and Rhaella, had expected of him, to be closed off and logical. It had made him grew apart from his inner world hence where his melancholia came from. He was not allowed to have emotions or show them even if he did and it was simply too much for a sensitive child like Rhaegar. He was aware of the beauty of other's inner worlds, he had envied people who lived their emotions freely, he would never dismiss someone for it. "He mocked you?", he wouldn't even in wildest dreams. "Snapped at you?", and he never was rude. In this equation, in his mind, Elia was in the wrong if Rhaegar offered her an explanation. She had no reason to accept it if she did not like it but it wasn't a valid reason to linger the argument.

"He acts like I am some kind of a fragile glass flower.", she snapped at him with a burning gaze. "As if I am going to break if he grabs me too hard."

Arthur had no idea how to answer that. "Elia you must-"

"He thinks I am his mother.", she scoffed with a headshake. "I do understand that Queen Rhaella had a hard life with the king, had lost many children, faced with numerous losses and accusations and well I met her too and she was...", she raised her eyebrows briefly with untasteful manner and turned her head away, Arthur did not allow himself to think about the queen at all. "For the seeing eyes, our difference is vastly clear.", she looked at him again with a serious look. "But it seems my husband believes that I cannot speak for myself nor stop him if he crosses a line."

And he had strong and valid reasons for it, if only he would tell those to her. Rhaegar wasn't thinking Elia was similar to his mother, on the contrary, he was fearing to turn to his father and that no one would stop him. He did not trust himself, always thought he was cursed and now he did not trust Arthur to put him into his place nor Oswell to smack him on the face if it was necessary. He feared to hurt her and not realizing -he feared of not caring. The only person in this world was also the person who can never talk about it; Arthur. What he would say to him?

I let your father abuse your mother but don't worry, I'll not do the same to you.

Rhaegar would never trust nor believe but also there was no one knew Rhaegar better than him. Only Arthur knew the right words, only Arthur could reach to that inner child in him who was risking this entire affair with stubbornness -which was not a trait that looked good on Rhaegar. He was amiable not disagreeable but it seemed that with Elia, when she did not just kept quiet and satisfied with her life, he was ruining everything.

"He doesn't think you are his mother.", he forced himself to say with a quiet voice and then rubbed his face. "What do you want me to do, Elia?", he asked with exauhstion. He had a hard couple of years now.


"I did tried to guide you both to the right way, it did not work.", he opened his arms and pursed his lips. "Even though you come to me to take advice, neither of you actually follow it. It means that I am obviously doing something wrong so tell me what to do instead, tell me what do you want."

"I-I-", she seemed utterly confused. "-is this some kind of a trick?", she asked with long pauses and Arthur sent her a mocking look. "I want to know the truth.", she said with a thoughtful manner. "I want to know everything about him but firstly; the rtuth."

It was not his place to tell. "El-"

"Is there another woman?", she asked blatantly and Arthur seemed to be taken aback.


"Another woman.", she repeated. "Before me? During me? When he was away from me?"

"You surely do not refer to the gossips about him and the Lady Atera?", Arthur knew it was a mistake with the way Elia raised her eyebrows and let out a small and a brief, dry, chuckle, made a move to leave the room. "Elia, no, wait.", he did not dare to block her way nor to touch her but he took a step towards her intentionally. Her hands were on the door and she turned hallway towards him, looked at him with a demand. "There isn't another woman.", he said with all his honesty.

"He hasn't came to my bed for half a year. I emrely want to know who's he went.", she seemed truly upset and Arthur took another unintentional step, held her hands.

"There isn't another woman.", he pressed the words while looking directly at her eyes. "Do you think I would allow it?", he knew she was not in a mood to think rightly and honourably about Rhaegar, so he used himself. "Do you think I would keep my silence against a humiliation against my own princess?"


"I might be a kingsguard but I am still a Dornishman.", he straightened his spine. "And you are my princess. Rhaegar might be my prince and friend but I will be the first one to hit him silly if he would dare to humiliate you like this."

Elia's fingers caressed on his wrist as she closed her eyes with a look of relief that she could not managed to hide. She sent him a look. "Can you at least let me know why you two are like this?", she demanded softly. "I thought you two were best friends, what happened?"

"We woke up to the reality.", he answered shortly. "As I said, I made a mistake he cannot forgive but he also is not powerful enough to send me away so I am here, lingering around."

"Let me guess,", she sent him a small smile. "it is about the late queen."

Arthur didn't have the chance to answer to that because the main door opened and Rhaegar entered, found them holding hands, alone.


"I must admit that I am surprised you are not rejecting this entire ordeal right away.", he said, putting his feet to the long table and crossing it.

"He makes her smile.", Leyton said pensively with a small voice while standing in front of window, watching his sister -who finally beat the fever, walking alongside with Cardan Blackmont in the gardens. The man had tried to give her flowers, not knowing she is allergic to them but then whatever he said, she started to laugh and it became interesting to watch it. "Or else, no one could force me to stand by and allow it."

"Doran's proposal?", Andric asked again, crossing his hands. "He is whoring out a prince, what is your answer to them?"

"Just because Doran feels comfortable with whoring his brother, it doesn't mean I am comfortable with whoring out mine.", he narrowed his eyes when the man took his sister's arm and locked with his. He sent a glance to Andric. "It is mahogany, Dayne, you are in the center of civilataztion, lower your damn feet."

Andric rolled his eyes and put in a show, when he sat like a behaving adult, he shared a look with Larra. "Is this mean that we can be family after all?"

Leyton snorted loudly and turned to him. "That man is Larra's nephew Andric, not yours.", he pointed out her. "And she is not your wife, Cassella is.", he made his way to the tables on the corner to pour wine. "One would think after a decade, you would finally learn it."

"Yes,", he leaned back. "because we both know very well enough wives who wants to murder us, yes?", he winked at him. When Leyton didn't answer his jape, he rolled his eyes. "Give it a day or two to Cassella, I am sure that she took great inspiration from Rhea Florent, she would arrange something.", even Larra sent Andric a cynical look. "Though I am not stupid enough to sire a child with her, I care about my life very much.", he couldn't help but to snort loudly a moment later with his thought, pinched his nose and he closed his eyes but couldn't surpress his smile. "Though I heard you did not as well.", and then break into laughter. Larra was watching him with a small smile but judging looks nevertheless. And Leyton sent him a look of disapproval as he handed Larra's wine glass to him.

"Where is mine?", Andric managed to ask between his laugher.

"You have two hands and two feet, got up and took your own wine.", he didn't even bother himself with him and sat to the table. Larra sent him a seducing look.

"So, now that your wife is dead, will you finally answer my proposal?"

"Leyton, seriously?", Andric made a 'tsch' sound. "He would be too boring."

"On the contrary,", she fronwed at him playfully. "I only heard how magnificent he was on bed.", then he sent a wink to Leyton and earned a sigh.

"Do not force me to get involved with your depravity."

Larra let out a loud 'hah' voice and Andric sent him a look of disbelief. "I would buy into this entire piousness act,", Andric made a hand gesture. "if I didn't know better.", then he sat down and raised his glass at him. "But I do know better."

Leyton shook his head. "Everyone gets too wild when they were young.", he sent both of them scolding looks. "Usually most of us outgrow it when we become adults."

"We didn't.", Larra pursed her lips while pointed out Andric and her with her finger. "One day I'll have you in my bed.", she declared. "Deny it all you want now, we both you want it.", Leyton didn't seem like he did though it was obvious he enjoyed the subject to a degree. "Now, my nephew and your sister?"

"Atera does not wish for a marriage and after she said for the thousandth time, I decided to finally accept it.", he shrugged. "I have no idea what this,", he made a gesture towards the window at his back. "is about."

"But if she would choose to marry him?", Larra wanted to be sure.

"Your paramour here,", he pointed out Andric and even this showed their bond. Reachermen did not use the word 'paramour' but 'lover'. It was Atera's mistake too as Andric kindly pointed out but Leyton knew which word to use. "is my archemesis,", Andric snorted. "my greatest political rival and the reason of the most of my headaches. Any agreement he is on is a cursed one for me.", he declared.

"I will keep being all of these the moment I leave this door.", he accepted. "I am merely celebrating that you are alive now.", his eyes hsone with sincerity. "I would not want to loose my archnemesis, my greatet political rival and the reason of most of my headaches."

"Appreciated.", Leyton bowed his head at him and then turned to Larra. "We shall talk about it later once I find out what is exactly going on."


"Am I interrupting something?", he raised his eyebrows and looked both of them -bpth looked utterly shocked for a second as if he had walked on them, doing something inappropriate. "I can go if you want?", he suggested, turned his body halfwards and Elia only let out a huff through her nose and left the room instead, made sure that her shoulder hit his. Rhaegar tied his hands at his back after he was sure that Elia left the wing, turned to Arthur and looked at him with expectation.

"What?", he asked, still surprised over what happened.

"I just saw you holding my wife's hands inside of a locked chamber.", he said with a weird look on his face but a small smile on his lips. "Will you not say anything?"

"We were talking about what happened yesterday.", he narrowed his eyes. "She got upset that you do not understand her and I held her hand to console her."

"Alright.", he shrugged and his entire demenaour changed. "I just spoke with the Braavosi ambassadors-,", he left the room and began to walk but Arthur stayed inside of his chambers. Realizing his absence, Rhaegar turned back to it and made a gesture. "Come, Arthur."

"Will you not say anything?", he asked this time and Rhaegar seemed as puzzled as he looked -he pretended to be looked as puzzled as he did but he still had that smile that nerved him.

"What should I say?", he wondered. "You are a kingsguard and my best friend. She is my wife.", he shrugged again -it did not suit him. "You two grew up together as friends. It is only normal that you want to comfort her when I failed to do so as her husband.", he tilted his head as if he remembered something. "Especially when I am the reason of the need of a comfort.", he had an amiable face but Arthur could sense the burning jealousy over him. "Is there a problem, Arthur?", he asked with a cold ice voice.

"No, should there be?", he counter asked, the tension was not even cuttable with Dawn herself.

"I do not think so.", he looked him up and down and made a hand gesure. "Come now, I had met with the Braavosi ambassadors..."


"Brother, welcome!", Doric greeted Leyton as he entered the room with a dismissive look already.

"Look at your beauty,", Leyton smiled at Atera after hugging with Doric. "you are mesmerizing as usual, my dearest."

Atera smiled at him and accepted his hug. "Thank you for coming, brother."

"I would come anywhere you invite me to.", he placed a kiss to her hair and held her hands when he oulled back. "How are you feeling my moonlight? Are you in pain?"

"No.", she assured him. "I had a bit nausea in the morning due to all those potions but I feel a lot better now, do not worry."

"I always worry about you."

"Yes, sister, it is kind of our job.", Doric winked at both.

"Is the food ready?", Leyton sent a look to the table. "I am starving, I can even eat you whole Atera."

Doric snorted. "I haven't eat anything today just to eat at here.", Atera rolled her eyes at both.

"You know that I do not allow people to eat like pigs on my table. So please remember to breath between your bites and use forks not your hands.", both of her brothers laughed but her smile faltered a little. "Where is Arvel?", she asked and Leyton turned his head away. After sharing a look with Doric she repeated. "Leyton?"

"I waited for him but he did not come. I believe he did not want to join."

Atera seemed to be taken aback due to aducaity. "I invite him and he doesn't come, is that so?"

"Do not mind it, sister, it is a good thing that he is not coming. At least we'll have fun."

"Brother, please.", her entire mood turned into sour. "I do not want any arguments tonight. I might be pain free but it does not mean that I am not tired. I invited all of you to have a night full of entertainment as we haven't had it in more than a decade."

"If Arvel can think before he speaks and acts, there is no reason for arguments, Atera."

"Don't worry, I'll warn him too, if he comes.", and he did come a few minıtes later with Cerissa by his side -despite her warnings of coming alone.

"Brother,", Leyton raised his eyebrows. "we thought you would come here alone."

Atera sent him a look and Arvel looked offended, Cerissa's face fell. "My lords, please forgive me, if I bother you."

"Of course not.", Doric felt weird. Normally it was him who said the wrong thing at the wrong time and Leyton who fixed it. "Welcome."

"Hazel,", Atera forced a fake smile. "please add another plate to the table."

And then they all sat, though the air was tense at the beginning, they became comfortable over the courses. Atera truly arranged a magnificent ambiance.

"Soup is delicious.", Doric said and Atera chuckled to it, forced herself basically.

"Yes, of course. It is a new recipe that came from Myr. I wanted to taste it with you all."

"It has a unique taste, yes.", Cerissa shared a look with Arvel.

"Alerie wants to throw a feast for you.", Leyton took a sip from his wine maybe half an hour later when they started to eat their main course.

"Whyever for this time?", she questioned. "She wants to thow a feast for everything."

"To celebrate your healing, I guess.", he frowned. "Or something like this."

"Meaning is that she is bored and looking for an excuse.", Doric explained it to Cerissa. Atera was thankful of him for breaking the ice tonight for more than once.

"I'll join it, as usual.", she shook her head. "Tomorrow night?"

"Probably, yes.", he nodded an maybe a ten minutes later, he was recalling a memory. "And then he,", pointed Arvel. "started to chase me with a wooden sword.", he laughed at that. Atera was too young, Cerissa wasn't even in the picture and Doric was not involved with them when thye were boys.

"I do not recall such a memory.", Arvel said rather daringly and Atera shared a look with Doric.

"How are my nephews?", Atera asked to Cerissa. "Do they like the castle? Adust to it?"

"This is their home.", Arvel answered on her behalf. "Of course they got well adjust to it.", he sent a look to Leyton. "Despite someone's wishes."

"I never exiled your sons but you.", he looked at him over his wine cup. "They are no traitors to this house but you."

"Take that back.", Arvel ordered. "It was me who saved this city and our sister from your mistakes."

"You were part of the solution, yes, but not the saviour you think you are."

"Leyton, Arvel!", Doric warned them both. "You have no right to ruin this night. We all have gathered around here to fix your problems, for not to create more."

"Doric is right.", Atera frowned at them. "This situation sadenes us all. You both are actşng like enemies not like brothers."

"By all means, Atera, stay away from this subject.", Arvel belittled her. "You are not our silbing truly. We share half a blood, ours is a broken, missing siblingship."

And Leyton saw red with that. "Take that back!", he ordered as he stood up and Atera seemed taken aback, shocked even, she never heard such a thing before, neither Leyton nor Doric ever treated her differently. Doric too seemed overly angry. "Apologize, from our sister."

"Fine.", Arvel scoffed. "I do apologize, Atera."

"Hear that brother.", Doric, despite his own anger, tried to pull back Leyton but Atera seemed highly affected by the comment, she barely managed to nod. "He apologized.", Leyton sent a look at Atera's state and then forced himself to sit back down in order not to upset her further.

"Yes, yes, I do apologize.", he took a sip from his wine. "For you to endure this weakling over here longer than us did."

"For fuck's sake.", Doric rubbed his face.

"I do am sorry, Leyton.", he turned to him. Their eldest brother's vein on his head was looking visible. "For you being cuckholded by our own cousin, for you to being poisoned by your own whore wife-"

"Arvel!", Doric yelled.

"-for being have to father bastards due to your own weakness."

"Get out of my court!", Leyton slammed his hands to the table as he rose again and ordered with a deep spite. "I will not have you here any longer, you will leave at dawn."

"This is the only thing you can use, is it not?", he stood up too. "You might be my older brother but still, I am far more stronger than you could ever be. It is why you want to send me away, because you fear me."

"I want you away because you are a pleagure, Arvel.", he spat. "A plague that we must get rid of."

"And what of her?", Arvel signed Atera's direction with his head. "What is she that you value this much? In truth, he is nothing more than a bastard of the-", before his line ended, Leyton attacked him and punched him on the face.

Cerissa, held her belly and tried to stand up as she screamed. Atera gaped at her brothers and tried to reach them but Doric blocked her way.

"Leyton, Arvel, stop this at once!"

Doric ordered as Arvel tried to hit Leyton's stomach but he took him in a headlock and threw it to the table, and punched him for a few more times and Doric tried to pull him back under his arms and then got in between them.

"Arvel please!", Cerissa yelled with fear. He was about to ruin all the plans they have made, she could not afford that

"Doric, do something!", Atera ordered as she rushed to Cerissa's side to calm the pregnant woman. "And you, take deep breaths, you are going to injure yourself."

Leyton pushed Doric out of the way and he fell to the floor, this time Atera rushed to his side to help him get up and Leyton held Arvel's shoulders as he cough, to push him to the table once more. Arvel tried to get rid of his hold and when he couldn't he hit to his face with his elbow, caused him to take a few steps back and then he kicked him on his groins and made him fall to the floor and he started to choke him. Leyton punched him on the face once more with force and caused him to fell next to him but before he managed to hover over Arvel, Doric got in between them.

"Enough!", he roared. "What are you doing? Behave yourselfs!"

Atera was pale and her hands were shaking due to all the events and her stomach pained had returned with the pusling headache. She rubbed her face. "Arvel leave.", she ordered.

"I am the one who should leave?", he spat at her.

"You are no longer welomce in my quarters after you insulted me.", she looked at him with disgust. "Leave at once.", Arvel's response was an actual spat to the floor and Leyton made a move against him once more but Doric placed a hand on his chest to prevent him.

After Arvel and Cerissa left, they sat on the couched and looked to the ruined table. "You worked too hard for tonight, I am sorry.", Leyton rubbed his face, it was sour but Arvel's punches were weak.

"When did this happened?", she asked with a dry voice, her eyes were watching without seeing, she was playing with her fingers.

"I know you two never get along but this?", Doric shook his head in order to support his sister.

"It is too much, Leyton, too much!", she raised her voice.

"I would never do such a thing when you two are here. I wouldn't want you to witness this, I apologize.", he kept rubbing his face.

"Stop that!", she ordered with annoyance. "You are going to make it worse."

"We had ruined the entire night and upset you.", he looked at her. "You seem pale."

"I just want this night to end here.", she stood up without looking at them and Leyton sighed, left the room with a defeated manner. "Doric.", she stopped him before he left. "What did he mean?"

"What, honey?"

She turned to him with a straight face. "He said that I am nothing more than the 'bastard of the', he could not finish his line, what he meant by that?"

Doric seemed puzzled. "I do not know.", he tried to think of something but nothing came to his mind. "Maybe he wanted to say 'bastard of the whore'?", he asked apogelitaclly. "Vile words of a vile man, do not upset yourself over it."

"I shall not, brother, thank you.", she turned her back and crossed her arms at her chest.


"My lady,", her guard entered her chambers. She was staying at hers tonight, Andric had decided to have a dinner with his sister and she did not want to interrupt. "Prince Doran wishes to see you.", he sounded almost nervous but Larra only took a bored breath. He was not going to let it go, it seemed.

"Let him in."

"Will you not stand up?", he asked after a minute or two later, his grey eyes have been observing the room, they ended up on her eventually, who did not curtsied as she should have.

"I only stand up for the people I respect.", she said dryly. "You do not fall to that category."

"I am your prince."

"Not for long.", she muttered but it was loud enough for Doran to hear. Then a smile appeared on her face. "I must congratulate you though, I heard Mellario is once again with child."

He seemed surprised. "Is your birds truly this slow? The birth is soon.", he informed her. "Within three moons in fact, the Maesters guess."

"Of course I heard it sooner.", she scoffed. "I just managed to stomach to say it.", her eyes turned cold. "I hope it will have a good life."

Doran's demenour changed. "If you-"

"Unlike your mother I would not harm children.", she spat. "I still have a soul that I care about. I still have dignity, honour. My problem is with you. I advice you to pray for Lorenza's health. It would be too bad if you would die withput seeing your newborn for the first time."

"You think you can kill me?", he shook his head. "You think I don't know what you are trying to do with Oberyn and Ashara? But you must be disappointed, now that you realize whatever you do, you cannot turn my brother against me."

"Your brother's loyalty does not lie with you Doran, if it was only about you nor your wretched parents, it would work.", she stood up with discomfort. "It is Elia who he respects, it is Elia who he loves, it is Elia who he cares. He knows that you do not deserve such a devotion."

Doran couldn't help but chuckle. "Do you think I will be jealous of my own sister? Did you truly fell this low, Larra? Is this your best plan to cause riffle between us three?"

"It is no wonder Doran, that the entirety of Dorne, even your so-called 'allies' would rather see Elia on the throne and not you."

He nodded with amusement. "It is true.", he accepted. "Even I might like to see her there more than to sit there myself, there is no shame in being less loved. It is my throne at the end of the day."

This time it was Larra's turn to laugh. "Do you truly think you can be able to sit on it even for a second?"

"Oh, I will.", he said with determination. "I will sit on it for many years to come, you'll see."

"I doubt I will.", she narrowd her eyes. "If you ascend on that seat, I probably would be dead already and even if I live, you would find a way to get rid of me. Considering that you blame me even when you trip over a stone casted your way.", she shook her head with a smile. "While in truth; no one in Dorne likes you and half of it hates you even. Yet here you are, acting as if I am your only enemy.", she pouted her lips with a mocking manner. "When will you realize that it is you who chose me as your enemy, not vice versa? At every corner, people whisper about you."

"If you care about whispers that much, why don't you heed the ones that are said about you?", he asked with true wonder. "All those charities in Dorne...", he shook his head with a pitying manner. "They will not make you an angel.", her face fell. "Everyone knows what you are. Also,", he grimaced. "I do not care about what people say or think about me. I am a Prince of Dorne and the eldest child of the Ruling Princess.", he straightened his spine. "All of those people will be my subject soon enough, they will bow to me. It does not matter what they whisper about me as long as no one dares to say it to my face."

"One day,", she began to speak with an almost sad manner. "will be the last day I see you, Doran.", she offered him a small smile, a sincere one. "One day, you will leave Dorne and you will never return back to it. I do not doubt it even for a second. The only thing I wonder,", she took a step forward. "is how it will be.", she raised her chin. "Whether with your own judgement, walking on your own feet or,", she tilted her head. "inside of a coffin?"

Doran smiled at that. "Which one wlould you prefer for yourself?"


"What are you doing in my chambers? How did you enter?", she asked with a tense figure. She was not in a mood to deal with Walburga out of all people. She had just returned from a talk with Alerie, to tell her what happened and found that witch inside of her chambers.

"You had refused my brother's proposal.", the older woman turned to look at her.

"I knew it was you who tried to mastermind the whole affair and failed miserably.", she scoffed, letting her tension to create a wall for her.

"I thought you would enjoy it.", she said with a faked puzzlement. "I thought you loved your brother."

"My brother?", she had a terrible feeling. "What are you talking about Walburga?"

"I am talking about the truth.", she said, tied her hands in front of her, her long sleeves hiding something. "I am talking about the secret between you and Leyton and Alerie and probably the rest of the Hightowers."

"There is no secret.", she straightened her spine. "It seems to me this is one of your usual slanders.", her eyes found Finnan, she still did not entered her chambers completely, she made a hand gesture towards the door. "Please leave, I do not have time for you."

"What happened to Rhea, Atera?", she asked, leaned forward, instead of leaving.

Not even a muscle on Atera's face moved.

"How can I know what you made up?", she said instead. "What happened to her?"

"Oh you killed her, no one doubts that.", she scoffed, took a step further towards her. "But I was curious about the reason why."

"And you find it?"

She raised the small little black diary. "I think I did."

Atera let out a laugh. It was a true laugh, that came from within, she was not having much fun in these days but this truly shoke her to the core, her heavy necklaces and earrings moved with her body. She laughed too much that her belly started to hurt and she had to put her hands there to ease the pain in her muscles. Her laugh was melodic as usual and very loud and well, it caught the attention of Ashara who was going to Elia's chambers. She couldn't help but to hide in a corner and listen to what was happening -a dreadful habit that she couldn't get rid of since she was a girl.

"I must have hurt you pretty bad, Walburga.", she managed to say while her laugh was dying off, her dimples was showing and her smile was still wide. "Since you worked too much. I mean, I must congrulate you because I even forgot about the existence of that diary.", she clapped her. "You must have go to great deals to get your filthy fingers on it."

"You cast the first stone, no? The day I came? You deny my grandson of his birthright, try to frame me... What did you think? There would be no consequneces?"

"Your grandson is a bastard. His birthrigt was never to born to begin with.", she said with a frown. "You ruined my life.", she said with a voice that came deep from her. "You are the reason why my mother is dead. You betrayed her and your whore of a daughter betrayed me. And now you dare to stand in front of me, in my chambers and what? Threaten me? Who do you think you are?"

"I think that I am your future sister in law.", she said with a smirk. "That or the whole world will know of your brother being cuckholded, the sins of your cousin and the truth about those boys... What did you said? The birthrights of bastards were never born to being with.", she shrugged. "This diary,", she shook it. "will not be only Leyton's undoing but yours too. Your lies will be reveailed. What truly happened to Leyton and to Rhea and to Jacen... House Hightower will lose everything."

"Game on then.", she said with a fire within. "I would rather to enter a grave than of your brother's bed. At least I would have peace and dignity there."


"Lady Atera is here, my lord.", his guard said and he let her enter with a sigh. Alea sent him a look.

"She will not like this."

"I know."

Atera entered with an already vexed face. Her eyes first widened slightly then got narrowed as she took Alea's form in. "You could at least dress up."

Alea let out a taunting sight and left the bed -entirely naked, and walked towards the middle of the room to gather her dress. Leyton didn't even turn to look at her even once, in order not to disturb her -which she found it rather adorable. It was a mild sign of respect, he was considerate enough to think that she might be get disturbed under her gaze, not caring that she could simply ask for them and it was her choice to stand up like this. She also find it rather amusing that after everything he had done to her, which was dizzying at worst, full of sin and passion and she didn't understand how on earth Rhea would need to cheat on him with another man, he still felt the need to do this.

He did not claim a right on her body and gave her privacy, even inside of his own chambers.

Atera, on the other hand, was not as kind nor thoughtful as him. She just sent her a look and rolled her eyes, showed all the signs of her annoyance and only turned her back with a grimace after she had seen the small hickey on her shoulder.

"He has ten children, Alea, seriously?", she couldn't help but ask. "You have ten children, Leyton, seriously?", japing him at this moment was not a right thing to do and frankly, she was not in a mood for such silly sibling banter but she wanted to show both that even though she still was disgusted with their affair, she had started to come back to her senses and at least could interact with the elephant in the room.

But, despite it's being a small attempt of humour, Leyton's entire focus was on 'ten children'. As far as he was concerned, he, in deed, had ten children but Atera accepting this? Humfrey and Gunthor as her nephews? Leyton unvibily shook his head, no, that was not what she meant. They were his sons in her eyes because that was what Leyton had told to her but they were not her nephews. She had a big heart -though it was empty or so she claimed, and was a good person deep down, very deep down, but she was not that good. She could never be that good and Leyton questioned whether if he should have been that good or not.

"Your brother is magnificent in bed."

"Why would you say that?", she turned to her with a look full of shock and a high-pitched voice. Leyton almost choke on his wine when he saw Alea's wink at him -whether out of sheer surprise or due to immense desire, he was not sure of, but Atera's horrified look was enough to turn it back to a snort. "Why would you feel the need to say this to me? He is my brother, it is disgusting!", she tightly closed her eyes and shook her head. "I think I am going to vomit."

"There should be a bucket there, somewhere, you can use that.", Leyton leaned back with a soft smile and offered as Alea got dressed up.

Atera looked up and down on her and then sighed. "Can you please leave us alone?"

Alea could coninute to teasing as this was the first time she spoke to her in the past week but she sensed the alarm in her voice. "My lord.", she made a curtsy to Leyton with a rather serious manner and left.

"We need to speak.", she turned to Leyton immediately when the door closed, she was playing with her rings once more.

"You look terrible.", he said with an open heart. She still was wearing the last night's dress -a deep red velvet gown with a short golden vest that ended under her breasts and a small golden belt on her waist. There were no jewels and her hair was falling down. Her face was pale and around her eyes red. She seemed as if she never slept the entire night. "Is this about last night?"

"Yes.", she bowed her head with a scowl. "But not in the way you think."

Leyton stood up with that, his purple robe was untied but he was wearing a shirt this time. "Sister?", he asked with stress. "I do apologize again-"

"Don't.", she leaned forward and leaned her forehead to his chest but did not hug him. Leyton placed his hands on her shoulders as if she was going to fall. "I am so tired."

"Did somebody upset you, my love?", he asked, his mind had been rambling.

Did Arvel said something to her afterwards?

Did she caught the slip on his words last night?

Did she predict what he was going to say?

But how could she? By all means, Arvel could very well use millions of other words, predicting that specific word would be impossible and why she would even think of that? Or was she simply disturbed by the fact that she was called a 'bastard' by their own brother? Was she upset because Arvel referred their bond as 'half' and 'missing'?

Leyton would kill him if his worst fears had come true and she had caught the glimpse of ghosts of the past. But if it was the latter, though it was heartless but he prayed to the Father that it was the latter, he could easily make him apologize though he knew she will never be able to forget hearing those words.

She had been referred as a 'bastard' many times before and there were people who dared to question Leyton loudly as why he was this tolerant with a 'half-sister'. She had heard those accusations and questions hundreds of times before, Leyton had failed on protecting her but it always came from strangers, never from family.

"It seems that a wedding is in order.", she mumbled and Leyton gaped with confusion, tightened his hold on her to push her gently. He held her chin between his fingers and searched the truth in her eyes. "And I owe you the truth."


"You didn't had to escort me here, Oberyn, if you would sulk the entire day.", Ashara huffed as they entered the ship, she had forgotten something very important here and couldn't sleep without knowing it was safe and secure. Larra had asked Oberyn to escort her -just to piss off Doran, she knew that much. "I do not need protection, I am very well able to do that myself."

"I do know that.", he sent her a look, felt the burning scratch of his lower back -a lovely mark for him to carry for eternity, given by Ashara's blade. From the look she sent to him, he realized that she remembered it as well.

When they entered the ship that she came alongside Elia and the prince's household, she rushed to her own cabin, opened one of the chests and started to look at it, with every passing second she was becoming more and more impatient but when her hands touched to the cold silver box, she gave a breath of relief.

"And here it is.", she exclaimed, took the books and opened it. The black obsidian necklace was shining with the light that entered form the circle-shaped windows.

It was a very precious necklace -both emotionally and in actual richness. It's stones was from black obsidian and they were tied to each other with actual crystal strings, it was star shaped. A necklace Ashara never wore but never kept it away from her.

"Isn't this belonged to Lady Dayne?", Oberyn recozgnized it at instant. He had never seen Alena Dayne without it.

"My mother gave it to me before she-", she closed her eyes and closed the book, she couldn't finish her sentence and Oberyn turned his ehad away with ackowladgement.

"Should we return back?", he asked instead.

"What will you do when your mother dies?", she asked rather coldly but it was not her intention. She was aware of Oberyn's very complicated relationship with Lorenza.

"I will do my duty.", he said simply, that light in his eyes flickered.

"Your duty?", she wanted to be sure that she heard it right.

"Yes, my duty.", he nodded fiercely. "There would be nothing that would anger her more than me behaving."


"I hope I didn't created any problems for you, Ser.", he turned his head to the approaching voice; Elia in a golden cloak with Ashara and Catelyn behind her. They were in the open air, on the training ground. Arthur was watching Oswell and Myles, Elia stood next to him. "I did try to find you but was not able."

"I was with the prince, your grace.", he answered without looking at her. His eyes were watching Myles' movements like a hawk. They had neglected his training due to circumstances but he still was getting better. "We talked about state matters."

"State matters?", she asked, they were not whispering but their voices were not louder than that either.

"When Ser Jon is not around, his grace sometimes asks my opinions."

"And you give them freely?", she wondered. "He does not trust you but confides in you at both of the matters of the heart and the matters of the state, is that so?", it was not her intention to direct an accusation and she knew he would not take it that way.

"It is a complicated story and it is not mine to tell, my princess. I advice you, I give it to your freely, that maybe you should simply let it go and wait for the time that our prince decides to inform you."

"I wouldn't be me if I would ever do that, you know it.", she sighed. "I had seen him with Rhaenys last night. After what seemed like a long time, he was taking care of her."

"The prince loves his daughter.", there was no room for argument in his voice. "Know this at least."

"Oh I do know that.", she answered quickly. "But loving fathers not necessarily are fathers who spend time with their children, no?", she looked at him. "Are you alright, Arthur?", she asked sincerely. "You seemed troubled."

"Myles holding his sword wrong.", he said with an irritated manner. He did not tolerate carelessness in training ground but Oswell was teaching him all kinds of wrong things.

"Only that and nothing more?", she wanted to know. "You refuse to speak to your family, you do not confide in your best friend any longer and I doubt Oswell is the right person for such things.", she snorted. "I do not doubt his loyalty but following his advice would probably be equal to following a blind pig to a ditch.", Arthur couldn't help but laugh at that and when his face softened, the actual young man he was showed, Elia's eyes softened too. "We were friends once who in fact did confide in each other.", she reminded him and Arthur turned to look at her. "We can be that once again, if you let me."

"I wouldn't want to trouble you with my own problems, your grace, you have enough of them already.", it was not just Rhaegar he was not equal with, Elia too was above him.

"Nonsense.", she brush it off and placed a hand on his arm and squeezed it. "You deal with mine enough. I can only apply the same courtesy to you."

"I do nothing,", he bowed his head. "but my duty."

"One of your duties,", Elia pulled her hand back as if she got burnt with the voice she heard and Arthur cursed himself internally. "is to train Myles, no?", his prince asked with a very obvious fake smile. "Oswell does it wrong."

"I am aware.", he answered plainly. "I am waiting for their training to end so I can teach him the right way."

"I believe an interruption is in order now.", Rhaegar said, never breaking his smile.

Arthur's eyes found Elia's and then to the prince's, he sighed loudly. "As you wish, my prince."

"My dear wife,", Rhaegar looked at her with an amused look. "how are you today?"

"Well.", she raised an eyebrow with a daring manner.

"I heard that you visited a Sept again. Praying my demise, I venture."

Elia placed a hand on his collar and pulled him down to place a kiss on his lips -bit his bottom lip when Rhaegar deepened the kiss. "This colour does not suit you.", she whispered into him. "I do not like it.", Rhaegar only narrowed his eyes at her. And Elia scoffed, turned around without saying farewell and her ladies followed her.

"Arthur?", he felt Oswell's presence. He was wiping the sewat off his face and neck with a towel while opening a water flash. "You cannot be jealous of him."

Rhaegar scoffed. "I am not jealous at all.", he rejected it completely. "I am simply worried."

"Of what?", he drank almost half of the bottle.

"They will team up against me.", he sent him a look. "Gods knows I do not need that now."

Oswell's face shone with mischief. "Tell me my friend,", he placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned to his ear to whisper. "if you truly think that she will not support your plan of the coup, why do you think she will team up with him?", he pulled his face away a little to see the look on his face. "You should be worried that she will team up with me if your excuse is valid. It is Arthur who supports you and it me who does not.", then he pulled himself away with a smirk. "You are just stone cold jealous who is terrible at findind excuses, admit it."

Rhaegar did not answer to him.


"Arthur!", Rhaegar called for him maybe half an hour later -half an hour that he thought endlessly. "What would you say if I offer you to go against me?", he asked while unbuttoning his coat. "Like in the old days?"

"I do not think it is a good idea, Rhaegar.", Oswell said to him quietly, his entire amusement got erased from his face.

"I don't care.", he said with the same tone nonchalantly while giving his coat to him. Then he took off his black vest with golden embodiments on it.

"I would never say 'no' to it.", he was using a normal sword not Dawn. Myles was not good enough to go against him with her.

"But it is Dawn I want you to use.", he ordered as the crowd started to gather around them.

Myles with widened eyes, Oswell with a serious face rolled his eyes.

Something flashed from Arthur's eyes and he let out a tired sigh. "Of course."

"And I do not want you to hold back.", he said as he drew his own sword -he was wearing only white shirt and black pants and he entered the area, Myles rushed to Oswell's side. Arthur threw the ordinary steel to the ground and took off Dawn, and Lewyn approached to Oswell with nervous looks. Of course both of them had countless sword plays with Dawn before but something seemed off. Both took their positions, Arthur moved his arm slightly to forward but Rhaegar pulled back his and straightened his spine for a second. "Because I will not hold back.", and with that, he made the first attack.

Arthur was better than him by any means but Rhaegar was not that bad, on the contrary, he was one of the few men who can handle Dawn's hits without falling immediately. Arthur had been training with a sword ever since he was three -too excited to try one and Andric would sneak him off of bed and teach him how to use and all with a wooden sword, Arthur still kept it.

He was merely nine when his father and his first knightly master, the Master-at-Arms of Starfall decided he was worhthy of crrying a steel without cutting himself or anyone else. And he was only ten when he was appointed as the squire of Prince Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard at the capital, four and ten when he got knighted when he saved the crown prince's life, five and ten he was deemed worthy of the name of the Dawn and became a sworn protector to the prince and only seven and ten when he appointed to the kingsguard -the youngest ever, beat Oswell who was appointed to it when he was nine and ten.

He always wanted to be a knight of old, he always wanted a page for his name. He worshipped the ground the likes of Gerold, Lewyn and Barristan walked yet, he never, not even once, wished to be a kingsgurd and leave all that he was behind. His loyalty was not to the king but to his son and heir, to the prince. But as his unlce always said; when push comes to shove, you do what you need to do. In the short period between him inheriting the Dawn and becoming a kingsguard, in those two years, he had lost his way, that he admitted. After the things he had to do in order to claim Dawn, his soul was damaged for an eternity -he could feel it in his bones. Dawn was a blessing for the strong willed men, many, including his own father and brother, argued that it was too early for him to take the sword, feared what it would do to him. Dawn was no ordinary sword, it was forged from the ehart of a fallen meteor, it was filled with magic, everyone who had seen the sword could claim so. They feared it would mess with his head but Arthur was too good too young, he demanded the elders of the Dorne to gather around and vote for him, to allow him to take the challenges in order to claim her and he had done all of them, he excelled in all of them, yet his reward was a punishment.

A mental torture for eternity because he dared to took what was his too early. He got ambitious and cocky and too prideful, too confident. Gods liked to mock with green boys like him and his greatest curse was to be the crown prince's friend.

The crown prince who had encouregd him to take the quests early, the crown prince who was obsessed with a prophecy, the crown prince who only befriended him because of that prophecy -though they met before and became friends later. And when he took Dawn, when they discovered its secret (and therefore the reality of the prophecy), they became too eager.

Both with fire and with blood, a past Arthur did not allow himself to remember.

The things they have done, the things he had done... With every life he took, they became one step closer to the truth but Arthur got cursed more and more and Rhaegar, the only reason Arthur believed in him this much, pulled him away from everything. Sacrificed the prophecy, prisoned himself to a life he had to spent in unknowing just so he could save Arthur from himself. He had chosen his friend over the prophecy and the magic. He didn't need to listen anyone, no one could make him believe that Rhaegar Targaryen was mad or could turn mad. He had the chance, yet he refused it.

Though his healing did not came to him quickly, on the contrary it had damaged his ties with his family, left a permanent mark on Oberyn and in the end when everything became too much, he found the solution, the serenity, in his oaths as a kingsguard. Swearing himself to one king, to one goal, to one idea had silenced everything else and he thought that maybe, maybe, it was what was supposed to be. He didn't like to be a kinsguard but it had shut off the voices in his head so maybe it was enough.

He did not wanted to think about how he was starign to spiral once again for Rhaegar, already ebrtaying his oaths one by one.

But now it was not time for such thoughts, he needed to focus to the moment. Rhaegar, his former best friend, was someone he sparred with his entire life -both with and without Dawn. There were times, of course, where Rhaegar prevailed -luck or something else but never because Arthur let him. But the number of it decreased and decreased more and more with each and every passing year.

Rhaegar was not a child who liked to know about sword games and such. He had refused to even learn how to hold one, claimed that he wanted to be a wise king like Daeron, not a warrior like Maekar. Despite his annoyance, Aerys had allowed him so, was too busy with Rhaella and all the children they had lost. So off to the library the prince went at every change he got -he told Arthur so. When they first met, too overly quiet, introverted child, library became their playground where they could be as loud as they wanted withput fearing the world would try to silence them.

And one day, accidentally, Rhaegar heard a conversation between his parents about a prophecy and the chain of madness -it was something the prince himself named, had started. He searched and searched and finally fpund what it was, read it, memorized it, made Arthur read it, made Arhtur memorize it and then one morning, at dawn, he pulled him from his bed, forced the Master-at-Arms, Ser Willem Darry, to give them sword and shield and ordered Arthur to start to train him.

He sparred with the likes of Gerold the White Bull, Barristan the Bold, Lewyn Martell... And of course, Arthur himself. His education was by far richer than Arthur's. He was the mere second son of a lord while Rhaegar was the king's son and heir, his only child. Masters from all around the realm was bought to the Red Keep so the prince could master. His ass was beaten time and time again in the sparring yard by the kingsguard and even though Steffon Baratheon decided to knight him when he was six and ten, those knights only started to take him seriously when he managed to make one of them fall in an actual combat; Jonothor, when he was eight and ten. It was when he became a knight in the eyes of the kingsguard -therefore the king and his council. It was when he became a man.

Arthur's spiralling and the prince's involvement was known through the Dorne and the capital though nobody knew what exactly was happening -only some deformaties at Dragonstone. It was why Daynes did not like him and it was why despite telling the prophecy to Arthur and Jon, he was not opening the subject of it. It was why he was refusing to inform Elia, or ackowladgeing that he knows about it.

He had sworn to forget all about it existence and while he admitted that he slipped out a little when he had seen the dragon eggs -and by all means he shouldn't have done that (but at least he informed Arthur beforehand and then took all the necessary measures to assure him that he was fine) because once Rhaegar slipped, Arthur would fall, he was fine now. He was fine, heard that fucking song over and over but he was fine and as long as he was fine, Arthur was fine. And they were fine.

This was the only bond they shared as both were aware of it. Arthur was distant and cold except when he was talking about Elia and Rhaegar still couldn't bring himself to talk with him. He was hoping that Arthur would simply change his mind, though he knew he would never, or he would one day wake up and everything would fall back to normal.

Though this sparring match, had nothing to do with any of these.

Rhaegar was jealous -he was not sure if he was jealous of Elia being close with Arthur when she was distant to Rhaegar or if he was jealous of Arthur for being close with Elia when he was distant to Rhaegar.

Either way; green was not his colour.

If Arthur would win, and Arthur would win, it would be the last straw between them. All the ties would truly be cut down with nothing to be repaired stands still and all of it, all the torment Arthur went through would be for nothing.

If Rhaegar would win, it would mean that he was right all along about everything and again, it would be the last straw between them.

Arthur wining over Rhaegar would give relief to Rhaegar while Rhaegar wining over Arthur would give relief to Arthur and Oswell feared this day would come.

Arthur parried Rhaegar's rather lazy but still aggressive attack with ease and riposte quickly by trying to hit him on the sides which his long time friend knew how to block it. Usually in their friendly sparrings, Rhaegar flourished to put it in a show, knew how much it annoyed the shit out of Arthur and Arthur had his own little quiks.

This was not a friendly sparring.

Neither wanted to win and give the other the satisfaction but also but were too prideful for their own good to back down.

"What if happening?", Lewyn asked slowly.

"It has been building up ever since, you know it.", Oswell shrugged though his eyes were deadly, his hands were tsiting his sword, he was ready to jump in if things would go wrong.

The sun was too bright and thanks to his luck, it was Arthur's back but Rhaegar's face was turned to it. In any other match, Arthur would give the chance to his opponent to change his position but this sparring had nothing to do with honour -though it had everything to do with honour, and he refused to grand this mercy to his prince but Rhaegar was better than that, his footwork was more impeccable than of Arthur's. Both had similar body types with almost rhe same height and Arthur was an active knight on duty, he simply lacked the elegance Rhaegar had. His friend spent more time in the dance floor with talentless ladies than him so he knew how to avoid a misstep a lot more than Arthur. Though his quickness rarely worked as an advantage for him because Arthur, due to his experience and by simply being better and knowing him too well, scarcely thought about attacking. His moves came to him naturally while Rhaegar had to calculate everything and it happened more than once that he stepped on the tails of the foxes in his own head and despite being 'impeccable' tripped on his own feet and fell.

Rhaegar was also holding the sword with both of his hands despite it not being a longsword. It was a nasty habit that he could not manage to overcome it. With others, he of course fought with one hand, used both of them only when it was necessary but with Arthur, being used to Dawn's heaviness, in order not to break a bone or two, fought with using both hands which made him become tired quicker than Arthur whom used one hand despite Dawn being a long sword. And even from that it was obvious the result; Rhaegar's weapon was not fit to go against Dawn. His own sword was got broken basically when he got assassinated by his father and ever since he was using a new sword -a sword he was not familiar with, a sword that simply was not Dawn's match.

Rhaegar's elbows were bent and close to his body and his grip was too strong that Arthur didn't even try to knock the sword out of him, knowing it would be a wasteful attack. Despite his still unhinted hold back, it was clear for the seeing eyes that Rhaegar, weird enough, was the aggressor here. All Arthur did was to escape from his moves, block them if he was pissed by them and usually riposte to caught him off guard.

They were like boys pretending to be knights not the crown prince and the deadliest knight in the king's kingsguard.

If Gerold would be here, he would hold them both from their ears and smack the back of his hands, scold them this was not the way of fighting.

Arthur had a half mind to feint -a move Oswell loved, he could hold Dawn with one hands -one from it's belt and one from it's grip, raise it above his head, invite Rhaegar for a real attack and the just kick him from his groin -it would be easy and the satisfaction of the movement would be enough for him.

"Have I done something to you, your grace?", but he decided to do what Rhaegar hated the most.

Talk doing sparring -oh he hated that as well but he could endure it for once.

"I don't know Arhtur, have you done something?", even with one line, it was clear that the prince became angrier. As his moves got faster and heavier, Arthur's became more and more loose and lazy to piss him off further.

Arthur made a circle-parry, pointed his sword to right, excited Rhaegar with pretending that he was making a real attack but then turned around -which he usually did not like it, and instead hit to his left with the tilt of his sword and caught his breath but between his coughs, Rhaegar managed to take a step forward and broke his defenced, put one of his feet in between his, in order to prevent the groin attack Arthur amused himself with only seconds ago and raised his sword, made it clash with Arthur's, forced him to hold the grip with both hands as they basically forced each other to drop the sword. Only Arthur could break it by taking a step back, Rhaegar had played it wise and trapped him with this position but Arthur taking a step back meant Arthur getting out of the training yard, which would mean he would lose. Instead he thought of hiting the prince's face with his head -breaking a nose would be sufficient enough for all he ahd put him through but sensing his thoughts, Rhaegar couldn't help but chuckle at it and Arthur tilted his head, exhaled deeply when the prince simply took a step back and lowered his sword.

It was never that serious.

But then the prince's smile disappeared. "What have you talked with my wife?", he asked bluntly. "What were you doing with her the other day?"

"The other day?", he frowned, lowered Dawn, placed its pointy end to the floor and held its tilt with both hands, their spectators could hear them directly.

"You said that you locked the door because Myles and Oswell disturb you,", he tilted his head. "but it smelled like her perfume when I entered."

Lewyn turned to Oswell -who was pretending that he had no clue, with a silent question. "What the fcuk?", he leaned to the ginger man.

"Arthur is playing the marriage therapist, nothing more.", he answered simply, refused to look at him. "Rhaegar pissed at him for wrong reasons but since he cannot express them as he likes, he is using this."

"My niece?", he hissed and Oswell bit the inside of his cheeks.

None of them were expecting Arthur to start to laugh as if he heard the funniest joke in the world. "Are you jealouf of Elia?", he asked as if it was a very stupid thing to do. "How old are you? Ten? Eleven?", he was openly mocking the prince but Rhaegar did not seem to care about that though his features crossed with a scowl.

"You meet her in privacy, you lock the doors, you hold her hands,", he raised his voice a little as Arthur continued to laug. "you lie to my face when I ask you what that was about."

"As you lie to my face every day.", he managed to say between his chuckles.

"Arthur!", he yelled.

"I will not have this conversation with you while I am holding a sword.", he kept laughing and Oswell got the message, turned to Myles.

"Took the Dawn from him, now.", the order was sharp and clear.

"And why is that?"

"Because I might cut you into half if you do so much as utter another word.", his laughter died slowly and Myles hesitantly reached to touch his sword. "Get back, Myles.", he sent a defeated look to Oswell and rushed back to his side.

"Where is Connington when you need him.", Oswell hissed. "I would rather Arthur cutting him into half."

"I doubt that you would be able to do that.", Rhaegar asked seriously and all the humour got erased from Arthur's face.

"Make your accusation clear then.", he dared. "And then we would face with each other but I would not be this patient."

"If I would have an accusation, I would point it out by now.", Rhaegar dismissed him. "Do not be dramatic."

"I am the one who's being dramatic?"

"Yes.", he snapped. "I merely asked you a question, it is you who are making things complicated."

Arthur observed his face and then closed his eyes, his head got tilted unintentionally as a smile appared on his face. "Elia asked me not to.", Oswell's snort was loud for all to hear and even Lewyn seemed impressed.

They were just boys, really.

"Arthur!", his prince hissed with disbelief. "I am going to punch you,", he gave him a warning. "if you do mention my wife's name again."

"You wouldn't dare.", he shrugged simply, as if he was trying to make Rhaegar actually attack him.

"Children,", Lewyn's mocking voice reached to them. "punch each other if you must but not in my presence."

"You said,", Rhaegar took a step forward. "you were comforting my wife. Why you've been comforting my wife?"

"I didn't say I was comforting her.", he shook his head. "I said I was 'consoling' her-", and Rhaegar's punch did met with Arthur's jaw as he promised.

At first a silence fell to them. Lewyn and Myles were used to their dynamic a little but only Oswell could understand the subtext here. Arthur raised his hand to his jaw, it might leave a bruise though Rhaegar did not hit him with his full power, it was not even half of it.

"Lay your accusation.", he said again with a alzy smile on his lips. "Or go and talk with your wife instead.", he shrugged. If this was what it take for Rhaegar to finally communicate with Elia, he was ready to be punched. At least he could fix one thing.

"I am asking to you.", he pressed, took a step forward. "I do not doubt you, Arthur.", he said with a low voice, the others could not hear him. "Neither do I doubt Elia and I am aware what you are trying to do.", he sent him a knowing look.

"Then why are you doing this?", he wondered.

"Why are you doing this?", he asked with widened eyes. "If it is to teach me a lesson-"

"Listen to me,", he held him by his shoulders, Lewyn made a move to get in between them but Oswell stopped him with a frown. "this is the last advice I am giving to you, hear me?", Rhaegar did not answer. "You are being unrational, child-like, emotional even when it comes to Elia.", he began to say. "You are jealpus, my friend, you are jealous of your wife from me. From your childhood best friend and you claim it is not about trust, so if you need me to point it out to you as if you are a five year old; there is only one other reason to feel jealousy if it's not a trust issue."

"Don't.", Rhaegar only managed to whisper. After pushing Arthur to hear this, he had changed his mind.

"Love.", his friend deadpanned. "You love her, no matter how much you deny it and it makes you irrational.", though he leaned on and whispered into his ear. "I can respect that but if you ever question me about a matter like this, it will be me who punches you this time."


She was feeling like a ticking bomb around people.

Alerie was talking with Denyse, showing her where everyone was going to sit and the rest of the family has been chattering, waiting for Leyton to come.

"Are you sure that you are alright?", Garth was the only one who sensed her tension and approached to her. It was a family dinner without the presence of Arvel and Cerissa after last night, and Lynesse with the boys. Only Leyton's other siblings and children -and Mace. "You don't have pain, no?"

"I am perfectly well Garth, please do not suffcote me as well.", she said with apprehension. "I do not understand the reason of such a feast to begin with.", she put a hand on her neck as she always did when she was nervous. "One would think that I almost died."

Garth scoffed at that. "Judging from Alerie's actions, it might be true.", both looked at her panicked state. She was demanding perfection. "And she is not that wrong. You are our most precious part of the family.", he winked at her and Atera couldn't help but to smile even though there was a metaphoric worm inside of her, eating her alive.

"It is good to see you well, Atera.", Malora had approached to them but something felt off with her. Atera and Garth shared a look. "Why are you upset?"

"I am not upset.", she said with a forced smile.

Malora had a gift, it was not know for anyone outside of the family -even Mace learnt it due to a unpleasant event. It was something to be cherished, of course, and Leyton always dotted on her but when these gifts started to hurt her, they had to use sedatives to calm her brain. After a few years of Malora's constant absence, she was rather well in the past few years but now they all were sensing that she was starting to drift apart once more.

"Your heart is crying.", she looked at her with her amethyst eyes as if she was seeing her soul and Garth held Atera's hand to give her strength. "You poor thing.", Malora's face fell. "I-"

"Sister!", Garth smiled at her widely. "Let us go and find our places and leave Atera alone, shall we?", he offered her his arm and after looking at Atera for a while too, she accepted it.

Once Leyton entered with a grave face, they started to their dinner with a growing tension that no one but Atera and Leyton knew the reason of it. In the middle of the dinner the doors knocked and Finnan entered without looking at them. "My lord.", he bowed. "Lord Cafferen of the Fawnton is here."

There was no reaction at first, only Leyton stopped him with one hand and then placed his elbows to the table and clasped his hands, looked like he was trying to find the right words. But then Alerie slowly turned to her.

"Lord Cafferen?", her ivory tone cut off the tension and the others turned to them to understand what was happening.

Atera closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then turned to her as well. "Yes."

"Now that Lord Cafferen is here,", Leyton forced himself to speak, he could not meet with any of his children's eyes and the words came out with struggle. "it is my duty to tell you all why we had gathered here."

"Is it not to celebrate my aunt's healing, father?", Alysanne wondered while still chewing her food.

Leyton took a deep breath, his hands had been shaking a little under the candlelight. "No, sweetling.", he sent a glance at her but then turned his head away. "We have gathered here to celebrate the marriage pact between your aunt, and the Lord Cafferen."

First the silence hit them as they all registered his words and the next, a storm followed.


"Your grace,", Oswell entered to his chambers after the breakfast. "Princess Elia asks for an audience."

"Let her in.", he said without looking at him from his papers. "My dearest wife,", he welcomed her with a pensive tone. "if you give me a minute, then you'll have my undivided attention.", he had to answer back Jon's letter, he was about to lose his mind at Dragonstone, their time in here was about to end. He had to return back to his duties. "Yes, darling.", he raied his head when he sigilled the letter. "I didn't expect to see you in my chambers ever again."

"You punched Arthur.", she raised her eyebrows.

"Is this why you are here?", he leaned back. "To talk about Arthur?"

"If there is something you want to say, say it to my face.", she dared even though it was not why she was there.

Rhaegar seemed puzzled. "Forgive me, my lady, but I do not understand what you are trying to imply."

"I heard that you had questioned him about me.", she looked at him with a not so subtle anger. "Why?"

"Oh, that.", he raised his eyebrows at her. "He told me that he was comforting you; I just wondered what happened that you need such an act."

"And should I do what? Report my every move to you?", she knew she was being aggressive. "Or is there something else behind those questions?"

"Like what?", he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Are you trying to blame me for infidelity?", the question hanged between them as Rhaegar's eyes got widened; how on eart did she managed to come up with that conclusion? "Because if that is the, I would like to remind you that it was not me,", she raised her voice. "who proposed to one another mere seconds before our betrothal.", Rhaegar seemed like someone slapped him.

"I apologized for that-"

"It is not me who spent time with her and then returned back as someone else.", she continued her accusations. "It is not me who is actively trying to add her to your court when you said, multiple times, that you do not want it."


"It is not me", she took a step forward, had no idea where this sudden anger came from. "who mıved the entire household into her home in order to force you to add her to your court."

"It is not what-"

"And it is not me who sneaks out inside her chambers late at night.", Rhaegar never meant to ccuse her with something, didn't even think of such an intimacy between Elia and Arthur but it seemed Elia had other thoughts.

"I don't know what you heard but-"

"It is what everyone talk about.", she snapped. Rhaegar was being jealous the way Elia and Arthur got along, Elia was accusing him with infidelity. These were not the same things and he realized that their problems went deeper than what he originally thought. "Are you thinking less of me because I am Dornish, my lord?"

"No.", he answered before her question even ended and made a move to stand up and approach her, she stopped him with her hand.

"Do you take me for being promiscuous? Are you implying that I would do what? Take Arthur as my lover?"

"I never thought such-"

"Or are you distrusting your own best friend?", she looked at him with spite.

"Never.", he shook his head. "Never. I would trust Arthur with my life.", he seemed offended. "And I never intended to balme you with such a crime.", he wanted her to understand. "It was not I was implying -I would never imply such a thing and even if I would, Arthur would cut me into half on the spot."

"Then what was this all about?", she raised her head and he couldn't tell that maybe Arthur was right and he was being simply jealous of her.

"Arthur is distant to me.", he chose to his this as an excuse. "But he is not to you. I think I got jealous over that.", what he needed was Arthur to grab him by the hair and hit his to the wall until his brain started to work properly again because Elia seemed utterly shocked with that statement.


"You two grew up together.", his brain wasn't working but his mouth couldn't keep shut. "It is normal for you two to be close but Arthur and I were best friends. When we usually had a fight, it didn't stay that way longer because we had no one else but us to confide in.", he shrugged. "I think now seeing him being close with you hurt me because I realized that he might very well replace me when I have no one else."

Elia seemed confused and a bit ashamed of her outburst. She opened her mouth and let out a small sound as she turned her head away. "Then it seems an apology is an order."

"Nonsense.", he could not bare to her apology over a lie. "It was wrong of me to discuss that matter in public -despite them being trustable. And I could not manage to describe my thoughts well enough, it was a subject that was open to misunderstanding. It shall be me who is apologizing instead."

"I came into here and blamed you with all kinds of things.", she shook her head as if she was trying to shake off bad memories. "Accusations that you did not deserve and I want you to know that I didn't mean none of them.", she was being genuine. "I actually came here for Atera, in fact.", she seemed upset now. "Have you heard what happened?"

He tried to recall if Myles told him something but his mind was empty. He was busy, she was busy -and ill, so their talks had been cut off. As much as he recalled, the last time she spoke to her in person was when they visited the dragon eggs. "I hope everything is in order? I should have pay her a visit when she was ill but didn't have the time.", was too busy to convince himself that the dragon eggs being real and alive didn't mean anything.

"She is engaged to be married.", she said with a solemn face. "With the Lord Cafferen -uncle of Lady Penrose."

"Cafferen?", he grimaced with digust. He had been unlucky to met the man before and Jon had even less kind words than him to speak about the man. He was a pervert who should have been punished long before. "It cannot be real.", there was no reason for Atera to be even assosiacted with that man when her main suitors was a Prince of Dorne and a dashingly handsome young knight. His sister was the girl's father's mistress and the cause of the death of her mother, his niece had done irreversible things to her.

"I agree.", she said with a distaste. "But I heard it from Corlys."

"Is he still here?", he asked with shock. "I heard Jace had left the castle."

"Hiding in the city because fears that Lord Hightower is going to kill him.", she scoffed. "It is in his rights, a duel to save his sister's honour that probably will end with Jace's demise. He is trying to leave the continent, but I heard the harbour is almost close and the Velaryon ships are not allowed to leave. It is a secret man hunt."

"He is your cousin.", he wanted to understand her more. "What do you feel about it?"

"We are cousins but our fathers hate each other therefore we never had that kind of a bond. I would not want to see him getting harmed or die,", she turned her head away. "but what he had done brought shame to his house and our house and to her house. There should be repricassions of it."

"Do you think this marriage accord with Lord Cafferen is about that? Some kind of a tactic to save the face? That she'll break it off as she did with Edwell?"

"Doubt so.", she seemed in dilemma for a second but then decided to tell him with a huff. "Ashara thinks that it is some kind of a blackmailing thing. Apparently there was a big fight between the Hightowers last night."

"I heard no such a thing.", he frowned. He never appreciated gossip but Myles always kept him well informed. "Have you seen Myles? I wonder if he is alright."

Elia bit her lip. "I heard that he went to the city."

Rhaegar raised his hand slowly and held her face, put his thumb to her lips to free them from torment. "You do that when you are lying.", he said slowly.

"Aren't you mad at me for blaming you with infidelity?", she asked with narrowed eyes.

Rhaegar was not the brightes man alive when it came to human relations. He had a silver tongur and knew what to do, what to say, all too well but in personal relationships; he failed harder than Aegon the Fourth's mechanic dragons that spat wildfire. But this time, even he could see the clear picture.

"I spent my entire childhood the king blaming my mother for it.", he pulled his hand back. "But you spent your entire life living under the shadow of your father's infidelity.", he pursed his lips. "You do not love me nor trust me, and given that your family's back story, I can tolerate it for once. Not for the second time though."

"And I can tolerate you using my name in your argument with Arthur only for once.", she warned him back. "A second time will not happen."

"It should not happen, you are right.", he took a step towards her, she was not averting his eyes. "I am not the kind of a man who would humiliate you like this. I hoped that in between all of this chaos, you would at least know that. Just ask me Elia, before you end up with conclusions and upset you over it."

"What were you doing in her chambers?", she asked with a nod.

"I have been to her chambers only twice.", he began to explain. "The first happened, I admit it was a very inappropriate hour and setting, when I got your letter about the king's betrothal with Cersei Laniister. She was dealing with trials left and right and I had proposed her help."

"In return of what?"

"Not now.", he shook his head. "I'll explain it later.", he doubted he ever will. "And the second time happened last week, I asked her to show me the dragon eggs and she asked to meet in secrecy because Lord Hightower would not allow it."

"You had seen actual living dragon eggs?", she widened her eyes at him.

"I doubted them at the beginning as well but here they were.", he wanted to scream and talk about it with all the excitement he had but he had tor efrain himself. He had allowed himself to do just this, nothing more. "They were looking magnificent."

"Where they were?"

"I do not know but I am guessing that inside of the castle."

"You don't know?"

"She blindfolded me, claimed that I cannot know where they were staying."

"Acceptable.", she murmured. "Nothing else?"

"Nothing else.", he promised. "And I asked you to take her as your lady again because of two reasons; because I know that you like her, and because of the thing that I cannot mention about it to you now."

"She knows this thing that your wife does not?"

"Yes.", he was not going to lie but he never thought it that way. "Arthur and Oswell does too."

"You feared Arthur would tell me that?"

"No.", he shook his head dryly. "You will understand why I kept it from you once I tell you about it. But know this; it isn't about trust, Elia. Gods knows I trust her less than I trust the likes of the Lannisters.", because he didn't know anything about her. "She doesn't know the entire story, think it as a favour, nothing more."

"My husband's words should normally soothe me but yours do not have that affect.", she said sadly. "I will refuse to trust you, Rhaegar Targaryen, until you lower all of these high walls and trust me.", she took a step back. "You are lucky that I trust her."


Mace was buttoning his colorful vest in front of the mirror when Alerie entered the room with a sour face. "Honeypie, do you think this looks well?"

Alerie put a hand on her stomach and sat to the bed, she was feeling like she is going to vomit. "It looks harmonical.", she said as much as she looked and Mace turned to her with worry.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing.", she shook her head. "I couldn't sleep the entire night, barely ate in the morning. I have nausea it is normal."

"Only that or do you have pain too?", he bend the knee in front of her and held her hands. "Anything else?"

"Calm down, Mace, it is only nausea", she said with a grimace. "It'll pass soon enough."

"I know these answeres well.", he glared at her. "It means you are feeling more yet hiding it from me. Tell me, my life, what is wrong?"

"I am fine.", she took a deep breath. "It's just nausea, I swear -that and I am tense.", she confessed. "But it is normal for me to be tense, no? After everything?"

"Did you see a Maester?"

"Of course not. I cannot see a Maester every time I have nausea."

"I disagree.", he stood up. "We are going to see a Maester now."


"First Garşan and later on Atera was ill, you spent much time in closeness with them.", he was overly worried when it came to health. "We are going to make you checked."

"Mace,", she held his hands and pulled him towards her. "it is not necessary."

"I decide what is necessary when it came to your health because you are tend to be reckless with it.", he pointed out and pulled her to her feet and to his chest instead. "Carbollen or Gaius?"

"One would rat us out to father the other would do it to Atera", she wrapped her hands around his neck. "I prefer Atera now."

"Are you sure?"

"Father would be worried but I believe there is a chance of Atera not caring it."

"Fine then. Let us-", before he managed to finish his sentence, Alerie's face fell and she took a few steps back with a grimace, covered her mouth and rushed towards the bathroom. Left Mace dumbfounded. "Alerie?"


"Are you alright my golden flower?", Mace asked with his hands tied behind his back, pacing inside of the other room with anxiety while Alerie laid on their bed and Maester Gaius was checking on her. Afert throwing up, he did not want her to tire herself and summoned for the Maester.

"I am.", she sighed, though she liked the attention enough.

"Is it done, my sunflower?", he asked a moment later and Alerie shared a look with Gaius.

"We just started, my love.", she was trying to be patient with him.

"Yes but when it will end?", he asked again and then rubbed his face, entered the room. "Are you hiding something from me Maester, why is it taking this long?"

"Mace maybe you should go and take care of the boys before they went to their classes today, yes?"

"Fine,", he said with firm lips. "I'll wait here in silence.", and went back to the other chamber.

"Please calm down.", she asked, knowing that it was useless.

"My lady,", Gaius said a moment later with a frown. "may I check for something else, if you'll allow me?"

"Of course, Maester.", she said slowly, stood up to loosen her corset, sent a small look to the other room and whispered quietly. "Is there something?"

"I must check for it first.", she felt uneasy yet obeyed him, laid to the bed once more and waited for the examination to be over. Within minutes, Gaius stood up with a smile. "Congrulations my lady, you are with child once again."

"W-what?", Alerie couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she tried to sit though the surprise on her face was priceless and Mace entered the room with widened eyes.

"What?", he asked with a loud voice. "Are you trying to tell us what?", it seemed that he wanted to be sure. "Are we to have another baby, is that so?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Oh praise the Seven!", he rushed to Alerie's side and held her and sprugned her around as she laughed loudly.


"How lovely to see you here.", she locked their arms without announcing herself. "Take me to a walk, will you?", she demanded cheekly and Vortimer took a deep breath and obeyed it.

"I can kill him if you want.", he said when there was no one left to hear them. "Slowly, making him feel the every bit of my sword."

"Are you talking about Jace or Cafferen?", she asked playfully with a smirk and Vortimer narrowed his eyes at her.

"Both, if you desire, though I must say that you are in such a good mood that I am starting to think that I imagined what happened."

"This wedding is going to happen anyways.", she said with raised eyebrows and shake her face. "I can cry about it or I can do something about it. And I am so sick of crying."

"So you will kill him?", he whisper-asked. "There is no reason to sully your hands when you have three brothers -yes, I am including Arvel as well, who would do that for you."

"This marriage will happen, Vortimer.", she refused to look at him. "Alerie and I will start preparations tomorrow, we are hping to work fast and a little more than a fortnight later, this marriage wll happen."

"And then what?", he wondered. "Leyton mentioned a little, I do understand why this marriage should take place but what after?"

She sent him a small glare. "Walburga will give the diary to Leyton after the wedding and I will continue my life as the Lady Cafferen.", she smiled.

"Do you take me as a fool, honey?", he made a sound of disapproval. "What will happen after that?"

"It is for me to know and you to guess.", she laughed at his face. "But this is not why I wanted to speak with you. There is something else you should know."

"Such as?"

She stopped walking and hold his hands, opened her mouth and closed it a few times. "You will not like it."

"I am used to hearing things that I do not like, you can give it a try."

"I am planning to tell Leyton about us.", she blurted, watched the way his green eyes narrowed ever so slightly and the way he turned his head -but did not let her hands go. "After the reaction I gave to him and Alea, Gods knows, of course if they are true, that I do not want to tell this to him but we opened a new page where we will not hide things from each other and it is only fair, I think, that he knows.", when he did not meet her eyes, she pulled his hands to make him look at her. "I will not tell if you don't want to."

"No, no, you are right.", he clasped her hands and covered it with his, raised them to his mouth and placed a kiss. "I was thinking which is more appropriate; if I tell him this or you?"

"I shall.", she assured him. "It should be my duty to do so. I am his sister."

"And I am his best friend. Don't you think I am ought to inform him after this?"

"He will want to speak to you afterwards, I believe but he cannot actually give a bad reaction given that it was him who scolded me for my own reaction towards him and Alea."

"It is different."

"Why?", she smiled. "Leyton his my brother and Alea is my best friend. He knew her since we were kids -though probably saw her once or twice until we reached to a certain age and before that, they had no other relationship. I am his sister,", she sent him a look. "and you are his best friend and just like them; even though we knew each other for a very long time we had no relationship. It sounds the same."

"Leyton does not have to answer to you, but I have to answer to im, it is the difference."


"Father,", Alerie finally started to speak at that night's supper, though the air was tense, Mace's hold on her was giving her strength. "we have a surprise for you."

Leyton raised a hand to stop her. "Another time, my dear. I cannot handle any more surprises now.", he was seeming truly upset and tense still, she had insisted on having a family dinner.

"Father,", she smiled at him to insist but Leyton shook his head.

"I said another time, Alerie."

"My lord-", Mace tried this time.

"I have enough things going on all around me. I do not need to hear another-"

"I am with child.", she said with a loud voice and it felt like the entire family -again, except with Lynesse, the boys, Arvel and Cerissa, stopped eating and looked at her. Leyton's fork stopped halfway to his mouth and he seemed not registering what he heard.

"Are you certain, sister?", Garth asked with an open mouth.

"Yes.", she sent an excited smile to his direction and shared a look with Mace. "We learnt this morning. I was not feeling well for a while and Mace insisted on a Maester to examining me.", he placed a kiss on her hair. "Gaius says that I am already six weeks along. And he predicts for it to be a girl."

"It will be a boy.", Malora's eyes were focused on the clear water in front of her and with no one reacting, it sounded loud and clear.


"You'll have a boy and call him Loras.", she said as if she was in a trance and it seemed like took the joy out of the family members. "He will be a great warrior.", she raised her head to look at her. "He'll make both of you proud."

Alerie and Mace shared a look. Malora was always the ...unusual one but she was well in the past years. "I thought we agreed on that.", she said sternly. "You were not to say such things about my children any longer."

"You know I cannot control that.", Malora said with confusion.

"It was not a bad omen, sister.", Baelor shared a worried look with Garth and Leyton still was not responding. "She said-"

"Nervetheless,", she cut him, a heaviness fell on her heart. Malora always has been bewitched with the higher studies and Alerie knew an incident took place at the Citadel that made Malora even more different. She had supported her sister until she said those ill omened words about Willas -predicted the definite injury of her own nephew by a horse therefore her eldest still couldn't go near them. "you shall promise me now that you'll never do that again."

"Enough.", Leyton cleared his throat and he seemed very emotional. "Let us not cloud these good news with such matters."


"Words are wind, daughter.", he stood up. "What matters is blood at the end of the day.", his face got softened as he approached to her and Alerie stood up as well. Father and daughter shared a look as he pulled her towards him and wrapped his hands around her back and hair. "Congrulations."


"I have to tell you something, I mean I wanted to tell you something and I barely managed to gather my courage to do so but now seeing you this happy I am thinking that maybe I shouldn't do but I do not know if I will be able to tell to you afterwards.", she spoke all in one breath after she wrapped an arm around Leyton's back and pulled him away from the conversation he had with Mace and Garth.

"Take a deep breath and calm down.", he insturected her as he took her arm in his, they were walking inside of the room, the dinner had ended a while ago though they were lingering for a final drink. "I am happy yes, because of the wonderful news of my daughter but I am not happy.", he sent her a look. "Not when you are in this position."

"Irrelevant.", she grimaced. "So shall I tell you?"


"But you'll be mad and probably feel betrayed and sad and hurt and you might even ahte-"

"Atera.", his voice calm against her panic, she took a deep breath, this wasn't like her so she just blurted.

"I slept with Vortimer."

At first, he said nothing, they kept on walking with fake smiles to not to alarm anyone. "After I slept with Alea?", his voice was overly monotone sounding, she guessed it was because he was trying to remaşn calm.

"No.", he deserved to hear the truth. "A few years ago, actually."

"Were you drunk?", like you were drunk with Paxter?

"No, we both were aware of what we were doing."

"Then why did you?", he asked with pused lips and patient eyes. "He is older than you, my best friend, unlce of three of your nieces and your nephew. Why did you slept with him? Did you started or did he?"

"It was after one of our fights.", she tried to recall the details of the event, it felt too blurry for her right now due to her panic. "I went to my chambers, Vortimer came to calm me down and then I kissed him.", she confessed. "And I will not lie, he doubted it, didn't want to do it but I wanted to hurt you."

"Gentle mother, font of mercy...", she heard his whisper.

"And I don't know, he gave me this entire speech about why we shouldn't do it but then, I don't know,", she repeated again. "it happened suddenly. I do not remember which one actually started it but it happened and we bothr egret it."

"Only once?"

"We kissed a few times afterwards and did some,", she looked at him and swallowed. "other stuff but yes, we laid only once."

"Under my roof?"

"Yes.", her voice was small when she approved it.

"And did you,", he cleared his throat. "enjoyed it?"

She sent him a look, blushed like a maiden. "I might have seek his companionship again if the situation wouldn't be this fragile so, yes, I did enjoy it."

"And what he did afterwards?"

"Propose to me.", she glared at him. "Thrice."

"Good.", he nodded with approval. His face was calm, there was no storm eyes or some sort of sign of anger except the overly visible vein in his neck due to the clenched jaw. "And the entire affair is over now?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Good, then I do not wish to hear anything about ever again. I will simply forget all about it."


"You are looking beauteous enough to make the sun jealous, your grace.", Baelor smiled at Elia's sight. "Princess.", he bowed deeply when she turned to him with a small smile on her mahogany lips.

"Ser Baelor, always a sight to see and blessing to hear.", she offered him her hand and Baelor took it graciously and even dared to place a kiss on the soft flesh. He was aware that his smile made both Ashara and Catelyn sigh. "What do we owe the pleasure of your presence in here?"

Baelor's eyes roamed around and his smile widened when they landed on the sight of his nephews running. Willas was on the front and Garlan was close behind, trying to catch him, both were laughing. He remembered the days him and Garth were like this.

"My sister is having a morning sickness and the boys, as usual, did not eant to go to their classes.", his bright blue eyes turned to her. "It is a fine morning with a soft spring blaze, it was stormly as of late so as their uncle, I volunteered to take them out for some fresh air."

"You are taking your duties as an uncle seriously, I see.", she was sitting on one of the vine covered peragolas with both her ladies and Lewyn present -the prince's squire too. "They are lucky to her you."

"They are the pride and the joy for us all.", he turned to his back and sighed, looked to the high tower. "Growing up, this castle was never lacked of any baby voices but I prefer nephews to siblings. They are lot easy to deal with."

"You must care for your sister greatly, in order to help her in time of distress."

"Alerie is my other half.", he said softly. "We are twins, as you know, your grace. While I love all of my siblings equally, she has a different place in my heart.", he let out an elegant snort a moment after. "Though I must say that I feel blessed when I am able to help her in these days. Between all those japes and teases, Mace takes care of her better than we all can imagine. Both are lucky to find each other."

"Yes, they seem very much in love.", she said with a sigh but it wasn't like dreaming or hoping to find what they have, like the unmarried maidens did, no, hers sounded like as if she was longing for it but has accepted that she would never have. Baelor was almost going to frown at the princess' doldrums. Her lovely face did not deserve to have the shadow of sadness but it passed as it came and Baelor was not sure if he had seen it right. "It is a rare thing to find in an arranged marriage."

"Oh, theirs was not an arranged marriage, your grace.", he corrected her. "There were talks of Mace marrying with Atera, though there was not serious, it was the intention behind her fostering. Alerie and Mace met while he was squiring for my father, and they had fell in love.", a mischievous look passed from his eyes and he pointed out the small magnolia garden behind them that was right after a glass house of winter garden. "They usually were meeting there secretly. Mace had Paxter with him, he too squiered for my father,", he shook his head and offered an explanation to her curious face. "he has a soft spot for children,", he shrugged and her smile grew. "and I was Alerie's most trustable confidante. I was arranging their meetings, linger right in this corner,", he pointed out where they were standing. "to give them privacy but act as a chaperone if someone would walk on them."

"And this lovely peragola was made afterwards, I believe?"

He snorted loudly this time with great humour. "It turned out that my father knew it all along -it is impossible to hide something from him,", he felt the bitter taste of the very recent memories but did not let them alter his mood. "he had made this one to be built as a wedding gift to them -and to me. Said that it would work for my favour in the future, when I showed the same courtesy to my other sisters. That, probably I would not be able to stand there for hours when I am old or else it would give me back pain."

"Your father sounds like a true father.", she sometimes felt as Rhaegar's melancholia affected her as well, she found herself reminiscing the past more and more these days, especially her childhood now that she is a mother herself. "I had always admired him, to be honest."

"My father is an admirable person.", and he said that, fully believing to it. "He has the respect and love of many nobles. Even the recent events could not manage to change that.", the rest of the realm would have made fun of him but the Reacher Lords, all of them, were actively trying to protect his secrets. "And he always was a loving and attentive father.", but he was never lucky to grow up with him. He was the outcast -and maybe it was why he was such a people pleaser, and why Atera's words were affecting him that badly. "We are in deed very fortunate to have him."

"Accompany me in a walk, Ser Baelor, will you?", she offered her hand once again and Baelor held her fingers and she stood up and made a gesture for the others to stay but Lewyn followed them nevertheless, he was not trusting any Reachermen. "My own brothers would never do such things for me.", she said with a small jape as Baelor offered her his arm. "I even expect a sudden death, from Oberyn's hand or the poor lad would be continents away due to Doran's threaths."

Baelor couldn't help but chuckle loudly. "I had tasted the posion of your brothers too, princess. I can only guess what they could do to men you actually had interest in."

Elia joined his laugh but her curious eyes were fixed on his side profile and he laughed. That easy, handsome face, filled with deep dimples when he laughed. A very light blonde hair, more closer to Atera's sometimes platin shining hair not his twin's golden ones or his younger sister's silver locks, shining under the bright sun. The wrinkles that appeared on his eyes as he laughed, those bright blue eyes glowing with amiable nature, with ease, with happiness. It was a stark difference with the distand indigo ones of her husband; always sad, always troubled, always lost in deep thoughts.

Elia had deserved a man like Baelor Hightower, not a cold creature like Rhaegar Targaryen. She deserved to be loved and be trusted, she deserved to be desired, she deserved to have a happy life with a loving father in law. Baelor could give her anything she ever deserved, needed, wanted.

But with a disgraceful clench on her heart, she confirmed what she had suspected all those years ago; she could never love him back. She would be safe, fortuitous, satisfied and gratified, and she would know how it is to be loved but despite all of this, she could never love a man like Baelor Hightower.

She was a Martell, they all need a little challenge in their life.

And Rhaegar did give her this challenge despite him never being able to giving other things she craved. Rhaegar was a man she loved, she had accepted that at last, but he was not a man who could love her back. She wondered if he could ever love someone, ever feel that feeling. She was not sure if he even loved his family. His father was a piece of work and she guessed his mother was a sore subject and then there was Viserys whom he cared to the stars and the moon but was not allowed to be close and then there was their daughter, Rhaenys, whom he acted as if she was one of his responsibilities to take care of -as he acted the same with her.

Elia and Rhaenys were his duty to this realm and to his house. They were a necessity. Despite all the sweet promises he gave to her... They all were lies, she was adamantly sure that only emotions he managed to feel were the dark and sour ones filled with misery. It did not matter that the realm was living summer nor any other season, Rhaegar was always in the winter. He was unable to be happy therefore he was unable to make Elia happy.

She would love to open some kind of a time portal, go back in time, change the future. She could stop Oberyn being loose with his mouth, messing with the man in front of him. She was sure that she would marry him then. Her mother wanted Jaime Lannister but Jaime Lannister was a boy, Jaime Lannister was still a boy whom she pitied. She had seen the means and the courage in his eyes when he outed his own twin but she was not sure if he had the enough strength to ran away from his family's clutches. He never was a real option for him.

Their journey had first started in Starfall, she was five and ten back then and her first suitor was Arthur himself who was a squire for her uncle at the capital and only had to come to his ancestral castle so Ansel and Alena could present him to the royal family. He had knew both Elia and Oberyn, of course. Andric was Doran's best friend and Alena Lorenza's. But they were never close, they had become friends in that visit. She was barely seen as a woman, not even off age yet, but Lorenza's plan was to celebrate her name day at Casterly Rock and earn a proposal. Arthur himself was two and ten, a literal child, yet they become confidantes and Ashara, ten, had became first her penpal, and later lady at Water Gardens and lastly her best friend. Despite Alena's best intentions, Lorenza's eyes were set on a bigger prize and knowing neither Elia nor Arthur had the desire too (though both admitted later on they truly expected to marry) it was called off and they had went to the Arbor next.

Dashingly handsome Paxter Redwyne, just like Baelor reminded him, was a squire for Leyton Hightower at was already the Lord of the Arbor at the age of three and ten, losing his father rather early. She remembered that it were Luthor and Olenna Tyrell who played the part of an experienced host during their stay though it was never a serious thing, given they did not even offer their own son for her, or daughters for Oberyn, and were happiest the day they left. Luthor was more open minded but Olenna hated the Dornish. Olenna hated Lorenza specially and could not bare anyone carrying her blood marrying with one of her children.

Their third spot, their longest and most pleasurable stay, was in Oldtown where they were greeted not only by the Hightowers but also with Velaryons too. She knew that Baelor was her father's choice. He wanted her to marry with the grandson of his brother in order to gain some influence in Driftmark once again and Lucerys was adamant on getting a princess of his grandson to secure his place in Leyton's sucession. Dark times it was, for him. He had withdrew Baelor too much form the Hightowers and yet any of his brainwash actually worked and Rhea was overly fertile, Leyton kept wanting kids, and Garth was too close. And Elia, mere older than a child, was half in love with Baelor, or so she thought. And Leyton himself was warm to the match. She remembered that he even entertained herself with playing cyvasse with her and even taught her chess. She was invited to the family, to their inner jokes and everyone was sure a match was in order. Even Lorenza liked the arrangement terms so much that she did not disagree. Baelor was already off age, being only a year older than her, and they were planning to wait until she had her name day too.

And then Oberyn, being jealous, made a joke and she gave a rather ill reaction to it.

She guessed that of course Baelor's pride was hurt, she knew hers would and Oberyn's would and maybe things would be better if Oberyn didn't also called him Breakwind to add insult to injury. Her mother was furious and her father had cut the travel there and Elia couldn't find it in herself to treat Oberyn badly afterwards, not when everyone in their entourage treaed him badly. But she also couldn't help but to think, as her world became darker and darker, could Baelor lighten it? For a while, her only consolation prize was the fact that she had stole a kiss from him, in the same place apparently Alerie and Mace had their secret meetings. She wondered if he remembered. He was her first real love, and first heartbreak. Shortly after their travels aended and she returned to Sunspear, she had heard the rumours of Baelor and Rhonda Rowan and she had never thought of him ever again, it felt forbidden.

And then her other matches in that Chester boy, Hewett cousin, Serry and Grim heirs, Crakehall's a lot older brother and Jaime himself did not make a spark, nor any of the boys and men who threw themselves to her path in Dorne. Many thought she remained a virgin because she was meant to marry outside and blah blah, in truth, she never went after that kind of an experience because she never desired so. There was literally no one who sparked her interest in such matters.

Until she had seen her husband in the cloudy air of Storm's End for the first time.

"Did he ever apologize?", she wondered. "He had been a boy, a very foolish one but still a boy."

"He did.", he amused himself. "Oberyn and I find a common page where he does not mess with me and I do not turn his life in hell due to the regret he feels over the incident."

"He feels regret?", this was new.

Baelor seemed hesitant but after Elia's soft insist he decided to say. "I believe your brother was not a fan of the match with Prince Rhaegar when it was first announced.", he chose his words carefully. "He had said some things for me to imply at the tourney in Storm's End."

"Oberyn is not a fan of anyone who wanted to take me away.", she said with a hint of sadness again. She was grateful for Oberyn, she truly was, she didn't even dare to dream how her life would be without him but sometimes it was too much, he was too much. "He basically moved in Dragonstone with us."

"I spent a good amount of time in Highgarden when they first married so...", he made a face that made her laugh loudly. "I am not the right person to join your judgement in him.", his eyes softened as he looked at her. "I hope you are content with your life, Elia.", he said as if they were old friends, with a true sincerity. "With his grace and your daughter. I hope the life turned out to be suited for your dreams."

She couldn't bare to lie to him so gave a different answer. "I actually had an interest in you.", she couldn't interpret the slow realization in his face. "Why is it that hard to believe to it?"

"If I knew you did-", he pursed his lips. "-it does not matter now."

"No, wait.", she stopped walking, she could feel Lewyn's looks on her, aware that he could hear everything they talked but she was not doing something wrong. "Please, tell me. What would you do if you knew?"

"I would make you my wife, if I knew you wished for it.", he was bold, and there were no lies in his words. His heart and feelings changed and now he was a married man with a woman he was in love with but he had met Rhonda after Elia. There were nothing undignified in this statement. "But I thought that you did not and then Oberyn...", he raised his eyebrows briefly and turned his head away. "There is too much water under that bridge though."

"Yes,", she said almost with regret. "there is now."

Neither of them realized Rhaegar's indifferent looking eyes -panic hidden under it, watching them from the balcony. "They make a handsome couple.", Oswell startled him whispering into his ear suddenly and Rhaegar flinched.

"You are talking about my wife.", he thought about scolding him but he knew it would not work. "Think before you speak."

"Well, he could be his wife, is all I am saying.", he shrugged. "Obvipusly she would be happier."

He knew he was pushing his luck too much and crossing a line but Arthur was being too patient with them, hoping they would understand given the time. Oswell thought differently. Rhaegar was incapable of realizing his feelings and the princess was too rebellious to take the first step. Jealpusy was always the most passionate catalizor.

"Oswell.", his tone was full of warning.

"Did you ever made her happy, Rhaegar?", he mocked a frown. "Every made her laugh?", it was the perfect time for her loud laugh to reach to their ears. "I do not remember such an occasion."

"Wht are you trying to say?", he turned to him with regret rising in his chest, he was trying to turn it to anger but it was not working.

"I am saying that you've been a bad husband, my friend.", he tilted his head. "You are acting like a half-wit Rhaegar, you were better on understanding social clues before, what happened?"

"Where is Arthur?", he asked instead, obviously wanting to change the subject, trying to swallow down his jealousy.

"Is done with you. Just like she seems to be done with you soon enough."

"You are exagger-"

"It is perfectly normal for highborn couples to separate after they have and heir and the spare.", he interrupted him, he needed to hear the cold hard truth, it was enough that Arthur had cuddled him. "What will you do? Lock her to Dragonstone, if she would want to leave you?"

"I would never do such a thing.", his face fell with dread. "I would not-never, stop her, if she wants to leave."

"And would you tell her not to go first?", Rhaegar turned his head away. "Because if you have such an intention, this is the time. Or she will be gone before you even realize it."


"I was wondering,", Doric leaned on his chair. "who'll walk our sister from the aisle, brother?", they were on the council meeting and he asked before it was dismissed. "I was thinking on volunteering to the task."

Leyton looked at him with disbelief. "I will walk her. What are you talking about?"

"Well, I thought that since you are the reason of this wedding happening, she would not want you."

"It is not up to her.", he cleared his throat. "And it is not happening because of me. I offered her endless other paths, it is she who cose this.", she had told Leyton and Leyton had told it to the council -Doric was just happened to hear the truth of their sister's self-sacrifice.

"So it is her fault?", he narrowed his eyes at him. "Or are you implying that our sister marrying with the murderes of her mother willingly."

"No.", he disagreed with shock. "No, of course I am not saying that, why would I say that?", he shook his head. "I am the head of this family and the lord of this house.", he reminded him. "It is my duty to-"

"It is technically our uncle's duty.", he interrupted him, fingers were drumming on top of the table. "He is the eldest male member of the family."

"I am her guarding as her eldest brother."

"It's been ages since she is off age.", he was doing to spite him, it was pbvious. "She does not need a legal guardian and it is our uncle's job to do so but I doubt that he'll come here at all. So it gives her the freedom to choose her companion. As I said, I was thinking on volunteering, if you do not mind?"

"I do mind.", he spat. "Of course I do. I-"

"You have six daughters, you've already walked one down to the aisle, one does not wish to marry; it means you'll still do this for four times.", he opened his arms. "Why can't you let me have this one?"

"Go and ready your list, grow up, marry, sire a daughter so in approximately two decades, you can do that with your own daughter."

"It is bold of you to assume that he'll live that long.", Atera said, leaning to one of the golden columns, wearing a navy off-shoulder dress with open squares on her shoulders, her blonde hair braided to the side. "Did any of you think about inviting me to the council?"

The men looked at each other. Men who Atera worked with for weeks. Her own brothers. "We thought you would be busy with the wedding arrangements, my lady.", Kevan, the one she hated the most, talked with a hidden humour. It seemed he found her torture amusing. "As it will take place soon enough, considering the rumor-"

"It will take place soon enough because it is my wish for it to take place soon enough, Lord Kevan.", she interrupted him with a cold face. "Now, do not speak unless I allow you to do so."

"With my all respects, my lady, you are no longer the Regent of Oldtown, therefore-"

"Leyton.", she looked at her eldest brother with a raised eyebrow.

"Do not speak without her allowance, Kevan.", he bowed his head at her. "She earned that respect, no?", other men agreed. "Forgive us, sister. You always had a place in my council and you will always continue to do so. Alerie mentioned about dress fitting, that is why I did not wish to disturb you today."

"I had escaped from the clutches of your daughter now that she is with child.", but she was holding something else in her clutches, Leyton could see the parchment.

"We had talked about the Braavosi ambassadors and their offer of trade. What do you think of it?"

"I believe it to be too good to be true.", she tilted her head. "But you of course know that."

"Tywin Lannister ruined the crown's relationship with it and Lord Merryweather desperately tries to fix it. Braavosi are using us to increase the crown's offer.", he winked at her. "Lord Hand wrote me a letter with his own hand and sigil.", he threw it to the middle of the table and one of the man took it, passed it out to Atera. "Humbly asks for me to stay away."

"Lord Merryweather is a good man, he was a fair Master of Laws and is a proud Reacherman.", she said while reading the letter but then crumpled it with one hand. "But he is a weak Hand."

"Lannister was a cruel man with little to no talent, only an illusion to protect his name.", Doric shook his head. "Merryweather might be weak and cowardly but he has a heart still. Would rule the realm in the king's behalf kindly and would be worthy of any appreciation, I wager."

"Let us hope for it brother. It is certainly an option.", she tilted her ehad. "Though him turning into a lickspittle out of fear is also an option."

"Sister.", Leyton warned her with an amused smile. "What are you holding?"

"A letter.", she raised it with a smile. "From my grandfather.", it had ruined the entire mood of the room and made everyone tense. "We are to delay the wedding for two more days so that he and my uncle will be here at time."

"You invited the Westerlings into my halls?", Leyton asked with a blank face.

"They are my family and I am getting married, brother.", she faked a confusion. "I do not understand why should I not invite them, considering my grandfather is the one who'll walk me down to the aisle."


"Velaryons and Fossoways ran freely in your halls while disrespecting our father and me.", she dared him. "Do you care less about me than of your other family members?"

"Of course not-"

"Then I believe you shall grant me this right to be with my family on my wedding day.", she insisted. "But if you feel like you cannot, I can always mary at the Crag -and I assure you that my grandfather, unlike you, would welcome him into his halls."

Leyton gritted his teeth. "Do they know who you are getting married to?"

"Yes, of course. I do not lie any longer, remember?", her face almost fell. "He wrote in his letter that he is to listen to me when he comes here and support me in this path of my choosing if I make my case clear."

"And will you?", he asked with a hurt.

Will you tell about my humiliation to the enemies of our father? Men who attacked our city? Men who wanted him dead? Will you tell them that I am weak?

"I might."


"I would have wanr you about their arrival beforeheand brother but well,", she sent a displeased looks to the council. "I had forgotten it, thought you would be too busy with the wedding planning."


"My lady.", they were sick of meeting at the corners, away from the eyes but there was no other choice still.

"When will you ride?", Rhonda asked with a worried tone. She had just learnt that Baelor was to leave the castle today in order to welcome the Lord Westerling and his son.

"I had finished my preparations already. I will go within hours."

"How will I sleep without you?", she wondered. "It is torture even when we are under the same roof but different beds but now, what shall I do? How long will this situation continue Baelor? Divided from each other?"

Baelor held his hands softly. "I do not know what is in our destiny but I'll find I way, I swear. A way to live with you as you are by my side, without hiding from the world. I will do whatever it takes from it, and as soon as I can.", when the sadness didn't erased from her face, Baelor kissed her hands. "Once this entire affair with the Cafferen ends, I swear but not before. My father would not listen to us, would not tolerate nor forgive us if I tell him now. He is already worried for Atera."

"Baelor!", an angry voice echoed inside of the forest they had met and Baelor and Rhonda jumped with fear, his hand found the tilt of his sword but when he raised his head, he saw Atera and muttered a curse.

"My lady I-", Rhonda was quick to speak but Atera raised a hand to stop her. Finnan behind her was trying not to look at them but his surprise was clear on his face.

"Baelor go to my chambers and wait for me there."

"You cannot or-"

"Do as I say.", she looked at him with anger. "Now. Before you make everything even worse."

"Stay away from her.", he threatened, he was going to comply for now but would not throw Rhonda to her. "If you hurt her, I will hurt you.", he declared.

"I believe at the end of this story the only one who gets hurt will be you.", she said drylt and made a head gesture. Baelor sent one last look to Rhonda and left for the castle and Atera approached to the girl. "One word,", she raised her chin. "one word of what happened here and you shall be ruined for forever, are you aware of it?", Rhonda bowed her head, did not meet with her eyes. "It is almost laughably forbidden for unwed maidens to look inside the eyes of men who are not their suitors but meeting with them, alone, unchaparenoed, and holding each other's hands?", she tilted her head. "Isn't there enough words about you that you are trying to start another?"

"Forgive me, my lady.", she knew her anger well enough to know to not to go against her now. "We had no bad intentions, just-"

"You know that he is to be married, yes?", she asked. "A lady with an untarnished reputation shall be his wife and the future Lady of Oldtown. A woman who can give him heirs.", she knew she was being cruel. "Not you. So tell me, why are you trying to make it seem like you are his mistress? Do you think it would stop him marrying others? Every lord in his age has affairs, side whores, abstards even. The only one who you are damaging is you and you alone. Tell me, how long this has been going on? When did you start it again?", she was trying not to yell. "After my brother put an end to it?"

"Not for very long. After the siege in the city."

"Rhonda Rowan...", she shook her head. "Are you aware that your life is between my two lips now?", both nodded. "Do you think I wouldn't kill for the safety of my brother's line?", she needed to get her anger out of her system. "I would kill for less than that.", she declared and took a step forward. "I killed for less than that."

"You know that we are in love.", she raised her head and looked at her. "Why are you doing this?"

"I did not cover my hands with blood and defended this city by sacrificing myself so that you two imbeciles ruin everything I worked for for your 'love'.", she spat. "You are brave, I can see that but this stupidity?", she shook her head. "Nevermind all others, this is the sole reason why you cannot enver marry him. Why are you doing this to yourself than? Runing yourself publicy for a man who will not get affected by any of these rumours?", she sighed. "I will not kill you, for this once. Not for you, definitely not for Baelor but for my brother. I do not want any more trouble around him for now."


She entered her chambers and found Baelor sitting with his head between his knees, he looked yp when he heard the door opening noise. "What have you done to her?", he stood up and demanded. "She has no guilt, I-I had forced her to come."

"Shut up.", she spat. "You are lucky that it was me who had seen you two. What if someone else would have done it?", she wondered. "Do you have any idea what would they think about her?", she scoffed. "They already think many things about her."


"No.", she yelled at him. "You've been raging about your uncle just mere days ago for putting me into a position where I am humiliated yet you are doing the same thing to Rhonda for a decade now! Does your hypocrisy knows any bounds, Baelor?", she sat to the couch.

"I cannot live if something would have happened to her.", Baelor pressed his lips together and Atera rolled her eyes and made a face of total exhaustion of his stupidness. "I cannot bare it."

"What is this?", she asked almost with disgust. "You are the heir of one of the greatest houses in this realm and you are doing what? Begging me? You do not even try to change my mind and prove that you are not weak.", she stood up once again with a burning anger and started to pace around.

"I love her."

"You don't know what love is!", she turned to him and yelled.

"Everyime I see her, I feel like my heart is going to explode with excitement.", he walked towards her and she turned her back at him. "I think of her night and day, she is always on my mind. Tell me, aunt, what is it if not love?", her face fell with an eyeroll. Maybe she did have a soft spot in her, she could not guess. "What will happen to her?"

"It is up to you, Baelor.", she turned to him, her face was soft, yes, but her voice still held its firmness. "You have two options in your path. If you promise me that you will not see her again and that will accept to marry, I'll safe her life.", she said. "Or else, I will left with no choice but to take action, for your own good and for our family's good."

"You want me to sacrifice myself?"

Her eyes turned icy blue. "You have no idea what 'sacrifice' means.", and Baelor bowed his head, he misspoke. "You will go to your father at once,", she took a deep breath. "and will tell him that you had chosen the Lady Contessina as your wife, the betrothal will happen between families and the wedding will take place soon. Rhonda, of course, will live the castle at once for never to return. Only then, I will keep this away from your father and her unharmed."

"I cannot.", he could not hide it any longer.


"I cannot marry with Contessina or any other woman because I am already married.", he raised his chin and watched the way her face went blank.


281 AC, King's Landing

He was tapping his fingers on the white marble table when the door opened and the king entered with all his might.

Arthur, Oswell and Lewyn had been stationed with Prince Rhaegar, trusted with the security of the crown prince and his family as the other four kingsguard stayed at the capital with the king and his new queen -with the addition of the spare heir. By all means, Gerold was not going to wait to see what their new queen was made of. He was not going to risk the well being -whether it is physical or physological, of the young prince. Tywin might have return back to Casterly Rock as was fuming according to all the reports but Gerold knew better than that.

Water sleeps but Tywin never rests.

So he had to make the best out of the three knights he had with him in the capital -them and himself. Harlan was not in an active duty for a decade now. It was not just his elderly age but also wound he took in a little outlaw fight. So it was his duty to guard their ancient tower and keep the Book of Brothers safe. The other three shared the king, the queen and the prince between themselves but Gerold rarely trusted the prince with Jonothor. Barristan and him had common sense and sometimes, not always, they found it in themselves to mess with the balance of things.

Jonothor did not.

So even though him and Barristan guarded the king often enough to not to startle him, usually they shared the king and the prince between them, to watch the queen's ever move and to teach the prince all the right things, Jonothor stayed with the king. Gerold had half a mind to summon back at least one of them to the capital and send Jonothor to the prince because his duty-driven blind self worried him.

But who could he summon?

Despite everything, Rhaegar would be lost with Arthur and while he was sure that every one of the men in his service would sacrifice their lifes for the prince, no one could better than Arthur. He trusted no one but him to arrange the prince's household in his best interested.

Oswell would not work either. He could not left the crown prince with two Dornishmen. Again, it was not a matter of trust and he strictly believed the politics had no business in his tower, many would think otherwise and there was no need to aggravate the crown's other allies. They would not see two kingsguards in such a situation, they would see Dornishmen surrounding the crown prince. Not many voices raised when he first befriended Arthur but when he decided to become his sworn sword, all kinds of words was thrown but Aerys loved Arhtur -not liked, no, loved him, and trusted his son's life with him and when he returned back from that hellhole and saw Arthur amongst his ranks, he was truly pleasant with it, did not even scolded anyone.

And he could not ask for Lewyn to return when his old friend explained to him why his presence was dire. Gerold knew that when push comes to shove, he would protect Rhaegar, but his main priority was Elia and Rhaenys. Especially now that Tywin was gone and Cersei was the queen, he wanted to protect them and Gerold could not deny him this right. Gods knew if the situation was reversed and Aerys could not stop Rhaegar and Atera's marriage, he would sleep in front of her door.

And now looking to the letter he received, he was tempting to go back and change the past. Maybe Atera marrying Rhaegar wouldn't be that bed. At least she would be away from the fucking Cafferen.

"Normally it is you who should come to me, Gerold, not the other way around.", his friend and cousin was looking well. Though he was looking a lot older than he should have, he still was carrying that Targaryen handsomeness and it seemed his new wife was making him happy.

Or maybe he still was celebrating Rhaella's death.

Gerold did not say anything, just pointed out the letter on the table and Aerys narrowed his eyes at him, apparoached to the table and Gerold watched the way his face lost all its colour to a sickly degree and the sparks of madness that he was rather familiar with took its place in his light blue eyes -eyes that were looking like storm right now.

"Leyton sent me this.", he said dryly. "Invites me to the wedding."

"Do you know who this man is?", Aerys was shaking within with indignation. "What he had done? What his sister had done?", his voice was getting louder and louder and it was why there was no one else but two of them inside of the entire tower. He was not going to risk anyone else to hear this conversation. "What his niece just had done in my hall?"

Gerold just sat there silently and he let out his anger.


281 AC, Oldtown

Two weeks later

"I am curious about Atera.", she said as she massage his shoulders. "This entire wedding affair is outregous and scandalous, yet, she seems to be actually involved with it."

"Obviously she has a plan.", Leyton said, closed his eyes. "I cannot help but to feel this immense guilt that is eating me alive. It makes me feel a lesser man to know that my baby sister is sacrificing herself for my own stupidity."

"She would not do this for another one.", Alea assured him, he was too tense, it was obvious. "Not even for Doric. If she said 'yes' to this is because she thinks that you deserve another chance. You should not waste it with guilt."

"You think so?", he almost smiled and swallowed a groan when she applied pressure to a specifically tense point.

"I would not say it if I did not believe it.", she answered. "Let us talk about something else though. Like her wedding dress?"

"Her wedding dress?"

"Yes.", she said with a dreamy voice. "I do not worry about any of these because the Lord Cafferen will not live long enough to consummate the marriage, I am sure of it and she'll find a way to fix everything. What I worry is how she will look like while she is doing this. Now that I am gone, I fear she will wear something scandalous."

"Alerie is taking care of it so I imagine something Septa-like, covered with flowers, roses.", he earned a giggle from Alea.

It was a known truth that even though grew up in the same household, both women had drastic tastes on fashion. Alerie preferred to wear a proper court dress with corsets and fluffy skirts made from rich fabrics -soft colours like baby blue and pink and filled with either flowers or butterflies.

Atera, on the other hand, had a daring style though now as she said, thanks to Alea, it was a bit balanced. She still had dresses that made Leyton wonder why he had paid for them in the first place because it seemed like she wore only the half of the dress but she also had queen-worthy proper dresses.

"You sister will blind meny men with her beauty at that wedding feast, I venture.", she held his left shoulder with her hand as she circled his shoulder blades with the bottom palm of her hand. "And with that, she will close off the entire marriage business. She married and got widowed, end of the story. Though I do worry what will happen to her when he dies. Everyone will blame her for sure. I fear what Lady Cafferen might do to her."

"As long as I am alive,", he raised his voice. "no one can hurt my sister.", he groaned again. "A bit higher, if you can.", he asked softly.

This was not something he wanted but Alea had insisted on it. She trusted little to the Maesters and thought his constant muscle pains were caused by their stupid potions. So here he was, sitting on the edge of the bad and Aleah was behind him, massging thoroughly. Even though he appreciated the gesture, there was nothing that could calm him down. Alea had rose on top of her knees as she put more pressure into it.

"Where did you learn this?", he couldn't help but wonder. Massage was not a common using technique in Westeros but in Essos.

"My grandmother was a healer."

"You said that.", he smiled.

"She thought me many things about the human body and how to heal certain things. I have oils for this, made from Dornish spices and Lysene potions. I sometimes use them for Atera's headaches but some would do wonders in those gripes."

"Are you a healer too then?", he found the irony amusing. "Do you know a thing or two about the broken hearts?"

"I know a thing or two about breaking them.", she huffed. "But I don't do emotional stuff.", she leaned down to whisper into his ear, sending a tingling sensation to his body. "But I know another way to relax your body.", she placed a kiss to the soft spot under his ear and earned a hum. "Would you like me to show it to you?", her kisses reached to the place between his neck and shoulder and Leyton reached back to hold her securely and pull her to his lap over his shoulder.

"The day I say 'no' to this is probably the day I die.", he winked at her and leaned forward to share a passionate kiss.


"Let me lay my eyes upon you, Atera.", Walburga said with her disturbing voice as she walked around her to look at her figure. Lythene was on the corner, looking as umcomfortable as Atera herself, Alerie was fuming behind her. "You look pale."

"A bad night of sleep, obviously.", and Denyse were there, sent by Leyton to balance the room in order to prevent his sister murdering her future sister in law in the open. And despise how much she hated it, she agreed. "All the excitement.", the look Atera sent her was shapr and the sound Walburga made as too skeptical, yet neither said something.

"Let me see your teeth."

"Do I look like a horse to you?", Atera snapped, the audacity of the question, she could not believe.

Walburga did not answer but reach to touch to her hips. "Your hips are bit narrow but oh well, it is not that impossible to still have child-", she held her hand strictly, dug her nails to her flesh and spoke to her with a threatening face.

"If you touch me again, I swear it will be the last thing you ever do."

And with that, to not the trouble the waters even more, Denyse offered them the door and left Atera and Alerie alone.

"I can see that something is bothering you.", Alerie said after everyone left. "You are pretending like you are in control and you do not have a problem with this, in public, but in truth, it is eating you alive, no?", Atera did not answer. "You do not want to admit the truth because you are fearing to be the worst person in this room.", Alerie said a moment later with a weird face. "So I am going to give you an out."

"How are you going to do that?", she was feeling so tired.

"By telling you something even worse.", her hands were cold and she was shaking a little. "I do not want this baby.", she blurted with closed eyes and Atera froze on her spot, her face fell. "Not even just that. I sometimes wish that I never had children.", Alerie looked at her, she was trying to fight back her tears. "I wish that I had never married Mace. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I just want to leave everything behind and start a new life somewhere else."

Atera looked at her and nodded to herself. "I am sick of paying for the mistakes your father had done. I should have left Walburga to tell the truth to anyone, Leyton deserves this.", both felt like a burden just got erased from their shoulders and like they could breath again. Alerie sat down to the small couch when she felt her legs could not carry her any longer. "Did you really mean that?"

"I don't know.", she was playing with her fingers. "I cannot wait to meet with this little one.", she put her forehad to her hands. "And I love Willas and Garlan more than the life itself and Mace too. They are my entire world, the reason that I breathe.", she closed her eyes and pursed her lips inwards. "But you see, they trule are my entire world. There is nothing but them and most of the time it is just so consuming that it cuts my breath off."

"Does Mace knows this is how you are feeling?"

"No.", she whispered. "He, uhm, he's been dealing with me for years now, especially this few moons were very hard and he is trying his best. He almost left the entire ruling things to Olenna and takes care of the boys to give me some space. I cannot break his heart like this, I cannot ruin the life we have. It would be unfair. Especially when I turned his life into hell two years ago just to have this baby.", she shook her head and raised it, looket to the ceiling. "Just... the world was bigger when we were young. Things were easier. They are not anymore."

"You cannot solve your problems if you do not ask for help.", she reminded her what she said.

"It is easier than to do it.", she sent her a fainted smile. "I am happy, most of the time but when I am not... it is too hard to hold on. I feel like I am a terrible human being when sometimes I look at my children and feel nothing, when I cannot even force myself to feel something. And all this pretending is starting to caught of with me. I think Malora was right."

"On what?"

"I was someone before this marriage.", she sighed. "I had hobbies, interests, a voice. But ever since I married, I have to be cautious at every waking moment of my life because I am the Lady of Highgarden now. And ever since I had Willas... I always wanted to be a mother and I am blessed with two beautiful, wonderful, amazing boys but I also cannot shake this fear inside of me that makes me almost obsessed with them. I placed them to the center of my world in the expense of myself and made them my entire personality. I am no one without them or without Mace and it disgusts me to be like this.", she took a deep breath with relief and actually chuckled as she tried to send back her tears. "I feel like this entire burden left me for a second. It works to speak, I venture."

"Mace is not someone who would judge you for your feelings.", she tried to help. "He would get sad, everyone would but unlike them, he would not judge you."

"It must be really hard for him though. To be the one who is always fighting for this marriage to work. It is unfair to burden him with this too.", she was playing with her hands. "It is not my fault being like this.", her lips trembled. "But I am trying to my best and this is the one thing that I'll never sya to him. It is not something he can help.", she wiped her tears. "It is your turn now."

"I already confessed my truth.", but she knew she had to do more than that. "I am going to kill him, Alerie.", she confessed it with pursed lips. "And it scares me how easy to this. Last year; I would be horrified with such a possibility but now?", she narrowed her eyes. "It scares me to see how easy to do some things, how easy to get rid of someone.", she looked at her. "It scares me to see that I have no problem with that."

"I burtn three thousand men alive and felt nothing in return.", she shrugged. "Death is overrated, sometimes it is what it is. Sometimes there is no right or wrong, just justice. Sometimes in order to achieve good, we must do horrible things. Accepting this would not make us less of a human, on the contrary, it would show us that we have matured."

"In the past weeks my mind was scattered all around, it was all blurry, I couldn't think straight. Now things are a lot more clearer.", she sat next to her. "What do you make of that?"

"We all have been worried that you were going to kill yourself.", she deadpanned. "You were depressed, it is normal to have dark thoughts in times like these but now you are healing which means your thoughts are going to be clearer now.", she leaned forward as if she was going to give her a secret. "I am talking with experience."

Atera laughed at that -though it was more of a snort than a ladylike laugh. "You were right for your concerns.", it seemed that Vortimer did not mention about those waters filled with poison and she was glad. "But I am better now, you do not need to worry. Why would I should be the one who dies when there are too many who should go before me?"


"What do you think?", she slipped into his chambers, he was alone.

"You look like a statue.", he said with indifferent eyes that focused right back to his work once again.

"Statues are work of art and art is beautiful, so thank you, brother.", she joked.

"I didn't say it as a compliment.", Leyton let out a snort. "I meant as your dress looks wrong. You should be able to breath in it, I suppose, or move comfortably. You are looking like a column, if it will help you understand it better."

"This dressed is made from Myrish satin -the ones that they sew actual nude coloured gems at every inch of it so it would look like it shines naturally, it is covered with Lysene lace -that is approximately three centuries old and hand made, we spent a fortune to have that, actual golden strings, pure from the mines, are tied into the embodiery in my arms and the gold looking leafs on my skirts are actual golds and my corset is made of whalebone so it would make my waist look even tighter.", she smiled at him. "It is a miracle that I managed to come this far."

"Whalebone?", he asked with curiosity as if this was the most absurd part in her lines.

"Yes, brother, whalebone, the bones of the whales that die, they died so I can look like this."

"Like this?"

"Impeccable.", she deadpanned. "You would know that all the finest corsets are made of whalebone if you knew anything at all."

"I should have known,", he narrowed his eyes at her with confusion. "what the corsets are made of?"


"Then I am sorry for my lack of knowledge, my love.", he put down the papers and stoo up. "What is the occasion for such whale slaughter?"

"It is my wedding dress."

"Oh.", his face turned into an emotional turmoil in a second and she raised her hand.


"You look be-"

"Don't.", her voice was sharp and Leyton had to close his eyes with remorse.

"This should have been your happiest day and I had ruined it."

"Is that mean you have four happiest days?", she asked with an eyeroll, she couldn't afford to get emotional now. "Since you married four times?"

He looked at her with understanding and held her hands, placed kissed on them. "This odesn't look like something you would wear."

"This isn't an occasion I would atten either but here we are.", she turned her head away. "How did it even come to this?", she shook her head. "What did we do to deserve this?"

"Life is emotionally abusive.", he caressed her cheek. "But we must do our duty. And my duty is to slaughter them all, just like the way they had slaughter those poor animals for this corset, just because they dared to think to threaten you like this and yet you are holding me back, not allowing me to defend you, why?"

"Because I do not need you to defend me.", she explained once again with patience, they had made this talk hundredths of times in the past fortnight. "You must let me to fight in my own battles, brother. You cannot protect me forever."

"I can and I will.", he shook his head. "I will not let that man to touch you, do you understand me?", he held her face. "I do not care what plan you think you have; I will not let that pervert to touch you."

She pouted. "Why all of you assume that I have a plan and it involves his death?"

"You will be able to endure to being married to him?", he tilted his head with a disbliving snort. "I do not think so."

"I think Alerie chose this corset intentionally.", she sent him a look. "It is beautiful and delicate but it is also very sharp and if I move enough, I can cut myself deep enough to cause my own demise."

Leyton looked horrified. "Why would anyone do this to herself?"

"I think she finds the irony amusing.", she winked at him. "She rathers me to die if he'll live."


"Are you alright?", he approached to his friend who was looking like he can homicide in any second, people were trying not to lock eyes with him in order not to invite trouble. "You do not seem alright?"

"My only sister is going to marry a pervert tomorrow for reasons I do not know.", he was a ball of rage. "How can I be alright? Would you be alright?"

"There were many suitors of Elia that I didn't like it too-"

"Yes, Oberyn, I know them.", he turned to him with a deep and serious scowl. "Baelor -who was never disrespectful nor unkind to her, and Rhaegar -an actual prince.", he spat. "My sister is going to marry with a man who is old enough to be her grandfather. It is not a competition."

He knew it was not a competition but giving someone advice was not exactly his virtue. "Why don't you just kill him?", so he went with the best solution he knew.

He was not keen on murdering people, despite the general belief, no, he did was not bothered with sullying his hands but it did not mean murder was the only option for him. He took his first life when he was a green boy without actually meaning it. People still whispered in all corners, claimed that he had poisoned his spear -it was not true. The entire blood feud with the Yronwoods based on a lie they made it up in order to protect their dead lord's honour. They did not want to say that Oberyn was good enough to win against a seasoned warrior so they blamed him with cheating.

And his mother, though only in name, did not believe in him and sent him away -hence started the chain of trouble. He was always a little troublesome kid while growing up, never getting enough attention from his parents until he caused a problem, it had affected his personality greatly and with time he realized that he enjoyed living his life like this, not caring who would think what.

He got involved with many lover quarrels, thievery, another murder, and courlt games while he was studying at the Citadel, under the nose of Leyton Hightower -who still, to this day, despised him for insulting his son. Even Baelor seemed get over it but the old lord was a prideful man as much as he was a powerful one. Many claimed and judged Atera for holding grduges but there was no olse who was doing it better than Leyton.

He tried to use this too, in order to get rid of the marriage proposal with Atera, claimed that Leyton would never allow it -amongst with hundreds of other reasons. He had wined and dined under his roof and insulted his heir, cost him a royal match. Surely he would not give his only sister to a man like him yet Doran did not yield. He understood the reason of this match, he understood why he could not be with Ashara and he accepted them all but it didn't mean he would comply.

"Leyton told me not to.", he took a trobled breath. "And apparently Atera told him not to. We have already fought on this matter before, so I am forcing myself to trust her to handle this matter herself."

"Do you think she will be able to?"

"She better do.", a shadow past from his face. "Or I will carve his heart out and gift it to her as a name day present -one that I was not able to give it to her because I was at Runestone, courting Rowena Royce, and she was here, trying to get our city back from the usurpers."

"How did that went, by the way?", he asked with interest. "Did you find her ...pleasant?"

"I find her pleasant enough to lay with her,", he snorted. "but not enough to marry, no."

"You fucked her?"

"Do not,", he made a gesture for him to lower his voice, they were walking close to Leyton's quarters. "be loud. Leyton would castrate me if he hears that."

"If I hear what?", his brother's voice filled their ears and Doric closed his eyes.

"Fuck me.", he turned to him with a fake smile. "Brother!", but Leyton's eyes were focused on Oberyn -who was uncharacteristically looking almost threthened.

"Doric, why don't give us a moment and wait for me in my chambers?", he asked, unblinking.

Doric looked both of them. "Do I have to?"

"So we can finally talk about how was your courting with Lady Royce.", Doric understood his movement and murmured a small 'sorry' to Oberyn and rushed away. "You are a bold man.", Leyton blurted as he straightened his shoulder and tied his hands behind his back.

"My lord?", he was not going to cower -or well, he was not going to let him see that he cowered. Leyton Hightower was almost twice his age and looked like he could end him with a punch -and he had all the right motives, at best case scenario, he would die right here and there, at worst case scenario, which was almost impossible to come true, he would manage to win and then Doran would kill him slowly for costing yet another Hightower match to the Martells. "I did not understand what you mean."

"You came to my halls all those years ago,", he was smiling but it was not reaching to his eyes. "wined and dined, courted my daughter,", though Alerie did not care about it and Malora did not even realie it. "and then dare the insult my heir. And now, you are daring to come to my halls after all these years, you are wining and dining, and then, instead of parying to the Mother for mercy, you are daring to make a proposal for my sister's hand."

"I did not.", Oberyn blurted. "Doran did."

Leyton tilted his head. "So you are daring to refuse my sister's hand as if we would ever give it to you?", the accusation was too cold and Oberyn cursed Doric for leaving him here.

"I did not mean that."

"You think that you can refuse my sister?", he took a step towards him and damn the Gods, Oberyn took a step back. "Do you think you are that important?"

"I do not."

"Good, because you are not.", his voice was cruel now. "I said it to your brother but he has a hard time understanding so hear me clear and loud; I will kill you,", Oberyn's eyes widened. "if I see so much that you are breathing the same air as her."

"Forgive me, my lord, but your sister is already getting married.", he should have bleed his tongue instead of speaking, he knew, but he was not going to let Leyton Hightower to bully him. "I do not thin-"

"I do not care what you think.", he stated. "I do not need for you to think, I just need you to understand, without making comments.", he took another step towards him and Oberyn gritted his teeth but did not leave his post this time. "Stay the fuck away from my sister."


"I did something you will be pissed at!", Oswell claimed as he entered to his room. "I mean, I did that like a fortnight ago and I still haven't seen any effects on it and yet, my heart could not bear the burden of it any longer, I feel the need to confess."

"Hightowers have like a hundred septs in the city, go to one.", he said, disinterested in Oswell's schemes and dramatic outbursts, he decided to take one hour away for himself and his thoughts ran back to a forbidden subject;

Atera Hightower.

It happened like a lightning struck. The night was calm though a bit cloudy, as they first met. A year in Dragonstone with constant taunting and annoaying remarks. And then the lightning fell, lightened everywhere for a moment -they kissed and everything made sense for a moment, and now, they -he- was standing alone in the storm.

He did not pine after her, no, he did not lower himself as such. He was just alone, she was a listening ear, both needed human connection or they would lose their minds and they become some sort of friends and the years of loneliness got inside of his head and he thought he was pining after her and then dared to kiss her and now that Rhaegar was once more here and clouding his thoughts, he had woke up and came back to his senses. It was just, he had too much free time, he was too alone with his thoughts and they slipped to places they should not have, he had accepted that much while being painfully aware that he was lying to himself. Because she still was there and he still wanted her and while it was not a burning desire like one would feel towards a lover, it still confused the shit out of him.

Because, Gods damned, because he didn't know, still, that if he was finding her alluring because of her being a bewitching woman alone, or simply because he hated the way his life was now and wanted an escape and she offered him such due to her connection with his past.

In order to get the answer of this dilemma, he knew he should be close with her but he feared what the answer would be and decided to stay away from her altogether and busied himself with all sorts of things -Rhaegar's marriage especially but the more he told Rhaegar what to do (as if he was explaining to a five year old, mind you) the less he knew what to do so he just let it go after Rhaegar's new found jealousy.

It was both insulting and complimenting.

He knew the insulting part was a bit of susceptibility on his part because Rhaegar would not think he would do such a thing, even if he would walk on him and Elia. And he found it rather complimenting because a part of it concerned Arthur too.

Rhaegar, as many knew, was an emotional man who had no idea how to live those emotions while Arthur was a logical man who knew emotions too well, being Dornish, despite all the stigmas about his nation, had helped on it. Dorne was a place where they loved freely and excessively, Northeners, especially the Targaryens, were not like them. It was why Arthur, someone who lacked the experience but still knew things, wanted to help him. And then there was Rhaegar; who was jealous of Elia because of her closeness with Arthur because she did not trust him enough to speak with him and who was jealous of Arthur because of his closeness with Elia because he had wanted to end their friendship.

"I told Rhaegar that he is a terrible husband and Elia would probably ask for a separation after she gave him a son."

Arthur's movements stopped, he was taking care of Dawn, and then he ever so slowly turned to Oswell. "Why?", he asked as if someone was torturing him. "Why would you say such a thing?"

"So he would take an action.", he shook his head as if this was a blunt answer. "We tried your way and it did not work, I thought, hey, let us try my way."

"And then what happened?"

"Did you realize anything different in his manners?"

Except that he became quiter and watched Elia from away.

One would think, especially after witnessing Aerys' obsession towards Rhaella, he was suspected of her and was searching for evidences. Arthur knew better. It meant that Oswell's plan had worked and Rhaegar was about to explode. Oswell could cross his fingers for a love confession, it seemed though Arthur thought different. He could not guess Rhaegar's exact reaction, he suspected if his friend knew it even himself. Jealousy was a beast that could be a good element of passion if one possessed a little amount of it because more than that was not jealousy any longer, it was possesivenes and Rhaegar was never that. So it was about expressing one's passion and Rhaegar, by all means, lacked that. The only thing he was passionate about was old scrolls, not his wife -much to Elia's displeasure so maybe what Oswell did was even wise, he did not want to confess that though.

If Rhaegar felt jealous it could very well mean he had it in himself to be attentive to his wife by his own wishes. He had overheard Elia and Ashara's conversations time and time again, both in here and back then in Dragonstone, Elia's complaints about how the sex was boring. He tried not to listen it but it was rather impossible not to when he was standing in the same room as them, guarding them. He remembered her words, she never had any complaints about him being oblivious to her desires or careless with her pleasure, on the contrary, Arthur had to hear how much she enjoyed it, but her main complaint was always that he lacked the passion and even the end was satisfactory, the act itself was not. She had craved for something more and maybe, maybe, Oswell managed to unlock that side of him by reminding him that Elia could and would do better than him. She was no mere lady, she was a Princess of Dorne and it was in Rhaegar's nature with women to give them what they want after witnessing Aerys' horrible behaviours towards Rhaella.

"I did not.", he answered plainly. "But it seems that we'll see soon enough.", he sent him a bored look. "Let us hope that you prevailed this time."


She was alone in her balcony, watching the stars when Paxter approached to her.

"I am not in a mood to talk.", she said defensively.

"Then it's a good thing I am not in a mood to talk either.", he shrugged but his behaviour was distant and there was a frown in his rather handsome face. "I am merely seeking company in this wretched castle."

"What about your men?"

"When did you see me drinking with them?", he raised an eyebrow while putting the cups and the flagon to the little table.

It was right, Paxter drink with them but never with them. He was their lord at the end of the day and there was a line he shouldn't have crossed. He went for friends in times like this. Mace and Atera -sometimes Arys and Victor, never Alerie since the day she beat him in a drinking game, Baelor if he was in a silly mood, Garth was not a favourite drinking partner too since he couldn't held his liquor well, Daven and Doric was not around that much but they were always welcomed.

"Be my guest then.", she simply said, looking at her nails. "But stay silent."

And stood silent he did, for at least a few minutes.

"Do you think it is alright for us to be alone now?", Atera sent him a look of disbelief with tilted head. "Arbor was fine, Arbor was home.", he felt the need of clarification while pouring the wine into the cups. "Arbor was our place but Oldtown is Leyton's region.", his eyes watched Atera's flinch with pure attention but he did not make a comment on it. "People may talk and you have a wedding tomorrow. These walls have eyes, do they not?", he asked rather softly while holding a cup to her direction. Atera's eyes flickered between the gold cup filled with strongwine and Paxter.

"Then I would simply tell them that I am not a maid to be concern with her close proximity with a man.", she shrugged, almost a smirk appeared on her lips. "A lot of water fell under that bridge, as they all heard."

Paxter couldn't help but to let out a loud laugh and Atera understood he truly was not in a mood to talk. She gracefull took the wine cup from him and took a small sip. She did not like the almost black looking wine, it was bitter and sour at the same time and clouded her mind more than she liked.

"You should have tell this to the prince when we were in the capital, trying to avoid the match."

"Yes, I should have go to the Prince of Dragonstone and tell him that I had slept with men before.", she said with a hue. "How couldn't I think of that?"

"Well I think you should've tell this to every match Leyton found you but look on the bright side, you will not have to it any longer, it seems.", he was talking like none of the horrible things happened. Atera sent him a look and he laughed. "I swear that I am not drunk honey, I am just prepearing you for what's to come."

"And what's that?"

"If you marry tomorrow and become a widow over night,", this time he sent him a look. "and a public accusation takes place, Leyton will have to start to make arrangements for your marriage once again, as we both know. You do not have any more excuse to avoid it all together. You played all of your cards. So, it would be better if you are prepared."

"I was planning to live my life as a widow though.", she snorted. "No one would heed to Walburga."

"You already have many, many, accusations on you and this would not go unnoticed and this time you cannot fix it by kidnapping the king's blade.", he let out another chuckle. "You are always going to lead the marriage market, nothing can change that unfortunately. Your brother, never mind the circumstances of now, is one of the most important and powerful lords in the realm. And rich as the Sunset Sea goes. You are his only sister and pretty enough to turn into a prize.", he looked at her. "People would talk, especially if your husband dies tragically,", he winked at her. "they might think I did it as a lovers querrel."

"Then I would tell them that worrying about you is meaningless because we already did that.", she sent him a look. "It doesn't matter how blurry it is now, and how the half of the act is missing in our memories. The act had been done."

"The most wonderful night of my life.", he joked. "Would be better if I could remember it well enough."

"Arbor was fine, as you said.", she couldn't help but sigh.

Arbor was always sweet and warm and filled with the scents of honey and wine. People were free there, free to choose, free to be happy, free to simply be. Oldtown was the opposite of it.

"People marry for three things.", he sent her another look, he was so repeating her. "Alliances, children and power. You can give them all. Marrying Leyton-"

"Used to mean marrying with the Reach.", she interrupted him. "Not anymore.", a dark and a solemn expression covered her face.

They rose to high due to Leyton's deeds and now they fell even lower than everyone else.

Again, due to Leyton's deeds.

"Nonsense.", Paxter shook his head. "House Hightower still keeps everyone else at their toes. You might have a momenteraliy slip of power, but do not act like you just got the High Septon as your loyal ally, these dog days will be over sooner than you expected. As we both know because this how things work."

"Someones died, Paxter.", she deadpanned, looked directly into his green eyes, did not back down. "They have the proof of it."

She was a murderer now.

"People die everyday because that's what people do.", he answered swiftly. "Rhea threw herself from the window, a horrible accident for sure, but not something people would look into.", this time the flinch was harder than the first one.

Atera took the wine cup and drank it all, didn't even grimaced with the horrible taste of it. "This doesn't change anything. People may choose not to look into it but I still killed her."

"You are not going to say that again.", Paxter's voice was harsher than she ever heard, like a iron fist, suddenly made him look almost scary. He put both of his hands on her shoulder and shook her a little -tried not to hurt her. "You didn't do anything, she threw herself out, it was a sucidide, not a murder, the king said so, the king's word is law."

"Do you think this how actually Florence Fossoway died and my father lied?", she blurted out and Paxter looked at her longly, but then snapped his head to the other side, finished his own wine cup, chose to say nothing.

"And you are fertile.", he said a moment later with his usual light voice, determined about not to talk about what happened. "This means many children."

"I am not fertile.", she let out a somber chuckle. "We don't know if I can have children or not. Maybe I should tell this to people. That I am barren."

"Maesters say-"

"Maesters say whatever Leyton wants them to say.", she snapped. "Last year, I haven't bled for eight moons.", she sent him a look. "I had to use pig blood to cover it up because even though it was Alea who served me in Dragonstone too, other maids would talk. My moonblood had never been organized and it only became worse. It pains me and the blood is too dark. I suffered for almost a week last moon."

"My aunt Olenna had similar issues.", he was more comfortable on such topics than to other men, and Mina, his lovely betrothed, had told him this in one of their conversations. "She had three children with ease. Your aunt Arwyn the same.", he said the last line and regretted immediately.

"My aunts children are not my favourite choice of subject as of now.", she said simply. Claron was dead, Jacen was on her list of crimes and she was never be able to trust Arys ever again.

"What I am trying to say is that; you still can have children -though I know you don't want them."

"Not wanting something should be enough but it is not if you are a woman.", she said solemnly. "I shall try the barren excuse the next time."

"You amaze me sometimes,", he said as in an insult. "weird, you are usually smart."


"If you say you are barren, you would not get away from getting married. Just this time your suitors would not be age-appropiate, good looking powerful lords but pigs old enough to be yourgrandfather with ten children.", he shook his head. "You would end yourself if you sau that."

"You just described my future husband.", she deadpanned.

"Only for what, an hour?", he tilted his head. "Do not take me for a fool, love, we both know he'll die before the consummation. You did not even handle the idea of Daven touching you."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You offered me to marry him so that my nephew can fuck him in peace.", she deadpanned. "And I never rejected it, I just stated that if I am to marry one day, I would rather if my husband did not prerfer my own nephew from me.", she shievered. "It's basically incest."

"Then they went on and offered it to Malora."

With her mentioned, Atera's face fell. "She is not well on these days."

Paxter realized that too. "Leyton is too busy to realize it but yes, she is spiralling. The other day she talked for hours about a single leaf she had found on the floor.", he shook his head. "You don't think she is messing with the glass cand-"

"No.", she shook her head. "She is smarter than that.", she cut it short. "What you'll wear tomorrow?"

"Black.", he stated. "Not any other colour would suit."

"Let us look on the bright side,", she sighed. "the crown prince and his wife will be in the attendance."

"You could just go and marry her brother.", he rolled his eyes. "I like Oberyn Martell as the next Hightower but you cannot deny he is a lot better option than Cafferen.", he sighed when she did not answer. "I could marry you.", he stated and she couldn't help but get teary eyed. "If only my betrothal was not be announced...", he took a deep breath. "We would find a Septon, fill his pockets with gold, marry, then celebrate it openly, we would have a lavishing wedding, and then I would be too 'drunk',", he made a hand gesture. "to perorm my duties and we would get an annulment once we fix this situation. What?", he asked with worry. "Why are you crying?", he turned to her and wiped her tears.

"I am not crying.", she claimed. "Just...", she hugged him abruptly. "I missed you, Pax."

He pouted as he hugged her back. "I missed you too."


"There you are.", Leyton entered and then stood abruptly with the sight of her. She was wearing that gown he had seen the other day, her hair was braided as a crown on top of her head with a golden leaf crown on top of it. "You look like a Tyrell.", he blurted, did not want to get emotional in front of others.

Atera snorted. "Your daughter planned this look.", Alerie herself was wearing teal blue and was looking very sad.

"Are you alright, daughter?", he held his hand towards her and she rushed to his side for a hug.

"I am well.", Leyton placed a kiss on top of her head. "And this gown looks exquisite."

"Yes, it does.", he hated it. "But we are Hightowers.", he himself was wearing green velved with golden threads. "Maybe colour could be more appropriate."

"I wanted her to wear white, she refused it.", she shrugged.

Realziing that she could not manage to held her mask on, Leyton made a gesture for his daughers to leave. "Alea sends her regards.", he said when they all left and before Atera rolled her eyes, he added. "Does Vortimer too?"

"Fuck off, brother.", she scoffed as she walked towards him. "Why are you here? My grandfather will walk me down.", it took hours for her to calm him down and convince him.

"I wanted to see my sister before she gets married, is that a crime?", he tilted his head. "I always thought that I wanted to see the day that you'll become someone else's problem.", his face softened with a deep grief. "But now I realize that it pains me to even think that."

"Don't be ridiculous Leyton,", she mockingly slapped him but then tears filled her eyes a little. "I will always,", her voice cracked. "be your problem."

Leyton's lips curled a little and then he held her face, placed a kiss to her forehead. "Allow me to at least take off this stupid thing.", he took of the leaf tiara and literally threw it away with an eyeroll. "I have a gift for you.", he opened the small chest he was holding. It was again, a golden crown with flowers, but this time looked more suitable for her. "I had bought this myself.", he smiled. "Searched the entire harbour for something suita-", before his speech was over, she had threw himself over him to hug him.


"Let it be known that Doratien of House Cafferen, son of Thomas, Lord of Fawton and Olga of House Penrose and Atera of House Hightower, daughter of Gerard, Lord of Oldtown and Jenica of House Westerling are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

"I thought you did not wish for this marriage.", Elia approached to her late at night after she had danced with her brpthers and nephews and acted like a social butterfly that splashed around her happiness. "Or have you hit your head?", Elia had held her hands and offered her help some days ago and Atera had refused her as she refused everyone and assured her that everything was under control.

"What else should I do, your grace?", she sighed. "What I want does not matter, and if this is something I have to do, why would I rebel against it?", she leaned forward. "When simply acting along grants me much more?"

Elia laughed around though her mind was occupied. During the feast, Doran ahd received a letter and then disappeared and she had no idea if it was a simple letter from Mellario or something had happened?

"Look at her,", Lythene hissed with digust. "she is happy for this wedding."

"We always knew she was a good actress, but you are right, I was not expecting such a great performance.", it seemed that her spirits raised after Finnan whispered something to her ear -they did not realize he came to her after he first talked with Andric.

"She must have a plan."

"I waited until last minute to see if she was going to do something but it seems she truly loves her brother to sacrifice herself. She is married to your uncle now.", she scolded her. "No one can change that."


When the time for the bedding came, it was not a fuss, there was no one who was in a jape of it. The more Atera became happy, the more sour her guests became and they started to think that maybe she did not have a plan at all.

She found Alea, when she went to the chambers she arranged for tonight -she was not going to let him into her own bed. She raised an eyebrow. "Let me at least to do that.", she pouted at her and Alerie pushed her back.

"It would be less torturous.", she whispered into her ear and left.

Without talking Alea let her get rid of her gown and slip into her green nightgown, at some point the doors opened and the servants brought a tray of deserts. "What's that?", she asked.

"I couldn't eat anything during the ceremony.", Atera huffed while trying to open her braids. "I'll eat them before I starve.", Alea seemed suspicious.

"Poison would be detectable."

"I know.", she rolled her eyes. "Why everyone is so sure that I'll kill him?", she asked this question to too many people now and still didn't have the answer she wanted.

Alea only rolled her eyes and held her hands, placed a small knife in them. "Use it, if you need to."

"I will not.", she give it back to her and before she managed to say something else the door opened and her husband entered the room.

Atera moved to the bed and sat on top of it, did not go under the covers and put the tray to the bed as he looked at her with a disgusting hunger.

"You look beautiful."

Atera reminded herself that she had to keep her face up only for a few more minutes. "You worked too hard for this night to happen, I wanted it to be worth it."

"I am surprised, you've been to against the entire affair."

"I am not going to lie, if it was up to me, I would never marry a pig like you.", she snapped a little. "But if we are married now, then let us try to work it out, yes?"

"Yes.", he nodded as if he was bewitched, tried to basically crawled at her but she held her hand back, tried to surpress her need to vomit.

"Not now.", she commanded. "I am rather hungry, I wish to eat first.", he seemed to reject it but she widened her eyes to give herself a demure look. "You wouldn't want to upset me at our wedding night, no?", she fornwed.

"No, of course no.", he said impatiently.

"I ordered the kitchens to prepare this so we can eat it together.", she showed the tray. "I love deserts.", she hated them. "Let us enjoy the night. This paste, for the beginning,", she pointed out. "has forty-one different spices in it. A courtesy from Lord Dayne.", something shone in her eyes. "It is a Dornish dish, I heard.", and then one by one, she made him eat everything on the tray.

Tens of spicy deserts, grapes, sherbets, everything that involved sugar in it.

And before the dawn, he was dead due to a heart attack.


"You can leave Oswell.", he ordered when he went to Elia's chambers, Lewyn was with Doran and Arthur was resting.


"Leave.", he repeated again and then entered the room without knocking, hoped that she would be awake. "Elia?"

"Why are you here?", she asked, she was brushing her hair but stopped when he entered.

"I wanted to see my daughter.", she was staying in another chamber. "I had missed her."

"I am asking why are you here to see me?", she corrected. "I doubt that you missed me."

"I had seen you with Baelor Hightower.", he said, his heart was beating loud for some reason.

"So?", she stood up. "Am I not allowed to speak with other men now? First Arthur, now Baelor?"

"He was your suitor, no?", he asked. "Years ago."

She narrowed her eyes at him, his didn't seem drunk, nor angry, he was talking as if he was asking her how was the air. Overly nonchalantly. "Why does it matter now?", she tilted her head. "As you said, it was years ago, it does not matter now."

"I just asked.", he shrugged. "Did you love him?"

The question hanged between them.

"It is none of your business.", she straightened her spine. "As nothing that concerns me is your business. I shall speak with Arthur if I need to speak."

"I am your husband.", he took a step towards her. "I am asking that if you loved him? As my wife, enlighting me, please, is it not your duty to bless me with the truth if shall I ask you?"

"You are my husband only in name since you never do your duties unless you are asked to. So as your wife, I should think that I too have a right to not to do my duties if I do not want to."

They looked at each other in silence. Elia was waiting for Rhaegar to leave because to this day, he never forced her for anything, never pressed anything further when she showed absolute end. He never fought for her to open a place for himself. She did not think he was going to start now.

"This isn't working Elia.", he rubbed his face. "What you want from me -I cannot give it to you.", he simply said. "Not because I don't want to but because I cannot. You deserve better than that."

"Since when it is you who decides what I deserve?", she narrowed her eyes. "This is an outrageous statement, my lord, you have no right to choose what I deserve when you made no efforts to get to know me at elast a little. But what you did was to show me time and time again how little you care about me.", she straightened her spine. "How little you respect me, how little you love me. What you showed me was how terrible this marriage is it for you."

He was shaking his head with the every word she said. "I never did any of these, I showed you nothing but respect and-"

"Fuck off Rhaegar!", she snapped. "You are the most self-rightheous man I have ever met, did you know that? Asking me if I loved Baelor?", she shook her head. "What if the answer is 'yes'? What will you do then?"

"I prefer our marriage to be completely platonic just for this reason, you see.", he pointed out quietly. "So that we will not have to deal with any of these things. If you would just agree and stop demanding for more, we could be a team but when you do not,", he took a step forward. "you are messing with my head."

"I do not do such a thing.", she scoffed.

"Oh but you do.", he nodded. "Just like you said, I cannot choose what you deserve, I have not earn the right but the same goes for you as well. You cannot decide what affect you have in me."

"Let me guess then,", she looked at him with a straight face. "headache."

"Heartache is more likely.", he corrected her and saw the way she seemed to be taken aback -even if only for a moment. "When you press me, you make me tore apart. There is a side of me that wants to give you everything you want and more,", he took another step. "but the other side of me reminds me why it is a bad idea for both of us. So if you would just stop-"

"No.", she deadpanned. "I am sick of standing still and looking pretty. It is my marriage too, not yours only and I only demand what I deserve, nothing more."

"Then answer me, did you love me?", he asked more desperately. "It should not be hard, I wager.", he said with a hint of sadness. "To love a man like him.", he suggested. "Or a man like Arthur. I bet it was not hard for Ashara to love Oberyn or Atera to Jace.", Elia did not know what to say. "If we go to that path, there are questions you must answer."

"If we would go on that path, none of the answers would mean anything.", she lowered her defences for a moment. "Why are you doing this to both of us?", she asked. "It is not just me that you are torturing but yourself too. Why?"

"I cannot tell.", he confessed it at last. "I cannot do that to you.", he cleared his throath. "I came here to tell you my decision.", he spoke firmly. "We need to draw some lines,", either he was turning purple or she was imagining it. "do as you wish behind close doors, as you say you deserve better,", she gaped at him. "but in pub-"

"You son of a bitch.", she whispered.

"Excuse me?", he widened his eyes with the sudden shock.

"Did you come here to tell me that you are done with me and that I can fuck others as long as I keep my mouth shut because what?", he could feel her rage burning him. "Because I talked with your best friend? Because I walked with a man I knew for a long time? Or because what? I demanded an explanation?"

"I am trying to be reasona-", she took her hair brush and threw it to him.

"Can't you just agree?", he yelled as he bent so the brush would not hit him. "Just for once, can't you agree with one thing I say? Why you must always disagree with me? I am giving you what you want in the expense of me"

"I do understand that this is unfamiliar to you-"

"What is that?"

"Having someone who does not throw herself to your feet and do as everything you say-"

"I do not expect such a thing from you, only that you wouldn't be this disagreeable and inflexible.", he deadpanned.

"Well then you married the wrong person.", she snapped, raised her voice. "I am not someone you can order around and then expect to obey without stating my own opinions. That is not who I am, that is not who I'll become."

"I do not-"

"You give me orders about how to behave in my own marriage and then get insufferable when I do not agree with it."

"Perhaps you should just listen to them, then.", he snapped back. "It is obvious that I am the one with the common sense in this marriage,", this was not what he wanted to say. "it is I who has the skills of emphaty-"

"You and emphaty?", she mocked him. "Hah!"

"It is why I am here everyday, trying to make it up to you, trying to find a common ground. I do understand why things are hard for you but you are refusing to do the same for me. You demand and demand and demand and then pout when I do not give into them."

"What I demand is a husband!", she yelled at him with widened eyes. "A husband,", she pressed. "not a person who sleeps with me in a soulless way only when I ask, a person who does not compliment me, nor take an interest in anything I do, thinks that just stayin there and listening to me with empty eyes mean something! You were jealous of Arthur, no?", she asked. "Of Baelor? You are right to be jealous of.", she approached to him and stand right in front of him. "You are too damn right."

"What is that supposed to mean?", something flashed from his eyes. "Elia?"

"It means that at elast they have a soul.", she hissed, raised her chin. "They are not as cold as you. Even one touch from Baelor makes me feel more chemistry than the entire sex with you!", she yelled loudly -though it was a lie and then turned around.

He closed his eyes and before he registered what he had done, he pulled her back to his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist. "Don't.", he ordered and with the surprise of the movement, Elia stood still, placed her own hands on top of it. "Don't be like this.", he whispered to her ear.

"Like what?", she was frowning. "Am I not allowed to tell the truth from now on too?"

"Elia.", he breathed, he pressed her against himself more tightly -but he was careful on not hurting her. She could leave his hold, if he wanted. "You are playing with fire.", he warned her, it was better for everyone if they just maintained a friendly marriage as coworkers not as actual lovers. "Don't."

Elia closed her eyes. "I told you that you have no right to order me around.", she clenched her jaw. "This is a marriage for two. We both have our wants and I am tired of giving into your every whim.", she tilted her head just a littşe so side of her forehead was touching his chin. "I deserve better than that. I want better than that."

"And what is it that you want?", he whispered into her ear as his right hand slowly made its way downwards and Elia's brain couldn't understand what was happening for a second until it stopped at her leg and opened it a little, rested on her inner tight. "This?"

"I-I,", she forced herself to focus. She was angry and hurt and he was not even touching her, she shouldn't let him have this kind of a power on her. "I want you to respect me."

"I have never disrespected you, never.", he said firmly, his fingers were caressing her tigh through her nightgown with small and slow movements. "I made you my equal.", he placed a kiss under the soft spot of her ear. "I made you my wife, my everything."

"But not your confidant.", she snapped and Rhaegar took a deep breath. "You are a stranger to me, always walking with a mask, never showing my your true colours. Even now,", she hissed. "even now, you still control yourself."

"And what would you have me to do?", his other hand rose to cup her breast and her breath hitched. "Not to tell you that you look glorious in maroon but instead, admit that I want to fuck you senseless when I see that you are wearing my house's colours?", he applied a little force as he caressed it slowly, circling his palm around her nipple, causing her unintentionally to lean against him. "That I prefer to stay at my own chambers during the night but I lie about the reason?", he slowly started to pull the fabric of her skirt to expose her legs. "It is because I cannot focus when you are around me. The sight of you, even the thought of you, make me incapable of thinking, you consume me with a burning desire.", his hand touched the bare flesh of her inner thigh. He pulled her hair away from her neck and leaned back to place small kisses there. "Maybe you are right,", she sighed. "maybe I should indeed tell you that how maddening it is to fight back with the most sinful, impure desires every time I look at you so this way you can understand the torment I am in and can feel pity for me."

"I hate you.", he was caressing her cheekbone with his nose.

"Do you now?", he murmured with a small smile that he had no idea where it came from.

"I hate you passionately.", she repeated, placed her own hand to the top of Rhaegar's that was still rubbing her breast and made him apply more pressure to it, which earned a low chuckle. "You are a cruel man with a poisonous tongue."

"That is you my love, not me.", he inhaled her perfume. "Your scent is inprinted in my soul ever since the day we first met and is driving me crazy when I try to focus on something else. You must stop."

"I must stop?", she pressed herself even further and Rhaegar's hand found the tie of her robe and opened it, let his hand touch her freely without any fabric. "Or maybe you should do something.", she turned her head a little and they locked eyes. "Or I can find my way into Baelor's chambers if you let me go."

Rhaegar's finger found her core as the other raised to hold her neck. "This will consume us both in the end and it will all be your fault.", he declared, closed his eyes and leaned his forehead to the side of her hair as his fingers started to rub her slowly. "Love is dangerous."

"What is life without a little danger?"

"You said that,", he finally gave into her. "you felt more chemistry with Baelor Hightower.", his movements got faster and Elia bit her lip to not to make a sound. "Do you still think the same?", when she did not apply, he slightly tightened his hold on her neck, he too had to admit that they usually had an ordinary sex life but this was one of the things he knew that she liked. "Do you imagine him instead of me?"

"I do remember,", she said breathlessly. "telling you to fuck off."

"It is not an answer.", his index finger teased her opening. "I demand one, as your husband."

"It is not that hard, you two seem similar.", she, on the other hand, was not give into him, she bit her lip harder when he pushed his finger inside.

"Try again.", he bit her earlobe.

"You two may even look the same if I squint my eyes a little.", he had put his middle finger inside of her too with that one and applied more pressure to her neck.

"Elia.", he repeated again, kissed her neck.

"Maybe you two are not that similar, on a second thought.", he lowered his hand to pinch her nipple, sending a feeling of sensation all through her body. "Definitely not similar at all."

"This is better.", he hummed and she raised her arm to held his neck in order to pull him into a kiss.

He broke off the kiss and with a swift move carried her to the desk, threw everything to the floor with one hand and made her sit to the top of it as he started to kiss her again passionately. Her hands had been trying to open his breeches and her heart skipped a few beats, she felt like this was the first time they were having sex. Burning with passion, her hands were shaken and within minutes, he was in her, one hand wrapped around her, one hand leaned to the wall, rocking his hips against her sensualy but harder and faster than usual as he whispered all kinds of unholy things she never thought he would say.


Leyton was pacing inside of his room, just about to lose his mind when Doran entered.

"My mother is dead.", he informed her and Leyton's pacing ended, he shared a look with Baelor.


"Any my father apparently has sieged Sunspear with the Yronwood army.", he tilted his head. "My offer for your sister and my brother stands."

"I already gave an answer to you.", he said and then turned around. "My sister married hours ago, you were there."

Doran's eyes were clouded. "Her name cannot take another hit, you will need to do that and Oberyn is the perfect option."


"Father,", Baelor seemed interested. "he might be right."

Leyton rubbed his face. "What?"

"Let me walk you through.", Baelor stood up. "If this is going to be a marriage of convenience, both sides should get equally benefits, right?"

"Spoke like a true banker.", Paxter, who was inside of the room, waiting for any news huffed.

"Let's start with yours and Prince Doran's.", he squeezed his shoulders and let it go. "Atera is by far the most eligibale lady in the whole realm because the man who is going to marry her will earn enormous amounts power. You have no allies within Dorne to begin with, so you must make allies from outside, it is why you are proposing this marriage. Preferably from a neighbor that you share a border with. Marrying with Atera will gain you access to my father's army, 20 thousand men -Dorne can raise that number in total. Marrying with Atera will gain you funds from the Bank of Oldtown, you will not have to deal with the Iron Bank any longer. Marrying with Atera will give you the benefits of our trade deals with the Essosian captains and traders -a luxury you cannot afford now because they are leaving the ports of Sunspear one by one, because they sensed the storm coming."

"And why am I giving them this many things?", Leyton asked with a fake smile.

"I'll get to that father.", he sent him an assuring smile. "These are not the only benefits you'll get. Atera also helds a very high station even when she is unwed. Her uncle is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and sits on the king's council, her brother is the most powerful vassal lord, richer than half of the Lord Paramounts. Her niece is the Lady of Highgarden, her other niece is about to become the Lady of Honeydew, she has three other nieces who can become an important lady. Her cousin is the Lord Regent of Old Oak and she carries the royal blood in her veins through her grandmother. This would give the man who she married a right to parade her around, use her as some kind of a trophy.", Leyton sent him a very angry look, this was not the time to say such a thing. "I am sorry but we know this is going to happen. Also,", he turned back to Doran. "you care about women's rights even more in Dorne. You know how clever she is, she can be an assest with her knowledge and political understanding. The benefits for you are endless. And with us behind you, Yronwoods can't dare rising against you."

"And what will she gain from it?", Paxter asked, leaned back to his chair. "Except being married to a very annoyed man and giving him basically everything?"

"She will gain everything you want from this marriage."


"First of all; the moment she marries him she will become a Princess Consort, people will bow to her and call her 'your grace'. She will become the sister of the future queen -and the king through marriage, aunt of the future Prince of Dragonstone. She will become a part of the royal family. She will have more influence than you can imagine in the both the king's court and in the Dornish court. If she decides to have children one day they will become princes and princesses. And since Prince Doran is already married with a child, and his wife is with one once again -congrulations by the way-"

"Thank you.", Doran murmured.

"there will be no need of heirs from his siblings and even if he would, Princess Rhaenys comes first in the succession. Prince Oberyn already has multiple children, I do not think he would force her to have one. So the thing she wants the most is granted; she will not have to have children in any form. She will held a very high station. And well, I think both of them can come to an agreement for the other parts of your marriage."

"Such as?", Doran narrowed his eyes.

"Both of them are free souls. Atera will let him do whatever he wanst to do with whoever he want to do in wherever he want to do -except taking an open paramour and have bastards, and in return he will let her whatever she wants to do with whoever she wants to do in wherever she wants to do. He will get marry, have benefits of all kinds, and never have to see each other or concern about each other except for the court or family events. And well, for the other part, consummating the marriage once would be enough to seal the deal and I don't think it would be that unbearable for both of them. And father,", he turned to him. "you will have direct ties with the royal family, the Prince of Dorne will become your good brother and the future queen your good sister. With that; not even the Greyjoys would be stupid enough to attack us."

"She is married.", Leyton said it with a loud voice.

"For how long, though?", Paxter asked. "If she will not kill him tonight, I will do so tomorrow morning."

"I think we should say 'yes'.", Doric said with a solemn face. "Does he know?", he meant Doric.

"I will ride there now, to meet with some allies of mine. Oberyn will hear after dawn and Elia in the morning.", he looked at her. "With that, we can have everything we want."

Leyton rubbed his face, he was not thinking straight. "I will not say 'yes' on her behalf.", he declared. "But I'll give you my army.", he turned to Doric. "Go and start the prepreations, you will ride with Prince Oberyn.", he turned back to Doran. "It is only something my sister can decide, I'll speak to her tomorrow, if she does not have a husband any longer."


There was only her, him and the moon at her balcony. She did not want to spend the night with a dead body but had to wait a little longer to call the guards so now Finnan was guarding the door as she was still inside and she was at her own wing, found Arthur there by surprise.

"He is dead then?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I said I do not want to get marry.", there was a different look in his eyes. "They should have listen."

"Would you do the same to me?", he asked with curiosity. "If we married all those years ago?"

"If you wouldn't ran to the capital and swore to celibacy?", she tilted her head with a smirk. "I might have.", she dared, she did not feel any guiltiness. "How did you guess thıugh?", she asked, wanted to try her chance once more. "How did you know I would kill him?"

Arthur frowned at her and tilted his head. "I didn't."

Something in her chest skipped a beat. "What?"

"I didn't know you would kill him but I hoped that you would, I wager.", he frowned to himself as if he realized something. "People like him, do not deserve people like you and there is no sin in protecting yourself."

"Everybody thought I would, everyone was sure of it."

"You had killed people before.", there was something in the air, they did not understand completely. But something was different between them. "To protect your family. Perhaps this time they thought you would so to protect yourself."

Right answer.

"Arthur?", she took a step towards him. "Why you didn't want to marry me?"

"It is a very long and an old story.", he took a step towards her too. He had no idea how they became this close all of a sudden but all he had manage to smell while trying to breath was her scent. "Should it matter?"

"Should it not?"

"There are other matters that I wonder upon than this.", he was aware that his voice became quiter.

"Such as?"

"I wonder,", he dared to raise his hand and cup her cheek. "how it would feel to kiss you again?", he had no idea what he was saying. "If would it answer my questions so I can function like a human being again?"

"Why don't you try it then?", she raised her chin in a daring movement.

And he knew he shouldn't have, he knew she was playing with him, he knew it was a game, he knew he was better if he did not know the answer and yet he leaned down and kissed her once more.


This is the longest chapter I've ever written (I'll check the spelling mistakes in an hour but I want to publish it beforehand) and one of my favourite chapters. There is a small part where I took the plotline directly from a Magnificent Century episode, and also there is an intimate scene between Elia and Rhaegar towards the end, so, if you are not comfortable, I suggest you skip that part.

Do not forget to follow me on TikTok (you can find me as @songofsapphire) if you want to get spoilers from upcoming chapters and more insight on characters.

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