Ntsumi ka Moreetsi

By VanessaFakude

12.7K 819 6

Abandoned by her father in the village after the passing of her mother, 17 year old Nomaswazi Nkosi, who is f... More

No Maswazi
Little Black Dress
Call Me MRS?
Baby Maybe?
Not Real
Stupid Cow
Abuser Me?
These Zulu's
Stranger Danger
Silent Past
So Early
Take Her
Take Over
Lose My Breath
God's Not Favourite
CAR Level
I Love You
The Books
I Didn't Know
It Hurts
I'm Sorry
Tradition Or Rules
Take It Back.


308 27 0
By VanessaFakude

5 years ago Babe and I went to the Sandton convention center, for an award ceremony. I passed,  got distinctions for all my subjects. Babe was super proud of me, he bought me an i10 to travel from school and home. I received a full bursary from the department of health, Bab’Chauke wanted me to me to study medicine but I was determined to be a clinical psychologist.
I passed top of my class and I am starting my internship. This morning, Babe wanted to throw me a party, I refused. We will celebrate at the end of the year when everything is done. He broke up with miss text all day. I got gossip from Khens, that she wanted him to send me back or let me stay at res. Babe refused, I wouldn’t mind had he told me. He deserves to be happy.
On Saturday Babe traded in my i10 and bought me a silver grey Mini Cooper, I am grateful, I woke up early to prepare his coffee but he beat me to it, I guess the excitement of having me working is still in him. I thank him for the coffee and I give him a hug then, I drive to the aviation medicine center in Pretoria, he wanted me to apply for an internship at his work but I refused and applied at the aviation center , because it doesn’t feel like he got me the spot. I arrive at work with 15 minutes to spare. I am taken to the head of departments office and he is busy, the secretary tells me to wait outside the door. 2 males join me as we wait. “Good morning, I’m sorry I am late.” I look up and see Mr Moreetsi, I smile and he gives me a hug.
“Stunya sa Chauke, I didn’t know it was you, how are you?” Mr Moreetsi.
“I’m good thanks sir and how are you?”
“I’m good, I’m  sorry for not being professional. Gentlemen I am Colonel Moreetsi and I will be your supervisor together with Major Lerefolo, she will join us shortly. You will receive tags for the gate and user ID’s for the computer. I must remind you that patients information will be treated with confidentiality, you are not allowed to date your clients. You may or may not see high profile patients and some may require you to sign non disclosures, if you feel uncomfortable please let me know and the file will be passed. Any questions? ” Mr Moreetsi.
“When is lunch?” Nelson.
“Why did you call doctor Chauke a gun?” Khosa asks.
“Dude don’t you know her? She’s that girl with the distinctions, her father is the psychiatrist.” Nelson.
“I thought she looked familiar, you look hotter in person.” Khosa.
“My father has a 9mm and is ready to be the first Chauke in prison, he plans on opening a church there.”
“He still says that.” Mr Moreetsi laughs.
“Yes, he reminded me this morning.”
“You live at home?”Nelson.
“Where should I live? You are weird.” I frown.
“If a man lives with his parents. You women complain.” Khosa.
“That’s an umbrella stereotype comment. I judge no one, as long you don’t hurt anyone. Home is where you build your foundation, try changing your type. ” I wink.
“I’m back, please pick an office then you can go to the canteen for tea time. Major will meet you after 10am here.” Mr Moreetsi.
“Babe.” I answer my phone, his been calling and I’ve been ignoring him.
“Why are you ignoring me? How is work? Is Moreetsi giving you problems?” Babe.
“See this is why I did not want to work with you, everything is good Babe, how are you?”
“I’m good now that you answered, I love you, chat later. I love you Ntsumi ya mina. ” Babe.
“I love you best Papa Ntsumi.” We hang up.
I forgot my mug at home, at least they provided us with throw away cups. The first day at work is great, I sit in a consultation with Major Lerefolo. We knock off at 3:45pm. The drive home is short, I find Babe cooking. “You are home early.” I mention.
“Yes, I wanted to cook my big girl her favourite after her first day.” Babe.
“The girl is happy, I’m going to shower then join you shortly.”
We eat dinner then watch a series. I receive an inbox from Sebenzile. She is asking for my numbers, claiming that my father is back and is looking for me. The strange thing about this is that she says I must not tell Bab’Chauke.
“Babe, Sebe sent me this message.” I show him the text. “That’s strange, that time when you passed, why didn’t they look for you? Something does not add up.”Babe thoughtfully says. He promises to look into it. I trust that he will and I relax. The following morning, I am almost late for work. I arrive as roll call parade starts. I walk to my office and start up the computer, the door opens.
“This is not a bus station, go back and knock.” I say without looking up.
“You are so sexy when you are strict, Moreetsi is calling you.”
“Yep, you were definitely raised by apes.” I say to Pheko who laughs. He looks sexier than I remember, gosh his cologne. Is this what they mean about absence makes the heart grow fonder?
Pheko and I make our way to Mr Moreetsi’s office, Pheko opens the door without knocking. “Do you not knock?” Mr Moreetsi asks annoyed.
“I asked him the same thing.” I roll my eyes. Pheko is already sitting down with no care in the world. Khosa and Nelson join us shortly.
“Good morning again, I called you here to get volunteers to fly to Swaziland and some in Cape Town.”
“I’m going wherever Ntsumi is going.” Pheko interrupts his brother. We laugh at the irritated face he pulls.
“Captain, I am your senior and I will charge you if you interrupt me.” Mr Moreetsi.
“Sir yes, sir.” Pheko salutes and turns, we crack up. 
“If you weren’t a good pilot, I’d have you shipped to another unit. As I was saying, the department is in a partnership that requires us to provide counselling in schools. We are leaving next week for a week, take this time to prepare your wives and husband’s because for the next 6 months this will be our life.”Mr Moreetsi.
“I’ve never been to Swaziland and I heard the girls are hot.” Khosa.
“Dude, the hot school teachers.” Nelson and Khosa fist bump.
“Wow guys really.” I roll my eyes and they laugh.
“Cape Town for me.”
“Alright that’s settled, Moreetsi you will take one of the guys and organise SNT and travel documents for the Swaziland gang. Pack warm and comfortable. Stunya, not those death traps on your feet.”Mr Moreetsi laughs. 
“Khosa, let’s go mate. Kgosatsana, see you later. ” Pheko says. I write notes on the patient I saw before the meeting. By knock off time, my feet hurt. I should really consider bringing a pair of flats for field days. I tell Babe about my upcoming trip and he is not happy since Sebenzile keeps texting me. He thinks they are up to no good.
“I won’t post my location until we are home, don’t worry.”
“ I worry about you Nom nom.” I blush, he hasn’t called me by that name since varsity.
“I know khehla lam. I love you more.”

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