I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 17

7.2K 90 9
By b_writing1d

Harry's POV:

Her facial expression changed from a smile to a shocked one. The color of her skin flushed. She said nothing. I had just slipped and told Kate I loved her.

"Shit. No, I-I wasn't suppose to say that. I don't know why I did. I guess I jus--" I was cut off by Kate smashing her lips against mine to shut me up.

"As crazy as it sounds.." She mumbled against my lips. She then pulled away and looked at my eyes and down at my lips. Her bottom lip went inbetween her teeth and she looked back up to my eyes.

"I love you too." She said quickly with a smile. I don't know why, but I got over excited. I was acting like I had just proposed to her and she said yes.

"Yes!" I yelled pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back.

"I don't know why I said it so early Kate." I admitted still hugging her.

"It's alright." She said nudging her head into the crook of my neck. The next song on the CD continued to play.

"C'mon C'mon, move a little closer now." I playfully sang along with the music. She laughed and let go of me from the hug. I stood up and walked over to Zayn. He laid on his side, fast asleep. I grabbed one of his arms with both of my hands and dragged him to the couch. It took some strength, but I lifted him up so he could at least lay on the couch. Kate stood up and helped me with Liam, except with Liam, we put a pillow on the floor and laid him flat on his back, so his head could rest on the pillow. I grabbed a blanket and covered him up. Next was Niall.

"What are we gonna do about that?" She asked with a giggle and pointing over to Niall who was asleep in a awkward position on the kitchen table.

"He's easy." I said with a laugh. I then walked over to him and tried to figure out a way I could carry him. The only way was bridal style, which I proceeded to do. Kate laughed as I put Niall in my arms and carried him over to the couch. Zayn moved around a lot, so there was no where to put Niall on the couch. I put Niall on the ground and grabbed another pillow and put his head on it. He laid right next to Liam, so I just covered him up with the same blanket.

"That was ridiculous." I said with a laugh and walked over towards Kate. She stood in the kitchen. She had both of her arms at her sides, and her one hand patted against her thigh to keep up with the rhythm of the beat with the music.

"What are you doing?" I asked smiling and walking to be face to face with her. She smiled up at me.

"It's good music." She said as soon as the song ended. The music for Last First Kiss began to play. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the living room. We stepped over Niall and Liam and went to the other side of the living room. Luckily, the living room was big, so there was enough room to not step on them. I pulled Kate close to my body. My lower hand held her tightly causing her body to press against mine. Her hands came up to both of my shoulders and rested on them. I wanted to dance. I took a step one way, but she went the opposite. I thought maybe she just messed up, but it happened again.

"I don't know how to slow dance." She admitted. I looked down at her and smiled.

"That's alright." I said kissing the top of her head. "Put your feet on top of mine." I said smiling.

"No, I'll crush them." She said putting her forehead into my chest.

"God damnit Kate! Your not fat, and you won't fucking crush me!" I yelled causing her to pick her head up from my chest and look up at me. She just stared. "Now Kate." I demanded. It pissed me off with how she thought she was ugly and fat. She's not. I love everything about her.

"Fine." She said with a sigh. She looked down at our feet and put one on mine slowly.

"Is that okay?" She asked looking up. I nodded my head and she put the other one of top of mine.

"It's not hurting by the way." I said once she looked up at me. It gave her a tiny bit more of height, but not my height.

"When I take a step this way ," I said stepping my right foot back. "You follow."

We did that for a little while longer, and she understood. She stepped off my feet and put hers to the floor.

"Ready?" I asked putting both of my hands lightly on her waist. Her hands came up to my shoulders like they were before. The song had just ended and Heart Attack began to play. I let go of her and walked over to the CD player. I wanted to slow dance, so I changed it back to Last Firs Kiss. We then put our positions back to the way they were. I stared into her brown eyes, and she looked into my green ones. A light smile was on both of our faces as we took the same steps together.

"I'm really happy." I said with a bigger smile.

"Why?" She asked brushing her hand up against my cheek, and then put it back on my shoulder.

"Cause I have you." I replied smiling.

"You didn't want me for that reason at first." She said having her smile dissapear.

"Lets not bring that up please." I said trying not to start a fight or make her upset. She nodded her head up and down, agreeing with me.

"What is Jack gonna do about us?" She asked looking up at me.

"Not sure." I said with a evil smile. "He can't do anything though, your an adult now." I said quickly. I then began to sing along with the main part of the song.

"I wanna be last, yeah. Baby let me be your, let me be your last first ," I sang, and before it said "kiss", I just applied my lips to hers taking her off guard.

"Your last first kiss." I sang quietly in her ear. I leaned up and saw her smiling, which made me smile to.

We danced for a little while longer, but then eventually stopped by the time a few songs had passed. We went over and grabbed the beer cans and shot glasses. We brought them into the kitchen and set them on the table. We sat down and talked while drinking.

"I bet you can't take a shot." I said picking up a shot glass. I swallowed all the wine at once and set the glass down on the table. She stuck her tongue out at me and picked up a shot glass. She let it slowly into her mouth.

"Faster." I said handing her another shot glass. She quickly tilted her head back and let it all down at once.

"Happy?" She asked slamming the glass down onto the table. I laughed and nodded my head. We took some more shots and drank a few more cans of beer. All I could remember was us walking back to my bedroom together and shutting the door.


I woke up laying on the floor with Kate right on top of me. I laid flat on the ground. I could feel Kate's breasts up against my chest. All she had on was her bra and underwear, and all I had on was my boxers. What did we do? The sunlight from the window beat down on my face, so I moved Kate off of me. I laid her so she could be on her back. I stood up and stumbled slightly, but caught my balance. I looked around to see Kate's pink dress was thrown across the room, along with my clothes near it. I picked Kate up and laid her on the bed and covered her up. I usually would have stared at her body, but it wasn't in my interest at the time. I walked out of the room to see the boys we already up and had breakfast made.

"Good morning beautiful." Niall teased.

"W-what time is it?" I asked looking at Liam. He looked down at his watch.

"3:37." He said casually.

"In the afternoon?" I asked shocked. Niall nodded his head. Niall was sitting on the couch eating eggs, and Zayn and Liam were next to him doing the same.

"What happened with me and Kate?" I asked walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a kitchen chair and brought it into the living room. I sat it infront of the couch. I sat down on it and looked at them. Niall looked at Liam, Liam looked at Niall and then Zayn, and Zayn looked at me.

"We had to kinda stop you from having unprotecting sex with her." Liam said taking a bite from his eggs.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Harry, we had to actually hold you down." Zayn said setting his plate on the table.

"What time was that at?" I asked with my heart racing fast.

"When we woke up the first time at about 4 a.m." Niall said putting his empty plate on the table.

"How do you know I was about to have sex with her?" I asked leaning forward.

"We had to get your boxers back on." Liam said quietly.

"And what about Kate?" I asked getting worried that they had to dress her to.

"Don't get pissed, but we had to get her underwear up. That's it." Niall said leaning back on the couch. I quickly shot up out of my chair.

"You did what?" I asked with my teeth clenched.

"It's alright Harry." Liam said standing up and stepping infront of Niall.

"Would you like it if I saw Dani like that?" I asked looking up straight in the eye.

"I wouldn't like it, but if we were both drunk and I was about to have sex with her, then I would accept the fact that you did that." Liam replied.

"I agree with Liam." Zayn replied looking over at me. I had to walk away or I would have punched Liam cause he was the next person near me. I walked back into my room and slammed the door shut. I sat on the bed next to Kate. How could I have let that happen?

Nialls POV:

How could he be mad? We just basically saved him from having a pregnant girlfriend, but he's pissed. If I had a girlfriend, I would be thankful that my friends did that. Maybe not happy that they had to dress her, but I would be more happy that they helped rather than just let us have sex.

"Thanks Liam." I said looking over at Liam who sat next to me.

"It's just his temper Niall, don't worry." Zayn said looking at me.

"I know, but shouldn't he be happy that we helped him?" I replied.

"I know I would be, but Harry lets anger come along more than happiness." Liam said.

"It's not like I was looking at her like that anyway. I was just trying to get her so she'd not be more naked then she already was." I said getting mad. Liam and Zayn both nodded their head. It got quiet. The TV was off, and the boys and I just sat on the couch silently. We then heard talking. It was Harry and Kate. We couldn't understand what they were saying, but we knew they were talking. We just stared down the hallway to the bedroom door.

"What do you think their talking about?" Liam asked.

"Last night probably." Zayn said. I was to focussed on Harry walking out and probably ready to scream. And before I knew it, Harry did walk out. But he was, calm? What? Harry was calm?

"Niall, I'm sorry I flipped out on you." Harry said standing in front of me. I remained seated and very confused. Did Harry just apologize? And he's not mad? What has Kate actually done to him? Whatever it was, she needs to keep it up.

"You were just trying to help, and I'm sorry." Harry said still looking down at me. I stood up and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"It's alright, it won't happen again." I said letting go of him. He stepped back and looked at Liam and Zayn.

"I'm also sorry for being rude." He said as Kate walked out wearing Harry's grey sweat pants and his shirt.

Liam and Zayn both nodded their heads and stood up. Harry gave them each a handshake and a hug, but I just looked at Kate. Harry told her I had to do what I did, and I think she felt embarrassed by it.

"I think we should get going." I suggested.

"I agree." Liam said.

"Alright." Harry replied. Me, Liam, and Zayn walked over to Kate. Zayn hugged her, then Liam, and then me. But I hugged her the longest.

"I'm sorry." I said into her ear.

"It's alright, thanks for the help." She whispered back. I stopped hugging her, smiled at her quickly and then turned around and began to walk out.

"Bye guys." Harry said walking towards the door. Zayn opened it and walked out, Liam followed.

"Bye Niall." Harry said quietly.

"I'll text you later." I said about to walk out. Harry nodded his head and shut the door behind me. I had never seen Harry be so calm so quickly after being pissed. Could Kate be helping him? Could she be the one Harry needs? Whatever she was doing, Harry was happier, and that made me happier. Hopefully Harry doesn't let her go, cause she's the right girl for him.

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