Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)

By sparedceiling

716K 16.4K 8.3K

Quirkless does not mean powerless. From a young age Izuku Yagi while behind the curve in terms of "normal" s... More

Trepidation (Izumi)
BookMark: 1 "Recovery Arc"
Champions! (4 year time skip Izumi)
Connection (end of Recovery)
Bookmark: 2 "Tournament Arc"
Anticipation (Izumi)
Horizon. (Rewrite)
BOOM (end of tournament)
BookMark: 3 "Endurance Arc"
✨Art: 2✨
Patreon/Youtube?!(not a chapter)
An Abomination..(not a chapter)
Abomination 2 electric boogaloo.
Thank you. (500k!)


3.9K 93 61
By sparedceiling

      Things had changed.....rapidly....after the party..it quickly devolved into everyone asking Izuku the big question.......why....when they all collectively watched as he threw Bakugo around like a rag doll.....when they saw how much anger and violence he was really capable of...Bakugo was a huge prospect in the hero course....and Izuku just manhandled him......non of them blamed him though....not even Toshinori...while he was slightly horrified....he had to admit to even himself that he would've done the exact same thing if he were in Izukus shoes.....but universally non accept Liz could agree with Izuku hiding the truth from them....

Mei was mostly confused only having part of the story to work with....but what she saw.....it scared her.....she couldn't get the image of Muscles hitting the pavement out of her head....every time she looked at him.....she couldn't help but see the way his body snapped in half.....she left shortly after the re runs.........she wasn't mad at Muscles...she understood why he did what he did.....but it was just alot for her to try and take in....she had felt a lot of things that day...things that were new and things that sacred her......flashes of him bruised and bloody in the hospital bed mixed with her imagination and what she knew of his prosthetics haunted her dreams after that night.......Muscles was smart, capable...strong....funny....but he was dangerous...not just in the literal limb breaking kind.... But he made her feel the worst she ever had in her entire life.....she needed time to reassess and truly try and understand Izuku Yagi. Including the fact...that he was apparently quirkless..it wasn't a subject they ever really discussed but it the announcer for the recap was to be believed....."Icarus Obito" was UAs first ever quirkless champion.....

Hatsume didn't really know how to feel about that detail....in the end she decided it meant very little since he was still just as capable apparently without a quirk....but she felt hurt he never told her. Which that in itself confused her.

As for the others.....Chiyo had to be nearly  restrained from going feral...especially for the damage he did to his body in the tournament....new scars filled the very limited bare space he had left....including burn scars from the lightning bolt which left an intricate series of lines in the spots that wasn't already calcified scar tissue.....

As for Izuku....he simply ducked his head and begged for their forgiveness....but even still he never apologized for what he did....he couldn't! He wouldn't!. In fact....it still wasn't enough.....from what Chiyo told them, Izuku cracked three vertebrae in Katsukis back, as well as shattering part of his hips and pelvis! Not including mangling the boys hand nearly beyond repair, it would recover but would never be the same again. having lost two fingers and receiving severe nerve damage in the process....In addition to knocking out 14 teeth, shattering his jaw and cracked his orbital socket! But that wasn't enough! That wasn't nearly enough! As for Izumi......well her face was reduced to that of a pug after the singularity smash...but doctors managed to reconstruct the cavern that was her nose but she would require an additional week of recovery time.....if he had just a little more power he definitely could take her head straight off next time!

All in all the night ended sour...Izuku had wanted to stop Mei to try and explain himself to her but she was gone and out the door before he had the chance.....even Yuna was disappointed...not in what he did she agreed Katsuki needed to get a vibe check from a meteor especially after what he apparently did to Izuku! But disappointed that he didn't trust them enough to let them in...ever since she had met Izuku she saw nothing but this kind and innocent genius who had everything taken away from him...she'd seen but but determination and hope in his eyes...even despite everything.....she saw him like a little brother...someone she needed to protect because he was so pure and so lighthearted!!....but she could see now that he was far far beyond her protection...and that he was capable of so much more then she could imagine......in his eyes she didn't see a vibrant radiance of resilience.....but a solemness of contempt and resignation.....she had helped bring  his body back from the brink....it was just time to save his soul...

As for Liz....who do you think came up with the plan to broadcast the crash footage. Ever since she learnt what happened to Izuku she was one hundred percent onboard to destroy Izumi and Katsuki...but what she didn't agree to was the level of violence used....she agreed to justice.....not torture...

Finally despite his overwhelming pride....all Toshinori could feel was sadness....a void of a despair that he wasn't good enough....that despite being the number one hero.....his own children couldn't trust him....some symbol of peace....
Toshinori stared at his son for a minute...when an idea clicked in his mind....it was something crazy but he had never been so certain of anything in his entire life....

"Do you want one for all?" Toshinori asked flatly turning to look out the window...

Izukus shot up like lightning as he stared in abstract horror at his father......did he seriously just offer him his power......Izuku floundered as he stared agape.

"Well? You've never expressed interest ever since I told you about it.....I understand that you might not be as...compatible...anymore..but do you want it? Even after starting at UA....I don't think I've met someone more worthy than you....if anything....it's just shown me even more how worthy of it you are......It's either you take this power Izuku.....or I likely don't give to anyone at all." Toshinori turned back to look at his son....a look in his eyes that proved how sure he was of this decision......

Izuku choked on his words.....even after....even after lying for so long...even after not trusting his father enough to let him in......he would trust him with the arguably most important power in the world.....even more that if he didn't take it....One for all would die with AllMight.....even after everything....after all the suffering and pain.....could Izuku was still the worlds biggest fanboy.....could he really let that happen? Let such a heroic legacy die....but he'd long ago came to understand he would never inherit that power.....that he was forever locked out of such a dynasty.......but as he stared at his father...the hope and the surety in his eyes...he wanted to say yes.....to so desperately say yes......to try and live up to his father.....but when he truly looked at his father and understood all that he was...Izuku knew he could never be that...he could never use it to its full potential....it would be wasted on him...

"I....I can't...." Izuku choked probably the hardest sentence he'd ever have to utter....to deny everything he'd been missing his entire life....but he to admit to himself...he was not fit to wield One for All...however...

"But I'll help you find someone who can..." he continued brining his gaze back to meet his father...even though he would never inherit...perhaps he could have a better chance at finding the person who would.,..

Toshinori looked at his son...a grimace stretching across his face as he stared in sadness and pride.....to think of himself as unworthy....but so willing to find someone who is....even knowing that there was no one else fit to bare the burden of One for all....he entertained it regardless, if Izuku were to have any trust in him....then maybe he needed to put some trust in Izuku...

"Deal" Toshi replied extended his hand out.

"Deal" Izuku replied clasping his hand in return. Without letting go Toshinori reach up and plucked a hair from his head.

"I Toshinori Yagi entrust my son Izuku Yagi as the 9nth bearer of One for All. I deem him worthy to inherit its might in not only body but in heart and spirit. I deem him with the potential to surpass me and to bring a true lasting peace to this world. I trust his judgement and his reason I accept whomever he may choose to inherit this gift that has served me well, while he may not choose to inherit in truth may he be remembered as it's ninth bearer in truth regardless. Whomever he give this hair to should they be worthy....shall inherit the full might of One for All." Toshinori said completely off the cuff as he handed the small hair to his son....Izuku stared in wide eyed fascination despite it all....he still looked like when he was boy...."when the time comes all they need do is eat this hair!"  Toshinori continued!

"WHAT!" Izuku said shocked a little appalled at the condition! Lurching away from his father.

"What whoever you choose will need to consume some of my DNA and this is a lot less gross then drinking my blood right!" Toshinori as full AllMight explained to a deflated Izuku.

It was decided that night that while Izuku didn't see himself worth wasting One for All on he would help choose who was. Toshinori was going to show his son that he had his back...no matter what.

Authors note:

Thank you all for nearly 500 thousand reads that's insane to me and apparently we're one of the top mha stories in general which blows my mind even more since this is pretty much my first real try at this. Anyway

Stay baller doods.

(This is Cassandra Valentine)

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