From one night to life

By Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 71

251 17 13
By Andyerobertbr

When Andy opened the drawer, she was startled by what she saw. She didn't want to believe she'd made such a mistake. Then, without thinking, she soon shouted:

Andy: I can't believe I did that. No... This can't be happening.

Robert was startled by what she said and approached her to find out what was going on.

Robert: What happened?

Andy was nervous. Her thoughts were racing and it was as if her entire future was flashing through her mind in a fraction of a second. She tried to formulate a response for Robert, but she just couldn't.

Andy: I... I... I shouldn't have done that... I'm irresponsible.

Robert: Calm down. I do not understand anything. What's in that drawer that made you like this?

Andy: The pills... I haven't taken them since the day I discovered my mother's letters. And worst of all, I'm in my fertile week. I was irresponsible. I was so preoccupied with everything that was going on that I just forgot. I didn't drink them here at home, I didn't take them to New York and I didn't drink them at the station after we arrived. Only now am I opening that drawer and seeing that I haven't taken the contraceptive pill for several days.

Robert: My love, is that all? Look, we're married, there's nothing wrong with you getting pregnant.

Andy couldn't believe that Robert was calm in the face of such a big problem for her.

Andy: Robert, can't you see how much trouble there is behind this? I became captain recently.

Andy was pacing the room, completely confused and desperate. Robert realized that she was really angry about the situation and he just wanted to calm her down. He walked over to where she stood, held her tight, forcing a sincere look between them. He knew this was a technique that always worked to calm her down. Then, looking into his wife's eyes, he said:

Robert: Well, let's do this, you make an appointment with Carina tomorrow and we'll know exactly what the chances are that you got pregnant and how you should proceed from now on.

A little calmer, Andy replied:

Andy: You're right. Tomorrow morning I will go to Carina, even before going to the station. Only she will be able to clear all my doubts.

Robert hugged her and she began to calm down in his arms. Noticing that she was calmer, he went back to kissing her and more and more he left kisses on the points that ignited her desire too, because he knew that sex was something she wanted minutes before and it would also be a good way to relax her.

Robert: In the meantime, let's continue what we were going to do. I'm curious to know what you had so excitedly fetched from that drawer.

Andy was more relaxed and began to give in to the teasing that Robert made on her body. She was also in the mood to have sex with him.

Andy: You want to know what's in that drawer? Maybe I'll have some props so we can have some fun tonight. I bought them a few weeks ago and we still haven't had the right time to debut them.

Robert got even more excited hearing this and again deepened a kiss on his wife. Andy however was still worried and then said:

Andy: Take the condom. If I haven't gotten pregnant, I want to avoid getting pregnant from now on.

Robert: I don't have any condoms.

Andy: Really? Robert... how come you don't have any condoms?

Robert: Obviously I only have sex with you and you've always been on the pill, so I don't worry about having condoms.

He finished saying and tried to kiss her again, but she cut him off.

Andy: No condom, no sex.

Robert: You're not serious are you? We always had sex without a condom.

Andy: But this time I'm not protected by the pill. So no sex.

Robert couldn't believe she was actually saying that while he was completely mad with desire. So, he tried to kiss her again, believing that she would give in, but she got out of his arms and reinforced:

Andy: No sex.

Robert: And I'm going to stay like this?

Andy laughed at his question and replied mockingly:

Andy: A cold shower will help you.

She was pushing him towards the bathroom and laughing, she closed the door. Even though she was also in the mood, she didn't regret the decision she had made. While Robert was bathing, Andy changed her mood again. She was worried and thoughtful about the possible pregnancy again. She decided to put on her pajamas and, in order not to run the risk of lighting the fire on both of them again, she lay down and slept.

When Robert left the bathroom, he still couldn't believe that was happening and even that Andy was already sleeping without expecting him.

While she slept, Andy was restless and it didn't go unnoticed by Robert, who noticed how different she was that night. Then, he hugged her, bringing her head to his chest, giving her a sense of security. Since he did that, Andy started to sleep better and was able to rest.

When the day dawned, Andy woke up early, even though he had no reason to. Robert realized that she was already awake, but he stayed a few more minutes with his eyes closed, pretending to be sleeping, because he didn't want to talk to her about such a serious matter, right after waking up. The mood was strange between them. Andy got up, took a shower and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Robert was getting worried about how she was acting. Usually, she would give him a kiss before getting out of bed, even if he was sleeping, but that day she just got up and left. He just watched her, thinking of how he could help her without starting an argument. While Andy was preparing breakfast, Robert got up, also took his shower and went to meet his wife.

Robert: Good morning!

He gave his wife a quick kiss. Coldly she replied:

Andy: Good morning.

As he laid things out on the table, Andy said:

Andy: I made an appointment with Carina in 3 hours. If you want to go with me...

Robert: Do you want me to go?

She didn't answer in words. She just nodded her head.

They finished setting the table and sat down. Both were eating in silence, but Robert decided to break the ice between them:

Robert: Do you want to talk about what happened last night?

Head down, Andy replied:

Andy: I'm sorry I left you craving and didn't satisfy you.

Robert: Andy, you know that's not what I'm talking about. Sex is not something to satisfy me. I love you and I would never force you to have sex with me if it wasn't something pleasurable for both of us.

Andy was silent because she knew that Robert would always respect her and also because she knew that he was questioning her about something much more important than just the lack of sex the night before. But even knowing what he wanted to hear, she still didn't want to say anything about the mixed feelings going through her.

Robert: Ever since you found out you forgot to take the pill, you've been different. You slept without waiting for me. You've had a restless night. I know you're worried about something and I just want to help you.

She couldn't stay silent any longer and so she replied:

Andy: I already told you, I can't be a mother right now. I became captain not long ago. If I fail, I jeopardize not only my dream, but a whole legacy of women.

Robert: Look, if you're pregnant, you're not alone on this mission. We will find the best way for our family and our careers to go together. I will do whatever it takes to help you remain the excellent professional you've always been, and I will do my best to fulfill all my obligations as a father and husband.

Andy: I have no doubt that you will not only be my partner but also a wonderful father. That's not what I'm scared about. I know I'll never be alone, but... you don't understand what I mean... maybe you'll never understand what I'm feeling...

Andy got up from her chair and started to walk out of the kitchen. She wanted to cry, but she didn't want to do it in front of him. Robert was sensing that she wasn't saying all that he was worried about. He sensed that she had more to say, so he grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving. He got up and wrapped her in a hug. In his arms, she couldn't hold back her emotion any longer and started to cry. A cry that worried Robert, but that he knew she needed to cry until the last drop of tear to feel better. And so, he did. He left her crying in her arms for as long as she needed to. When she felt a little better, she continued hugging him, but said:

Andy: Thank you. Your love comforts me.

Robert: I will always be with you. Loving you, respecting you and supporting you in whatever your decision is. I just want to understand a way to help you.

He then pulled bodies away from her so he could look into her eyes.

Robert: I know there are more feelings and fears that you haven't told me.

Andy: Robert, I know you're going to be a wonderful father, but I don't know if I'm going to be a good mother. I'm afraid of being like my mother. I am afraid that, at some point, I will abandon you and our child... I am afraid that I will have to choose between my career and our family.

Robert's heart broke when he heard it.

Andy: I had nightmares during the night. In my dream I left the house and abandoned him with a baby in my arms. But when you hugged me, you calmed me down and my nightmare was over.

Robert: I understand your fears and anxieties. But you're not like your mother and if you ever feel those same feelings your mother did, we'll learn from your parents' mistakes. I will be here to listen to you always. You can seek help from therapy. Our generation also has more resources for a woman to be able to stay in the job market and be a mother at the same time. We can hire a nanny or choose a trusted daycare center for the days when we are both working. We will find a solution.

Robert hugged her so that she wouldn't feel alone again.

Robert: We don't even know if you're pregnant. You didn't have any symptoms.

Andy: We've had a lot of sex the last few days while I've been off the pill. I was using sex as a way to relax from the issues I was having with my mother. Even without symptoms, there is a possibility that I could be pregnant.

Robert: I know the possibility exists. I just don't want you to be suffering for something we don't even know is happening. We'll go to Carina in a little while and when she gives us the proper directions, we'll talk about it again, okay?

Andy nodded in agreement. They then finished eating and soon went to Grey Sloan. Both warned their work teams that they would be a little late that day.

Andy was nervous. Even without having any reason to suspect a pregnancy, she was still very fragile with everything that had happened between her and her mother in the last few days. So, even though she received all of Robert's support, she was still afraid of what Carina would say to her.

At the scheduled time, Carina received them. She talked to Andy and Robert to find out what was going on and then said:

Carina: Andy I can't tell you anything today. You have not taken the pill for less than 10 days. You haven't had any pregnancy symptoms. We need to wait a few more days.

Andy: And meanwhile I'm going to be in this angst?

Carina: Unfortunately there's nothing I can do. Let's see if your period will be late. In the meantime, if it's your choice to avoid pregnancy, use a condom. You can only return to using the pill in your next cycle.

Carina was watching Andy and as her physician, she found it necessary to complete her directions.

Carina: Andy, let's take it easy. If you are pregnant, then we will discuss your possibilities further. You are not obligated to carry on with an unwanted pregnancy.

At that moment, Andy felt a weight in those words. Even if Carina hadn't said it clearly, she knew she would have to choose between going ahead with the possible pregnancy or having an abortion. She was scared and afraid, but if she was pregnant, she would carry that baby.

Andy and Robert left the hospital and as they walked home, Robert asked:

Robert: About what Carina said...

Andy: I'm scared that I'm pregnant, but if I were, I wouldn't take our child. I will have this child.

Robert: I'm glad you think so.

Andy: Look, I know we didn't plan a pregnancy and maybe this is just a freak in my head, but baby or no baby, every time we've had unprotected sex, it's been done for love. So, if there is a baby, it will be the result of the wonderful times we've been through.

Robert smiled relieved, took her hand and gave her a kiss.

Andy knew about Robert's dream of becoming a father, but she didn't want to get his hopes up more than the options they already had. Then, still holding their hands, she said:

Andy: I know you don't have the same concerns I do, but I don't want to give you false hope. While we don't know if I'm pregnant or if I can go back to using the pill, we're going to use a condom, okay?

Robert: All right. We'll make you feel better. I don't want to pressure you into anything.

Andy felt better knowing Robert was there for her.

Andy: Thank you. I love you.

Robert: I love you too.

They went to their work. Andy took another 24-hour shift and Robert went on his way to visit some of the Seattle stations.

In the following days, they followed the routine between work and a few moments together at home. When they were together, they had sex with a condom and were pleased that they had found common ground for the two of them.

Later that week, the day arrived when Pruit would return from Puerto Rico. Despite having talked to Andy every day, Pruit had no idea that his daughter had discovered the great secret he had hidden for so many years.

On the day of Pruit's arrival, Andy asked Jack to take over the station, as she was going to pick him up at the airport and wanted to spend the day with her father. Andy was nervous and didn't know how she was going to tell her father about her discoveries, but she knew the moment was close and she couldn't put it off any longer.

Robert offered to go with Andy, but she didn't think it was necessary. She wanted to have that moment alone with her father.

Once she arrived at the airport, Andy went to the arrivals gate. Pruit's flight was delayed and that made her even more anxious.

A few minutes passed and then Pruit walked out the arrivals gate, pushing his bags.

Authors Note: Is there a Surrera baby on the way? And how will Pruit react when Andy has the difficult conversation between them?

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