By Merlin_selen

23K 1.4K 365

Kinn and Porsche's happily-ever-after marriage existed only in fairy tales. The moment Kinn walked away from... More

It all come down to this
Rhythm of Misery
The unfortunate encounter
Too much
Don't make me weak
He knew
Everything fell apart
Not gonna feel anything
My life that never was mine
Can't anymore
Pit of darkness
Helpless heart
The chaotic grandpa
The truth hurt more than the lie
Before the storm
Run to you
How to unlove
Unforgettable past
Fighting against the current
Hit the bull's-eye
Inception of a fresh odyssey
Burning bridges
Drunk on you
Veracity or deceit
Encircled by inferno
The Revelation
Me and You till the end
Back to reality
No Salvation
The cataclysmic
Triumphant disquiet
Rekindled Love
Mission impossible
The thing we do for love
Whispers of Wounds
Poignant colloquy
The Bitter Lamentation
Veiled heart

Heart in pieces

349 28 7
By Merlin_selen

Just a heads up, this chapter begin earlier on the day —the last chapter scene of Mile and Porsche. Happy reading!


"There are ships sailing to many ports, but not a single one goes where life is not painful." ― Fernando Pessoa, .


Earlier on the day

The tantalizing fragrance of cooking food filled the lively kitchen. The rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the cutting board and the bubbling of the pot on the stove mixed with Porsche's grandfather's humming as he prepared a delicious meal in the kitchen.

"Yum, that smells great!" upon entering the kitchen, he saw his grandfather chopping vegetables and adding them to the boiling pot on the stove.

"A menu my grandson really needs. This grandpa of yours will even move a mountain for you," Edward turn to Porsche, winking.

"I don't like that look!" Porsche settled by the kitchen island and arched an eyebrow in skepticism.

His grandfather lowered the heat and covered the pot, allowing the flavors to meld together. He turned towards Porsche and gave a mischievous grin.

"You know there is this saying that...not saying but proven fact that abalone helps with nourishing your inner energy," Edward explained. Without waiting for Porsche answer, he headed to the other side of the kitchen counter to make coffee for kinn.

Peeling a banana, Porsche looked blankly at his grandfather. He's accustomed to his grandfather's antics, and the mischievous gleam in his eye is a sure sign that he's planning something mischievous.

"I thought you went to a wedding, not a conference?" Porsche said.

Edward chuckled at his grandson's response. He shook his head and went to the cabinet to get a coffee cup and saucer.

"There's more you'll find out at the wedding,"

Porsche rolled his eyes as he understood the implication of his grandfather's statement; the never ending babies topic.

"You seem a bit low on energy to make a miracle happen. This soup will give you a magic boost. Trust me, history testified to that," Edward said, grinning. "Let's get that belly nice and round. Ahh, luckily, the rooms are soundproof so no worries on that part,"

"GRANDPA!" Porsche exclaimed.

"Oh, the partner in crime is here," Edward said playfully as Kinn walked into the kitchen. "Sit, I had your coffee, son. And lunch is almost ready,"

"What did I miss?" Kinn said, taking a sit beside Porsche. The relationship Porsche had with his family is something he always envies. Especially with his grandfather. Their dynamic is akin to that of friends.

Porsche shot his grandfather a warning glance, but the old man just winked back.

Kinn sat back and watched the ongoing stares competition between Porsche and Edward with a smile.

"Nothing you will miss out on, but be part of," He put espresso macchiato to kinn side. "Here's to the future,"

"Thank you," Kinn said, raising his cup in a silent toast before taking a sip of his coffee and Edward wink at him.

"He likes his coffee black and bitter.....and where is mine?" Porsche said, pouting.

Porsche touches Kinn's forehead with the back of his hand to see if he's still running a temperature. Kinn's smile lit up his face as he looked at him. He wished to see Porsche in this way every single time. Ever since his grandfather came back, he has been smiling a lot more. Even though he felt unworthy of his care, he still felt thankful for this moment together.

"Owww!" Edward teased Porsche by imitating his pouting expression. "It makes me think about how my dear kinn will suffer from those pregnancy cravings,"

The sudden shift of the conversation caught Kinn off guard, causing him to choke on his coffee.

"Easy," Porsche said, handing him the water from the table.

Edward's attention returned to the stove, and he smiled to himself as he checked on the soup. As he turned back, his hand instinctively reached for his phone on the counter.

"What?" Porsche said, as his grandfather took a photo of them with a huge smile.

" document before and after, for research purpose," Edward marveled. He enjoys teasing his grandson a lot.

"You really lost it!" Porsche said, shaking his head. "Must be the age or the weather. Either way, you going in for a checkup,"

They had lunch and enjoyed each other's company by joking and laughing. The mere presence of Porsche's grandfather in the house creates a bubbly and cheerful atmosphere. It was almost as if the couples were in a state of harmony without any issues whatsoever. Seeing them both at ease with each other put Porsche's grandfather's mind at ease as well.


Porsche was staring blankly at his phone, his eyes fixated on the bright screen. The silence of the Mile was deafening, and he couldn't decide whether to go see him or not.

"Someone go missing?"

Porsche glanced up and met his grandfather's questioning gaze. He shakes his head in disagreement and puts away his phone.

"You seem...." Edward began and paused. He refrained from questioning his grandson too much to avoid being intrusive. "Come inside, it's chilly out there," he went inside leaving Porsche.

Porsche called Mile once again, but the line was dead silent. He opted to change his outfit and go to his studio to check if he's there.

"What the fu...." getting to his feet, he saw Tay and Vegas making their way into the mansion.

"Hello, cousin in law. Nice to see you sober, but you know what? You're more fun when you're stoned!" Vegas greets with sarcasm.

Vegas and Tay were out of the country with Macau when all the craziness went down. Macau was studying in the US, so they visited him during his break and then took a short vacation.

When Vegas started to suspect something was wrong, he warned Kim not to do anything stupid. But Kim totally blew him off like nothing was happening. The biggest surprise for Vegas was how Kim and Rose's plan was kept under wraps until the end and how Korn was completely unaware.

"Hello, Porsche," Tay greets. He gave Vegas a warning look, silently praying that Porsche and his boyfriend would keep their cool.

Porsche's blank stare made them feel as if they were invisible, with no acknowledgement of their presence. The sight of them in his house was unexpected.

"Hi," Porsche greets back unenthusiastically.

Vegas snorted in response to Porsche's unwelcoming gesture.

"There's no need to be so obvious," Vegas remarked.

Porsche's eyes scanned him from head to toe.

"FYI, if I find out you were in Kim's shenanigans, I'll bury you for sure. Trust me, I won't hesitate," Porsche threatened. Even if he has no evidence of Vegas' involvement, it's difficult to ignore the possibility that Vegas is aware of what's been going on with the family.

Tay's face twisted into a sour expression, his eyebrows furrowing in displeasure.

"Oh, please," Porsche scoffed, rolling his eyes at Tay's disapproving expression.

Porsche's grandfather went to see who was outside after hearing a voice and discovered Porsche with two guests.

"Ohh.. Who do we have here?" Edward asked, breaking the tense silence between Porsche and Vegas. "Such a beauty!" Edward exclaimed, looking at Tay. Tay's blonde hair only added to his admirable fashion sense.

Tay's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at Porsche's grandfather. He only caught a glimpse of him at the wedding of the couple and couldn't interact with him. Being a fashion enthusiast, he is a big admirer of his work.

Both Tay and Vegas Wai respectfully.

"You are..." Edward said slowly turning to Vegas, his voice trailing off into silence.

"Kinn's cousin," Porsche stated. His unhappy tone is hard to miss.

Although Vegas wanted to roll his eyes at the flatness of his tone, he managed to smile instead.

"Oh yes, I remember now. Good to see you again," Edward said happily. "What a Lovely couple!"

Tay and Edward went upstairs chatting while Vegas and Porsche sat in the living room staring at each other.

"I thought you came to see Kinn," Porsche said.

"Your family is really nice. Who do you take after? Jeez,"

Porsche tensed up, but managed to compose himself before Vegas could catch on.

"Imagine my surprise when I find out about yours. Almost had a stroke," Porsche countered.

"Ouch! fierce as ever.... by the way, how is your white wolf doing?" Vegas asked, his fingers drumming a rhythm on the armrest of the couch.

Porsche looked at him quizzically, trying to decipher his implications.

"He resembles your husband, but I don't know if that's your vibe. Hopefully, I don't have to get a new suit," Vegas needled, clearly relishing the way Porsche was getting annoyed. "Your ice cream date. He is H.O.T," he has been pondering the dynamics between Mile and Porsche.

"If you're so interested in my life, you must be bored with yours," Porsche stated as he rose to depart. He was taken aback by how Vegas knew about Mile, but then again, he had always been a nosy one.

"Trust me, mine is all spiced up. Hit me up if you need references," Vegas smirked. "Just trying to tell you not to make headline. Your grandfather surely won't like it. Last time I saved your ass, and who knows what could go wrong when I'm not there. And you are welcome for that night!"

"Fuck you!"

"No wonder you're my favorite cousin in law," Vegas chuckled. "Please don't make wild scenarios. Kinn is my cousin and I won't do anything to hurt him,"

"Well, your record says otherwise. Of course, you are reborn, right?" Porsche raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Kim is also your cousin. You guys are close-knit... If I didn't know you were with blondy, I might have thought differently. After all, the Theerapanyakuns are crazy as hell,"

Vegas' demeanor shifted abruptly, and his smile faded.

"You better watch your mouth!" Vegas warned.

"Try again. This is MY house," Porsche snapped. "Don't get all riled up, I said If I DIDN'T KNEW. Must in your gene to be impulsive. I'm just saying, if you start playing superhero for Kim again, like you did in the past, we're in for one heck of an adventure. Be the neutral cousin you claim to be. And don't worry, your little devil cousin will sure love the weather in England,"

Porsche smirked as he walked away, seeing Vegas' upset expression.


Kinn went to see his father after Vegas and Tay left. If he avoids him beyond this point, it would only make matters worse. He wanted to resign from his position after all that had transpired. He doesn't want his brother or mother to despise him any more than they already do. He knows that their resentment and fury towards him won't be pacified easily, but he's willing to relinquish his position if it brings about serenity to his family.

"Pa," Kinn greets his father, who was playing chess with Chan.

"Sit," Korn commanded in a cold and unwavering tone. He was greatly perturbed by the fact that Kinn came to see him days after he was supposed to. Making the situation more dire, his son has been away from the office for the last week.

Chan excused himself, leaving the father and son to their private conversation.

"Pa, I have something to tell you...." Kinn began, but Korn stopped him with a quick hand gesture.

"It's time to get back to work. Many tasks have been delayed because of your absence. Be responsible! Your brother's little tantrum doesn't excuse you from your obligation and responsibilities!" Korn scolded sharply, his words echoing in the quiet room. "Thanks to your husband, your brother has already left for England. I'll let it slide this time, but you need to keep him under control. Getting married won't change the fact that your family matters most,"

Kinn wasn't surprised by this revelation, but the lack of consideration from his father towards his feelings was still hurtful.

"Kim is fully capable of managing the company now. I don't want to fight with Kim and ma....I...I... don't want to live like this anymore, Pa," Kinn said, his voice choked with emotion.

Korn's eyes blazed with fury as he clenched his fists.

"You think running a company is a joke? Kim has his role, and so do you. Everyone in this family has to take on their fair share of responsibility. Stop with the foolishness," Korn yell. "I worked tirelessly to give you the life you have now. Have you ever heard me complain? Kim is not perfect and gets jealous at times, but you're his older brother, so try to understand him and don't push him away. He didn't behave like that with Khun, so maybe the problem is with you,"

"Pa..,...." Kinn began, but his phone buzzed, causing him to pause. His father looked at him with disapproval, but he nodded to signal to take the call. "Sorry," he apologized, closing the door behind him as he went to answer the call.

It seemed like only seconds had passed before Kinn was back.

"Pa, sorry I have to go," Kinn said, his voice filled with urgency. Without waiting for his father's response, he sprinted away.


Porsche didn't know how to react when he saw Mile angry, as he had never seen that side of him before. The only word he's able to utter is 'sorry'. He knows that whenever he's with Mile, he's in a place where he can let his guard down and just be himself. Beside him, he felt a sense of ease, and all the troubles that were weighing him down vanished. Whenever Mile sends a text or makes a call, his face lights up with happiness. Mile added a spark to his life, making every moment more enjoyable. However, he never entertained the idea that Mile might see him as more than just a friend.

The surprise of the sudden kiss left him feeling paralyzed, unsure of how to react. As he regained his senses, he pushed against Mile's chest to move away, but Mile's grip on his waist kept him from going anywhere.

"Don't please....Don't say anything. If you do, I might go crazy," Mile whispered, with his eyes shut and forehead pressed against Porsche.

Slowly and tenderly, he traced his fingers from his nape to his cheeks, and then to his lips.

Porsche's phon ring, but Mile's hold on him couldn't make him move.

"Don't. Just don't," Mile whispered, resting his head on Porsche's shoulder.

Porsche's mind went completely empty. Before he say any word, Mile's lips met his once more in a gentle kiss.

"Mile!" Porsche said, pushing himself away from him and creating some space.

Miles' face was twisted in panic, but his eyes held a flicker of hope.

"Sorry, I...I...I," Mile stuttered, his voice trailing off. He let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he realized what he had done.

Porsche's eyes locked onto his, but his expression remained blank. The first thing that comes to his mind is Kinn, causing him to panic as well.

"I have to close the studio," Mile said in a rush, his voice trembling. He's feeling emotionally vulnerable and is afraid of experiencing any more rejection, which could be too much for his heart to handle. "It's late,"

Mile quickly grabbed his jacket, phone, and keys without waiting for Porsche to respond.

"Mile," Porsche called. He noticed the panic in his eyes and reached out to grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"I have to go..I...We should go.....I should go...It's...... " Mile said, looking away from Porsche.

As Porsche held on tighter, he paused and met his gaze. Those eyes make everything around him fade away. When Porsche looked at him like that, it felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He didn't know what to say, so he pulled him into a tight hug, hoping it would convey his emotions.

"Don't say anything. Please," Mile pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper. His mind was in disarray, and he was scared of what Porsche would say to him.

Porsche's phone buzzed once again, causing Mile to break away from their hug.

"I will go," Porsche said.

Mile nodded, his eyes shifting to the side.


Kinn repeatedly called Porsche, but there was no response, causing him to feel anxious. He paced back and forth in the living room, his phone clutched in his hand. When he saw a car pull into the driveway, he run to the door.

"Why are you not answering your phone?" Kinn asked as soon as he saw Porsche getting out of the car.

Porsche jumped when she heard Kinn's voice. He looked at Kinn and noticed the tense expression on his face, which made him alert immediately.

"What? What happened?" Porsche exclaimed in a panicked tone.

Kinn attempted to speak, but his words were caught in his throat.

"What? Kinn...Where is Grandpa? What happened to him?" Porsche asked again. The way Kinn's face twists in concern fills him with dread.

"Not grandpa. Your father," Kinn said. He was at a loss for how to break the news to him. "He is in hospital. We have to leave now. He's in the ICU,"

As Porsche stumbled, Kinn was there to catch him before he fell to the ground.


Earlier, Kinn answered a call and was informed that his father-in-law was in the hospital and needed them to come immediately. They also tried to contact Porsche, but he was not answering.

They quickly leave on their private jet to Singapore. Porsche was frightened and shaking during the entire flight.

As they approached the hospital entrance, Porsche's legs gave out, and Kinn caught him just in time once again. His heart raced with anxiety at the thought of what he might hear. Upon entering the ICU, the sight of his father, hooked up to medical devices with tubes and cables, brought him to his knees as tears streamed down his face.

As Porsche approached his father, he couldn't help but notice the fragility in his father's frame, and his own trembling hand mirrored his father's weakness.

"Dad," Porsche whispered. He extended his trembling hand to grasp his father's hand. "It's me. Your son is here. Why...why...why are you here?.... I'm here.....Can you hear me?....Dad, it's me...your boy," The weight of his emotions became too much, and he crumpled into tears.

Kinn stood by his side, his arms wrapped tightly around him. The sight of his father-in-law brought tears to his eyes, and he hurriedly wiped them away. His current condition left him stunned. His father in law love for him was unconditional, as if he were his own flesh and blood. He never thought he would see him like this.

The doctor come in and greets them. As Porsche calm down, he took them to his office and explain everything. The doctor's explanation hit Porsche like a bolt of lightning.

His father's medical record shows that he has been diagnosed with leukemia and received chemotherapy in the past. In the past few days, it has recur. However, the complication has led to pneumonia. Right now they are doing everything they can, but looking at his progress, he told them to prepare for the worst.

The doctor was informed that Mr. Kittisawat has woken up, so he allowed them to see him, but cautioned them not to overwhelm him.


"There's my boy," Mr. Kittisawat exclaimed when he saw his son beside him. He held out his hand to Porsche, who eagerly grasped it.

Tears streamed down Porsche's face as he heard his father's voice. He leaned down and planted a tender kiss on his forehead.

"I love you, dad," Porsche said, his voice trembling with emotion. "You going to be alright and we will go home. You going to be fine. Don't worry," Porsche wiped his tears and looked away, struggling to find the words. The sight of his father's fragility left him feeling broken and helpless. The pain shot through his body like a thousand tiny needles.

"I love you.....more than anything... in this world," his father replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Kinn...where....where is he?"

Porsche immediately texted him to come inside. Kinn was talking with the nephrologist outside the hallway when he went inside.

"My son...."

"Dad," Kinn said, as he quickly walked over to his father-in-law and kissed his hand.

"Come..." Mr.Kittisawat gesture for him to lower his head.

Crouching down, Kinn made himself level with his father-in-law.

"Take...take care of my son. Even if I'm not here anymore, promise me you will take care of my boy. He is all I got," The only thing that scared him was the thought of leaving his beloved Porsche behind. His late wife's final wish was for him to take good care of their son, and he honored that promise by doing everything in his power for their child.

The medical monitor started beeping instantly, causing Kinn and Porsche to panic. The doctor and nurse burst into the room and frantically urged them to leave the room. Kinn supported Porsche as he broke down and guided him outside.

"Kinn...Kinn...tell me he will be fine. Please...please," Porsche's voice cracked as he cried and held onto Kinn tightly. "I can't lose him...I can'"

Kinn holds him close, murmuring gentle words in his ear to soothe him.

The doctors emerged from the room after half an hour with the news that he had been stabilized, but he was placed on a mechanical ventilator.

The medical team conducted several tests and have been closely monitoring him , but as the day progressed, the doctor delivered the devastating news that he might not survive for more than a few days. Despite their tireless efforts, the chances of his survival remained slim, and it would be nothing short of a miracle if he pulled through.


Korn and Chan were drinking whisky in his study room listening to the News:

'Our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of the Chairman of Camellia Group, who passed away today while receiving medical treatment at Singapore General Hospital'

"Let the show began!" Korn said smiling. "Cheers to the future!" he lifted his glass in a toast.


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