dr.kim and mr.min

由 vickie_org

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namgi au!! namjoon is a new teacher with a phd, yoongi is experienced. their classrooms are right across from... 更多

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thank you + author's note!!


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由 vickie_org

"halmeoni! no!" the little girl shouted as the hairstylists attempted to slightly curl her hair, "hyejin-ah, let them do your hair" she said, wiping hyejin's tears with her thumb, "papa? appa?"

"do you want to go see them?" the woman asked, hyejin nodded and sniffled, "we'll be right back" the woman smiled as she took hyejin by the hand to see her parents.

the couple were in two seperate rooms so they could have a first look moment, "papa?" hyejin said when she stepped in jimin's room, "hi baby, aren't you supposed to be getting ready?"

hyejin hummed before shaking her head, the woman and jimin laughed seeing her protest, "how are you feeling, jimin?"

he turned red, "shy? nervous? i don't know, but it feels like a first date" he shyly smiled, "aw, i know that feeling" she chuckled, placing an arm on jimin's shoulder, "everything is going to turn out good. if it doesn't, i'll sue whoever i need to sue"

the small boy felt better hearing that because he knew it was true, "thank you" he said, a small grin on his face.

"hyejinnie, you have to get dressed" seokjin insisted, "appa! no!" she frowned and hit her father, "don't hit me, park hyejin. you will get into that dressing room and let the nice people curl your hair and put on your pretty dress that your halmeoni paid for"

she quiet down, but let out a huge scream. seokjin placed his hand over her mouth, "people are going to think i abuse you" he huffed. the boy was feeling angry because he was on edge about the wedding, he was nervous and didn't know how to express it.

"don't place your hands on her, seokjin" his mother sternly said, the man sighed, "sorry, mom. just make sure she gets ready, okay?"

the woman nodded and examined her son, "are you feeling alright? you look a little out of it"

"all this is nerve-wracking" he mumbled, "don't worry, my son. everything will be fine" she said and pulled her only child into a hug.

"joon, you can't wear that to a wedding" yoongi sighed as he brushed junho's hair to one side, "the real question is, why are you so dressed up?"

the man scoffed, "it's a wedding! it's a major event in seokjin and jimin's life! jimin said the venue is huge" yoongi said as he buttoned up his shirt, "seokjin told me that too, but i don't know how to dress for these things. my parents never took us to weddings because you have to give people gifts" namjoon said, "that's alright, joonie. i'll help you pick something out. something formal, but you can't outshine the couple"

namjoon nodded and let yoongi go through his clothing to find an outfit a formal outfit.

"this and this, slick your hair to the side" yoongi instructed, he had a serious look in his face. it was the look of a dad rushing their kid out of the hosue for school, "m'kay"

the tall boy did as told, making sure not even one strand of hair was sticking up, "joon, we have to lwave in 10 minutes to get to the venue on time!" yoongi slightly raised his voice.

namjoon stepped out the bathroom and showcased his outfit to his dear fiance, "how do i look?"

"good, now let's go" yoongi said, making namjoon frown, he was expecting a bit more, "just good?"

"it's great, now we have to go" he said and grabbed namjoon's arm. poor joonie just wanted yoongi to compliment his outfit.

"are you mad?" namjoon softly asked as the boy drove them to the fancy venue, "no" he answered, he seemed calm yet mad, so namjoon was a bit confused.

"okay" he softly answered and looked out the window, admiring all the snowmen people had made as he tried to distract himself.

he didn't like winter. he could as far as to say he despised it. yoongi would argue and say it was the most superior season, but namjoon had many reasons to oppose.

one, winter always brought the most hardships for him and his family. it seemed that they were always on the brink of being homeless. they were always arguing on what they could and couldn't afford.

"mom, i need a new notebook for the semester" namjoon shyly said, rubbing the back of his neck as he did so, "for what? i got you 2 notebooks in the beginning of the school year" she scoffed as she boiled some water to make ramen noodles.

"i used them both, front and back, and with my smallest handwriting" he sighed, "namjoon, we can't afford that right now" she sighed, "then what am i supposed to use for school?"

the woman hummed, "i really don't know" she mumbled, the small boy frowned, "i really need something to write on" he sadly said, "then, get a job" she smiled, "then how will i find the time to balance school and calculating our finances? plus, i'm 14, mom!" he said, feeling tears well up in his eyes.

"so?" she asked, "kids my age are having fun, y-you know?" he sniffled, pulling his knees to his chest, "that's because their parents are filthy rich. kids in poverty like you should be getting jobs" she spit out, making the young boy burst into tears.

two, it was cold. so cold. however, namjoon didn't have proper attire for the season which always caused kids to whisper and laugh behind his back.

"double n is here. needy namjoon" a kid whispered to his friend, making the boy burst into laughter, "sh!" his friend giggled whilst they tried to be discreet.

namjoon tried to ignore the kids as they stared at his ripped jeans and overused t-shirt. his skin was pale from how cold it was, his lips were turning blue and purple from it.

he winced when something hit his head, "it's a heat pack! do you know what that is?" a kid laughed. namjoon wanted to be argue and scream, but instead he took the heat pack and attempted to warm his body up.

three, namjoon was always made sure his family was warm and had full stomachs before he could take care of himself.

"it might look ugly, but you can wear my long sleeve shirt. you could probably style it" namjoon told his twin, handing eunji the shirt he was talking about.

she hummed, "it's a bit big, does it even fit you?" eunji asked, "it was on sale at the thrift store, it doesn't matter if it fits" he said, pulling out some gloves from his bag, "i made these in sewing class, i made their pink for you"

the girl smiled, "thank you, oppa! are you sure you won't get cold?" she asked. at the time, eunji didn't realize how dumb the question was.

"i'm sure" he reassured. it was obviously a lie. of course he would get cold in -2 degree weather, eunji was just too naive to understand.

(a/n: that's about -18 celcius for non-americans)

four, namjoon felt extremely ungrateful for wanting things most people his age had.

all 14 year old namjoon was a gift under a decorated tree. he wanted the tree to have ornaments and pretty lights like the ones of his friends.

namjoon felt a pang of jealousy whenever his friends showed pictures of huge trees with fancy glass ornaments. in all honesty, he didn't even want an extravagant tree, he just wanted a basic one.

there were never gifts in the living room on the 25th, but he remembers his friends talking about the new gaming consoles they got and all the new clothes they had gotten.

"mom, can we get a tree too? you know, like those with lights and ornaments? i heard the dollar store has some cute ornaments" he shyly smiled, "oh yeah, let me just pull out money from my ass for such a tree and lights and ornaments and the raised electrical bill" she huffed.

namjoon pouted, "what about a small one?" he asked, "if you want to look at a tree, why don't you look at the trees outside?" she asked, "they don't have pretty lights or ornaments"

the woman sighed, "you do our financing, do you not know that we're poor?" his mother asked, "i-i do! but maybe you guys have some money left over?"

"if we did, would i be making you just rice for dinner?"

he sighed, "no, mom"

he leaned against the window, trying to not think about the scarring memories from his childhood.

"you okay, joon?" yoongi asked, stopping at a red light, the boy nodded, "you look very pretty, honey"

that made namjoon smile, "thank you, i was sort of upset that you didn't compliment me at home" he said, yoongi chuckled, "sorry, joonie. i just wanted to make sure we go there on time" he reassured.

"understandable" namjoon smiled, looking junho was sleeping peacefully.

the couple had decided to walk the aisle together to make a bigger entrance. they really couldn't believe how good they looked.

the small boy had pulled in his fiance, almost husband, for a hug. he didn't let go until seokjin placed a small peck on his forehead, "you look so pretty" seokjin smiled, "you do too"

once the couple had approached the stands, jimin and seokjin smiled seeing hyejin approach the aisle with a basket of flowers, "appa! papa! look!" she exclaimed and giggled, softly throwing the flowers on the floor as she had been taught too.

the guests chuckled, "papa, this?" she asked jimin, "yes, baby" he reassured, so hyejin continued.

"appa, good?" she asked, "yes, hyejin-ah. you're doing so good, keep going!" he smiled.

the little girl finished with a wide smile and sat in her assigned seat like her grandmother had told her to.

"before we continue, my parents and i organized a surprise for jimin" seokjin said into his mic. the venue was huge, so just speaking wouldn't work.

jimin's eyes widened seeing all 11 of his students walk in. he felt tears brim in his eyes, "hi, mr.park!" his students giggled.

the small boy kneeled down and hugged his students with the biggest smile on his face, "you guys look so cute! tell your parents they did such a great job dressing you guys!" he said, before they sat down.

then, all the traditional speaking parts were said before jimin and seokjin spoke their vows.

"jimin, my love, i am so grateful for the love that we share, and for the life that we are building together. i promise to love you more each day, to cherish you always, and to be your partner for life. i promise to hold your hand as we overcome any challenges presented to us. i love you so much and i will do everything in my power to protect you" seokjin spoke, making jimin sniffle. the tall boy softly wiped the tears streaming down jimin's cheeks.

"seokjin, i promise to always be there for you, to support you through all of life's ups and downs, and to be your rock when you need someone to lean on. i vow to be your best friend, your confidant, and your soulmate, now and forever. i promise to always listen to you with an open heart, to respect your opinions and feelings, and to work together with you to create a life that is filled with love, joy, and happiness. i love you so much"

seokjin bit his lip as he tried not to cry.

"kim seokjin, do you take park jimin to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"i do"

"park jimin, do you take kim seokjin to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"i do"

"you may now kiss your spouse"

seokjin gave jimin a gentle kiss, causing them each to blush a bit as the guests clapped in response.

hyejin ran up to her parents, "papa! appa!" she giggled, making grabby hands. jimin lifted her up and hugged her tight.

seokjin's mother softly smiled seeing her son with his husband and a daughter, "he's grown up" she sadly told her husband, "i know, he has a family" he smiled and hugged his wife.

"papa? food?" she asked jimin with big eyes, "we have macaroni and cheese, would you like that?" jimin asked, "mm!" she giggled and ran to the food station where her grandmother was.

jimin smiled and leaned on seokjin's shoulders, "jinnie, how'd you get my students here?" he asked, "lots of communication and paying people at your school. they agreed only under the conditions that they could only be at the reception and not at the after party because there's alcohol" he shrugged, earning a kiss.

seokjin wrapped an arm around his husband, "it was actually my mom's idea" he said, "really? i thought she doesn't like my career?" he sadly mumbeld, "it grew on her because she likes the way you parent hyejin and thinks it's because of your experience with kids" he said, "well, yeah. i definitely know what not to do" he chuckled, "oh gosh, i remember when a kid threw up on you"

jimin couldn't help but laugh, "it was right after i had taken off my apron, i was pissed" he said.

hyejin ran up to the couple with a plate of macaroni and cheese and some fruit. she poked it with her fork and put it jimin's mouth, "appa? hungry?"

he allowed the little girl to feed him even if she got cheese all over his face because of her mobility skills. jimin insisted that it would help her fine motor skills.

"i can't believe junho has slept through the whole wedding" yoongi smiled as they ate, "i know, but he also didn't sleep well last night. he must be tired" namjoon said, thesmall boy nodded, "he kept me up all night"

namjoon chuckled, "i know" he said and took a sip from his soda. the couple smiled when they saw the newly-weds approach their table and sit.

"congrats, this whole thing is so fancy" yoongi smiled and hugged the couple, namjoon doing the same before they sat back down.

"it is" jimin smiled, "are you guys having a honeymoon?" namjoon asked, "yeah, we're going to jeju until the the school holiday ends. jimin said he's wanted to go for a while" seokjin said, "i've been, it's really pretty" the short second grade teacher said before putting some chicken in some mouth.

"we plan on doing.....newly wed things"  jimin stated, earning a cough from his husband, "so, is hyejin not going?" namjoon laughed, "nope, she's staying with my parents" seokjin said, taking a sip from his champagne as the rest the boys chuckled.

seokjin gently caressed jimin's soft cheeks, "i am a lucky man" he whispered into the boy's ear before unbuttoning his suit.

jimin giggled as he felt seokjin's touch on his body. seokjin could be bad at many things, including, but not limited to: picking up his workspace, cutting up hyejin's food to the right size, doing laundry, and deciding on a tie for work. however, one thing he wasn't bad at was satisfying jimin and making him feel like the prettiest boy ever.

we wouldn't be surprised if hyejin got a sibling pretty soon.

"do you want a wedding that luxurious?" namjoon asked as they drove home, "nah, i don't think i even know that many people"

namjoon hummed, "that's true" he said, leaning towards the backseat to look at junho, "he's going to be spoiled, i don't care if i don't have a single cent left for me"

yoongi chuckled, "then, he won't be humble" he explained, "i don't care, he can have all the winter coats he wants and all the best notebooks at the store. he can have as many christmas trees as he wants and as many lights and ornaments on it" he said, his face not showing a single emotion.

the short one frowned, knowing something was off about namjoon because of his monotone voice.

"what's making you feel like this?" he asked, "nothing. it's a promise. i won't let my kid live as if he was in poverty like eunji said. if we ever do end financially unstable, he won't know because i won't let him. i vow to never have him worry like i worried during my childhood"


"i would do anything for him"

it was silent for a bit, "you're thinking too much, aren't you?" yoongi asked and made a left turn, namjoon sighed.

"maybe" he said, "junho is a spoiled baby with 2 parents who absolutely adore him and care about him" yoongi said, namjoon nodded whilsy biting his nails.

"can we go to the corner store?" namjoon asked, "for what?" yoongi questioned, "i need to spoil junho"

parenthood had changed namjoon in a way that he would have never imagined. prior to being a father, he preached being humble and swore he would raise his kids to be humble as well. however, look at him. he buys his 6 month old baby whatever he touches.

namjoon's love language was never gift-giving. he didn't like receiving them nor did he like buying the. his fiance knew that well so their relationship was based off quality time and words of affirmation. junho had changed that. now, he feels it's one of the ways he expresses his love to his son.

maybe it was because it's what he lacked as a child? he didn't want to know if that's why he spoiled yoongi and junho with all the 5 love languages.

his parents did his best raising him, that's all that matters.

"he can't even eat gummies" yoongi said as junho picked out some clearly artificially colored gummies, "so? we can eat them"

yoongi blinked, "i miss when you had braces" he mumbled, earning a glare from his fiance, "meanie head" he said and placed his gummies in the basket.

"what else do you want?" namjoon asked his baby, the baby gurgled and made grabby hands towards a toy which namjoon let him have.

the small boy smiled watching namjoon let junho pick out whatever he wanted, he almost felt like crying.

"you're my baby" namjoon cooed as they watched junho do tummy time on the living room floor, "i thought you said there was no cooing at him because he wouldn't learn to speak properly?" yoongi mocked, earning a small hit to the shoulder.

"how could i not?" he frowned and picked junho up, "you're paying for speech therapy" the boy mocked again, namjoon frowned and ran his hands through junho's hair, "i guess i am" he huffed.

namjoon leaned on yoongi's shoulder, pressing a kiss on his cheek, "i love you, yoon"

"i love you too"

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: what did you think of seokjin and jimin's wedding? what do you think about namjoon's plans to spoil junho??


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