Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

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In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 18

1.9K 97 12
By oddcabello

Y/N's POV:

I looked out the window of the car as we were currently on a small road trip to San Diego.

My friends and I were finally going to our mini vacation and summer festival

I needed the getaway. I needed to just spend time with my friends and be dumb

The thing with Camila happened a couple of days ago and we hadn't spoken to each other since

No text or call no nothing. I wouldn't be the first one to break anyways

It didn't take us long to make it to our air bnb. It was actually a huge house. Bigger than I remembered on the listing they had shared...

I didn't purchase it, they just told us how much we each needed to send to spit it and I sent my money to whoever bought it.

"It's huge" I mumbled it was like a mansion of some sort

"Yea we got a great one" Jasper said as everyone ran around to explore the house

I just walked to the kitchen where it had a sliding door that led to the backyard where there was a massive pool

Gus started stocking the fridge with drinks and some groceries we bought before we came to the house. I grabbed a drink

"I need this already" I said and he laughed a long with me and opened one himself

"Starting without us already y/n?" Maria asked playfully but then grabbed a drink herself

"Can never start too early on vacation" I said laughing

"I think everyone will more or less be able to have their own rooms with their pair. Y/n you don't have to third wheel Kevin and Jaden now" kimi said

"Nice thanks" I said "I remember the listing you guys sent before was a little smaller" I asked

"Oh we didn't tell you?" Maria asked and I shook my head

"We invited a few more people so we were able to get this bigger house" she said

"Oh okay who?" I asked confused

We heard the doorbell ring

"That must be them" she said

"I got it" Stella yelled and went to the door

Before I knew it the house filled with squeals and cheers full of girls

My eyebrows furrowed and then I saw Jenna and Kimiko walk in

My heart dropped

"You invited Camila's friends?" I asked "when?"

"At the club. We all hit it off so well. They told us how they were attending the festival too and we let them know how we were planning to do some sight seeing before the festival started so they wanted to tag along" she said

I was just stood there frozen

"Didn't Camila tell you?" She asked and I shook my head

"No- no she didn't" I said. I hadn't told anyone about what happened between Camila and I and to be honest I wasn't going to

Maybe she didn't come...

The rest of Camila's friends walked in and trailing in last was Camila

"Fucking hell" I mumbled to myself. There goes my vacation of freedom

Everyone was hugging saying hi to each other and Camila's eyes and my eyes met but she looked away

They ended up calling my name and I went to greet them and they engulfed me in big hugs

When I got to Camila I just gave her a small smile and then stood a few steps away from her

Stella went on to tell the girls where their rooms were and explained how in every room people had a partner to roommate with

"Y/n and Camila we put you guys together since well duh-" Maria said giggling with a smile

I should just leave to be honest

"Great" was all I said with a fake smile. Camila just nodded giving a weak smile

"Don't worry Y/n Camila has her own plans out here you'll probably get your own room" Jenna said making her friends laugh

"I'm sure she does" I simply said and walked away to be with my friends. Not even paying attention to her

Some time passed and I felt like I had avoided settling into my room for long enough

Everyone else was basically settled in and I hadn't even stepped foot inside mine.

I grabbed my suitcase and belongings and made my way up the stairs

Maria had told me it was the last door on the right so that's where I went

It was slightly open and Camila was inside sitting on the bed rummaging through her suitcase

I sighed before lightly knocking and walking in

She gave me a little smile which I returned and closed the door behind me as I entered

I placed my suitcase on a little couch at the end of the bed and started to unpack.

I did everything in silence. I could feel her stare burning through me but I didn't look up. The tension was so thick between us

All you could hear was the sound of us going through our luggage and an occasional sigh

"Y/n?" She said my name so lowly almost like a whisper

"Yea?" I responded just as gently and low as she did but didn't look up yet

"I just wanted to tell you that I didn't know" she said and I looked up confused

"Didn't know what?" I asked

"I had no idea we'd be staying with you guys" she said and I shrugged

"Our friends got along. It doesn't matter now" I said still speaking calmly to her

"I know it's just, if I knew I would've got us another place to stay so that I wouldn't make you uncomfortable" she said

"You don't make me uncomfortable" I said zipping my bag up after getting what I needed

I was speaking so gentle and relaxed with her I think she was surprised. She probably thought I would give her the cold shoulder

"I know it's just after what happened between us last time" she said

"It is what it Camila. There's no point in thinking about it anymore" I said giving her a small breathy laugh with no real humor behind it

I started walking towards the door but stopped when she grabbed my hand as I passed the bed

"I just wanted to tell you, I'm sorry. For how I acted and everything" she said genuinely

A part of me wanted to look down and look into her eyes but I knew that would be a mistake

All I did was keep my small smile and I gently placed a kiss on her forehead and then walked out the door.

No "thank you", no "it's okay", nothing.

I heard her sigh as I walked out.

I could be giving her the silent treatment. I could act like a dick with attitude but if I did that she would know that I still cared. I would still be showing emotion.

Me being calm and relaxed just shows that I've given up and no longer care because I feel no need to fight. There was nothing to fight for anyways.

It was pretty late at night and some of us were in the pool. I just wanted to swim and keep my mind occupied.

We played a few silly games as we had music playing and they were cooking something on a grill

I saw Camila come out and take a seat with the girls at the outdoor table

I put my head underwater. I stayed in the pool just a little bit more until I finally decided to get out.

I tried going for my towel but was shocked when hands grabbed me

Maria and Stacy had grabbed me

"No no no-" I yelled as they giggled and pushed me back into the pool

Its safe to say my friends were drunk already because they always pull pranks like this

"Oh that's very funny" I said sarcastically as I got out from the pool drenched

Everyone was laughing

"Have I ever told you how much I love you guys. Come give me a hug" I said trying to hug Stacy and Maria with my wet clothes

"Y/n no get away" they both said as they ran away

I chased them as my other friends laughed and cheered

I was able to grab Maria and hug her tightly and I tried dragging her into the pool but she escaped me.

But Stacy lost her guard and I hugged her and she screamed and then I picked her up

"No y/n it was a joke no-" she said in between her laughing as she tried pulling away from me

"you're not escaping" I said now laughing

Her legs tangled around my waist and I made her body cling to me

Then I made us both fall into the pool together in each others arms

When we arose from the water she clinged on to me for dear life

"Y/n you know im scared of the deep end" she said since we were a little close to it

"I can't swim well" she said and everyone was still laughing

"I got you relax" I said as I held her tightly

She clung on to my neck and her head rested against mine as her legs were still wrapped around my waist

I directed us to the shallow side and we exited the pool

"Don't fuck with me no more" I told her and Maria

"No promises" Stacy said making her and Maria laugh

I finally grabbed my towel and made my way inside after I dried off a bit.

I was kind of exhausted. I went up to mine and Camila's room and went into our private bathroom and took a shower

When I came out I just slipped on a sports bra and some shorts.

Camila walked in

"Are you going to sleep?" She asked and I just nodded

"If that's ok?" I asked

"Yea of course. I'm tired too I just wanted to lay down if that's fine with you" she said and I nodded

She went to look through her suitcase and I just slipped into the bed

I grabbed my phone and started to mindlessly look through it

I saw Camila grab clothes and she went into the bathroom. It didn't take long for her to come back out in her sleeping clothes which was just a tank top and shorts

I'm surprised she didn't try changing in front of me as a chance to tease me. Or that she's wearing clothes at all. She loves sleeping naked. She must really feel insecure around me right now

She turned off the lights and hesitantly slipped into bed with me.

The bed wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. We had some space in between us but our bodies would collide every now and then if any of us moved too much

I was mindlessly scrolling through twitter and I saw she was reading some article.

One thing about Camila that was always so attractive to me was how smart she was. I loved how she kept up with current events and global problems and that she was genuinely passionate about them.

She loved to have debates and conversations about things like this and although she wasn't trying to be it made her so sexy

It surprised me so much that someone who was so smart and educated could be such a dumbass

I put my phone down and rubbed my eye. She lightly laughed at something as she was reading and my body reacted before me and I smiled at her laugh

I saw her look over at me quickly catching my reflex and look away but then looked at me again

She sat up on her side and got close to me

"Y/n you're bleeding" she said and I looked at her confused

"Hmm? Where?" I asked

I started touching all around my face until I finally felt a sting and I winced in pain

"It's just a tiny cut on your eyebrow hold on-" she said before getting out of bed and going into the bathroom

She came back with some cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, and a small bandage

"I found this in the bathroom" she said

"I don't think it's a big deal" I said laughing a little

"It'll get infected if not treated" she said as she dabbed some of the rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball

She applied it to my wound and I whined in pain

"Ow, it stings-" I yelped

"I know. Just relax" she said as she kept dabbing it

I kept wincing the more she applied pressure


"Wait it's not stopping" she said

She was kind of positioned at an awkward angle. I saw her trying to find a more comfortable spot. I saw her look over my waist and then she looked into my eyes unsure

"It's fine" I said knowing what she wanted permission to do

She straddled my waist and repositioned herself over me. She adjusted my head back a little too aggressively and I let a little groan out

"Sorry-" she said

She kept treating me. I just laid there as she was on top of me

She applied more rubbing alcohol to a new cotton ball and then applied it once more and I winced again in pain

"I know y/n I know" she said as she rubbed my cheek with her other hand to soothe me

"I think it happened when I got pushed into the pool. My head kind of hit the ground a little-" I said and she looked at me worried

"Oh my god is your head okay?" She asked now checking my head for other injuries and feeling around my scalp

"Yes yes. I'm fine. My face just kind of scraped the ground is all. I broke my fall with my hands propping me up"  I said

"Okay good" she said "I was scared we'd have to take you to get checked out" she said

"No I'm good" I said smiling but then I winced again

She readjusted herself on me as she was sitting on her knees. She basically sat right on top of my pelvis now. Our privates were in direct contact of each other but with the thin fabric of our shorts in the way.

However it wasn't awkward. There was no sexual tension whatsoever. She had no motives to turn me on. She was just genuinely trying her best to take care of me

I took a second to just appreciate the view over me. My eye level met her jawline and neck. I could see the scar on her chin and a few tiny moles 

Her necklace would dangle over my face every now and then as she moved.

This is the Camila that I fell for. This was the side of Camila that she tried to hide from me. I wish I could see her more

My hands dropped down and I accidentally came in contact with her bare thighs expecting the bed

"For a small cut a lot of blood is coming out" she said as one hand still applied pressure to the wound and the other still caressed my face

My thumbs instinctively started caressing the smooth skin of her thighs

"It's now a battle scar" I said and she laughed at my comment

What happened next made me red in the face.

My dumbass body reacted for me again and my member twitched at her giggle. Still loving the way she sounds

She paused for a second as I'm sure she felt it against her. I was terrified this calm and gentle Camila was going to fade and the evil and sexual Camila would take over since she loved that quirk about me

But she just couldn't contain her smile and ignored it. She continued to treat my small wound

"Okay it's stopping" she said. She reached over the counter where she left the bandage and the front side of her body basically grazed my entire face as she did. I inhaled her scent. Closing my eyes loving the way she smelled

When she sat back down on me she started opening it from its wrappings

"Hold still for me" she whispered and I did

I was frozen as I took in all of her features that were right in front of me.

I truly did love everything about her. She might be twisted towards me but I couldn't deny her beauty and how she made me feel

My heart was pounding so fast and it angered me because I was supposed to be suppressing these feelings

She gently placed the bandage over the wound and smoothed it out

"There. I think you should be okay now" she said and placed a small kiss on it

"Maybe a kiss will make it better" she said smiling and giggling wholeheartedly again.


It wasn't even her seductive laugh that she does on purpose it was a genuine little cute one

She just blushed and grinned and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as her thumbs caressed my cheeks

She pulled away and then we looked into each others eyes. Once again, our eyes were speaking to each other. They were saying what our hearts actually felt. They didn't let the interference of our brain get in the way

She knew my heart was speaking to her no matter how much I pretended I didn't care

She slowly began to lean down as I began to lean up

Our lips met in the middle. We shared a ever so delicate kiss. As if we were scared to touch the other. Just testing our limits

Once we both realized the kiss was reciprocated from the other we kissed again. Just giving each other slow paced kisses

Her fingers caressed all around my face softly as my own fingertips danced along her thighs.

The kisses weren't lustful or full of desire. They were soft, delicate, and passionate

She would move my head whenever she needed to adjust our angle and get more access to my lips.

Our bodies started to react to each other as each kiss was given. She got closer and closer into my body as I held her tightly

I let her enter her tongue into my mouth. But still there wasn't the sexual way she attacks me. Her tongue softly glided along with mine. Letting them dance together. There was no battle to win for dominance

My member grew with each thrust she gave.

My hands snaked under her shirt to feel the skin of her stomach. My fingertips traced the outline of her abs.

I softly started kissing her neck. Her breathing was becoming rapid.

She brought my head back up to kiss her lips. Needing to feel mine against her own

I grabbed on to the edges of her tank top and slowly started to lift it up. She wasn't protesting. In fact she was encouraging it by lifting up her arms

I barely got the end to pass over her torsos just above the underside of her breasts before we heard a knock on the door

We both jumped at the sound. Stopping our actions

"Y/n?" I recognized Jaspers voice

I let out a breath that I was holding and placed my arms down as Camila's hands landed on my shoulders

"Yea?" I asked

"Don't forget we have to be up early tomorrow" he said and I closed my eyes annoyed and camila giggled

"Yea I know" I said

Couldn't this be a text?

"Okay good. Goodnight" he said

"Goodnight" I responded rolling my eyes still making camila laugh

"Goodnight Camila" he said in a teasing tone

"Goodnight Jasper" she replied in the same tone making us both laugh to each other

It took us a couple of minutes to come down from our small laughing fit

We just stared at each other. My hands still caressing her legs and hers caressing my neck

She leaned down and kissed my lips

"I don't think we should go any further" she mumbled out and I nodded

"I agree" I said softly

We stared each other in silenced again until I broke it

"Thank you. For being my nurse" I said smiling

"Anytime" she said smiling

She kissed my lips a few more times then went to kiss my forehead.

She got off of me then went to make herself comfortable to get ready for bed. I just watched her

She laid down beside me and stared at me with a smile as we faced each other.

I knew what was coming next. She does the same thing every time before we fall asleep

She places her nose over mine and gives me a little eskimo kiss

Next she grabs on to my waist and kisses my lips before making me lay on my on my back so she can cuddle into me and lay her head on my chest and I hold her in my arms til we fall asleep

I held a breath as she sure enough started to do it.

She nuzzled our noses together. She gave me a small kiss on the lips and placed her hand on my hip

But before I let her do anything else I spoke up

"Goodnight" I said in a whisper

I turned my body around giving her my back and laid on my side basically on the edge of the bed. Not wanting to hold or be close to her while we sleep.

I could tell she was confused and disappointed. She just stared at me in disbelief

"Goodnight" she whispered in a dry and hoarse voice

I felt like an absolute asshole for doing that

Although my head was telling me it was a good thing my heart ached for the way I treated her.

I did want to hold her in my arms but she needed to know that I meant what I said before.


Needed to remind y'all Camila is still the lovable and soft girl we all know and love 🥺

I'm on a roll. To be honest I'm just trying to update as much as I can before I go back to uni 😭

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