Rainbow Factory: Before The A...

By Not-me1o1

12K 246 90

After the death of Wally's assistant and his daughter. Wally became more dedicated to work on the Factory. A... More

Map of the Factory
Some helpful notes
Ch. 1: Present Times
Ch. 2: What Is Happening?
Ch. 3: Some Stupid Reason
Ch. 4: A 'Regular' Walk
Ch.5: Hide and Seek
Ch. 6: The Infirmary
Ch. 7: The Lab Work
Ch. 8: Almost Home?
Ch. 9: Before The Meeting
Ch. 10: The Meeting
Ch. 11: The J & J Meeting
Ch. 12: The Grinder Check
Ch. 13: Another Walk
Ch. 14: Back in the Infirmary
Ch. 15: Starting the Experiment
Ch. 16: Glitter Disaster!
Ch. 17: Who Is She?
Ch. 18: J & J's Absences
Ch. 19: Y/N's Walk Around

Ch. 20: Good Night

321 11 16
By Not-me1o1


The J & J walked over to you with the papers for the meeting.

"Hello there Y/N." They said

You gave them a little wave.

"Hi!" You replied.

Joseph took your hand.

"Come on Y/N you should not be all the way here all alone." Joseph said.

"You can come with us to the meeting." Jacob said.

They both started walking to the meeting room.

"But I don't wanna be at the meeting!" You told them.

They looked at you.

"Well then... we can just take you to Wally's office." They said and continued to walk but this time to Wally's office.

On your way there you started to feel more tired. You kinda wish you had a better night sleep last night. But at least you could get some sleep in Wally's office... if you made it there before you fell asleep.

The J & J looked at you every now and then to check on you. You felt more and more tired by the second and walking just made you more tired.

You started to yawn a bit and the J & J and were whispering to each other about something. You could not really understand what they were saying but it probably wasn't something important. Maybe it was something about work or something about what they talked about to Dr. John.

You were now practically on the ground now so Jacob gave all of his papers to Joseph.

"Hey! That's not fair! Why do I have to carry all the papers?" Joseph said.

"Because I'm going to do something." Jacob told him.

Jacob then picked you up into his arms. Joseph was a bit pissed that he had to hold all the papers and that Jacob got to carry you.

You felt warm in Jacob's arms and you slowly started to fall asleep. The J & J were whispering again. They were talking about you or something. The would look at you every now and then.

You felt like you were closer and closer to Wally's office. The sleep soon started to take over and you couldn't hear much.

You opened your eyes a bit and saw that you were being carried to the grinder room and not Wally's office. The closer and closer you got to the grinder the louder the machine noise was.

Jacob was holding you really tight like your father did every night while carrying you to your room.

The J & J looked at you and saw that you were already sleeping.

"Perfect.." one of them said.

That was the last thing you heard before falling asleep...

(To be continued!)

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