Ch. 2: What Is Happening?

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Once you and Wally came in to the Factory you saw people rushing to and from the laboratory. Some were covered in scars and blood. Wally ran up to one of his employees.

"What happened here?!" He said as he saw more people coming out of the laboratory.

"Experiment #49 got out and is destroying the laboratory" The woman said in a panic and ran off to help.

Wally picked you up and ran to his office. He opened the office door and set you on the ground and ran over to put on his lab coat.

"You stay here I will be back after we get things situated" He said as he ran out the door.

Before you could say anything he was out the door. You looked around the office it was still boring as usual. You walked over to the small fort you built in the corner and grabbed some paper and some color pencils and walked over to Wally's desk and sat on his chair.

His desk didn't have much on it just a computer and a bunch of files and papers. You started to draw something when you suddenly hear a voice on the intercom.

"Hello? Mr. Darling?" Said the intercom

You decided to reply "Hello who are you?"

"Oh hello there Y/N is your father in the office by any chance?" Said the voice.

"No he ran to help out with experiment #49" you said to the intercom.

"Oh ok then have a good rest of your day then" the the intercom turned off.

Then you went back to coloring. After an hour Wally burst into the office covered in sweat and a bit of blood. He let out a sigh before walking over to you. You got off the chair and walked over to your fort. Wally sat down and checked the time on the computer. He pick up a small mic.

"Today's meeting is going to be canceled because on the incident in the laboratory" He said into the mic.

He leaned back into his chair. He took some files next to him and started working on them.

You looked at Wally "What happened? What did you do with experiment #49?" You asked him out of curiosity

He looked at you "Well experiment #49 somehow got out of their cage and started destroying the whole place making other experiment also get out. Well we somehow managed to get the rest of the experiments into their cages but we had to put experiment #49 down for a little nap" Then he continued to work on his papers

You looked at him but then started coloring again. Now both you and Wally were doing your own things.

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