Some helpful notes

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      !Warning- This story has death and stuff!

Here are some notes to help you guys understand the story. Also this story will be in different points of view and Wally is not my Au it's dodozoi17 (on TikTok). In this book you won't solve the problem or anything it's just for you guy to know what happened before the accident.


Wally's house- this is where Wally and Y/N live. It's really close to the factory.

Grinder room- This room is a big room filled with giant grinders. It is the 2nd biggest room in the factory besides the laboratory room.

Office area- The office area is where all of the offices are.

Wally's Office- This is a bigger office then the rest since Wally needs a lot of space for all the files. There are two part to the office. The first is where Wally sits and works on stuff and the other is where some of the file cabinets are.

Meeting room- This room has a long table and chairs. This is where most of the meetings where held.

Infirmary room- This room is where all the injured employees go to heal.

Experiment Cages- A room where all the experiments are held and are looked after.


(Your name) Y/N - Y/N is a 6 yr old girl who was brought to the Factory by Wally. Y/N is always by Wally's side and sometimes helps him around the Factory.
Nicknames- Darling (by Wally), Ms Y/N (by some of the employees)

Wally - Wally is a 6'11 man and is the manager of the Rainbow Factory. He also has a prosthetic arm. He had just healed from the loss of his daughter. He found Y/N but never talked about from where.
Nicknames- Father (by Y/N), Sir, Boss or Mr. Darling (by his workers)

Dr. John - Dr. John works in the Factory's Infirmary room.

Jacob & Joseph - Jacob and Joseph are twins and they work together on everything. People at the factory call them The J & J. They both have brown hair and both of them are kind of suspicious.
Nicknames- J & J (everyone)

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