Ch. 11: The J & J Meeting

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POV: Wally

Wally walked to his office and opened the door. He walked in and saw Y/N sitting in their fort.

"Y/N, you're going to have some people watch you for the next few days while I'm in the lab." He told them.

Y/N nodded their head "Okay"

Wally walked over to his desk and sat down in his chair. He looked at his computer and started to type something.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the office door.

Wally looked up "Come in"

Then Jacob and Joseph opened the office door and walked in.

"You wanted to see us sir." They said.

"Yes come in and sit down. I need to talk to you two." He told them

J & J walked over to Wally's desk and sat down on the chairs in front of the desk.

"I wanted to make sure you knew what was going to happen to you guys if Y/N get hurt in any way, shape, or form." He told them.

"Um you will... do the same to us?" One of them asked him.

Wally laughed "Oh no, I will personally take you to the grinders and throw you in there. Understand."

They nodded their head.

"Good." Wally told them.

"Sir, how are we going to do our daily tasks when we have to take care of Y/N?" They asked

"You take Y/N with you and make sure they don't get hurt. Easy." He told them.

"Yes sir." They said

"Or one of you can take care of Y/N while the other one works and then swap." Wally told them.

"But sir...we always work together on everything." They told him.

Everyone already knew that there both twins and alway work together. But Wally didn't care at all.

"I don't care if you work together. It's only for when I'm in the lab. You two will be fine." Wally told them

"But" they said

"No buts...You will do as I say. Do I make myself clear." Wally told them

They both lowered their head "Yes sir."

"Good. Now you can start watching them tomorrow. Make sure you are by my office door before I leave to the lab." Wally told them

They nodded.

"Great. Now leave my office and do you daily tasks." Wally told them

Both of they stood up and walked out of Wally's office. After they walked out of his office Wally started to look over files.

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