Ch. 7: The Lab Work

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POV: Wally

Wally headed to the lab to do a bit of lab work. On his way there he walked into the file room in the lab. All he needed was to see if there was any news on the big project he was planning to do.

He was going to talk more about the project in the meeting tomorrow but he needed to see if there are some available test subjects he could use.

After walking into the file room he started to look at some files that could be used in the project. There were some subjects but he needed to know if they have be in a experiment yet. So he grabbed the files and went to the area where all the subjects were held.

He walked up to the front desk.

"Hello I need you to check if these subjects have been in any experiments in the last 50 days." Wally said as he put the stack of file onto the desk

"I can check that for you sir" said the lady at the front desk

"Ok, bring the information to my office by the end of the day" He said.

"No problem" Then the woman started to look through the files on the desk.

Wally then left and headed back to his office but before that he walked into the meeting room to see if it was all cleaned up.

Most of the workers were in their office working on information and files so it was quite around. Once Wally got to the meeting room he peaked his head in. The whole mess was cleaned up but there were still some spots of red on the ground.

Then Wally headed back to his office. Y/N was still sleeping when he came in. So Wally sat back down and started working on the rest of the files.

After a few hour Wally was done with the files and called maintenance so that they can come over tomorrow morning to fix the grinders. Y/N was also wake and sitting on Wally's lap while Wally was uploading documents.

There was a knock on Wally's office door.

"Come in" he said

Then the lady from the front desk came in and closed the door behind her.

"I got the stuff you needed sir. I also wrote down any medication the subjects were on." The woman said

Then she walked up to his desk and put the papers down.

Wally grabbed the papers and said "Thank you"

Then the lady left the room.

Wally took the papers and started to look over them.

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