Ch. 15: Starting the Experiment

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                 !TW: Scars!

POV: Wally

It was the next day. Wally woke up from bed and put on his lab coat. Today was the day they were starting on the experiment that they have been planning for a few months now. Wally walked over to Y/N's room to wake them up.

Soon both of them got dressed and ready to leave the house.

Once they got to the factory Wally saw that J&J were waiting by Wally's office door.

"Morning, here is Y/N. Make sure they are safe and don't forget to finish your tasks by the end of the day." Wally told them and walked into his office to get the mic.

Wally took the mic and started to speak.

"Good morning everyone. Today is the day we are going to be starting our experiments. If you got a job at our last meeting please come to the lab in 10 minutes. I will be waiting." Wally said and put down the mic.

Then Wally started to walk over to the lab. Once everyone got to the lab they started walking over to where they all needed to be.

Soon Wally got to the first exam table. There was a subject on the table. Wally looked at one of the note takers.

"Subject code number. Age. And last time they were experimented on." Wally told them.

"Subject code number is #89. Age 4. Last experimented on was 9 weeks ago." Said one of the note takers.

Wally nodded his head at looked up at everyone.

"We are going to cut open the subject and add some of the rainbow liquid." Wally said as he walking over to the exam table.

They repeated that for the next few subject.

While working on subject #77, Wally accidentally cut himself with the surgery blade. One of the lab workers looked at Wally.

"Um..sir you cut yourself.. you should probably go to the infirmary to fix that up..." They said.

Wally glared at lab worker "I will be fine. It's just a small cut.. it won't do anything." Then he continued to work.

After a few more hours of working on the experiment they were done for the day. All of the lab workers cleaned themselves up and started walking to there regular factory tasks.

Wally finish taking off his scrubs and put on his lab coat. The cut on his hand started hurting a bit. So he decided to visit Dr. John's office.

Wally came out of lab and was shocked by what he saw.

"What in the world happened here?!"

(- Sorry I have not been posting chapters. I was both busy with camps and traveling. I will try to start posting more! 
> Not-me1o1)

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