The New Batman Adventures - A...

By TaylaDragoHester

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They're back...! With a new look, featuring Gotham Girls too, two video games Vengeance and Rise of Sin Tzu... More

Holiday Knights
Sins of the Father
The Vault
Lap Bat
Cold Comfort
Double Talk
Trick or Trick
A Little Night Magic
You Scratch my Back
Never Fear
More Than One Way
Precious Birthstones
Joker's Millions
Pave Paradise
The Three Babes
Growing Pains
The Gardener's Apprentice
Lady X
Hold That Tiger
Miss Un-Congeniality
Love is a Croc
Torch Song
Baby Boom
Over the Edge
- Cat -n- Mouse -n- Cat -n- Mouse -n-
Bat'ing Cleanup
Mean Seasons
Cat Sitter
Gotham Noir
Cult of the Cat
Animal Act
Scout's Dishonor
I'm Badgirl
Old Wounds
The Demon Within
Legends of the Dark Knight
Batman: Vengeance
Ms.-ing In Action
Gotham In Pink
Hear Me Roar
Gotham In Blue
A Cat in The Hand
Jailhouse Wreck
Honor Among Thieves
No, I'm Batgirl!
Signal Fires
Cold Hands, Cold Heart
Mad Love
Beware the Creeper
Judgement Day
Batman: Rise of the Sin Tzu
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

The Ultimate Thrill

48 1 11
By TaylaDragoHester

The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #109 - The Ultimate Thrill

Aboard a zeppelin, people are being robbed by a female criminal, Roxy Rocket. After taking the jewels, Roxy leaps out of the zeppelin. The police spot her but there is nothing they can do to save her. Roxy uses a remote device to call her rocket over and she takes off flying. The police give chase in a helicopter and fire on her, but she shoots a smoke bomb into their helicopter causing them to crash.

"I love me a good chase!" she said to take flight.

Soon, Megan arrives to try stopping Roxy with her jet-like back pack to give her a flying chase.

"Hold it!" Megan had her gun out and pointed at Roxy. "Roxanne Sutton. AKA Roxy Rocket. Most wanted for doing air stunts, causing others to get hurt, and of course robbing people. A lot to be a bounty's most wanted to gather a good price on your head. Now pull over your rocket."

Roxy just laughs to fly around Megan to make smoke hurt her eyes a little which also causes her to cough a lot.

"Make me! Sorry, Megan, but I'm not getting arrested today by a bounty hunter like yourself!"

Megan tries to see again and then calls for backup and goes after her.

"I never said I was alone..."

Batman arrives and gives chase in the Batwing but the plane proves to be too bulky to follow Roxy to join with his girlfriend Megan.

"Sorry I'm late." he said.

Roxy takes off for Megan to lead Batman the way in order to stop Roxy by air.

"Come on, Batman! She's getting away!" Megan helps out her boyfriend.

For Roxy to enjoy the good chase to try losing the two somehow.

"About time."

They both try to corner her in a tunnel but the right wing of his plane is torn off and Roxy gets away.


"Nice flight and chase on our first date, Batman." Roxy blows a kiss at the Dark Knight to take off. "I'll call ya! Later Megan!"

For her to stop chasing after Roxy, Megan had no choice but to help out Batman by pulling up the Batwing to be going down fast 'along with her ESP powers'.

"Hang on, Bruce! I'll try to slow it down...! While you find a safe landing spot! Hurry...!" she holds up for dear life.

Batman gives it a good to trust in Megan and telling Alfred about in radio, into the Batcave they goes into for Megan did what she could do to stop, and the machine does the rest to slow the Batwing from crashing and saving Bruce/Batman's life thanks to Alfred's device that did all of that.


"I'm fine!" Megan checks on Bruce. "Man, that was some work out." she gets mad and uses her powers to hit a punching bag. "Stupid Roxy almost killed the both of us! She was flittering with you!"

Alfred sees and hears that the landing went well.

"This might come out of your allowance, sir." he said to Bruce.

"Not now, Alfred!!!" Megan yells to calming down next. "Excuse me. I need a shower."

Batman does a background check on Roxy and explains to Alfred, Megan 'who's aware about this person', Gidget, and Batgirl that Roxy used to be a stunt double and made her living off movies. Unfortunately, she made stunts too dangerous and insurance companies would no longer cover her, destroying her career.

"You were right about her, Megan. Roxy has done so many stunts in movies to making a living out of it."

"She also did some stunts for the men's too." said Barbara/Batgirl.

"She's quiet fearless." said Alfred.

Megan knows the rest about this type of stunts woman.

"She only had a mother and father, only child in the family. Loved action and thriller chase type of films, she became an actor to put her moves into action on the big screen, however...because of all the moves she pulls to put her own life in danger they stop paying for her insurance to make sure she doesn't get killed. Any accident from doing these things will coast you more than just getting money." she said by reading the papers from Gidget to look it up. "From Gotham Tattler newspaper says: Stunt gal wrecks shoot, insurance costs bust film. Roxy then became a criminal afterwards. She did brought this upon herself, and yet I really hate he compare to Talia, Ivy, Harley, and Red Claw."

Again, people like that go way over board even Gidget knows of this person's background story. Batman believes that she is now looking for revenge but Batgirl claims she's looking for thrills and now she's had Batman she won't settle for anything less.

"I guess she's exacting some kind of revenge." he said.

"Or she's still after the thrill. And now that she's had a taste of you, she's not going to settle for anything less. She has some from you two-!" Batgirl stops joking to see Megan really wants to stop Roxy. "Well, just to stop Roxy from her insane flight from hurting others. I get it."

Megan had a bounty to hunt with her boyfriend's side.

"I never got this mad since Ivy turned everyone into tree statues."

Either way, Batman is determined to find the fence Roxy is using to get rid of the stolen goods.

"One thing's for sure, she's sneaky to still the good to make her escape to someone. And we're going to find out who."

For Batman could tell for both Megan and Gidget get to that part, there was someone Roxy to be working for someone, but with who? Meanwhile, Roxy talks to the Penguin in the Iceberg Lounge about the robbery. Of course it has to be the bird man. He pays her for the stolen goods and she offers a gamble: high card, double or nothing. The Penguin refuses and tells Roxy that she needs to tone down the risks, as they are a threat to his reputation as a legitimate businessman.

"I know he lives for the chase and I was the best he ever had." she said.

This girl really loves the chase to do stuns and cause trouble, doesn't she?

"Ever been pursued by a bird of prey?" Penguin asks her.

"Sorry, Pengy. Some things are just too scary, even for me."

Roxy is unconcerned and plans to continue to take her unnecessary risks. Yeah, like she'll listen to reason.

"There's a chance that Batman and Megan will find out, I don't take serious risk involved." said Penguin.

"But where's the fun in that?" she asked. "He loves it and for Megan to give chase on me is worth the fun."

Really? Later, Lucius Fox and Bruce 'for Megan was watching' reveal a painting they just acquired and Roxy crashes in through the window.

"Not you again!" Megan got ready to fight. "(Plus, you ever heard of a door before than breaking in?)" she gives Bruce a sign to go in to the next room and change into Batman. "(Bruce, hurry it up.)"

She takes the painting then sets off some fireworks made to create a bat image in the sky.

"Hey, Megan, miss me? Nice of you to say that, but I gotta run again."

"Oh, I will!" Megan uses her jet-like back pack again. "Batman, in front of you!"

Just in time as Batman arrives wearing the Jet-wing.

"Now that's more like it, two for flight against little old me." Roxy takes off. "Let's ride!"

Roxy is instantly away and Batman and Megan were right behind her. Roxy dives down a maintenance pipe into a traffic tunnel and nearly killing the two with an explosive that forces them to skim along the ground. Both Megan and Batman manages to escape death and chases Roxy out if the tunnel where he throws an electrified Batarang and Megan using her yoyo's on Roxy's rocket disabling it. Roxy manages to land her craft but it is heavily damaged in the process.

"Batman! Let's try slowing her down, because I really hate this woman!" Megan said.

"Megan, you and me." he aims and fires. "Now!"

Batman and Megan go after Roxy and throws down his jet pack on Roxy's rocket.

"Give it up, Roxy. We got you."

"But it's fun to give chase and the thrills, right?" she tells the two. "You both missed your calling, Batman and Megan. You should have been in the movies!"

"It's even worse if you keep on doing it." said Batman.

For Roxy to move in closer on Batman for Megan to keep her gun up.

"But that makes us a cute couple..."

"Stop it!!!" Megan got mad.

Like she would since Roxy was trying to embrace with Batman right in front of Megan which only make things much worse.

"Oh, are you jealous, Megan? I'm sorry to hurt your feelings..." Roxy then does something to the painting she tried to steal. "Catch!" For a time, it seems the two lovers have caught Roxy as she is cornered on a steel girder on an unfinished building but she throws the painting over the edge forcing Batman to go after it. She then activates the self-destruct on her rocket and leaps onto a small blimp below for Megan was unable to stop her from using her boots to save herself from falling and Batman saves the painting but they allow for Roxy to escape from them again. "Later, suckers."

Megan tries to shoot and misses to fire her gun all over in the skies and releases the anger.

"Stupid witch!!!" she then helps out Batman. "Ah, I got you. At least the painting's safe." Megan sees the call. "Hey, it's Barbara."

Batgirl then calls Batman and Megan and tells them that the Penguin is Roxy's fence 'thanks to Gidget's help.

"I hope it's good news." said Batman.

"It is, both Gidget and I have found out who Roxy's working for to be a rich and sneaky type of person..."

Megan and Batman looked at each other to know who it was.



"Yep, she shows up late hours at the Iceberg Lounge so my sources are good." she said after talking to a group of girls.

"Good to know to say the least to give us a lead." said Megan.

"And you're sure your sources are good?" Batman asks Batgirl.

"Depends on your definition of good, but I trust 'em." Batgirl looks towards her sources being two pairs of prostitutes.

Oh, so that's what she meant...Back at the Iceberg Lounge, Penguin is furious at Roxy for deliberately involving Batman and Megan. Roxy is unconcerned but Penguin decides she's too big a risk and tries to shoot her. However, Roxy manages to leap into the pool and rides one of the sea lions to the iceberg in the middle. She then uses a grapple on a chandelier and swings to safety. Angered and frightened, Penguin orders Roxy to be killed. Later, Megan and Batman arrived and for the Dark Knight to interrogate the Penguin over Roxy's whereabouts.

"You two care for another search warrant?" he started to shoot at them.

Penguin grabs up a machine gun he keeps hidden in his umbrellas but Batman evades the bullets and gets the gun away from him for Megan uses her watch which pepper sprays him in the eyes a little. Batman then threatens to drop him from the building and gets the information he wants.

"No thank you, bird man, but we like to know where you three girlfriends have gone to." Megan said to point her gun out right at Penguin's nose. "I want Roxy caught and I want her bounty because I hate people like her who also filtering with my man...! I'm not in a mood to play games, so start talking."

Batman won't let Penguin go to feel the wrath of Megan instead of his threats.

"I would do as my girlfriend said if I were you."

Nice one, Batman. And from there, Penguin tells the two.

"Okay, I'll talk!" he said. "Just don't shoot...Or drop me please...!"

"What say we have a little talk just like old times?" Batman takes Penguin by the collar and lifts him over the edge of the building.

And there we go. Elsewhere, the Penguin's henchgirls 'Jay, Raven, and Lark' go to kill Roxy but she catches onto their presence and fights them off. Soon Megan and Batman arrive and go after Roxy but she's got another rocket and escapes with it, after Gidget saves the two girls from crashing only to be thrown into a water tank.

"Gidget, hold down the three girls for us, we got one more to stop her dangerous games for good." Megan follows Batman.

Another rocket to get out of, huh? Not willing to give up, Batman jumps onto another rocket and gives chase for Megan to join in with her boyfriend.

"Megan, get on!" Megan runs to grab Batman's hand with a ride to chase after Roxy.

"Thanks, Batman, let's ride!" she fires some gun rounds at Roxy while flying on her rocket. "Don't move, Roxy!"

"Picky, picky, aren't we? I love people who enjoy the chase with me."

Roxy shoots the rocket with an electric gun causing it to fall.

"Jump!" said Batman to make sure Megan holds on to him. "Don't let go!"

She holds on to Batman good.

"I won't! Let's get her!" said Megan. "(She's mine!)"

Fortunately, Megan holds on to Batman with a piggy back ride and then catches Roxy's rocket with his grapple and is dragged along. Roxy tries to lose them by flying low over a forest but the two manage to climb up and catch Roxy.

"You two are good, but let's make the stakes even higher." Just then, Roxy decides to play one more game.

"What are you doing?" Batman questions her.

She locks the controls on the rocket and tells Batman and Megan that if they jump now they'll land in the water, if not, they'll either crash into the canyon wall or hit the ground.

"See how much thrill you two are willing to take." she explains. "If you two jump now and land into the water now. Or crash into a canyon wall or hit the ground."

"Are you insane?!" Megan was freaking out.

"That's what makes it much more fun."

"But you'll die too." said Batman.

But like Roxy cares to still go through with all of this mess!

"I'll take my chances with that one." said Roxy.

She too will die if he doesn't jump off so the game is to see who has the better mettle. Megan uses her ESP skills to try stopping the rocket.

"(Oh, no you don't!)"

Batman stands his ground while Roxy starts to get nervous. Roxy tries to stop the rocket but Batman won't allow it and Megan uses her skills to hold Batman, herself, and Roxy from falling...

"I thought you enjoyed risk." Batman tells her.

This gets Roxy going...a bit too much...

"Oh, baby! You're the best! And your girlfriend's a whole lotta fun! The ultimate thrill! The final stunt! Me, her, and you!" she was liking all of this. "Yeah...Yeah...! YE-AH!"

Roxy then becomes happy thinking Batman, Megan, and she will die together but Batman jumps at the last second and uses a parachute to save them both.

"How do these stunt people do these things..?" question Megan. "I guess I'll never know." and Megan having a spare as well.

"I get it...You two want to play again another day, huh?" Roxy thinks they'll 'play another day' but Batman slaps cuffs on her and the police take her into custody. "What's this?"

"My kind of game and you've lost." Batman said.

Nice one! The police arrived soon enough to arrest Roxy for good, and Megan punches her one more time.

"Finally, I got you and I'll get my money!"

"Okay, Megan, but answer me this. Do you hate me a lot because I cute chitchat with your boyfriend or what?" Roxy asked.

"Two things really, one yes. I do get jealous and I hate people like you to be better than anyone else to try hurting me, but not in my town, sister." she said. "Also, for Batman and me have a lot in common for us in love and awesome crime fighters, as well as he is good with me bed."

Megan could've shoot Roxy, but she wouldn't to yank her hair and then pushing her aside to give that crazy lady a lesson 'and live to tell about it'. Looks like that shut her mouth good, and the lesson is this, no crazy stunts to do something to hurt yourself and others to be robbing to get away with it because you can't; as the cops arrest Roxy, Penguin, and his three girls for Gidget to help out...both Batman and Megan walk back together to take a break from the mess up stunts that almost got them more than once.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Much." Megan kisses Batman on the cheek. "Come on, let's go back home, Bruce, I had enough stunt chasing for one day."

One thing that Batman wanted to say to Megan...

"It is true that you and I are in love, there's no way I would fall for someone like Roxy Rocket." he said. "It's true we share a lot than just our feelings for one another."

From a few nights ago that is to also be holding hands right now.

"I know, I get jealous, but I mean well like you do for me, Bruce Wayne as my Batman. (I prefer my stunts and thrills from movies and for me to stop the bad guys my way.)"

You said it, Megan. The word Stunts, what does it mean? One of the most-frequently used practical stunts is stage combat. Although contact is normally avoided, many elements of stage combat, such as sword fighting, martial arts, and acrobatics required contact between performers in order to facilitate the creation of a particular effect, such as noise or physical interaction. Stunt performances are highly choreographed and may be rigorously rehearsed for hours, days and sometimes weeks before a performance. Seasoned professionals will commonly treat a performance as if they have never done it before, since the risks in stunt work are high, every move and position must be correct to reduce risk of injury from accidents. Examples of practical effects include tripping and falling down, high jumps, extreme sporting moves, acrobatics and high diving, spins, gainer falls, 'suicide back flips', and other martial arts stunts. Stunt airbags (or 'stunt mats'), large deep airbags that may be the size of a small swimming pool, are typically used by professional stunt performers to cushion their landings from staged falls from heights. Anyways, you still don't want to try any of these things at home or in real life unless you practice a lot to become a stunt actor.

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