Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault

4.4K 86 69
By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei head to Latia's room, where it is found out that she was completely devastated on what happened, after gaining the trust of Seekvaira. He goes inside, there he comes to know some more things about Latia, and on how unprepared they were when the engagement was announced, she also revealed that she only wants to go to the Underworld one final time to pay respects to Ajuka, after which she never wants to go there ever again. He has a moment with her before  heading outside, where he is greeted by Seekvaira after gaining her trust as well. They go to sleep. The next day, they head to the funeral where Sirzechs angrily demands them to leave, but Seekvaira counters his statement, causing the grief-stricken Satan to leave, a messenger leaves a message for Issei. Issei and the others head back, with Issei going back to Base, where he tells Elizabeth everything and alters some of her Dark Light, to prevent this from happening. As he teleports back, Issei is then taken by Nyx, who reveals the cake for his birthday, however Nyx was too later, however Issei did not care and he was happy that she brought the cake for him. He had the cake and they both had a moment together. Issei, then headed to Athena's room, and asked whether she was free, they have a conversation on what they thought of each other, Issei thought of her being different from Zeus, which made the girl happy, she was happy that Issei did not look down or hate her anymore. Meanwhile, Malak has finished training La Folia, as he walks away letting her rest for the rest of the day, as he does, he encounters Artemis who wondered whether Issei would even care for her or love her one day, as Malak asks this question, he eventually presses on revealing her jealousy, as he then suggests for her to confess to Issei before it is too late, as Artemis wonders when she can confess to Issei. Malak then remembers about Issei asking him for a new general, as he then has a idea that Issei would surely like, the Fall of the Factions would be slow and steadily. Issei and Athena then head for their time out in Canada, as the two come to know more about the truth, Issei also comes to know that everything she did was to please others, while Athena begs him not to leave her, which makes Issei angry, not at Athena, but at Zeus for doing this to her. She sleeps on his lap for a while, before they have some fun together, Athena then asks to sing, to which Issei accepted he enjoyed her singing, as Issei also sang. They had a good time, before they had to go back due to the people getting up for the next day to perform their work. 

Few Days Later, 

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 AM

A blonde girl was running away, she had amethyst eyes, and were completely pure. She is a wonderful beauty whose eyes were pure, and her hair shined like gold. Her running was dropping objects, she was desperate in trying to escape. 

She was running without looking back, looking for a way out of the room, she couldn't believe what happened, as she were trying to escape, a few hours ago Seraph Gabriel has set her up, she was being chased by Two BX-Series Commando Droids. She remembered Gabriel speaking to a certain Malak that she was going to cause the Fall of Heaven. When she was detected, Gabriel cheekily replied that she is one of them now. She was Mirana Sharatova.

"I can't believe that Lady Gabriel lied to us like this..." Mirana spoke in sadness and rancor, she realised that the woman that she admired and looked up to, she is an enemy, "Now I must get out of here, before anyone else comes to know.."

Mirana tried to escape from the place, as she looked for a way, but was unable to find any way out. She heard some clanging forcing her to hide behind the couch in the living room. 

"You should have kept quiet..." One of the Commando Droids spoke, in a what seemed to be a mocking tone, as they continued scanning the area. 

"Dammit! I need to get out of here!" Mirana thought as she saw a Window, but first she would need a distraction, she saw a nearby ball and threw it in a opposite direction. 

"There! You cannot hide for much longer!" The second Commando Droid spoke, as the two droids rushed in that direction, Mirana jumped outside of the Window, successfully escaping, the two droids. 

The place was surprisingly Hyoudou Residence, since that is where Gabriel was talking to Malak, she was called on a mission due to the disturbance that was happening lately. She, however caught her talking to Malak. And when Gabriel sensed her, she gave the offer of joining her, but she refused, as the Two Commando Droids agreed on eliminating the threat, as they knew that she can pose a problem to her plans. 

"I must get away from here, I still have a little strength to teleport back to Heaven..." Mirana was ready to teleport, when she heard a call for her name. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" Mirana turned around to see Issei and Elizabeth in front of her. Issei wore a casual blue jacket, with a red shirt, he also additionally wore a bluish-white jeans, and red shoes. Issei was the one to ask the question. 

Elizabeth wore a pink frock, with a white in shirt. Her Skirt was well buttoned, with the frock having some freckles, she wore heels, Mirana noted that, by judging from her expression, she went to a date where she had enjoyed. 

"Umm, well....Gabriel...." Issei and Elizabeth understood that something must have happened, as Elizabeth asked, seeing the expression Mirana was in. 

"What happened to Lady Gabriel?" Elizabeth spoke while feigning sadness, as she seemed to be in a worried state. 

"U-umm well....where did the two of you went?" Mirana asked, as she did not seem to ruin her friend's mood, as Issei spoke with a smile. 

"Oh we just went to an outing, Elizabeth, and I were on a different location..." Elizabeth seemed to have a subtle blush, as Mirana looked surprised, she then spoke

"I see....must be good..." Issei shook her head, as she continued, "Gabriel is working with the Droid Faction..."

Elizabeth feigned shock and surprise, as Issei narrowed his eyes, he hardly cared for what Gabriel did, or at least that was what Mirana saw him do, but in reality, he did care, and he was unhappy that Gabriel almost ruined his plans. She saw the mission plans in her hands, which were problematic.

Before Issei could do anything, Elizabeth chopped Mirana's neck, knocking her out, her body slumped to the ground, as she had a look of shock on her face, she fell down, before passing out completely. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Hunter X Hunter.)

"You should be happy that Lord Issei has a reason to keep you alive..." Elizabeth spoke coldly, as Issei came to her and spoke seriously

"Was knocking her out necessary?" Elizabeth looked at him and responded in disgust, "I believe she can be a potential issue to our plans, she is still loyal to Angels, even after what they did."

"I see...." Issei nodded, as moments later Gabriel came out with the two BX-Commando Series Droids. 

"I was going to eliminate the plans, before we had gotten Mirana to our side.." Issei shook his head, when Gabriel spoke those words, as he responded, "This was risky, the evidence you were holding, you should have gotten rid of them immediately"

"It was a good thing we just came back , otherwise your actions would have jeopardized potentially everything...and we would have to wipe them out immediately" Issei spoke coldly, as Gabriel gritted her teeth in disgust, as she spoke

"I should have dealt with her, and got her to our side..." Elizabeth shook her head and responded seriously

"This isn't a game, it's better that you don't make the same mistake twice." Gabriel nodded, she was not going to make this mistake again, as one of the commando droids spoke

"Supreme Leader, you should get her to our side or turn her into a sleeper agent or eliminate her, she must not remain alive so that the factions know about this..." Issei responds seriously. 

"I will deal with her accordingly..." Issei's tone changed into a mocking one, "After all, she is one of the few I was engaged to..." 

Issei brings out Alphecca Tyrant, as he throws a nail into her neck, moments later he enters into Mirana's consciousness to convince her to be by their side, she will be instrumental in the Fall of Heaven, alongside Gabriel and Elizabeth.

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Inside Mirana's Mindscape, 10:00 AM,

Issei reached the blonde girl's inner self, and saw her chained to the ground, she seemed to be looking away, as Issei lightly tapped her face. 

"Yo! I am here!" Issei exclaimed gaining the attention of the girl, she was surprised to see Issei here, as she asked

"W-what happened?" Mirana looked at Issei, as she looked around, she then asked, "Are we in-?" Issei interrupted her.

"Your mindscape, yes, yes we are here..." Mirana was surprised, she never knew her mindscape looked like this, unlike many, she never saw a Mindscape before, and those that had a mindscape due to Issei using the nails, they were filled with too much emotions looking at Issei's presence, to focus on this side. 

"This is the first time, I am seeing this....." Mirana spoke with awe, as Issei asks, "Can I ask you something?"

"Go are my fianceé, after all..." Mirana spoke with a slightly sad tone, to which Issei shook his head and responded

"No, I don't want to force anything on you, we never did converse before..." Issei noted as Miranda nods, she then speaks, "Go ahead..." as Issei speaks

"Why do you support the angel faction, so much? That you still are loyal to them, even after what they did to you?" Issei asked  to Mirana, as she looked down, he took a seat opposite to her, with only a few inches acting as a distance between them. 

"They are the only thing I had, both of my parents were exorcists, and they died defending Seraph Gabriel, all my life, I was thought that there was nothing more important than serving god. That was how I was raised, Issei Hyoudou.." Mirana spoke while looking down, she was starting to doubt the Heaven Faction, due to her engagement with Issei Hyoudou, she was angry at first, but now she was happy that she was engaged to the supposed True Hero of the Factions. 

"I aside from that, you never had any other dreams?" Issei asked, to which Mirana looked down, as she spoke

"I always wanted to be a Chemical Scientist, someone that would help others in the future, but my parents never appreciated that dream..." Mirana spoke sadly, as she continued, "Well, I forgot about it a long time ago..."

Issei sighed, her story was kind of relatable to some children in the Human World, their parents forcing them to do what they want, even sometimes ignoring their wants and desires. He then spoke

"So, tell me, will you work for those people that abandoned you, I mean Michael didn't even come once to visit you..." Issei spoke, as Mirana agreed to what Issei said, out of guilt and fear, the man never showed up. Issei sighed and spoke

"Look Mirana, I will get to the point, since you know what I went through, you have a choice, are you going to serve the people that look down upon Humanity, or are you going to follow your dreams?" Mirana looked at what Issei had told her, she did not want to serve Michael or Gabriel, not after knowing what they truly are, or in Gabriel's case, were. 

"I am not so sure, Gabriel betrayed me and decided to join the Droid Faction..." Mirana looked down as tears fell from her eyes, Issei then spoke

"Have you ever wondered why?" Mirana looked surprise, her eyes were still teary eyed, as she shook her head, Issei then spoke

"Because, she saw, she saw how far the Supernatural had fallen, many others have decided to join the Droid Faction because of that, think Mirana. They have seen the Supernatural for what it is, humanity has been either used as slaves for their own end goals or they have been looked down upon and discarded."

"Worst of all, they don't even know that there are more supernatural around them than they realise, many humans have fallen prey to their schemes, some have even died, myself included, just imagine, how many must have died for choosing to free themselves from the influence of the Supernatural. How many have chosen or have been forced to join them?" Issei spoke coldly with a smirk, she was realising the truth. She was understanding that her life had no meaning, it never did, she was just a soldier bred to serve in a war, that no one will ever know what she has truly done, since all credit will mostly go to the Angels. 

"Ever wondered, why was I looked down upon and hated? It was because I never had the power to serve them or solve their problems." Issei put an emphasis on their, as Mirana was saddened, "Now, also they expect me to help them, despite the worst shit they have put me through, they believe that I am entitled to help them, just because I am the Red Dragon Emperor and a former human being."

"I see....but even then, what the Droid Faction is doing is Mass Genocide, I can't let than happen, Issei..." Issei sighed, that is what most people say, their humanity is something that is holding her back. 

"Then tell me, the Supernatural don't care about us, they live in the Underworld, controlling most of the Human World, while we humans are working as their underdogs, they live a life of luxury and yet they still look down upon us, I mean ask yourself this, hypothetically....if a regular human asked a High Class Devil out, what would their response be?"

Mirana wondered what Issei meant, as she asked, "Will she turn him down?"

Issei chuckled as he spoke, "Oh no! She/He will insult him/her in the worst way possible, but will also admonish him to the point of no return. It is not because they hate him, no, for most of the Supernatural, humanity is nothing but a toy, that they can play or manipulate when they see fit.  They will use you and discard you, when they don't like you..." 

"This is why I hate the Supernatural Mirana, they use humans like you as pawns, and will make you fight their battles..." Issei spoke, making Mirana realise what she really was, as Issei continued, "Even God and Angels are no different, after all Lucifer Morningstar started off as an angel right?"

Mirana clenched her fists in anger, as Issei asked

"So do you still wish to be part of the angels that will discard and eliminate you, when they have no use for you, or do you want to be a part of the faction where, you will fight for what you believe is right?" Mirana looked at Issei, as she spoke

"I am in....but how will I join the Droid Faction?" Issei smiled, as he spoke, "What if I told you, that the one whom you were talking to was the Supreme Leader of the Droid Faction?"

"No way..." Mirana spoke with shock, as she spoke, "You are the Supreme Leader, is it not Malak?"

"Close, he is actually a clone of me, but to me, he is more family than my actual family...but I am the one who calls the shots in the Droid Faction, if what do you say Mirana...think about it.."

Issei got up as he spoke, Mirana was left in thought.

"Even if you did tell the Factions about us, think Mirana, do you really think they will be able to stop us? As we speak two factions have already fallen....many more will fall soon..." Issei spoke, as he continued, "Even your friend is one of us..."

"Elizabeth?" Mirana asked, as Issei nods, "She couldn't take the fact that she was nothing but a pawn, and was devastated, even as a spy, she hates being near Michael and his Angel Factions, I was able to convince her with the promise of causing the Fall of Heaven..."

"I...I..." Mirana was almost considering joining Issei, as she looked at Issei, who spoke, "She has been doing this for Months as I recall, it is slow, but the fear on the factions is satisfying to me, seeing them suffer, is something I will always enjoy, so Mirana, make your choice, you can either join me willingly, or become a sleeper agent..."

"I accept this....if Elizabeth also thinks that this is worth the effort, then I am also joining you..." Mirana spoke as Issei shook his head. 

"Look Mirana, you don't have to do this, because Elizabeth wants, and-" Mirana interrupts him and speaks

"I am willing to do this for myself, and besides, I am engaged to you, and I shall follow you. It is how I was raised, to fight for what I believe is parents were näive to follow and die for the Angels. That is why, I wish to join a Faction that desires to show the reality to the world, to show what the Supernatural really is, I want to see a world where Humanity is no longer looked down upon, not ever again..." Mirana declares, as Issei nods he turns around, as he speaks

"Elizabeth will be really happy to work with you again..." Mirana beams at this, as she nods, they exit the mindscape, with the whole space whitening out. 

*Scene Change*

Mirana woke up, as she saw Issei, Elizabeth, Gabriel and the Two BX-Commando Droids looking at her, as Issei speaks

"She is one of us..." Elizabeth beams at this and hugs Mirana, as she rubs her cheeks close to her, she does not have to kill her close friend due to the Droid Faction asking her. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or K-ON)

"E-elizabeth...p-please, this is embarrassing..." Mirana spoke with a flustered look, this went for a moment. Issei could not help but smile seeing this scene, she pushes Elizabeth away as she and Elizabeth split up, with Elizabeth having a pout, that made Issei chuckle, before changing into a serious tone. 

"Either way, you know the three of you will be incharge of infiltrating Heaven..." Issei looked at the three, all of whom were now serious, "You will pave the way for the Droid Faction to enter and destroy every last location in Heaven, including...make sure nothing stands in the way when this happens"

"But what about the deceased souls?" Gabriel asked with a bit of concern as Issei spoke, 

"They will all end up in Purgatory....the true After-life...It is a special dimension, where the souls that are seemingly destroyed go..." Issei spoke with a serious tone, "Those human souls will be truly free from the influence of any Supernatural.." Issei knew that there were two Purgatories, but the other one from which Cao Cao and Ladon entered is not called Purgatory, the Purgatory, which nearly killed Issei was considered to be as such. 

"I the Purgatory that my father made...?" Issei shook his head and responded on Gabriel's question, "I doubt that is even the real Purgatory, I call it Purgatory because that is where the souls head to, or are supposed to head to...I don't know who made it, but I theorized is that whoever did, made sure that this place is meant to house the souls and is inescapable..."

"I father mimicked whoever made this?" Gabriel asked in a neutral tone, to which Issei nodded, "I believe so..."

"Does this answer your questions?" Issei asked, as the girls nod, Issei then speaks seriously, "I believe you should leave, prolonged absence, will cause some problems, and I don't want that..."

"As you wish Lord Issei!" The three girls teleported leaving Issei in his room, he headed to his room to work as he did some more research on dismantling the Crescent Circle Gauntlets, as Crom spoke

"So how much progress you have made?" Issei responded

"I believe soon you will be able to breathe free long as you don't cause any problems in the human world, you should be alright, you can do whatever you want.."

"I will roam the world, I always wanted to see what changes happened while I was trapped here, and with several hosts who only wanted me for my power, after that I will join you..." Issei smiled on the answer, as he continued to work, moments later, a Magic Circle of Norse Origin opened up, Issei became on guard, as he was surprised to see Göndul. 

"Oh Göndul, what brings you here?" Issei asked Göndul as she spoke

"I believe, she wants to speak to you..." Issei widened his eyes at first, before sighing as he speaks

"So she has finally decided to join, huh?" Göndul nods, as she wonders what Issei will do, as he approaches her, and enters her mindscape to talk to her. 

*Scene Change*

Göndul's Mindscape, 12:00 PM

Issei saw Göndul, the woman's face had lost all the light from her eyes, her cheeks were tear stained, she did not resist or move. It felt like her whole life was snatched away, she seemed to be in a catatonic state. 

To say Issei was angry was an understatement, he was beyond furious at what Odin did to her, his words broke her completely, when all she was doing was 'serving' him, she stopped Issei from killing Ajuka, only to be 'repaid' in such a manner. He hated Odin even more. 

"I guess, you are no better than Zeus, huh Odin? " Issei thought angrily, as he was going to make the Norse All-Father pay in blood. He decided to calm her down. 

"Hello Göndul...?" Issei looked at Göndul, whose eyes started to move, she looked at Issei with the weakest smile she could muster, she had lost all purpose in her life, she started to tear up again, tears falling from her eyes. 

"Lord I-Issei...." Issei removed the chains, despite this, she fell down. She did not have the strength to move. Issei crouched to her level, as he asked

"Why you didn't come to me earlier...? Like Artemis and Elizabeth did.." Issei spoke remembering how devastated Elizabeth and Artemis were, that was one of the reasons why he decided to take down Heaven Faction sooner than before, however Issei got no response from Göndul. 

Issei understood, that Odin's betrayal completely broke the Valkyrie, he knew of their loyalty, and now, she had lost all purpose in her life. 

"I you have no purpose, huh?" Göndul nods in response, as she continues while crying, "I served Odin with all my being, all my life. I entrusted Rossweisse to him knowing that she will be well taken care of, even after joining you, I still had faith in him, and now, he did this. I don't know what will I do now..."

Göndul kept weeping, Issei was right, she was the most loyal among the first three allies he had recruited forcefully, even Elizabeth and Artemis's combined loyalty to their former Factions can't match Göndul's own loyalty.

Issei sat down, opposite to her, he kept his legs crossed, as he pulled Göndul close to him, he spoke with a smile. 

"How about I give you a purpose?" Göndul's eyes widened, she wondered what purpose is Issei referring to. 

"You can fight for me...and unlike Odin, I won't betray you when I see fit..." Issei spoke with a neutral tone, however he had a smile, a genuine one. 

" can I trust you...?" Issei responded to Göndul's question. 

"I honestly don't know how you can gain my trust, just saying.." Issei spoke causing Göndul to look down, "But so far, I haven't betrayed you, even your false personality right, I even defended your honor when they insulted you right?" 

Göndul looks at him and nods, the light in her eyes, was starting to reappear, it was still minimal however.

"You see Odin abandoned you because you chose me..." Issei spoke with a slight sadness, he blamed Odin for doing this to her, and this was unforgivable. Odin needed to answer for his crimes, and he will make him pay for it. 

Göndul gave a sad nod, as Issei spoke, 

"Then live for my sake, you can avenge your honor, due to what Odin did to you. Do you wish to take him down?" Issei asked Göndul who did not seem to have an answer. 

"I honestly don't know, sure I would want to serve you....but honestly, Odin's death, I doubt it would change much..." Göndul spoke with a sad tone, as Issei sighed. 

He understood that she was still affected by what Odin did. His actions have left a scar in her heart, which may possibly never recover. Not until someone helps her, and Issei was ready to help her. She doesn't deserve this. 

Unlike many others from the Norse Faction, Göndul never looked down upon him, however Issei feared that any interaction could be misinterpreted. And with Rossweisse and Dai manipulating her, she could potentially turn against him, like several others. However, Göndul was perceptive, as she did not immediately hate him like many others, he wondered what would have happened had he chosen to interact with her. 

"Look I don't know much about your past, but all I know is that, you need a purpose to fight for Göndul, how about this, how about I give you a purpose to fight for, you can fight and live for me. You are a valuable member of the Droid Faction, after all, and you are quite important to the faction. You fight for me, and live for me, and I assure you, you will never be left behind." Issei spoke with a genuine smile, as the light in Göndul's eyes started to rise even more. 

"If anything, I know how a person who betrayed feels, I have experienced this feeling too, the one whom you look up to and want to be with, turns their back on, I have experienced it too...the only difference was that I have experienced it over and over again. It was one of the reasons, why I became the way I am today, my eyes were opened, which was sealed shut for all those years." Issei spoke with a sad sigh as Göndul looked away, she remembered what Issei went through as he continued, "I once conversed with Rizevim Livan Lucifer, during my final battle with him, he called me an idiot for continuing to serve the factions that hated me...I guess he was right, I really was an idiot to serve those people..."

"You talked to him?" Göndul asked with a surprise tone, as Issei spoke, "Yep, for once he chose not to manipulate me in any way, he was right, I served them without expecting anything in return, but everything I did was stolen, by my brother, and worse, they hated and admonished me, Rizevim was not wrong in any way, he was right, and I should have listened to him, I still saved the factions, but all my achievements were stolen."

"Truth be told, I was a fool thinking that things will get better if I keep helping them, that maybe, just maybe the Factions will give me the respect I deserve, or at the very least stop looking down on me or hating me. But that will never happen, I fought for them, and they did this to me. That is when I decided never, I am done fighting for them, but I realised that they will never learn, no matter what happens, they needed to be eliminated because of what they are, they showed me their true selves..." Issei continued, as Göndul listened to him. 

"People may call me twisted, deranged or even a monster for letting innocents die, but in reality none of the Supernatural is innocent, they are all complicit in making me view the Supernatural World for the cesspool it is...This needed to change, it needed to be fixed, and I will make them pay for what they have been doing. They only view humanity as tools to perform their wars, and solve their problems, that is why I am destroying them, they are weeds that have no place in my new World..." Issei spoke as Göndul now understood, he was the true savior of this world. He was right all along, Odin will betray her just like, how Zeus betrayed Artemis. 

"So Göndul, what do you think of Odin now? You saw, his real face, didn't you?" Göndul nods, she clenched her fist in fury, Odin was going to pay for what he did to her, she was treated this way for eons of service. She was not going to forgive him, if anything, she will never forgive him. 

"I wish to willingly join you, I want to show Odin his biggest mistake, and that was to abandon me, you opened my eyes, that I refused to open for so long. I want to join the Droid Faction, and I devote myself to you, Lord Issei Hyoudou!" Göndul declared while bowing, as Issei smiled, he then spoke

"Well then, welcome to the Droid Faction...Göndul..." Everything turned to white as Issei removed the Holy Nails from her body, she now has willingly joined Issei, just like Artemis, Elizabeth, Quinella, Charlotte and several others. The last thing Issei saw was Göndul speaking with a smile, and a tone of gratitude as tears fell from her eyes, her eyes now had the light, which she usually does. She now had another purpose in life. 

"Thank you, for this, Lord Issei...." 

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 1:30 PM

Göndul groggily rubbed her eyes, she looked around to see her lord and savior Issei as Issei asked with a smile. 

"How are you feeling?" Göndul did not respond and hugged him, her action took him by complete surprise, as he spoke, "Uhh..."

Only for Issei to hear crying, as she exclaimed in happiness, "Thank you...Thank you for giving me a purpose...please don't abandon me!" Göndul moved her head towards Issei, her eyes were glistening with hope. Issei was left stunned, he then recovers and speaks with a slightly flustered look. 

"Umm, can release me now..." Göndul releases him with a smile, as she speaks, with a determined tone before speaking in a sad tone "I won't disappoint you! Although I can't help you with getting information with the Norse Mythology..." 

"Oh there are other ways you can help? Now that you are no longer part of Odin's Valkyries, you can train the Sleeper Agents in magic, they do need to be battle ready..." Göndul nods, as Issei speaks, "So what do you think?"

"I can do that....and I will be your weapon Volundr, remember?" Göndul spoke with a smile, as he responds, "Of course, your power will come in handy during our future invasion and Fall of the Norse Faction." 

"I see...but Lord Issei, can I make a request?" Issei seemed surprised, as he asks, "What?"

"I want to personally make Rossweisse my sleeper agent, instead of Quinella, please she will be under me, and don't deny it, alright?" Issei looked at her for a moment and spoke, "Very well, I will talk to Quinella and Charlotte and get back to you, now I think you should head back, to train the Sleeper Agents.."

"Understood..." Göndul teleports back leaving Issei alone, as he spoke, "Your Grandmother is really a loyal person, Rossweisse, it is a shame now she will be your biggest enemy.."

Issei gets up and leaves the room, as he does so, he enters into his own personal room. He then saw Quinella and Charlotte waiting for him. Their expressions were glaring into Issei's soul.

"So can you tell us where have you been?" Quinella spoke, as Issei had a bad feeling about this as Charlotte spoke

"And why do I smell the scent of another woman..." Issei was baffled at this, as he thought. 

"Does she have the smell of a fucking bloodhound?" Ddraig was mentally chuckling as he responded

"I pray for your survival tonight...and if you can't I will call a coffin service..." Issei glared at his best friend, as he mentally sighed, he hoped that he would survive the next few hours. He then spoke

The girls marched closer to Issei, as he flinched, they were barely a very few inches away from him, Issei started to feel a dark shadow come from them, as he thought. 

"Well...hopefully, an explanation should hopefully fix things? " Issei sighed and spoke, "Allow me to explain."

Issei explained the situation that had happened, he told them about Göndul officially joined them and if anything they talked to each other in Göndul's mindscape, as she was now given a purpose. 

"And she hugged me out of gratitude that's all...." Issei spoke trying to explain, as he saw the Dark Aura among the girls calm down. Quinella spoke with a sigh

"Look, we don't mind you attracting other girls...but at least let us know..." Issei sighed as he explained. 

"I know, how about this? Once this war with Heaven gets over, we should do something to commemorate our relationship.." Issei spoke causing them to lose their glaring expression and they were surprised to hear what Issei has, as he came close to Quinella and spoke some words, which caused her to blush immensely.

"Eh! Eh! Ehhhhhh!!" Quinella exclaimed, she was in a blushing daze for a moment, before exclaiming with a low tone "You mean it!?" 

Issei nods as Charlotte asks Quinella, "What did he say?" 

"Umm well..." Quinella tries to suppress her blush as she speaks to Charlotte in the ear, who also has a red face, as a blush creeps up all the way to her face, she looks at Issei with a flustered look, as Issei grins and responds

"Oh and do tell Nyx about it! This will be something you girls will enjoy, that is a promise!" Issei walks away leaving the girls in a blushing mess, their mouths were wide open as steam was coming out from their ears. Once outside, he sighed in relief, he was definitely going to have a wonderful night after the war with Heaven is over. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei reading Icha Icha Paradise to appease the girls.

Malak's Base, 8:30 PM

Issei was done with his work as he headed outside, he knew that his new General would awaken soon, as he would soon make his debut. He is then greeted by the rest of his allies, the only ones not present were Elizabeth, Gabriel and Mirana, as they were spying on the Angels, preparing for Issei's arrival, as well as the Sleeper Agents who were all spying for Issei in their respective positions. 

"So what is the plan?" Malak asked as Issei activated a magic circle and spoke

"Most of you will begin the attack on Vatican, Artemis, Göndul, Quinella, Charlotte along with Miyuki will be under a disguised form.."

"But how will we achieve a disguised form, I mean, there will be people guarding Vatican...?" Miyuki asked, as Issei speaks while activating Innovate Clear. 

"Once my Sacred Gear is activated, the whole world view of the Vatican Soldiers will change, they will see the most of you as a special kind of Droid, that is attacking them, so you needn't worry, and Malak you will be in charge of this..." Issei speaks as he gives the Gauntlet to Malak who responds

"I won't disappoint you..." Issei smiles as he responds, "I know you won't..."

"And speaking of which, where is the new General that will assist us in the attack?" Issei spoke with a smile, as he responded

"He should be coming out very soon..." Issei's words brought wonder, however no sooner than the door opened, they saw a figure from the Shadows, as a blade suddenly ignited in front of them, followed by heavy breathing. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.)

The lights suddenly were placed on him, as a bright light glowed onto the man, he was a towering, black clad armored man was shown in the distance. He had the mask of a Samurai, with several facial expressions on it, and a chest plate that was silver in color with striped appearance. He had several buttons below his chest plate and his boots were made of an unknown material. 

"I believe it is time for my debut..." The voice of the man spoke in a raspy, metallic voice, his aura even made Artemis, Charlotte, Ingvild and Valery shiver. While Göndul and Quinella seemed nervous or intimidated seeing him here. Even Malak, Grievous, Miyuki and several others were on guard seeing him here. 

"Indeed it is Vader..." Issei spoke with a smirk, Issei and Nyx were the only ones who was not affected. The now identified Vader changed his suit to make sure his heavy breathing stops, which did cause a sigh in relief for most of the people present. 

"So what is your command, Lord Issei?" Vader bowed in front of Issei, as he spoke coldly

"Rise Vader!" Vader did as follows, Issei then spoke seriously, "You will have to eliminate a few people for me, I don't want them posing a problem to me in the future..."

Issei showed Vader their details and what their abilities are, as he spoke, "It will be done, My Lord..."

Issei nods, as he speaks seriously, "I believe you all have 2 days to prepare, until then, this meeting is adjourned, any questions?"

"When is my new Battle-ship coming?" Kalani asked intently, as Issei sighed, he then spoke

"It will be operational in a days time Kalani..." Kalani nods, and was excited to see his new battle-ship. Artemis then asks

"Will we have any changes to our army?" It was La Folia that asked, as Issei nods, "Yes, you will be having stronger Battle Droids to win this battle, but I want to ensure that Vatican Falls, there are certain targets that need to be eliminated in Vatican. Vader has already gotten his list, and you must make sure only a select few survive the whole assault." 

"You may now leave, if there are no questions..." 

Everyone present nods, as they all teleport and leave, except for Nyx and Malak, as Nyx asks

"So what is going to happen next? And why choose Vatican?" Issei looked at her and spoke, "Two reasons, one is that the humans present in Vatican and Catholics have misused their power in the name of god, as well as have done crimes that even several Criminals would think twice in doing. And the second reason is similar to many of the factions, even angels don't have respect for humanity, they have this superior complex, which they don't show unlike most races, but at the same time, they refuse to be associated with humans. There is a reason why Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels are one and the same."

"As for the Seraphs, they mostly turns a blind eye to many of the deeds, especially projects like the Holy Sword Project. By the time they realise, the damage is done, all they do is just kick out the person, and as complete hypocrites they use the research from that project to create, 'natural-born' wielders for their own deeds." Issei spoke with anger in his voice, "Not to mention, the Vatican hide the past like their interference in the Cleria Belial Incident causing the mess to even begin with, all they wanted was to love each other, and the Council along with Irina's father decided to wipe them out. The Angels and many others back then refused to believe that a romance between a person from the church and the devils can happen. And worst of all the Four Seraphs weren't even aware of this.." Issei spoke with anger remembering his encounter with Masaomi Yaegaki during his visit to Heaven. 

"Honestly, I think their peace and devotion to god is nothing but a lie. " Issei spoke angrily as he continued, "Then again, the Biblical God wasn't exactly what you call perfect. Yet, they act as if they are perfect, in every way" Issei spoke with a sigh, as Nyx nodded, that was a good enough answer for her, she knew that she will be coming with Issei to the Heaven System itself, to destroy it once and for all. 

"Speaking of which, is there anything that you need to do, before you take down the ones in Vatican?" Malak asked to which Issei nodded

"A certain man has been having ill intent or even murderous intent towards Quinella and Charlotte, I need to eliminate him, as well as deal with those morons..." Issei spoke with a snarl, as Nyx and Malak understood who he was talking about, he has eyes and ears everywhere, and a certain man is going to die tonight. 

*Scene Change*

Hyoudou Residence, 10:00 PM

Issei was heading home, as he was preparing to eliminate the man that was attempting to hurt his future mates. As he did, a magic circle opened up, revealing to be the Gremory Peerage, which caught him off-guard, he expected them to never show up to his house, well except for Asia that was. 

"Tell me, where is my grandmother, Hyoudou!?" The voice spoke seriously, it was revealed to be Rossweisse, to which Issei responded

"Like you have the right to demand of me Rossweisse, I would suggest you to keep yourself under check..." Rossweisse gulped and nervously backed away, as Rias tried to speak, but not before Issei cuts her off. 

"And shut your piehole of a mouth Gremory, any word that comes out of you is retarded, so shut the fuck up before I rip your tongue from your mouth!" Issei cuts her off, with an angered tone, causing Rias to furiously clench her fists in anger, she glared at Issei, as Koneko spoke in an emotionless yet angry voice. 

"You should show some respect to the President..." Issei chuckled at the girl's threat as he responded

"And if I don't, she can't call her Older Brother, since I already defeated him and eliminated Satan Ajuka Beelzebub, so if anything, you should be the one begging on your feet, and licking my boots.." Issei spoke with a mocking tone, making Koneko nearly charge at him, but she was stopped by Xenovia, before she could do anything that would cost her, her life. 

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have got better things to do, than listen to you morons." Issei spoke coldly, leaving the group agape, as he continued, "And if you are wondering or still care about your Grandmother, she is in good hands, I am looking after her, for what that All-Fucker did to her, and unlike you, who is a terrible Granddaughter, I am taking and will take good care of her, if anything you should be ashamed of supporting Odin for the devastating state he left your Grandmother in, Goodbye.."

Issei entered into his house, leaving everyone shocked and angry from his cold attitude, he hardly cared about Rossweisse's feelings. Meanwhile, Rossweisse was devastated from learning about her Grandmother, meanwhile, Issei clenched his fist in anger, he wanted to eliminate them right then and there, they still haven't changed, or even tried to change. 

*Scene Change*

Kuoh Outskirts, 10:15 PM

A man was thrown flying as he was slammed to a concrete wall, he recovered and used his Sacred Gear, to try and immobilise his attacker, but he dodged with relative ease. The Moonlight shone on the attacker's face, it was revealed to be Issei Hyoudou. 

"Damn!" The victim whose face was revealed to be Genshiro Saji was revealed, as Issei spoke

"You really are a piece of shit, aren't you Saji? Going after my mates, that's really low!" Issei exclaimed angrily, as he had his Boosted Gear, Genshiro furiously glared at Issei, with the latter exclaiming in fury. 

"It wasn't enough for you to make my life miserable along with my pathetic brother, but now you tried to hurt them, Saji! Tonight will be your last day on your planet!"

"Those bitches were-...Gyaaaaahhhh!!" Genshiro tried to speak, as Issei punched him in the ribcage hard enough for it to completely shatter, Genshiro was on his knees, as Issei kicked him in the chin causing a tooth to come out. Genshiro's face fell the other side. Issei screamed, 

"SHUT UP!! Scum like you won't listen by words, so torture is the only way you will learn!!" Issei shouted, as he grabbed him by the hair and shirt and gave him a knee kick to his face, destroying his nose, his face was already bloody with him coughing up blood, while he screamed in pain. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Attack on Titan.)

"Even then, torturing you would be pointless, and because of you Kaho and Gengo will be unsupported..." Issei spoke sadly, which Saji glares furiously, he tries to speak but Issei stomped him to the ground, shutting his mouth up. 

"But don't worry, they will no longer have to live with a pathetic disgrace of a brother like you!" Issei activated Dark Light in his body, as he was ready to kill him. He increased the light to the point enough for it to be lethal. 

"Goodbye, say hi to Dai for me in the afterlife!" Issei spoke with a maniacal grin, as he blasts him with Dark Light, making sure to leave no trace of him, was left, Saji screamed in pain, leaving no trace of him, minus his four evil pieces that fall on the ground. 

(A/N: I don't own this gif or Dragon Ball Super)

Issei approaches them and stomps the evil pieces leaving nothing of the pieces left, Issei teleports back to his house, to rest for a while, another threat to his family has been eliminated. 

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next one will be the assault on the Vatican as well as the Fall of Heaven)

(A/N(2): Vader will be playing an important role, especially eliminating two specific characters)

(A/N(3): Mirana Sharatova has joined Issei's faction, and she and Elizabeth will be playing a vital role alongside Gabriel in the Fall of Heaven)

(A/N(4): Genshiro Saji is officially dead, he was destined to die because of what he was trying to do to Quinella and Charlotte)

(A/N(5): Sona's and Rias's reactions will also be revealed in the next few chapters)

(A/N(6): Massive thanks to Shubh030201 for helping me with this chapter)

(A/N(7): All the gods and characters are completely fictional and the world is also Draconic Deus they have no relations or connections to any god, religion or mythology of our real world or Planet Earth. Some characters may seem villainous, but that is how it is, this Issei is the first villain Issei, but it should have been obvious at this point.)

Question: Can y'all guess what Issei told the girls?

Please let me know what you think in the comments, and I will catch y'all later



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