Summer Consequences (Camila/y...

By oddcabello

161K 4.5K 1.1K

In the heat of the summer you're so different from the rest {GxG Y/N GP} More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 15

1.5K 90 16
By oddcabello

A/n: there's a lot going on here 😅

Y/N's POV:

Summer was getting closer and closer. I was in my final week of school for this year and I couldn't wait to have a break.

I had basically dedicated my life to these final couple of weeks to make sure to keep my grades up and study as much as I could.

I hated when my GPA would fall. I tried to keep that hungry 4.0 demon alive. I slipped a little when I started seeing Camila but I was dedicated to fixing that

She hasn't messaged me in almost two weeks. I haven't reached out to her either.

I was not going to break.

Apparently she had been keeping up with her other dick appointments in the time she had without me.

I only know this because one of her friends visited the record shop one time with her boyfriend and she started talking to me and basically asked why I hadn't come around lately

Then she spilled and told me about Camila without me even mentioning her

I didn't even care. I was too motivated in school to even think about her.

Next week my friends and I would be attending a three day music festival that we have been waiting on all year. It would officially kick off our summer. We booked a air bnb of this huge house for all of us and it's just going to be a fun time

It was basically like Coachella

I couldn't wait. I needed a small getaway. We would spend the week there because it was in San Diego. We also planned to do some sightseeing and other tourist things

This week however the festivities were going to begin early. Friday was Stella's birthday. She was more Stacy's friend but she invited all of us regardless so we were all going to a club

Clubs were not really my thing but I just wanted to get drunk if I'm honest

I was currently with Kevin in a studio that he booked. He was working on a new project and asked me to help him

He was trying some new sounds and it was sounding really good

We had been working nonstop all day. I was getting a little exhausted. I felt like my fingertips were going to bleed from how much guitar I played

"Let's take a break" Kevin said to me and the other producers he had here

I decided to continue studying for my last exam

"Your head is going to explode" he told me and I just laughed at him

He went on to talk with the rest of his team. I really was feeling like my head would explode with how stressed out I was. But I was so close to finishing this semester I had to end it strong.

"Do you guys mind if I invite a friend over?" Kevin asked us and everyone said no

"Cool she's on her way" he said

Kevin sat down right next to me

"You're going to like her she's really cool" he told me

"You made a new friend?" I asked as I didn't look up from my book

"Yea I've known her for a while now. We've hung out a bunch of times and she's so funny and talented" he said

"Sounds like you have a crush" I said laughing

"She's beautiful but you know I'm too gay" he said making us laugh

I continued to focus on my studies as everyone else in the studio talked amongst each other

There was s knock on the door and Kevin went to open it. I looked up and I saw a short blonde haired girl

She hugged Kevin and then shyly waved hi to everyone

"Guys this is Sabrina, Sabrina Carpenter she's a really good friend of mine" he said

I just quickly waved hi and got back to my studying

I guess she went on to meet the rest of the team.

It didn't take long til Kevin got back into the booth to rap some more. He didn't need me so he let me finish my studies

I felt the side of couch dip and I looked up to see that the blonde haired girl sat next to me

I just stared confused but gave a polite smile

"Sorry you're the only other girl here so I felt the most comfortable here" she said lightly laughing and I smiled

"Yea no worries. Sabrina right?" I said trying to remember and she nodded

"Yea. Sorry I didn't get your name. You zoned out before I could ask" she said

"Oh hi, sorry I'm Y/n. I'm studying for an exam that I have tomorrow" I said

"Oh you're fine, I get it" she said

I tried to get back to work but I felt a headache coming so I just decided to take a break for now and closed my book

"So how do you know Kevin?" I asked her

"I was actually a fan of his music. I followed him on instagram and then we kinda started talking from there" she said

"Oh nice. Yea he's pretty great" I said and she agreed with me

"What do you do? Are you like a model?" I asked since a few models have befriended him online like that

"Oh no I could never are you kidding? I'm way too short" She said and started laughing

"Sorry you're just really pretty I just assumed" I said nonchalantly because she really was beautiful

"Aw well thank you y/n" she said smiling at me "but no I sing and do a little acting"

"Oh nice. What kind of music do you make?" I asked

"Mainly pop" she said

"She's a pop star" Kevin said as he came to sit next to us

"Oh cool can I follow you to listen to some of your stuff later?" I asked and she nodded

I grabbed my phone to hand it to her so she could type in her username. I don't know why I expected her to be some small little artist but I was so surprised when I saw she had over 30 million followers

"Oh damn you're like famous?" I asked and she laughed

"Guess not enough if you didn't know me" she said

"Don't take it too hard she rarely listens to music of this century" Kevin said

"Hey, no my taste is diverse" I said offended and she laughed

"No no its cool" she said

"I'm sorry I just listen to more indie and alternative than pop" I said

"No worries at all it's totally fine" she said

"Y/n is my guitarist" Kevin said

"No way?" She basically screamed out taking me by surprise "that's you? Oh my god dude you are fucking incredible" she said

I blushed. Shaking my head and closing my eyes as I looked down

"Thank you" I said bashful

"I would love to have you play on my new album if you would be up for it?" She said and I was truly surprised by that

"Woah really?" I asked

"Not you stealing my guitar player. She's my little genius" Kevin said

"You need to share her talent" Sabrina said

"Fine only because I love you" he said caving in

"This is why we're best friends" she said

"Wow that really hurts Kevin. What about everything we've been through?" I said

"I can have more than one best friend" Kevin said

"It's okay we can all be best friends" Sabrina said putting her arms around us both

"I can't be in this throuple. I'm too gay, I need a man" Kevin said laughing "I can be the third wheel to both of you as a couple though"

I just stared at him weirdly at what he just said

Before any of us could respond Sabrina's phone started ringing and she excused herself leaving the room

"That was really awkward of you to say" I said

"Sorry it just came out. What do you think of her?" He asked

"She's cool" I said

"But do you like her?" He asked and I just stared at him confused

"I low key like her for you" he said and i just glared at him

"We are not having this conversation" I said

Another girl was the last thing I needed in my life. Besides I didn't even think of her in that way

"You need to move on. Camila is not going to respond to you anymore" he said

"It's only been like a week" I said

"I don't care. She's pissing me off. You need to show her you have options too" he said

"I'm just not like that. I'm living my life and if she wants to still be in it that's on her" I said

"Well if she doesn't Sabrina is single" he said

"A new girl in my life is not what I want. Let alone another pop star" I said

"Yea well I'm going to keep on manifesting you fall in love" he said and I just laughed at him

Friday came around sooner than expected. Which was a relief because I was finally done with school for a few months

I got to have summer to myself. Only working at the shop but I was free to do fun things with my friends for a little

We were on our way to the club now. Stella had gone all out for her birthday. She got a party bus and apparently a vip section at the club

From the minute we stepped foot into the bus we started taking shots. I could already tell that this was going to be a very long night

Kevin lit pre-rolls and started passing them around. I didn't protest tonight. I just wanted to have a good time

It didn't take long for us to make it to the club. We could instantly hear the loud noise from the music playing. There was a long line to enter but since we had the VIP thanks to Stella we were led in easily

The place was packed and dark. Only being illuminated by strobe lights and lasers

So many people were on the dance floor it was a little hard to walk around them

Luckily our vip table was on a little balcony that used a small staircase to get up to. We were able to have it to ourselves and not be involved with the sweaty mess

The drinks were unlimited for us so we took advantage of it. Drink after drink and shot after shot.

I usually never gave into peer pressure and stopped taking shots after a while but tonight I wasn't saying no. I just really needed to clear my head from any unnecessary noise

My friends and I danced and sang and laughed all night together. It was a genuine fun time

Stacy was dancing with the girls and she accidentally tripped but luckily I caught her before she could fall.

"Woah be careful" I said laughing as I held on to her waist

"I'm so tipsy oh my god" she said laughing and I laughed along with her

"Come here and dance with us" she said grabbing my arm. I grabbed Kevin and he grabbed Jaden and we all danced in a circle

I spun Stacy around by lifting my arm and then I did the same to Stella since it was her birthday

She would not stop yelling "it's my birthday" she literally said it over 100 times tonight. But we gave her the pass

In the midst of our fun Maria came up to me and whispered in my ear

"There's someone looking at you at the celebrity VIP across from us" she said

I looked at her confused but my eyes looked up and I immediately saw Camila.

I had to blink my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating

There she was in a tight black dress

Which was ironic because we were kind of matching as I wore black pants and a black button up shirt

She was with her friends. They were dancing and having a good time but she kept her eyes on me taking a sip of her drink. When our eyes met she looked away and pretended to have fun with her friends and ignore me

I looked at Maria. My vibe was killed big time

"Did you invite her?" I asked

"No not at all" she said

"Out of all of the clubs in LA she had to be in the one that I'm in?" I asked in disbelief and she laughed

"It's just a crazy coincidence of the universe" she said "but forget her. You're having a great time. Don't let her ruin it"

She slapped my back encouragingly and then made Gus pour us some more shots

And so I took them. Over and over. I actually had a good alcohol tolerance it took a lot to get me fucked up

But seeing Camila in the corner of my eye every now and then would pull me away from my fun. I just wanted to go home if I'm being honest

Stella and Stacy tried to dance with me in a silly way but Stacy noticed I wasn't feeling it the way I did earlier

She pulled me to the side a little. I kept my back towards Camila's vision because I didn't want to see her

"Are you good?" She asked me and I nodded lightly

"I know it's not any of my business but Maria tells me things Y/n. I know you're going to get mad at that but listen to me" she said as she grabbed my head to look at her

"You don't deserve to be treated like that. I love you, we all love you. You're special. You're here to have fun with us" she said caressing my face

"I know i know" I said lightly

"How bad do you want to leave?" She asked me because she knew exactly how my mood worked

"A ten" I said since our rating system was 1 out of 10

"Okay I have something to fix this" she said as she opened her purse

She took out two pills

"I'll do it with you if you want to. Just say the word" she said

I only ever did psychedelics with her. She always held my hand through the high. We only ever did it when we really needed a trip.

I tripped with Kevin and other group members but her and I were usually always partners

I nodded because I'd take anything to not feel this way

I nodded and gave in

She slipped the little pill into my mouth and then she did hers and we both took our own drinks and downed it

I just stared at her and she hugged me tight throwing her arms around my neck and I held her

"Have some fun okay?" She said and I nodded before she pulled away kissing my cheek

"If you need me I'm here" she said before going to dance with the girls

I looked around and saw Kevin, Maria, and everyone else crowded around us and showed us they also had a pill in their hands. Then they took it

Damn my friends were real ones

The highs didn't last very long anyways. This one wasn't as strong as other ones

I continued to have my fun with my friends and let myself be consumed by the effects

"Stacy look your mans here" Ashley called out as a tall guy approached our area

"Oh my god I didn't think he would come. And he's not my man" she said shyly

As soon he approached the area Stacy welcomed him with a big hug and then she went on to introduce him to everyone one by one

I was pretending I wasn't paying attention by the time she came up to me

"Y/n this is Eric" she said introducing us. I could tell she was a little nervous to present him to me

I looked at him. He was actually a pretty good looking guy

"Nice to meet you man" I said smiling shaking his hand

"Like wise" he responded

She just gave me a small smile and pulled away to dance with him

I smiled a little because he looked like someone that could give her what she wanted in a relationship

I couldn't feel jealous or angry. I was simply numb

About like ten minutes later I heard my name being called. I was having a conversation with Jasper and I turned around to see Camila's friends approaching our side

The only thing that separated our areas was a little bar

"Y/n hey we thought that was you" Camila's friends Kimiko, Jenna, and Liza called me

I approached them "hey guys what's up?" I said. I noticed no Camila around them

"That's crazy we bumped into you" Jenna said

"Yea it's a very small world apparently" I said sarcastically

We caught up a little and then I introduced them to my friends. Surprisingly they all got a long very well because it didn't take long for them to start taking shots together and tell Stacy happy birthday

I started laughing because drunk girls were so funny and cute. They become best friends with anyone instantly

"Aren't you guys friends with Camila?" Maria asked

And I just stared at her because I knew she was trying to be messy

"Yea. Could you believe she did not want to come clubbing with us tonight but we forced her to" kimiko said

"Yea and look at her now on the dance floor throwing it back and shit" Liza said laughing

We looked out at the crowd of people on the dance floor and I instantly caught her dancing way too provocatively with some guy

Maria raised an eyebrow and glanced at me "oh well it looks like she's having a very good time to me" she said and I just glared at her

"Yea that's one of her dick appointments" Jenna said slurring her words a bit giggling

"Oh is that so?" Maria said

"Yea he just so happened to be here too and he took her out to dance" Jenna added

Damn apparently there's not another fucking club in this city???

"Ew I hate him" Sandra said as she came up to us now

"Sorry we were in the bathroom" her sister Marielle said

"What's wrong with him? She seems to love being on him" Stella said

"He's her Ex. A creepy ass older man" Sandra said

"How old?" I asked

"She was 20 when she met him and he was already 31" she said "so he's like ten years older"

"Ten years?" My friends and I shouted shocked

"Yea she had thought she needed some mature guy in her life. She broke up with him a long time ago but she let him back into her stupid little list and it makes no sense to me" Sandra said

"Sandra come on you know she's just having fun right now. She's been in constant relationships since she was a teenager. She's finally experimenting and letting loose" Marielle said

Oh she's letting loose alright

"But why with her exes? Like she has others on her roster but she does NOT need that fossil" Sandra said making my friends laugh

"Besides he's literally engaged to someone and he's still messing with her" Sandra said

Damn that's fucked up of him and camila

I looked at the crowd again to see him with his hands all over her.

This pill was not fucking doing enough

"I'm gonna get a drink" I said and walked away

Our bottle service was mainly tequila, beer, and champagne but I was in the mood for a little colorful drink

I left the vip area and went to the bar near the dance floor. I ordered a drink and waited for it as I put my hands in my face letting out a breath of air

"Y/n Y/Ln?" I heard my name being called

I looked up immediately because no one calls me by my full government name

A girl came up next to me and I looked at her so confused

"Yea?" I asked

"Hey, I'm Sarah. We go to school together" she said and I literally did not recognize her

Is the entire world in this club?

"We had Philosophy together this last semester" she said giggling

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I literally never paid attention to anyone else" I said laughing

"It's okay it was a huge class" she said and I nodded since there were like 100 students

"How do you think you did on the exam?" She asked

The bar attender handed me my drink and I took a sip

"I think it went well. It wasn't as hard as I expected" I said "what about you?"

"Same. It was surprisingly pretty easy" she said

We ended up talking a little at the bar about school related things

I would order more drinks as would she. We clicked instantly about things on our campus or peers that would make us laugh loudly

She started to bop her head along to the music

"Do you want to dance?" She asked

"Uh-" I stuttered out

I thought about it. Then the remembrance of Camila with that dinosaur filled my head. Then I looked up and saw Stacy dancing with her guy

I didn't have any other options so I figured what the hell?! Why not?

I nodded before finishing my drink and she led me to the dance floor.

We started off completely platonic at first. Laughing along with each other. But as the bodies around us in the crowded crowd kept bumping into us we would get closer and closer to each other

Our bodies were eventually glued together and our atmosphere became less platonic and little more heated

She started to dance on me sensually and I gulped. I was getting really sweaty and hot. The effects of the alcohol and drugs heightening my senses

She turned around and began to grind on me. I was scared at first my member would frighten her but she didn't seem to care and kept up her dancing

I felt like I was melting. When I'm high I get so horny so easily. That's one of the main reasons why I only ever did it with Stacy.

We danced for a while together. And the thought of taking her back to Kevins place with me crossed my mind

After a couple more songs she whispered in my ear

"I have to go to the bathroom is that okay?" She asked and I nodded

"Yea go for it" I said smiling

"I'll try to find you after" she said smiling at me then walked away.

I lost her in the crowd of people and I looked at the line for the bathroom to see it was massive. It would take her a long time to get back

I decided I would go back to my friends but not until I cooled off just a little. I was burning up. Part of it was due to the extra body heat around me but it was also a mix of the alcohol and drugs plus my arousal

I lifted my shirt a little to let some air hit my body and fan myself as I tried to think of things to let my erection go down before I went back to my friends

I let myself stay in that crowd for a few minutes til I felt like I was ready enough.

Just as I was about to start walking away I felt a force pull me back

slender finger tips caressed the skin of my waist just under my lifted shirt and above my pants line

I felt a body collide with mine from behind. Wet lips hovered over my ear and whispered into it

"Having fun?" I could recognize that sexy raspy voice anywhere

I didn't even have to look back to know it was her. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh

"What do you want?" I asked

"I asked you a question" she said more demanding as her other hand slid around my waist so she rubbed all over my skin with both hands

I hate how she sent chills throughout my body. I hate how her voice and her touch sent a rush down to wake my dick up all over again

"Yea I was" I said still not looking her way

She kissed the back of my neck a little before turning me around to face her

I chose not to look at her still. I couldn't

She wrapped her arms around my neck and made our bodies sway to the beat of the music

"You've been ignoring me" she said and thats when I finally looked down at her

"Are you for real?" I asked with a astonished face "you're the one that's been ignoring me" I said and she laughed

"You haven't messaged me" she said

"You never responded to me" I said "look I don't have time for this I have to go back to my friends"

I tried getting out of her grasp but she didn't let me go

"Just dance with me for a little and I'll go back with you" she said

"No I don't need you with me" I said

"Well my friends are with your friends now so either way I'd be there" she said laughing and I just rolled my eyes

"Weren't you dancing with someone else?" I asked

"Oh you saw that?" She asked in a sarcastic way

"Everyone did" I said annoyed

"Well I was only putting on a show for you" she said and I gulped

Oh my god I was angry at her I could not be turned on by this

"You're insane like actually" I said "go back to your grandpa" she just laughed

"You're funny" she said as she still made us dance

"I don't want grandpa. I want daddy" she said whispering in my ear laughing sensually the way she knew I liked it

You're mad y/n. Do not break.

"I'm dancing with someone else and so are you" I said

"Well she's not here. I am" she said as she started kissing my neck

"and I left him to be with you" she said kissing her way up my jaw

Her hands still touching the skin under my shirt.

"Isn't he on your stupid list?" I asked "he's gonna be mad"

"I don't care" she said grabbing my head to kiss my lips "i don't need him when I have you"

She kissed me again and again. Trying her best to make me cave in.

As much as I was angry I did like the fact that she left him as soon as she saw that I was alone and she had a chance

Her lips were so intoxicating. I could feel my knees wanting to give and make me fall.

The alcohol and drugs were kicking my ass. I was getting so turned on as each second passed

Her lips attacked me but I didn't budge. It wasn't until my eyes looked up and I was met with the eyes of her ex boyfriend, who was also apparently my competition in her fucking list

He looked pissed off that was she was all up on me kissing and touching me.

I loved it. It fueled something in me.
I pulled my cockiest smirk ever and began to kiss Camila back.

When she noticed I was finally giving in she moaned a little and I grabbed on to her waist tight and pulled her body into me. Grabbing a fistful of her ass

She slipped her tongue into my mouth and fought for dominance. I closed my eyes because as much as I was trying to be tough I couldn't help it. I loved it too much

I opened my eyes again and sent the guy a death glare as Camila's lips smacked against mine that let him know that she was mine. He ended up walking away pissed off

Was it douchey of me? Possibly. But did I care? Absolutely fucking not!!

I had just kicked off another idiot off of her stupid fucking list

I closed my eyes again letting myself fall deeper into her fucking trap. I was a goner

She finally pulled away when she needed air to breathe. She was panting trying to catch her breath and I just stared down at her lips. Giving them small pecks with my lips making her smile

"I didn't think you would kiss me back" she said laughing

"You don't deserve it" I said wiping my lips

"But you can't fucking resist it" she said "you know you crave and want me" she said grazing my leg and erection

I couldn't even respond because she turned her body around and started to roll her hips on me. Expertly moving her ass on my erection

I closed my eyes. She knew exactly how to move

At first she was following the beats of the music perfectly. But like I said. The drugs had me horny as fuck. I could fuck her on this dance floor

I started kissing her collar bone and she brought her hand up to grab my neck. Her head moved to kiss the side of my head. Encouraging my actions

She started losing the rhythm of the music when I noticed she was only focusing on rubbing her ass on my very hard dick now. Going up and down and in circles. She moaned when my I left open mouth kisses on her neck leaving tiny little bites that I soothed with my tongue

"Yes just like that" she breathed out giggling a little at my kisses that tickled her

My hands touching on her curves feeling her up. Stopping at her hips to help her grind on me

I let out a deep groan because it felt so good. I felt goosebumps rise on her skin

She turned around to face me. I was in a haze. The drugs were in full effect and I was tripping. The lights in the club distracted me

"Y/n" she said as she grabbed my face

"Oh my god your burning up" she said feeling around my face and i just laughed

"Y/n look at me" she said grabbing me forcefully to stare into her eyes. She scanned my eyes

"You're high" she said and I could sense anger and disappointment in her tone

"No I just really want you so bad right now-" I slurred out my words trying to kiss her neck again

"What did you take?" She asked

"It's not a big deal-"

"Y/n tell me" she said demanding

"Like acid or ecstasy or something I don't really know which one" I said grabbing her tighter

"Stacy gave it to you didn't she? I saw her put something in your mouth" she said. Her body was so tense

Her body was so soft a minute ago in my hands now she was firm and felt strong as fuck

"Yes" I mumbled

She looked absolutely pissed off as she clenched her jaw

"I don't ever want you to take that again you hear me?" She said

"It's fine Camila I do it with her all the time" I said and she let a deep inhale and exhale out of her nostrils as she just stared unamused

"Are you okay?" She asked me. She seemed genuinely worried as she caressed my face

"I'm fine I promise" said nodding "the only thing about pills is-"

she looked at me concerned waiting for me to continue. Her once seductive eyes were changed into worried ones

I put my head against the side of hers and ghosted my lips over her ear

"They make me really fucking horny" I said

I could see her face blush red. The once seductive temptress was now a shy and embarrassed mess

"That's why you do them only with her?" She asked now with her attitude back

I just laughed. Not because I wanted to but I couldn't stop giggling

"I'm not going to lie. I was ready to take that other girl home" I said still whispering in her ear over the loud music

"But you're the one that I really wanted" I said as I kissed her neck

I could feel her gulp. My hands grabbing tightly on her waist and her ass

"Y/n-" she breathed out shyly hiding her face in my neck

I just gave her a cold dead glare. Now I was the one making the moves. I couldn't help the way that I was feeling

"I could fuck you right now in front of everyone" I whispered to her

This time her knees went weak and she almost lost her balance til I caught her in my hands

I spun her around and made us grind along to music. I hiked up my hand to her inner thigh under her short dress

"Y/n-" she shakily breathed out my name again in a warning tone "people will see" she said blushing

"Let them. I want them to see how hard I'm going to fuck you" I said

She closed her eyes in pleasure when I made her grind on me again and I touched her a little higher up. I didn't touch her private area fully but just near it

She forcefully pulled away and then turned to face me

Her eyes locking to mine. She was still slightly angry with me but she was also so turned on

I would never have the actual courage to talk to her this dirty sober and I could tell she was loving it

"Follow me" she said grabbing my arm

"Where to?" I asked laughing

She didn't tell me all she did was pull and drag me through the dark massive crowd of people


Things are about to heat up 🫣😶‍🌫️😮‍💨

Also Kevin is actually friends w Sabrina irl so I thought she was a good fit 🤭

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