The Shield's Fate

By kmconnie

7.8K 310 855

Book Five (Final Book): Vivian Chang has been content staying in the background as she helps the Donnelly fam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Sneak Peek: Novella 1

Chapter 21

306 12 59
By kmconnie

Chapter 21


In retrospect, I really should have tried to get an earlier flight. In what world did I think I would be able to keep my hands off of her?

"Everyone is staring," Viv mutters.

"So what?" I grin down at her as I push her hair out of her face. I take a moment to study her in that little red dress. Is she kidding me?

"Maybe we can discreetly leave for a few?" I offer hopefully.

Viv clears her throat and raises a brow at me.

God, I missed her.

"You are the reason we were separated," she reminds me, "You are the reason we went a month without seeing each other. And you were the one who decided to make a grand entrance into this party with a hundred people. So, no, we can't sneak away."

I deflate and groan.

"Why must you torture me, Vivi?"

She shrugs playfully, but I notice she leans into me again. When she does, I bend down and kiss her, making sure I savor the taste of her.

I let out a sigh of relief, because that's what I feel.

Utter and total relief.

When we part, Viv is smiling softly up at me – that playful, angry look completely gone.

I chuckle as I memorize the scent of her lilies.

"See. You can't be mad at me," I pout.

Viv's eyes narrow, but I notice she's still smiling. "I can certainly be mad at you."

"Oh, come on baby. Don't I get a reunion blow job, at least?" I mutter.

"If anything, you owe me," she hisses.

I can't fight the smile that erupts across my face.

I love this woman.

"Come on. There are lots of people who want to see you," Viv says, matter-of-factly, as she takes my hand, twines her fingers with mine, and leads me back to the crowd.

I sigh in defeat and pray my erection isn't too noticeable.

I do love Vivian Chang bossing me around.

"There he is!" Tristan grins at me as we approach the group. I pull him into a hug. It's been too damn long. I miss my people.

Later that night, after dinner and more mingling, I manage to sneak away to get Viv and I refreshed drinks and run into Ronan. He nudges me and we step off to the side. I won't lie, it feels good as hell to see my best friend.

Ronan's been like a brother to me since we were teenagers. It's weird living life without constantly being at his side.

"Can't believe how much has changed in the last few years," Ronan says as we lean against the wall, watching the party surrounding us.

"The most shocking of which is that anyone thought it was a good idea to put me in charge of anything," I joke.

Ronan gives me a look. "You've always been good at underestimating yourself, Callahan."

I clear my throat and sip my drink. "You sound like Vivi."

Ronan smirks. "Vivi, huh? Well. She's right, too. It's weird. Before Mir, I was settled on a life alone. I never pictured any of stuff. I don't know," Ronan sighs a bit.

"You about to give me a pep talk, boss?" I smirk.

Ronan narrows his eyes at me. "Seems you need one."

"Meaning?" I sigh.

"You need to get your head out of your ass."

"Not you too..."

"That woman has been patient, Cal. She's given you the time you think she needs-"

"She does need it. I'd never forgive myself for stealing her away."

"Let me talk, will you?" Ronan snaps.

I roll my eyes.

"Point is. There comes a time when you have to trust that something good can happen. I know a lot of tragedy has befallen both our families...all of us, over the years. That doesn't mean there can't be some good in the now."

We both stand in silence for a moment.

I stare at Viv. She's laughing with her brother, Aisha, Nessa, and Caitlin about something.

"It's weird not being here anymore," I admit.

"It is," Ronan nods. "Doesn't mean it's the end of anything. Just the start of something else."

"I wonder if you only helped me make boss just so you could have another friend in high places," I tease.

"Am I that easy to read?" Ronan smirks.

"You and your fucking chess games..."

Ronan barks a laugh.

"What are we laughing at?" Mira asks as she joins us with a big smile on her face.

"Ronan's obsession with chess," I mutter.

"He still can't beat me," Mira grins. Ronan puts his arm around her and gives her a look.

I notice Mira's glass is empty. "Can I get you another? Wine?" I ask.

"No, thank you. Just water?" she asks.

"What?" I laugh. "Taking it easy tonight? Come on, it's a holiday!"

"I'm not drinking," Mira clears her throat.

Ronan is grinning at her.

She's blushing.

I narrow my eyes at both of them.

"Did you knock her up again?" I ask, mostly joking.

Mira's mouth falls open, her cheeks going pinker. Ronan is still just smiling like an idiot. That's how I know I'm right.

"Oh, shit. Really?!" I grin.

Mira nods, giggling a bit.

I pick her up and squeeze her tightly in my arms.

"Congratulations, Bels!" I kiss her cheek. "How far along?"

"About two months," she chuckles. Ronan looks like he's in heaven and I honestly getting a little choked up at how happy they look. How right.

"I'm so happy for you guys," I smile as I set her back on solid ground.

"Why are we happy?" Nessa asks, now joining. She's got Martina and Viv with her. I pull Viv into me, despite the playfully annoyed glance she gives me.

Mira and Ronan exchange a look, as if they're having a private, silent conversation. I quickly try to think of something to say, some excuse, but Mira takes a deep breath, smiles, and turns to her family.

"Oh, fuck," Nessa gasps before Mira can say anything. "Let me call the others over for this!" Nessa darts off.

"Did I miss something?" Martina asks, confused.

Mira opens her mouth to say something, but Nessa returns with Damien, Parker, Tristan, Caitlin, Iris, and Sean.

"Okay, go on," Nessa grins knowingly.

Mira gives her a look, then takes another breath.

"I'm pregnant," Mira smiles.

"YES I KNEW IT!" Nessa jumps up and down excitedly. Martina squeals as she pulls her sister in for a hug. Caitlin gasps and joins their hug.

"Oh, my god! Congratulations!" Viv laughs.

Iris has happy tears in her eyes as she joins their little group hug.

"So happy for you, sis," Tristan smiles, throwing an arm around Mira. He then gives Caitlin a meaningful look.

There's a beat of silence.

I notice Parker's eyes widening as he looks at Caitlin. Caitlin's got her lips pressed together. Tristan chuckles.

Mira's eyes widen then, too.

"Shut...up," Mira laughs, looking at Caitlin.

Caitlin opens her mouth, then closes it.

"We just found out," Caitlin laughs. Tristan grins, pulling his wife into his side, kissing her cheek.

"Holy shit! Are you guys PLANNING this?" Nessa laughs. Then she tugs Caitlin into a hug. "I get two new baby nieces or nephews to corrupt?! Best. News. Ever."

Martina gasps, "We have so much to celebrate!"

"Congratulations princess," I kiss Caitlin's cheek then pull Tristan in for a hug.

"Damien, go get the champagne!" Nessa demands.

Damien gives her a look but does as he's told. Soon, we're all holding up champagne glasses, cheering to Mira and Caiti's pregnancy announcements.

At this point, the party has died down and only the core group remains.

Ronan and Mira sit in the living room. Mira is demanding that Nessa and Ronan re-organize the "Santa" presents for the kids for the following morning. Caitlin is sitting in Tristan's lap, laughing lightly at something he whispers in her ear. Gwen, Martina, and Iris sit on the couch beside them, chatting happily with Chris and Chris's 'friend' Aisha. Sean, Damien, and Parker are pouring more drinks, laughing about something. Even Sean is smiling.

Viv sits beside me on the big chair, her thigh pressed against mine, my arm resting across her back. I let my fingers trace shapes delicately on her back. She sighs and leans into me. When I look down, I see her smiling up at me.

"I can't wait to go to bed," I whisper in her ear.

"No can do," she smirks. "Girl's sleepover night."

I feel my face fall. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Viv giggles. She shrugs. "You should've come sooner."

"Are you ever going to give me rest, Vivian?" I growl under my breath.


"Okay, you psycho!" Nessa groans loudly, jumping to her feet. "The thousands of presents you bought for these children look great. They won't care how aesthetically pleasing they look under the tree. They aren't even 2-years-old!" she throws her hands up.

Mira gasps. "How dare you..."

Nessa rolls her eyes to the heavens. "Ronan. Please. Control your wife."

Ronan laughs a bit. "Would that I could..."

Mira sticks her tongue out at him from where she sits.

"Just because I know you're pregnant now doesn't give you a free pass to be a complete psycho like you were when you were pregnant with Matthew," Nessa huffs.

"Watch. It." Mira snaps.

"Okay!" Caitlin laughs nervously, standing to her feet. "Why don't we play a game?"

"I have an idea," Nessa grins evilly, crossing her arms.

"No," Viv says nervously from beside me. "No truth or dare. Last time we did that, I ended up drunkenly performing Shoop."

"And it was glorious!" Nessa cries.

"I agree," I smirk.

Viv rolls her eyes.

"You weren't even that drunk..." Nessa reminds her.

"I was referring to a more low-key game, like Catch Phrase," Caitlin offers helpfully.

"Catch Phrase?! Hell, no. Do you know how competitive Iris gets with trivia-style games?!" Nessa points at Iris accusingly. Iris just shrugs innocently.

"Let's just enjoy one another's company," Damien mutters.

"Okay, Grandpa!" Nessa flicks him off. Damien's eyes darken on her. "Come on. One little game. That's all I ask!"

"I'm with Nes," Martina nods.

"Of course you are," I hear Parker mutter.

"How about Never Have I Ever?" Nessa asks.

"There isn't much most of the people in this room haven't done..." Sean says.

"Oh. Fair point," Nessa nods.

Viv giggles beside me. I absorb the sound like a lifeline.

The last month had been so dark without her. Maybe she didn't need the time back home, like she said. Maybe I was being selfish – wanting her to choose me no matter what.

And here she was. Once again, choosing me.

As if she feels me staring at her, Viv looks up at me with a small smile.

"You okay?" she whispers, as the others argue.

"I love you," I whisper back.

Viv's smile widens, "I love you, Alistair."

Nessa and Tristan are now arguing. Loudly. Caitlin is trying to break them up. Parker is recording it all on his phone with a smirk on his face.

I take Viv's wrist and gently pull her up to her feet. She's spending the night with the girls and I don't think I can go another day without having her.

"Where are we going?" she laughs as I pull her down the now dark hallway. I lead us to the kitchen and pin her to the counter, kissing her. "Cal!" she giggles. "We can't! Anyone could walk in!"

I groan into her neck and pull her into the attached mudroom. I shut the door and push her against the drying machine. I grip the back of her hair and angle her head to deepen our kiss. Viv makes the most delightful little moan as I dip my tongue into her mouth.

"Need you," I mutter.

She squeals as I pick her up and place her on top of the machine.

"Someone will hear," she pants as I run my hand up between her legs.

I reach behind us and turn the dryer on to give us a noise buffer.

Not that I care if anyone hears us.

I suck the flesh on her neck as I push her dress down, exposing her perfect tits.

"Oh, god. I want you so bad," she pants as she fumbles with my pants.

"Thank fuck," I mutter before dipping my head down and sucking one of her nipples between my lips.

Viv hisses and arches into me. "More, I need more. Oh, god.

I bite down and suck harder. She cries out and when I move my fingers up in

between her legs, I feel how wet she is.

I push her dress up, it's now bundled uselessly around her waist as her breasts and pussy are completely exposed. I pull her panties off and pull her to the edge of the dryer so she can feel the vibrations of it on her sweet little clit.

"Feel good?" I ask as I massage my fingers deep inside her. I stare into her dark eyes as I feel her muscles clamp around my fingers.

" good."

"You want this cock, Vivi?"

She nods.

"Words, please," I smirk.

"I want your cock, please," she whines.

"Good girl. So polite."

I push my pants down just enough to get inside her. As soon as I press my cock inside of her, I let out a low groan of relief. She feels so fucking good, so right, so unbelievably perfect for me.

Her fingers tangle in my hair as I ride her.

It's certainly not gentle or polite.

I've gone without her too long.

I squeeze her ass a I pound into her, not giving her a second of relief.

"Feels so good," I grunt.

"Don't ever stop," she gasps.

I grin as I watch her fall apart. Her face is flushed and hair wild. Those dark eyes have grown hazy and roll to the back of her head as I move inside her.

"Tell me what to do," I pant.

"Behind, I want you behind me," she whimpers.

I fucking love her bossing me around. Grinning, I pull her down off the dryer and turn her around so she's bent over it. Her feet don't touch the floor, so I grab her hips and hold her up as I enter her from behind.

Viv lets out a loud moan. I clap my hand over her mouth as I ride her, muffling her moans and cries.

"Thought you could wear this little dress and not get your brains fucked out of your head tonight? Hmm?" I ask.

"Cal," she moans against my hand. "Harder!"

I slap her ass and press her harder against the machine. "Be nice to me, Vivi."

"Harder, please!" she begs.

I grin as I thrust into her harder.

Within seconds, she's falling apart. The feel of her orgasm makes me come immediately. I pin her hands down to the dryer as I follow her over, making sure she feels every single wave.

Viv whimpers as I pant over her, trying to regain control of my breathing.

"Alistair," she breathes, "I'm a mess. Can you..."

I lick her neck, "No."

"Alistair!" she chides. I straighten and re-do my pants as I stare at her for a moment, admiring the view of her naked ass, her sweet cunt dripping of me.

I lick my lips. She looks fucking incredible.

"Get me a towel, right now."


She looks at me over her shoulder.

"Alistair Eoghan...I am not walking out there like this!"

"You'll think of me the rest of the night, Vivi."

She gets up on her elbows and gives me a death glare.

I get out my phone and snap a photo for the bank.

She smiles despite herself, rolling her eyes. I grab a cloth from the shelf and run it under warm water before getting on my knees and cleaning my woman up.

"Thank you honey," she pets my hair.

I groan, unable to help myself. "Careful..."

She giggles lightly. I grin and straighten, kissing her.

"Okay, go have fun. But I get you tomorrow night," I growl.

"Promise," she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me again.



My heart is happy.

Nessa, Caitlin, Iris, Mira, Martina, Gwen, and I set up a bunch of air mattresses in the main living room of the house. Well, Tristan and Sean set them up for us. But still.

I invited Aisha to join us, but I think Chris wanted to spend the night with his "non-girlfriend." I reminded him that he called her a non-girlfriend as I simultaneously reminded him to use protection. As any good big sister should, of course.

Mira and I spread out a bunch of leftovers from the party and we're snacking, doing face masks, while cheesy romantic Christmas movies play in the background. All of us are talking over one another, laughing, and catching up. It's so good to all be together like this.

I don't take the fact that I'll never be close to others the way I'm close to these women lightly. I try to memorize each moment with them. Like the way Nessa still gives me crap, or the way Iris's face lights up when she talks about the classes she's taking for her masters, or the way Caitlin and Mira commiserate about their pregnancy nausea.

Nessa prods Martina and Gwen for stories of their college days.

"Are you still talking to Rocco Rossi?" Nessa asks Martina curiously.

Martina shrugs, "Not by choice. My dad is kind of pushing me into it..."

Mira frowns. "I'll have a talk with him."

"He has enough to worry about," Martina waves her hand. Mira offers a sympathetic smile. What's left unspoken is that Marcel Marino is gone. Matteo has been training Mario up in his place, and I'm sure Martina feels like any suggestion about her love life is a burden.

"It doesn't matter. You're not going to date Rocco if you don't want to," Mira says sternly.

Gwen nods seriously. "I completely agree. This isn't the 1800s!"

"Have you met our father?" Martina huffs a laugh.

Nessa looks between them curiously. "What about...well, what happens if you're interested in someone else?"

"There are other things to worry about right now," Martina says quietly, sipping her champagne in silence. "Let's talk about something else."

"Okay. I'd like to talk about where Viv and Cal disappeared to earlier this evening," Nessa grins.

"I was wondering the same," Caitlin giggles.

"Naughty!" Mira gasps.

"La-la-la, I really don't want to hear about my brother!" Gwen whines.

"Welcome to my fucking life," Nessa scoffs.

Iris chuckles, shaking her head a bit. "I take it you're going back to Dublin with him, then?" she asks.

I nod. "There was never a doubt that would be happening," I inform them.

Nessa smiles, but there's a bit of sadness there.

"We're going to miss you here," Mira says quietly. She takes my hand and squeezes, "But I'm so happy for you both."

"Me too," Caitlin smiles.

"You'll visit lots though," Nessa sniffles. I see the tears forming in her eyes. I pull her into a hug.

"Of course I will," I promise her.

Nessa buries her face in my neck and I hold her for a minute. Then, before I know it, Caitlin and Mira have joined the hug. Martina and Iris follow suit and Gwen squeezes her way in.

"I'm the lucky one who gets to have Viv on my side of the pond, but I still want to be included in the group hug," Gwen laughs.

I memorize this moment and let my heart tighten. I let my throat clog, and I even let myself cry a little bit.

"You'll always be my friend first," Nessa says vehemently.

I laugh. "I'm so lucky to know you, Nes."

She grins. "Wow. Love has made you sappy. I love it."

I roll my eyes. "Hardly."

Nessa lays her head on my shoulder. "I'm lucky to know you, Vivian Chang. Even though I was a huge brat to you the first time we met."

"Just the first time?" I tease, giving her a look.

"Fine. The first few months."


"Oh fuck off, Vivian. You'll miss me when you're gone!"

I nod in agreement. "I will."

I love my life, I love my job, my brother, all of it. I love how things are going in Dublin. I love Cal more than anything. But the truth is, I will always love Nessa and these girls like they're my family. Sisters I never had. A support system I didn't know how badly I needed when I needed them most.

I would miss them most of all.

But it's just a new beginning, not really an end – not at all.

The truth is, my life will always be interlaced with the Donnellys. They're part of me, and I of them.


The next morning, the families gather to watch Luna, Hazel, Matthew, Miko, and Lev open their presents from Santa. They're so adorable and excited opening each of their gifts. Hazel gets distracted by her first gift and just runs around with it the rest of the morning, demanding attention. She's definitely a handful – reminding me quite a bit of Nessa, actually.

Cal is chatting with Ronan and Sean, but keeps looking over at me with a glint in his eye. A glint I properly ignore. We cannot have a repeat of last night's laundry room...event. Although hot, entirely inappropriate with this many people around. Including my brother, for crying out loud.

My brother, who looks absolutely smitten with his 'non-girlfriend,' Aisha.

After everyone opens gifts, I go the kitchen to help make breakfast. Iris wanted to make something for everyone to give Mira some relief.

Iris, Gwen, and Kate seem to have everything under control, but I help the Callahan women set out the food.

We call everyone in and they fill up their plates. I take a moment to lean against the counter and sip my coffee, laughing at Nessa giving Parker shit for something.

Kate Callahan steps beside me, holding her own coffee. I smile at her.

"I'm so glad you could come with Alistair," I tell her.

"So am I. It's been a very long time since we've been surrounded by family for Christmas. It's a nice feeling. The hustle and bustle. I'm so used to quiet now..." she says softly.

"Well, there's definitely no such thing as 'quiet' with this group," I joke.

Kate smiles. "You've created quite a family here."

I nod. "The Donnellys have been good to me. They are like family to me."

She nods in understanding. "I'm sure you'll miss them."

"I will, but I have family in Dublin now too..." I say quietly.

Kate's smile is slow, but sure. "You do, Viv. I...I know you have a mom. And no one can ever replace her...but if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know I'm here. I may not be your mom, but you have a mom, if you ever need one."

My chest tightens at the sincerity in her voice.

Without warning, I feel my lip start to quiver.

Kate puts an arm around me. "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry. It's just..." I sniffle back the tears that threaten. "That's so nice. Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Kate has been a kind, steady presence in my life the last few months. Especially after the attack. She was there every single day for me. She let me cry and held me and saw me at my lowest. She never judged or questioned. She was just there.

It made me miss my mother. It made me long for my parents. But Kate has been there for me, like a mother would be.

"No tears now," Kate says softly, strengthening her grip on me.

I swallow back the tightness gripping my throat and nod.

"Thank you," I manage to whisper through my tears.

"You're family now. You and Chris. Always," she assures me.

I don't think twice before placing my cup down and hugging her tight. Like Cal, Kate is so much taller than me, but she rests her hand on my head and holds me to her heart like I was meant to be there.

I'm so lucky to have her – and all these people – who took me in like one of their own.

She kisses the top of my head.

"What's going on over here?" Cal asks, sounding equally concerned and defensive.

"We're talking, do you mind?" Kate jokes.

I laugh through my tears. Cal smiles down at me.

"Why are you crying, Vivi?" he looks pained.

I shake my head quickly. "They're good tears."

"Promise?" he asks.

"Promise," I nod.

"Come on. You both need to eat something," he looks to his mom, "Eat something before it gets cold, Ma."

She waves her hand and rolls her eyes, making me laugh. But she winks at me and gives us a minute as she gets her own plate.

"What happened?" he asks quietly once she's out of hearing.

"Your mom is just wonderful," I laugh and wipe my tears away. "That's all."

"I fear she might love you more than she loves me."

I laugh. "Impossible. It's hard to love anyone more than you. I speak from personal experience."

Cal places a hand over his heart. "You say the sweetest damn things sometimes, Vivi. It kills me."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah...whatever."

He chuckles. "Come on, grumpy. Eat up. I have big plans for us later."

"Oh?" I ask curiously. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes. My bedroom."

I scoff and push him away. "Alistair!"

He only grins at me.

And I can't help but grin back. I never can help it. 

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